No More Pain For This Villain

Chapter 13: I am home

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I opened my eyes slowly and looked around.

" So i am still here huh"

I was lying in front of the tavern like a log.

" Let's go home to then."

I got up from the ground and brushed off the dirt from my clothes.

And started walking in the direction that i was surprisingly familiar with.

' This must be because of the memory transfer '

I can still remember my past life and previous world clearly but I don't feel unfamiliar with my surroundings and this new body.

' it's an indispensable feeling '

I feel like I've been in this world for a long time but i also know that i am not from here .

It's still nighttime probably midnight and the whole neighborhood is sleeping peacefully while i am walking like an homeless man.

' let's go back home'

Thinking this, I started sprinting in direction of my house.


Reaching home took more time than I anticipated.

' maybe because of my but cluttered memories.'


Though the task was completed and my home was now in front of me.


It was nothing spectacular to speak of, a two storey building just like the rest of other houses in the neighbourhood but this house strangely felt homely  to me.  

 ' i have to go inside.'

I stepped forward  and knocked at the front door a few times.

" Coming ~"

a sweet voice replied from inside and.,


“Is that you Ruu~?” 

 " Y-yeah."

 I was a little hesitant cuz I knew what is to come next

“Do you know what time it is? We were getting worried about you, it was night and you didn’t return home.” 

 A beautiful lady opened the door and started to complain with an annoyed expression but even if she was saying some harsh words anyone could see  that.,

' she was worried '

I stepped forward and hugged her tightly to ease her anxiety and cease guilty feeling inside my heart.

“I am sorry mom, it won’t happen ever again.” 


A few seconds passed and I let go of my mother and stood in the doorway


“What’s wrong? Did you have a fight with her?” 

I didn't answer her and stood still.

Perhaps seeing me reculant to answer my mom sighed and turned around to go inside .


" Mom!"

" What?"

I took a breath and.,

" Love you mom and thank you for everything you do for me."

Her eyes widened slightly but her expressions eased.

“I love you too sweetie now come inside. "

She said and went inside leaving me standing there.


I also stepped inside the house.


When i entered the hall there was a man with bright red hair sitting on the couch. He had an aloof expression on his face while he looked at me with eyes of contempt.

" Looks like you finally found your way home son"

My Father said while slightly taunting me.

" Dad I am sorry this won't happen again."


I said and was getting on my knees but suddenly i was grabbed by my shoulder.


" What happened to you ? You are fine right? Why are you apologizing? It was my fault for being hard on you, i am a disgrace as a father -"

My father had a frightened look on his face and started to blame himself for his previous taunt.

it's like this, My mother Rose Hilton is calm, collective and less expressive but on the other hand my father Chris Hilton is far more energetic and expressive.  

' they have two opposite personalities.'

" Sigh. Chris i told you to be a little bit more strict with him."

" How can I be strict with him when he comes home with an expression like this and tries to apologise while getting on his knees"

" Don't worry he fought with her again"

" Again? Then that's fine."

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' they are too used to my and Mary's fights.'

Then my mom looked at me and said.,

" Ruu have you eaten anything?"

" No "

" then go and take a shower, I'll heat the food ."

" Okay "





After removing my clothes and placing them in a basket, I got into the bathroom and washed myself.

' that's a lot of dirt '

When i washed my hair, there was an absurd amount of dirt on my hair scalp.

So i used a large amount of shampoo and conditioner to remove it .

' mom's probably going to be mad at me for using her favourite shampoo.'

After thoroughly washing myself i took a quick dip in the bathtub.

" Sooo relaxing ~"







' what am I going to do from here on .'

I thought while i was drying my hair using a hair dryer. 

There are few things i have to do from here on.

The first one of them is to cut off all ties with Mary Kleine. Not because she is the main heroine and me being with her can bring a bad ending to me but because.,

' That bitch slapped me .'

how dare she slap me ? It was the most humiliating moment in my life .

So i have to throw her away and this will be the last time i am leaving her intact, next time she humiliates me I'll make her pay for it.

Then the Second is, I have to become Strong.

Even if I have decided to live a peaceful life and enjoy my youth. I can say one thing for sure.

'Weaklings can't survive.'

From my past life experience i know that there is no place for weak people. Only powerful individuals survive and rule while others just suffer and serve .

And i have a few ways to grow strong.





After drying my hair and looked in the mirror .

When i looked in the mirror i just couldn't believe my eyes, so I blinked quite a few times .

 the full size mirror shows the reflection of an extraordinarily handsome young man.

Ren was never an important character so his animation and illustrations were not that great.

He was a guy with long bangs and a shabby appearance. 

And nobody would have thought that Ren can be this handsome.

' but i hate these long hairs.'

I tied my hair in a bun and left the bathroom after dressing up.


At the dinner table all three of us were sitting and for some reason both my mom and dad were looking at me like they saw something unusual.

" Is there something on my face ?"

I asked to break the ice.

My father looked at my mother and then redirected his gaze towards me .

" Nothing, that hairstyle suites you Ren"

" I agree with your father."





After we finished our dinner i called both of to living room.

" Mom. Dad. I have something important to tell you "

" You ain't getting your pocket money advance."

" No mom! It's different."

" What is it then?"

I took a deep breath and.,

" I want to end my engagement with Mary."

" Huh"


"  "


[A/N: end this engagement (ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ) ]

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