No More Pain For This Villain

Chapter 7: Lovestruck Ren

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"Yes and my name is not ' the girl'  it's Mary Kleine and also why did you leave the park without telling me , hmph."




There an extremely adorable girl was pouting while speaking these words and on other side Ren was overwhelmed by the turns of  event's so much that he froze in his place like an stone statue.

"Mary~you know Ren?"

" Didn't i tell you how i met an pretty boy in the park"

" What about that?"

"He is the one i met in park."

Lady probably her elder sister asked Mary, how she knew about Ren.

' seems like she told her sister about me but before that '

" Pretty boy?who?"

When Ren asked this question everyone in the room looked towards him and sighed in unison making Ren more confused about this rumoured ' pretty boy ' but ignoring Ren's confusion Mary's sister said 

" So Ren was the same boy you met in the park, right Sweety ~"

"Yes mom he is the same guy ."

Another shock for Ren

"Mom? Isn't she you elder sister?"

Again everyone inside the room looked towards Ren but this time his parents burst into laughter.

" Chris~Rose~ you raised your son perfectly he is an gentleman."

Mary's mom said while her eyes sparkled with unknown glint in them.

" No, Ren isn't always like this and it's also your fault for looking so young at this age "

Ren mom said while smiling.

'i think she is happy cuz Mary's mom praised me'

"Hi Ren,my name is Marilyn Kleine i am former colleague of your parents."

Then Mrs Marilyn introduced herself and explained her relation with Ren's parents and the fact that they were together in an same adventure party for almost two decades.

From their teenage years to When Ren's father Chris and his mother Rose decided to marry eachother and settle into the city of 'Sephra' to open an antique shop .

And After party disbanded Mrs Marilyn returned her hometown and married her husband there and gave birth to Mary there after the birth of Mary.

One day Mary's father who was also and swordsman went to subjugate an monster in the backwaters and never came back, probably dead.

And now Mrs Marilyn was back in Sephra to open an flower shop and become an florist.

"But i didn't expect Mary to meet Ren even before me"

" Mom that's not important,hey Ren why did you leave without telling me?"

After a long pause Ren said.

" I-i was embarrassed to talk to you"

Now again everybody looked towards him but now with pure curiosity in their eyes.

"And why is that?"

Ren went silent there because he didn't want to answer that question.

"Hey don't just stand there and answer me"

"Mary plz stop now, you are scaring him"

" I am not scaring him i am just asking a question "

Mary didn't Stop at all and asked in an demanding tone while her mother tried to stop her.

"B-because y-you are too cute"

Saying this Ren ran back to his room on the second floor.

leaving Mary and other's in stupor, when Ren answered Mary's query he turned red because of the shame and the same can be said for Mary since that was also unexpected for her.

"aww he's so cute, your son Ren"

"Haa now i know why he was locked up inside his room After coming back from the park"

While both mom's in the room were engaged in this kind of conversation there sat a little Mary with tomato face full of embarrassment.

" Am i cute?"

Saying this she touched her face like confirming it by herself.


After that, 

Mrs Marilyn and Mary went back to their new house which was in same neighborhood.

Now back to Ren's room Ren was curled inside a blanket like ball thinking

Creak .

then door of his room opened and an attractive woman with long dark hair and fair skin with pair of eyes as dark as night is reflected in them.

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And this woman was Rose Hilton Ren's mother 

Rose entered the room and went where Ren saw laying

"Can't sleep sweetheart  ~"

Ren only nodded his head but didn't come ut of his blanket


Rose sighed after seeing her son's behaviour and she knew the reason about all this.

"Is it Because Mary?"

This time there was a pause before nodding his head slowly through blanket.


Now Rose who was worried before  now giggled      after seeing her son's meek behaviour to a girl his age.

" Ruu Do you know the reason ?

This time he shook his head in denial.

"Maybe i can help you understand but before that you have to show me your face"


And then Ren bobbed his head out of the blanket like an Hamster looking out of an hole.

' soo cute '


"Yes but you have to tell me how you feel when see her"

There was silence on Ren's side and then he answered.

"No ,i won't because you will laugh at me"

And then hide himself again inside the blanket.

" i won't laugh, how can laugh at my Ruu~"

" Pinky Promise" 

" Yep, Pinky promise"

Saying this Rose brought her pinky finger forward and same was done by her son who is still hiding inside the blanket covering himself, and now the promise is done.

"Now show me your face and tell me honestly"


Then Ren removes his blanket complete and sat while hugging his pillow close to chest and Sai.

" whenever I see her my heart races so fast and my face feels hot"


Hearing his answer made Rose to question his son more mischievously .

"why is that?"

"I don't know i just can't see her in the eye's and whenever i talk to her my head stops working"

"Oh that happens?"

"mom please tell me why is this happening to me, am i I'll? Is this some king of disease "

In the dark room Rose can see crystal like tears forming at the corner of son's eye's.

' aww he's so lovestruck , should I tell him?"

 She thought to herself but held back then she sat on the bed and picked Ren and hugged him close to her chest  

"Ruu what you are experiencing is quite normal so it is not an disease or illness it's something everybody experiences once or twice in their life so it's fine."

" Really mom? Am i fine?"

" Yes , you are super fine"

Then he went silent again, it's been his habit to become quite when he is thinking about something.

"If you say ,I'll believe you"

"Now i think you should sleep"

' sorry again, since i can't tell you that you're in love you have realize it yourself '

Thinking this Rose got up from bed and was about to leave then suddenly Ren grabbed the hem of her dress and her movements halted

"What dear~"

"Love you mom, good night"

For Rose the behaviour of her son was quite adorable so she asked in and teasing tone but what came to her was something that for her was too unexpected.and after wishing his mom 

Ren immediately dived into his blanket and shutt his eyes tightly.

"Love you too dear~"

Saying this in an merry tone Rose left Ren's room and went downstairs saying something like.

" Honey~ our son is in love"

And here inside Ren's room he thought.

'i am going to find the reason behind this illness '

Bringing his two small fists over his chest he made an determined expression.


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