No More Pain For This Villain

Chapter 8: Jealous Ruu~

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[A/N: There is a time skip of four year's to fasten the pace here. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)]

So It's been four years since Mary and Mrs Marilyn shifted to Sephra into Ren's neighborhood and since  Ren's and Mary's parents were old friends and former colleagues making house visits at eachother's places quite frequent.

And Because of this Mary and Ren also became good friends with eachother.

Ding dong.

Young boy holding flower bouquet in his hand.

He had dark hair that covered his eyes and pale white skin.

He looked no more than ten years old 

He pressed the doorbell of an house .

House was no different than other house in the neighborhood but it had an dojo attached to it

And had a big backyard. 

This dojo was not for training martial arts or spritual arts to students but only for personal use.

The name plate of the house says

[ Marilyn Kleine]

[ Mary Kleine.   ]

Yes this indeed was Mary house and dojo was also for her personal use.

Mary from very young age idealises her father as her role model and since her father was an swordsman and martial artist.

she always dreamt to become like her father one day but since her father died , this wasn't just a dream but an important goal of her life .

Because it was her father's wish to  become the strongest swordsman in whole Kingdom of Grav so when he died Mary decided to fulfill his last wish and trained hard to achieve her goal.

Now back to the boy after pressing the doorbell of Mary's house he waited for some seconds.


Saying this Mrs Marilyn opened the door for the little boy saying like she knew who was at door.

"Oh Ruu~ thank God you came Mary isn't eating anything"

" good morning,Mrs Marilyn i think she is training again"

"yes, Mr Ren Hilton ~i request you ask my daughter to come out of that damn dojo, please it's an request "

"I'll do that but why are you using honorifics ?"

Ren tilted his in confusion and his long hair changed it's position while revealing his unusual golden eye's.

Shook shook.

Marilyn was looking in his beautiful eye's in daze and then she shook her head.

'i still can't get used those eyes even after these many years.'

"It's because of you "

"Because of me?"

" Yes , because you still call me Mrs Marilyn even after i told you to call me just Marilyn or mom"

"I can't do that since you are an elder to i must use honorifics while talking to you and Mary told me not to call mom "

"You only listen to her hmph"

When Marilyn said that in an pouty manner it made Ren flustered.

And Marilyn then began to think about something while Ren was still standing in the doorway.

"Hey Ruu~ why don't we do this"

"D-do what Mrs Marilyn"

The expressions on Marilyn's face changed to seductive one like she was gazing at a prey in her front while looking like an tigress and then ahe  took an step forward towards Ren , and simultaneously Ren took a step back.

Then Marilyn placed her slender fingers on Ren chin and made him look towards her, since Ren was one head smaller than her so he has to look at her with his face upward.

"Why don't you call me mother-in-law"

" W-What i-i can't do that ."

When Ren heard Marilyn's suggestion his face flushed to his ears and he got flustered by her idea, seeing him so meek behaviour was an good dose of sugar for Marilyn.

Then she Patted him on his head and invited the flustered boy inside the house.

Ren got inside house and immediately walked into the dojo since he didn't want handle Marilyn's more mischief

 When he entered the dojo there stood an extremely beautiful girl.

 She was practicing swordsmanship techniques by herself.

Ren watched the girl from dojo's entrance.

Everytime she moved , Mary's silver thread like hair fluttered in air and whenever she made an strike she wore an determined expression.

Soon she stopped for a Second

since she spotted Ren was watching her from the corner of the room but she only looked at him for an second then turned in opposite direction and strode towards the middle aged man in the middle of the room who was was observing her carefully 

"Sir Antonio, how was it?"

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"That was damn great! your progress is tremendous in these last two year has been unbelievable you'll leave me behind in some years"

"But sir ,It's all thanks to you "


"That no true dear, it's because you worked hard to improve your sword arts"

Saying this sir Antonio patted her on head and Mary was delighted to be praised

Then sir Antonio left the dojo while he smiled subtly at little Ren and passed from him.

' why is she so happy when sir Antonio patted her.'


Due to excessive force applied in his hands the flower bouquet crumbled and Ren swiftly threw them out the window but I didn't go unnoticed by Mary.

"What did you throw out of the window?"

"Nothing just some garbage"

Ren answered with an emotion less tone while looking towards his own feet

"Why are you grumpy now? Did Something happen?"

"Nothing, just came to tell you that your mom is worried since you didn't come to eat"

Ren responded to Mary , still trying hard not to make eye contact with her.

"Fine, i am coming there so you can wait for me in the hall but first let me take an bath, since i am all sweaty from all that training."


Ren just nodded while turning to leave when suddenly someone grabbed hem of his shirt .

Then Ren turned his face towards Mary waiting for her to say something.

"You don't have to be so jealous of sir Antonio,

You know that you will always remain my most important friend."

Mary then showed an toothy smile and expected some kind of response from Ren.

"That's good "

Saying this Ren left towards the hall . thinking something like this.

' i don't want to be just a friend but something more than a friend, because i love you. '


When Ren left dojo.

 Mary slumped down on her spot like she lost all of her energy.even if looked fine on outer side from inside she was a mess.

' Ruu~is so cute when he is jealous.'

It's not like Mary isn't aware about how Ren feels about her but what she isn't sure about are her own feelings.

' ah yes, that thing he threw out of the window '

Then suddenly she got up from her spot and jumped out of the window looking for the thing that Ren threw when he was all pouty like that

'hmph you should atleast give it to me since you brought it for me'

Then she looked around and saw an crumbled bouquet of flowers on the ground.


Mary sighed after seeing the sorry state of bouquet and picked it up. She then re-entered the dojo from the same window she came from.And placed the crumbled bouquet on the nearby table

'  I'll keep it in the vase since some flowers remained intact '

Thinking this she entered the bath and after washing herself she dipped inside the bathtub at let the fatigue wash away.

' i know that Ren likes no i don't think he like me but he loves me'

'yes, he is madly in love with me'

"If he confessed to me should i accept it or not"

This the dilemma for her since she didn't know what her feelings are.

And the cause of this confusion is also an boy.

'what is he doing right now? I want to know'

 Yes this boy is the reason for her confusion.

"Adam Stales,where are you  ?"



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