Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!

Chapter 25: CH 25

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In Nacht’s hand, a small lizard squirming around.



A scream and cheers resounded at the same time.

For now, Nacht used wind magic to blind those cheering bastards.

Pretending to not see the screaming adventurers that have their eyes blinded, Nacht covers the black-clothed girl and throws the black shadow creature into the air.

At the place, the lizard thrown appeared crimson lotus. And with the heat of hell’s cauldron, the black shadow evaporated in an instant.

“What was just now?”

Nigurd asked Nacht.

“Should be Shadow magic–Deep Chasser (Pursuer In The Dark). Hmm, it seems Aisha was right.”


Aisha was surprised.

“No one here could handle it, that was what I mean. Now I know the enemy was quite skilled. Guild master, this town has been discovered and certainly be targeted.”

Nigurd trying to understand Nacht’s words calmly.

The guild tried to send someone to investigate, but now it was backfired and given information to the enemy. What a blunder.

Fuuka and Kaito hung their head sorrowfully.

They have guided the enemy here without even realizing it.

But the guild master thought it was his fault. He thought sending Hausman was the right choice, but apparently, it was still not cautious enough.

Nacht looked at the grim trio and whispered in a way to only let the guild master hear.

“It is fine even if you did nothing. This time only I have decided to move. That’s why even if you guys did nothing I will still clean it up by myself.”

Nacht said it lightly.

Nigurd felt pressured by the boundless confidence in her voice.

It was certainly not an empty word.

For Nacht, it should be something she could do whenever.

And that girl said she would take care of it.

Nacht told them, who should have risked their lives to protect the town, to stand back and watch.

But, is that really alright?

Inside Nigurd, chaotic thoughts could not be voiced swirling around.

When he was active, he had the power that stood among the top of A-rank adventurers. And now he was the guild master of this city, and he felt pride for protecting the city, his adventurer’s comrades, family, citizens, from the threat of monsters.

When Nigurd was little, the adventurer guild was a small organization. They could not oppose the noble’s order and used as odd job man. Baiting them with money, they were existence close to sacrificial pawns to hunt monsters in the knights’ stead. It was an act to protect the noble’s own pride, and certainly not to protect their family or citizens.

At that time there was often the case of letting the resident of the slum in the outer district or small villages in the surrounding area die under the threat of monsters. What the nobles wanted to protect was the base called trade city, nothing else.

That’s why Nigurd changed.

Using only his physical strength, he built the adventurer guild to become an organization that protect the weak, step by step, until now.

He had comrades that approved him.

And now one of his comrade’s life and died was unknown due to following his order.

And yet could he let someone else take the rein and watch from the back?

Should he stay in the safe place until everything was over?

His pride did not allow it.

Using anger as his driving force, Nigurd shouted.

“Listen to me, adventurers of my guild! Right now, the trade city, our hometown, was threatened by unprecedented crisis ever! I would not hide it any longer, the enemy should be the ancient demon race sealed in the spring!”

Nigurd voice brought the guild into silence.

The ancient demon race name made some whisper with fear, unbelieving and hope it was not real.

Nacht looked at Nigurd happily.

“Right now was the time to make a decision! Whether you will fight, or run away! Choose between those two!”

Nigurd surveyed the guild. And then he looked at the adventurers with a sharp gaze.

“The guild will put up the request, but it will not be mandatory! We will respect your will above anything else! If you want to protect this town, the guild, and your family, take out the blade with your own will!

Whether to run away or fight, the choice is yours! Freedom is adventurers’ nature! I have built the guild to protect the town of my own free will, there is no way I would forsake it!

Listen, you kids! Idiots who are only good with physical work.

I as your guild master, swear that I won’t allow anyone died a meaningless death! I won’t send a single soul to battle will only result in death!

That’s why Nacht-dono–”

Nigurd turned his head from the adventurers to Nacht.

And then the adventurers become noisy.

Because Nigurd bowed at Nacht straightforwardly.

“–Please lend the powerless us your power.”

That words truly come from his heart.

He did not jump toward Nacht’s words, but thought for himself and reached conclusion, which betters Nacht’s impression of him.

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Additionally, Nacht already decided, after being scolded by Aisha, she already promised. That’s why it was actually not necessary for Nigurd to ask.

“I beg you too, Nacht-dono.”

Crysta who was beside the guild master also said that.

Following the flow, many also request it.


When she noticed, everyone in the guild has bowed their head like guild master.

They have seen what Nacht is capable of.

And it certainly gave them hope.

They relied on the small hope Nacht has sowed.

And the one in the center of that–Nacht was smiled innocently like a child.

As if a child who succeed on their prank, and even recommended as class representative.

“Kukukuku, Kuahahahahah, fuuhahahahahahahahahaha, please rest easy, everyone–”

Nacht filled with delight.

For example, the twin cat-eared girls would say,

“”Ahaha–, you are on it, Nacht-chan””

“”Don’t go too forward, it’s worrisome.””

The apathetic efficient ideologist man would say,

“”Well, just do whatever, quick–“”



“”You mongrel, how dare you to say something like that to the princess!”

“”Please rest assured, we the imperial guards will protect the princess!””

her bodyguards would also show up.

They have a strong desire to protect Nacht, but its lacks faith or reliance. Although Nacht was happy with that, if she was allowed to be greedy, she wanted them to rely on her more. It was a desire that suit her craving for the limelight. She wished to, despite knowing something was impossible, complete it just as she said.

That’s why she become carried away.

She felt really pleasant, and thus she took something that actually not necessary–

In instant darkness arrived.

All the light in the room was sucked by the darkness Nacht wore. It completely blocks any eyes to see the beautiful naked body of the wearer, the dark dress wrapped around Nacht’s body.

Ancient equipment–Darkness (Dark Genesis) devoured the light and only left the darkness behind.

And then inside the darkness, a beat could be heard.

As if alive, the darkness flowed and enveloped Nacht. If Night Brace was Nacht’s normal clothes, Darkness was Nacht battle armor. Like a celestial maiden who wore an angle raiment, Nahct’s arm passed through the darkness.

And then Nacht took out one more piece of equipment.

Sevensphere (Seven Worlds Origin Orb).

It was the weapon Nacht had.

However, in a glance, it was not a weapon at all. The appearance of a spherical orb would be closer to a jewel than a weapon.

It flew and released light, which turned into a whirlpool, and once more the light returned to the world.

Everyone gazed at Nacht with bewilderment and astonishment.

They made to.

Wearing darkness at will, with a divine orb floating near her, some of them even saw the illusion of the five great Gods on her, that just how beautiful she was.

However, even with that divine countenance, Nacht still showed a smile fit her age.

“—As long as Nacht here, victory is assured! You guys just need to fight enemies you could handle. Gather as much experience and money you could, it is the best time to go hunting!”

She relied on her comrades when hunting.

It was just a game, but she did risk her life.

That’s why she kind of understand what the adventurers felt.

Worry, fear, she could understand part of it.

That’s why, she would take the front line, like always.

Hope, relied on her small back.

Nacht was in her peak of excitement.

But she would regret it later.

Letting herself washed away by the excitement, she said something that she might regret later.

“Yosh Yosh, as a reward, the one who racks the most achievements would receive a lap pillow from yours truly!”

She said it casually.

The atmosphere froze but quickly filled with cheer once again. Vulgar voices flying around, but Nacht could even enjoy those.

She said it as a joke like when she was with her bodyguards.

She did not expect, that words would become a trigger of a certain girl’s talent to bloom.

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