Nightmare Fantasy Online

Chương 106: Chapter 105: Swamp, Shadow, & Darkness

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Our reliable slime runaway driver let out a roar in his excitement over the fact that we had managed to escape the Season Guardian on the 3rd floor. I'll pray that the perverts' (read: Verification Hunters) mousy disguise will bore the tiger Guardian sooner than later.

"Yay~! ...Huh?" - Dawn

"Safe...-!?" - Dusk

"IT STIIIIINKS!!" - Rolf-Prix, Dawn, & Dusk

...Maybe I should pray for the three here who didn't bring gas masks like me.

"Ah! GM, when did you get that mask on?!" - Rolf-Prix

"Because this Dungeon has a Swamp element floor." - Garami

"...That didn't answer when you took it on, but it is surprisingly convincing!" - Rolf-Prix

"Mhm!" - Dawn & Dusk

The twins nodded while holding their noses. This is the first time this 4th floor has had any invaders, so it's nice to see that the plans behind it work outside the fact that it's working on my team. 

This 4th floor's object is to scare away invaders. To do that, I'm using a double-combo of the Swamp element and the undead monster line. The gloomy city that is created from the Urban Sin Dungeon theme is now half submerged in swamp water, causing both problems for walking through the muddy city streets, as well as causing trouble for the nose. 

Now, however, there's a road made outta wood in the middle of the streets. I didn't place this thing, so the game administrators must have prepared it for the race. 

Other than the inhospitality of the Swamp element, I have also placed several swamp-themed undead here. The ever-popular ghostly Will-O-Wisp have a big presence here, as I chose 2 sets of them, each having a different evolution path starting from the D-ranks. Other than those, I've also thrown in Skeleton Centipedes and Zombie Alligators, undead who have it easy traveling across this urban marshland.

"...therefore, just stay on the road, and we should be fine," I said after explaining the floor to the others. 

"GM, you sure know how to make horror-themed floors." - Rolf-Prix

" not get lost...again." - Dusk

"I-I know that!" - Dawn

Let's never ask Dawn to take the lead when we're exploring any new places. 

Luckily, this floor's construction makes it powerless to stop us. The race track is this wood-made road, so we don't need to search for the stairs to the next floor, meaning the swamp ghosts can't trick us into stepping into trap-filled areas. The Skeleton Centipedes and Zombie Alligators can't catch up to us either, so Rolf's decent driving managed to get us safely to the 5th-floor stairs.

"Yes! An easy clear for once!" - Dawn

"Say that while you can. The 5th floor is the most difficult one in this race." - Garami

"AW, COME ON!!" - Dawn

"" - Dusk

"Because that's the floor where this Dungeon's Boss is stationed." - Garami


The Darkland Fort's 5th floor. The monster line here is the Arachnid line, complimented by the Shadow element. Stealth and assassination are the keywords here, with several different types of arachnids protecting the floor. 

We got giant scorpions that live in shadowy caves and Arachne-like scorpions that act as the "brute force" of the floor. Then there are swarm-type spiders, a bunch of spiders that act as a single unit, and the Trick Spider who is this floor's star player. Its many traps concealed in the shadows are the true terror of this floor..., or they will be, once invaders start challenging this floor. 

And worst of all, Miranda, the Midnight Arachne I somehow managed to recruit to work as the Dungeon's first Dungeon Boss, has her [Boss Room] facility placed here. Those rooms can only be placed on a floor whose number is a multiple of 5, or the last floor in the case of Dungeons with 4 or fewer floors. 

As for Miranda herself, she is bad news. She possesses Water, Poison, and Shadow element skills that can easily make playthings outta invaders. The unfortunate few who managed to reach her room in the past didn't stand a chance.

The gallons of poison and water make it difficult to fight her on the ground, the webs keep people stuck in case they try to fly, and her shadow puppet-like goons take care of the invaders without being bothered by the water pressure or poison. She is practically invincible when it comes to combat in confined spaces!

And worst of all, due to the event's rules, the Boss Rooms have their area increased to include the whole floor where the Room has been placed. Meaning Miranda has gotten a promotion from a Boss Room boss to a roaming boss. 

"...and that is why we can kiss victory goodbye if we ever encounter her." - Garami

"Ahahaha...this is impossible." - Dawn

"Too horrifying..." - Dawn

The two fairy girls, who I'd guess have bad memories regarding giant spiderwebs seeing how they paled when I mentioned that bit, have lost any form of enthusiasm after hearing my story. 

"Hey, don't give up just yet! If this Miranda girl has some type of AI similar to the NP-, I mean, to the locals, maybe she'll let us pass?" - Rolf-Prix

"That would be the most ideal future...meaning that it will NEVER happen! Feed that optimism to the pigs, Rolf!" - Garami

"Geez. Someone is a depressing Demon Queen..." - Rolf-Prix

Sorry for being depressing!!

Whatever. We've reached the 5th floor now. Time to prepare for combat...!

The Albino Arachnid exited the tunnel and entered the floor. Instead of swamp water flooding the city, this place is covered in darkness. Unlike the Darkness floors, this place feels like there are no apparent threats nearby, yet you can't shake off the feeling that something is gonna happen. 

The multiple spiderwebs placed all over and in between the buildings sure don't help reassure the two fairies. However...

"Where are the scorpions?" - Rolf-Prix

"I was wondering about that same thing just now. They're late." - Garami

I expected that we would be attacked right after we entered the floors by the scorpion group, which would lead to us getting led into one of the spiders' traps and getting exterminated. Where is every..., ah.

"No worries, Rolf. You can concentrate on driving." - Garami

"A-are you sure?" - Rolf-Prix

"Sure I'm sure. The administrators didn't take into account the bosses' intelligence." - Garami

"??? I'm not getting what you're trying to say, but I'll go for broke anyway!" - Rolf-Prix

As we drove through the shadowy streets, I turned my gaze back to the alley where a certain Arachne was keeping spiders and scorpions in their place. Either she wants a reward after the event, or perhaps she doesn't want all of the Fort's combat potential spoiled to everyone watching this race. I'll have to think of something nice for her anyway. Loyalty has to be rewarded.

"Hey, that piano is being played by a marionette!" - Dawn

"-! A puppet show...!" - Dusk

...Well, I guess this type of floor could also be used for entertainment purposes...

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"And way you go!" - Garami


My perfect homerun swing with the Erebus Scythe sent the floating eyeball, the Dark Gazer, flying into the horizon! Victory~. 

"Again, where are you packing that ridiculous power, GM!?" - Rolf-Prix

"The Guild Master is the strongest!" - Dawn

"Strongest...!" - Dusk

Dawn and Dusk sang my praises while firings magic spells and delivering knuckle sandwiches to Dark Phantoms and Gloom Boogeys respectively as we forced our way through the 6th floor's monster-infested streets. 

"It's my secret weapon #3! Also, Nala! Get rid of that guy!" - Garami

The number of monsters here requires more arms from our side, so I summoned Nala and stationed her on the back of the Albino Arachnid. She has dropped her tridents in favor of creating more of her favorite water shields. In this case, they are being used more as riot shields than simply blocking attacks.

"Tch, I shouldn't have installed that Monster House facility." - Garami

"You don't say! Please tell me this is the Fort's last line of defense!" - Rolf-Prix

"It is. I haven't had the time to prep the 7th floor." - Garami

"If that's the case, then there's nothing stopping me from taking out the big guns!" - Rolf-Prix

Saying that Rolf accelerated so hard that the three of us who were standing to fight off the demons were forced back into our seats. Poor Nala clung to the car for her dear life. And that is why seat belts are so important, ladies and gents. 

"Gwa-hahaha! I knew [Oiled Accel (Vehicle)] was a good purchase!" - Rolf-Prix

Hold on, this speed is due to a skill!? Oh, he's right. The wheels have black fluid, presumably oil, drip off them as we dash through the streets, leaving tire marks on the floor. That will be cleaned after the event, right? I don't want to see my Dungeon returned with an oily floor. Also, we're not gonna crash because the wheels became too slippery due to this oil, right?

Despite my various doubts, the Albino Arachnid arrived at the 7th floor without being "completely" destroyed by the demon army. Good thing the event is making sure the vehicles are automatically repaired, or else I doubt we would be able to even get a decently good score in the race tomorrow. 

......Hold it.

"Er, GM? Did this 7th floor always have a whirlpool of darkness that extends way deeper than the floors we've already passed?" - Rolf-Prix

"It did not." - Garami

The 7th floor's city-like structure had a giant hole in the middle of the floor. Four bridges, one in each cardinal direction, had been made above this "whirlpool of darkness". We're currently in front of the southern bridge. And in the center where the four bridges merged stood a pillar where the Fort's Dungeon Core was resting. I recognize it even from this distance. 

Still, this feels like a boss moment. Did the administrators add a super-boss in addition to the Season Guardians? 

"Guild Master...those bridges looks...rigged." - Dusk

"This is just so a trap! Master, we need to prepare for the worst!" - Dawn

Even the twins are noticing the obvious signs here. In that case...

"Nala, prepare for the F-strategy. Summon, Luna!" - Garami

I gave orders to Nala while resummoning my trusty steed, the panther demon Luna. In addition, I summoned my final trump card, the one who could only work in this location...even if I never suspected it would have any use except as a distraction.

"Summon, DRACO!!" - Garami

Jumping onto Luna's back, I summoned my newest demon to take my spot. A vile creature covered in dark scales roared...with a tiny voice fitting for its itty-bitty body. 

"How CUTE!!" - Dawn

"...Adorable..." - Dusk

"Hold on! Is that a dragon!?" - Rolf-Prix

Yup. A dragon. A Baby Demonia Dragon, to be precise. They're the demons' answer to anything draconic. There's also a Lesser Demonia Dragon of the same racial rank, which is rank E by the way, that is as big as a normal dragon, but Draco here is barely the size of a large cat. Her ego is bigger than the Fort though. 

"Get to the east bridge. Nala, when I'm on the west bridge, you do your thing!" - Garami

Nala saluted to me as Rolf started up the engine again. Luna ran as fast as she could, allowing us to reach the west bridge in no time. The second Luna stepped onto it...

"*Insane roar*!!!!" - ???

A giant...something emerged from the dark vortex below. I couldn't make out exactly what it was, only that it was humanoid, had wings on its back..., and it was stupidly big. Like, its upper body alone goes from the floor up to the roof! The rest of its body can't even exit the vortex! 

Several red ominous orbs, probably its eyes, are staring at us. The sheer ferocity of the...thing made Luna, who's one of the worst Coeurls you can find (I assume from her negative Karma Value), froze in her tracks. We're not gonna defeat this thing...

Not that we need to. 

In the distance, I could hear the sound of water and something being thrown through the air. The red "eyes" of the dark creature widen in surprise before turning around, seeing Draco getting sent flying with a water spout behind her acting as a jet flame. 

This is the reason why Draco is my final trump card. SHE HAS NO COMBAT ABILITIES WHATSOEVER!! I mean, she just hatched out of that egg I got as a refund gift for that faulty VR machine yesterday. She only has 5 skills under her belt, and even her only class is "Warrior". A Beginner-tier class! 

The good thing about her is that nobody would expect her to be used as a sacrificial pawn. Who would waste the potential of a dragon (A DRAGON!!) for something like that? Well, if they had a second to take a good look at her, then maybe they'd see through the ruse. Just maybe. I mean, she's a dragon!! 

Anywho, seeing as I didn't need to sacrifice her up to this point, I figured her small size could work to our advantage, so I had Nala throw her toward the Dungeon Core. The requirement to win the race is to touch the Core, so by having me act as the bait this time...


"W-w-w-WE HAVE A WINNER!! The Guild, the Darkland Walkers, have won the race!!" - Announcer

Thank you for stating the obvious~. 


Skill List:

Attack Skills:
Active Skills:
Passive Skills:
Elements: Monster Skills:

Title List:

Hunting Titles:
Status Titles:

Skill List:

Elements: Monster Skills:

Title List:

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