Nightmare Fantasy Online

Chương 105: Chapter 104: GM Battle & 3rd Floor

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"Summon: Luna!" - Garami

I started the battle by summoning a new friend of mine: Luna. To be more precise, Luna the Coeurl. 

It's the same panther demon we encountered in the Coeurl Labyrinth, the area that Rolf had been using as his hiding place. 

After settling the deal with Rolf, I went to the Blackmarket and gave them a tip that there was a bunch of demonic kitties that could be tamed in the labyrinth. I demonstrated this by first taming Luna, then I  convinced them to buy all the fish they could get from the port town and use that as a "bargain chip" with the wild Coeurls. It worked on Luna, and even better for the rest of the cats. 

But I digress. Time to skin this mutt!

I jumped off the Albino Arachnid and onto Luna's large back. She is big enough to easily carry 2 people of around my size, along with the leg power to just barely keep up with the cars. I gave her the command to turn around and had her run toward that ridiculous wolf, Furfang.

"HAH?! When did you get a cat?! The forums didn't mention anything like that!" - Furfang

Seeing me coming toward him, Furfang let out a stupefied shout, but who cares? I slashed at the wolf from Luna's back, making sure that [Reaper's Strike (Arachnid)] was activated while I did so. This should kick him out of the game. 

But to my, no, perhaps everyone's surprise, the wolf jumped up to dodge my attack before stylishly landing on the bike's seat. Is one of his classes "circus performer" or something? 

"Why I gotta-! Earth Cannon!" - Furfang

A large rock appeared and was hurled toward me, but Luna easily dodged it by increasing her speed thanks to one of her skills, [Wind Dash]. So, this guy is a mage despite his appearance? Who would have thought? 

I didn't notice any chanting on his part, so I guess the spell must have come from a Magic Catalyst. Those things cut off the need to chant out loud by charging a gauge or something. It's the catalyst doing all the chanting for the spellcaster. Which reminds me, that guy's fang-shaped earring did shine a little when I was trying to cut him down. It must be his catalyst. Wow, they come in many different forms...

"Get 'em, girl!" - Garami

"*ROAAAR*!!" - Luna

Luna chased after the doggo who had decided to leave us behind in favor of crushing our car. I don't have a catalyst myself, so firing [Darkness Magic] spells at him will be too unproductive. The same goes for [Trap Expertise], as I don't have the luxury to do that on the run. Not that it means I'm out of options.

Thanks to Luna's crazy-fast legs, we managed to keep up with the biker wolf just so that he was in the range of my 3D map. Meaning I can use my Evil Eyes on him. 

Considering that we're in a racing event now, I decided to splurge a little and spent AP to level up [Evil Eye of Slow]. It is now Lv.3, but that alone is worth a lot in this speed-challenged competition. 

"Huh? Come on, COME ON!!" - Furfang

The total speed of the wolf's bike slowed down, meaning the distance between him and my scythe is getting closer. Feeling the same, Furfang tried to increase the speed of his motorcycle, but to no avail. He's already pushing the vehicle to its limits. It's my Slow that is forcing its speed down. 

"****! In that case-!" - Furfang

Realizing that it was futile trying to escape from Luna, Furfang instead turned his bike around with an acrobatic maneuver and charged at us. Is he planning on taking me out with him? No thanks, mister.

"Luna!" - Garami

"*ROAAAR*!!" - Luna

I ordered Luna to attack. She releases another howl, but it's no ordinary roar this time. It's [Gust Howl], an attack skill belonging to the Wind and Sound elements. Sound has it easy. Despite being so easy to counter most of the time, Sound has the freedom of having many element-based variants of most of its skills without many side effects. How lucky for them. But I digress.

The roar of greenish energy struck the wolf's bike, but the mutt was nowhere to be seen. He had jumped into the air right before the attack hit. Of course, I can still see that, thanks to my unique line of view. 

"Take this, Demon Queen! [ROCK CLAW]!!" - Furfang

A T1 Earth skill. Nothing too impressive usually, as it only created a gauntlet-like mass of rocks on the wolf's right foremost paw. With this size and pressure, he must have increased its level to the maximum without having the chance to evolve it yet.

"[Poison Ball]!" - Garami

I created a gooey sphere of poison in my hand and threw it at the wolf's giant stone claw. Seeing my feeble attack, easily recognizable as a low-leveled move, Furfang grinned confidently...until the ball of poison hit the big claw, exploding with enough force to crush the stony gauntlet into tiny pieces. 

"WHAT THE ****!?" - Furfang

Before he could comprehend what had happened, I caught the wolf by his snout and held him in the air. Furfang looked at me with a face of pure surprise, incapable of understanding what was happening before I grew bored of him and threw him with enough force into one of the buildings so that only a wolf-shaped hole in the wall remained of my "fierce" competitor. 

Seeing the light of retirement coming out from the building, I signaled to Luna to take us back to the Albino Arachnid. Just one more team left..., and soon, just 4 more floors.


"I'm back." - Garami

"...That. Was. AWESOME!!" - Dawn

"So cool...!" - Dusk

After I returned to the car, the fairy twins started looking at me like I'm some superstar. Geez. If I'd known this would happen, I wouldn't have flaunted my strength to such a degree.

"What was that before? You pulverized that doggy like he was a fly." - Rolf-Prix

"Just pure stats." - Garami

"You can't fool me, GM. That's far from the power of someone without a single Warrior class." - Rolf-Prix

"Hmm... I don't like revealing all my cards, but I can say this: the keywords here are Extra Skills." - Garami

"...Gotcha. I won't be digging anymore if that's the case." - Rolf-Prix

Rolf seemed satisfied with my answer and let the topic go. But the twins are even more amazed now. I'm not good with this kinda attention. I goofed up there. The Darkland Fort race is the main point of the event in my eyes, so I decided to go all out here so we could win.

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As for exactly what my secret ace in my sleeves, it is this skill:

I obtained it from a secret cave in the Coeurl Labyrinth that I discovered by accident. As in, the boss cat of the Coeurls that the Blackmarket tamed. It showed us the cave, probably as appreciation for the wagons of stinky fish the Blackmarket had brought to it and its kin, and since I can't die as a player, the Blackmarket asked me to test out the cave. 

The result of spending my final Extra Medal is the [Demon King] skill. 500 points to all my stats, just like that! If Extra Skills had levels, I bet the increase would have been something like 100 per level, but alas. 

The enhancement to my stats is crazy. Now all my status values are easily above 600. That VIT is still lower than my old LUC value, my best stat, before I obtained this skill is kind of shocking...

Still, you can't diss pure, raw stats. [Poison Ball]'s attack power is determined by my MAG, not to forget that my high STR increased the attack power when I threw that glob of poison at the wolf's rock gauntlet. Even my high LUK may have played a role there, as that blow must have been a critical hit.

Needless to say, I am gonna gun for more Extra Skills after the event is over. I must also upgrade the Darkland Fort, and I have a good idea of where to gather some new items to feed that hungry Dungeon.

"Staircases straight ahead!" - Rolf-Prix

"Stay sharp! The 3rd Floor and above are gonna be tricky!" - Garami

Along with my warning, the Albino Arachnid started to climb up the uphill road that is normally the stairs to the 3rd floor. Up till now, we have only faced the common monsters. From now on, we will have to face the "proper" monster lines, starting with the Crystal/Demon combination. 

The composition of the first two floors goes on the theme: "Welcome, invaders! You will have a blast here!" with facilities that offer the sale of food-related items that won't give the invaders an edge when they climb higher into the Fort. The backstory here is to make the Fort too desirable for the common invader to even think about destroying the Dungeon Core.

As for Floor 3...that theme is taken to an eleven. Maybe twelve even. If I'd been allowed that brothel Facility instead of it being restricted to an adult-only Zone, I'd managed to crank it up to fifteen! 

Even the monsters here are assigned to lure people through their desires. Orbuculum Djinns that have the appearance of harem girls, Jewelry Succubus that can charm people literally, and the Crystal Hellions, while just a large pile of walking crystals, will stir up the greed of the people who have the willpower to "mine" them. 

Of course, there are also the Crystal Bombers who'll blow up anyone that falls for these traps to kingdom come. Not that the Hellions ever needed to sacrifice themselves for my greed trap. The former two Crystal demons had all the invaders wrapped around their fingers.

"Sounds like a nasty floor plan," said Rolf after I gave a quick overrun of the floor's build. "Just what I'd expect from you."

"Yes, it sure... What did you say?" - Garami

"I say I'm seeing the next floor now." - Rolf-Prix

Right. The light at the end of the tunnel. I can see it now. And I should learn not to react so strongly to comments like that anymore. They will never end...

We exited the stairway tunnel and saw the crystal-decorated floor...not greet us. Instead, pumpkins and skeletons were spread all over the floor, which looked more like a ghost town instead of a floor in the Fort...


I don't know who said that. Maybe we all did. 

"Step on it, Rolf!" - Garami

"What do you think I'm doing?!" said Rolf as the car accelerated so hard that we made a dust cloud. Which might not have been the smartest course of action. 

Why do you ask? Because seconds later, a giant tigre with lots of Halloween decorations came chasing after us after having seen the said cloud. 

"It's the Season Guardian!!" - Dawn

"Halloween...Tigre...!" - Dusk

Not sure if's the official name, but the player base has started calling it so.

The Halloween Tigre isn't as big compared to the turtle from yesterday (nicknamed "New Year Tortoise"), but it's fast! And big enough to treat the Albino Arachnid as a cat toy. I think it does see us like that. 

"Dawn, prepare some flashbangs!" - Garami

"I don't have anything like that! I only use attack magic!" - Dawn

"Then attack its eyes then! That'll work!" - Garami

Grr, am I forced to reveal another one of my aces? Not that I think that little guy can fend off this overgrown housecat. And I want to save him for the next floor...

Just as was about to summon my newest ace, a loud ruckus could be heard from the 2nd-floor staircase. What is it? And where did they get so loud horns to their car... Oh, right.

"...It's those guys! The...what were they called...the Pervert Hunters!" - Dawn

"'s the Verification...Hunters." - Dusk

"I-I knew that!" - Dawn

You're not sounding so convincing, Dawn. But I figured it out anyway, so no damage was done. Speaking of which the tiger stopped chasing us after hearing the noise of the Verification Hunters.

"...Did those guys just save us?" - Rolf-Prix

"Maybe? Their car has been disguised to look like a big mouse." - Dawn

Okay, that's definitely a decoy-plan. But why? ...Let's figure that out later. For now, let's get off this floor while the cat's distracted! Full speed ahead!!

Skill List:

Attack Skills:
Active Skills:
Passive Skills:
Perception Skills:
Elements: Monster Skills:

Title List:


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