No More Pain For This Villain

Chapter 12: The chosen ones

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Ren's POV.

" So that's it"

" We are done?"

"Yeah~ that's all there is to know about the owner of this body, from now on you are Ren Hilton."

Now the memory transfer is completed.

This memory transfer revealed many shocking things that i didn't know until now.

So when I was seeing these all memories flash through my mind i was frickin surprise.


Now back to present to our system or Mr. Fireball







" What now ?"

" Nothing since this was the last step now your free to go"



"No mission or any tasks like saving the world."

" Nah~ don't know who you are now"

When Mr.Fireball was specially pressed on the word 'now'

It clicked by me.

" I am Ren Hilton a third-rate villain in this world. "

" So do you think you can do something that was supposed to be a deed only protagonist of the story can do?"

" No, but there has to be something, right."

" Soooo Annoying~ hey what did you regret most in your last life?

What did I regret in my past life , only one thing came to my mind and that is.,

" I regret that i didn't get to live my youth like everyone else. "

" That's it! Since you have another chance in this life ,why don't you live your youth then."

'Yeah, I can do that.'

When I think about it carefully there is no need for me a  'villain'  to be important in this whole story.

 so I can live my life normally and since i know what the future is like, i can avoid dangers.

" Thank you for your advice Mr. Fireball"

" It's fine "

I thanked Mr. Fireball for advice.

' so i don't have to save this world but atleast I should get some kind of power or gift like other isekai heroes, right?'

But i can't ask for more since i got another chance to live.

" now I'll send you back "

" huh? You ain't coming with me?"

I asked since it said it is a system so isn't it normal for it to be with me.

" Nah~ how can you even think about that?

This is the last time we meet and if a situation arises i will be one to contact you."

" Then what about that all that 'system' thingy "

" Ohh that , do you remember that transparent blue slate from before?"

" Yeah"

" That's your system, so use it well~"

" Then when i came here you said you are ' the system ' what about it?"

" Haa, you have soooo~ many questions kiddo !  I am a system of the whole world and now i am sending you back, you annoying child ~."

" But i have more-"

My consciousness faded before i can complete my question.


Inside the dark room.

" Kid almost saw through my facade."

Back to the dark room where Ren was a minute ago.

A neon fireball floated in air.


The fireball transformed and a humanoid figure covered by azure flames emerged from it and then the whole room was illuminated revealing the humongous size of the place.

In this room, a total of eight thrones were placed in an octagon shape.

The size of thrones was so big that it was hard to get a full view of each throne.

On these magestic thrones sat some inhuman entities.

The entity who previously was in form of an small fireball walked towards an empty throne and sat there, while resting his chin on his palm.

" Svarog are you going to give your blessings to this child. "

" Not now Elora,  first I'll wait and observe him for some time to see if he is worthy." 

The name of the Azure entity is Svarog. He is the god of Flames. Svarog controls every kind of flame and is responsible for Inferno or fire type mana in this whole universe.

The alluring beauty in white cloth and the one who talked to Svarog is 'Ellora' the goddess of light. Ellora has long blonde hair and skin as pale as marble. While her half opened eyes were fully white with no pupil in them . Ellora has a halo floating over her head and wings sprouting from her back. Giving her a mythical aura.





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It was not only Svarog and Ellora the whole room was occupied by the gods which Ren wasn't able to sense when he was here.

"But Svarog you are the only one who hasn't chosen anyone, so we think that you should hurry ."

" Yes i also think that just like everyone you should also choose a Hero."

" Don't worry Geb and Neptune, I'll choose when the time is right."

'Geb' the god with Pharaoh like appearance expressed his thoughts and everyone in the room agreed with his statement . while Neptune supported Gebs statement. Neptune is a god with long white beard and long hair that reached his shoulders. Neptune's torso was not covered and it exposed his bulky body and he held a trident in his right hand.

Ged is the god of earth while Neptune is the god of water.

And the other gods in this room are. Hera goddess of wind, Aine the goddess of fairies, 

 Erebus the god of shadows, Falkor the god of dragon race.

" Enough, since we know Svarog will choose someone when the time is appropriate "

Said the Falkor, god of the dragon race.

Right now he was in his humanoid form .

But even in this form he looked overbearing, tyrannical and handsome. Falkor wore a silk robe with golden threading on it while antler-like horns adored his head like a crown. 

" Then I think we can begin now ."

Svarog began the meeting .

" Then I'll go first , the one I've chosen is an elf child with strong will , her name is Amelia she is an excellent Archer so with my powers i will bless her as the hero"

Said Aine the goddess of the fairies.

" Any objections"





" Since there is no objection Aine can bless this child "

" Thank you everyone. "

Aine showed her gratitude to everyone's acceptance.

" Now next is Neptune. "

" The one i chose is the third princess of mermaid race. Her name is Venda Vexer Aquarius, Venda has strong affinity for water and ice ."

" A mermaid huh , any objections "


" Neptune you can bless this child."

" I was going to do that even if you all were opposed it."

" You can't do that and you know why, right Neptune?."


When Svarog reasoned to Neptune, he clicked his tongue but didn't argue back. Since he knew the importance of this meeting.

" I think i should go next then,  so the one who is worthy of my blessing is an excellent warrior from beastmen tribe . His name is Devon. Devon has the bloodline of an ancient warrior and has high potential ."

Ged said and.,

Silence .

" You can bless this child  "

Svarog spoke in everyone's steed.

" I am choosing my son Falco to pass on my legacy"

" That's nepotism so-"

" Shut up Geb!"

Falkor declared that he chose his own son .

Unlike other gods Falkor is the only one who ascended up from Demi god realm to god realm and became immortal. But unlike him his son is a mortal dragon with a few thousand years of lifespan so he chose him.

" I chose the first Prince of Hestia empire,His name is Aron Adiel Velcrow."

Hera declared while keeping her words to bare minimum.


" You can bless him "

Now only Ellora and The masked god of shadows Erebus were left.

" I can't reveal the identity of the one I've chose ."

" That's stupid you basta-."

" Shut up Geb!"


Erebus decided to keep the identity of the chosen one hidden for some unknown reason.

" Erebus do you have any reason to keep it a secret even from us ."

When Svarog asked Erebus about him having a specific reason to hide the information.

Erebus paused and scanned whole room and answered.,

" Yes i have "

" Then that's fine."

Svarog gave Erebus a green flag. now it's Ellora turn to announce.,

" Now Elora we all know whom you have chosen but I think you should still announce ."

" Fine, the one I've chosen is an human child With unwavering faith and strong determination. He has great potential in swordsmanship and is able to handle a great amount of mana. His name is Adam Stales."

" Ellora you can bless this child "

Svarog declared without even batting an eye to other gods.


(A/N: why are there so many chosen ones??(ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ ) )

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