Noircie Beauté

Chapter 1: Rose

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Chapter one , Rose

Rebecka was mere edge middle class as she was young. Her parents , both were once criminals who had served their time , many would say , you make mistakes in life, or they would be quick to judge them, Rebecka's Father was a very tall muscular man with many tattoos he had acquired when he was in his teenaged years. While her mother was not too far off ,  she worked job to job and seemed to have many migraines from the partying and drinking she did as she was younger. Besides her rough parents , it did not make a bad childhood for her , actually  she was quite content , her parents were loving and hard working , always had food and roof over her head , and she herself was quite gifted , though very talktive and her father seemed to like it.

As the young girl became a young woman she wanted to rebel a little , like most teenaged children , she enjoyed hanging out with friends , skating , smoking , and doing lots of dangerously fun things. Her mother of course would ridicule and discipline her , though of course at some point would give in. Overtime she matured and started focusing on her work at school , became more helpful at home and such on , though during her first year of community college she was called to the office to be told her parents died in a very tragic car accident. The details broke the young Rebecka into make pieces , in a way she was afraid she could not fix.

As months went by , she could not focus on her school , work , anything. The poor girl needed some sort of relief , she was almost 20 and would be spending her birthday completely alone. An old friend of her's called her one day.

"Hello?" She answered the phone with a crackling and melow tone

"Oh. Uh, Hello there, is this Bexi?"

Rebecka sighed recalling the last time she'd heared her own nickname , "Yes , can I help you?"

The person one the phone was silent for a second , then responded. "Oh, Yeah it's be Adam! You sound so different dude I couldnd't even recognize your voice!...Although I was wondering , are you busy? We haven't seen ya in awhile and decided to see if you'd like to come spend your birthday at my place!"

Rebecka hesitated for a second , then though about her father , who would always want her to have as much fun and enjoy life , so she accepted. She took herself on a long journey  where she would become addicted to many drugs over the next few months...until

Standing beside the store she shivered , it was summer , there would be no reason for a girl to shiver in the mid of summer. Thought a Police man who watched her on the side of the road, the man titled his glasses and slowly drove beside Rebecka.

"Oi! What's the problem with you?"

A panicked look was still on Rebecka's face, though she was tired and could barley move, or speak a word, just puzzled.

"Do you hear me talkin' to you?" the police man shouted again

He grunted out of frustration, then got out of the car , Rebecka still standing still watching the man , he bent down and looked at her eyes , and she was completely out it , the police man put his head down then carefully put Rebecka into the back of the police car.

"Another day in a nice criminal filled town , but hey! We have to see what your high off of before letting you out of custody"

Rebecka ignored the man , she was already in the back of the car , she was dazed out and completely high.

When she arrived in the office she was drug tested. They found traces of three different drugs in her system , they decided to let her sober up overnight. When morning arrived , she was taken to the prison up the hill.

Rebecka watched out of the truck window , seeing the birds fly , the sea , and much more. She arrived at the prison gates and let out.

“Alright. You’ll be staying here.” The man chuckled. “Your new home” .

Disturbed, she covered her torso with her arms as she followed the man through the deep halls , it was so quiet , yet the silence so loud. When she arrived in an office type she was introducing to a man , he had dirt blonde hair and a scarily stern face.

“Sit.” He said , examining Rebecka head to toe.

She followed what he said and sat there , thinking to herself , nervous , her eyes red and a terrified look over her face as the man sat down with a bag of the drugs sealed within them , she stared at them horrified , there would be nothing yet for her to be said to justify it. 

The man put down a document and opened it, “you were found with these items. What do you have to say about them?”

Rebecka kept silent , she had no idea of what to say.

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The man spoke again , “I am warden of this prison. I can tell you , if you do not speak up more years can be added to your sentence with this amount of drugs.

Rebecka finally fessed up , “yes.. yes these are mine”

The man sighed. “You are quite young , it is sad you have been caught with so much , it is not my right to give you a sentence so you will be residing here until the court orders something else. Is that understood?”

Rebecka nodded

The man stood up and grabbed an orange uniform and placed it on a mental seat , “alright , take off your clothes.”

Rebecka looked up at the man horrified , “there is no woman to do this for me?” She questioned him

The man shook his head. “No women work here at the moment. This prison was newly built over a military base.”

Rebecka shakily got up from her chair and removed all her clothing, looking into her pocket and having a dead phone , she felt stupid.

“Place them in that drawer there.” The man ordered.

She did just that. Then he searched her, once she was delivered clear , she dressed in her orange uniform and he walked her over to a camera.

She stood in front of the camera as he took a picture of her , front , back , side , side.

He then gave her a bag which had a toothbrush , soap , blanket , and a washcloth in it.

At least hygienic things she would still get , she thought to herself. While walking with the man he introduced himself.

“My name is Peter. You will speak to me as Warden , Director , or Sir. Anyone here you call them Ma’am or Sir. You will stand up straight and look them in the eye , do you understand?”

Rebecka nodded , “yes sir.”


She followed him to the cell 7. “You will be residing here until otherwise. You will have a room mate in this cell.”

“Who?” Rebecka questioned 

“A woman. She is in here for theft. Heavy theft.”

Damnit. Rebecka thought to herself , she thought if the woman would steal from her. 

Peter closed the prison gate door , looked at Rebecka for a moment , then walk away.

Rebecka examined the area , then took the bed on the right , she laid there huddling the blanket that night.

She wanted to cry herself to sleep , but why would she? She had brought this on herself.

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