Noircie Beauté

Chapter 2: Duties

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Chapter 2

As the bangs from the loud cell door opening , and hearing the foot steps of prisoners. Rebecka awoke , she werely looked around looking for her cell buddie , then up at the face staring at her. It was the director , and another guard. Rebecka rubbed her red eyes.


"Morning to you. This is Officer Huts."

Rebecka's dazed look peered over to the shorter man , he had glasses that covered his face , so she was unable to read him. Then she felt a piercing headache.

"Time for breakfast , get up now."

Rebecka follows the two men , listening to them.

"We are in need of many different jobs for prisoners to do here , for one , we can not keep waking up early to make breakfast for you all. So , we will need a cook. Do you know how to cook?" said the Director

Rebecka peered at the man for a moment , "I...I know how to cook."

"Good. Because you are now head of the kitchen. You may have two other prisoners to help assist you , I already picked Tilly who is a lifer here ,  and Nadia."

Rebecka looked between the two men for a moment and mumbled , "Yes...Sir."

The Director stood in front of her for a moment , examining her eyes , there were red and her hair covered her face , giving her a tired look. Is he trying to intimidate me? She wondered 

"I am going to allow you to take a bath behind the office." The Director said

She watched as Officer Huts had walked towards the canteens area. Then her gaze followed the Director , he was very sure of himself , and stern. She could not tell if he was cruel or nice yet. They both arrived in a yard, where Rebecka analyzed a shower outside in the open. She looked around to see hay and different tools looked to be used for farming.  Interesting.... she thought , though a shower would help after the long night she had.

Rebecka steps into the shower and feels the warmth of the water , she hadn't expected there to be warm water , but it felt nice. She allowed herself to relax for a moment and take it in , she lathered herself thoroughly and cleaned every part of her body , running her hands through her dark black hair.

The Director watched Rebecka from the side , he examined her body up and down , he could see her curves and different marks that defined her, but of course said nothing. He grabbed a towel and handed it to Rebecka , "Here , you forgot your own.". Rebecka looked over to the man , taking the towel and drying herself off , "Thank you Sir." she muttered.

Director still stared at her eyes , maybe she hadn't gotten enough sleep , or the drugs. Rebecka looked down , she felt his eyes on her and had no way to respond to it. "I would like to see you here , closer." said the Director. Rebecka turned her face a bit in his direction , "What?".

"I did not stutter did I?" he said , then slowly brushed his hand over her skin , it was smooth from the shower. Then turned to grab her uniform , "Here or you'll be late."

Rebecka stood still for a second , she stubbled over what to say then took the uniform. she rushed to the canteen to join the other prisoners , to see there were not so many , only 10 , they were all women.

who the hell is she?

Most of the prisoners stared at Rebecka as she walked in , questioning about her , but hey why not? when there is a new student in class does everyone stare at them?

Rebecka walks over to the counter and picks up a cup of water , she was not ready to eat just yet. Then heard yelling outside , everyone else stayed put while Rebecka walked outside. She finds two women in hung up naked on poles , one of them has a chain connected to her , while the other was free. Rebecka was horrified at the sight then the Director had walked up behind her , "This is Nadia , and Tilly." . 

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"Why are they are on poles?"

"They must have an hour on the poles each day"

"Why?" Rebecka questioned

"Nadia was recently in a fight , this is her punishment. While Tilly has become a willing servent to the prison , this is her daily routine."

Rebecka stared at the women for a moment , then tried to begin conversation. "My name is Rebecka , it is nice to meet you both."

Nadia stares at Rebecka , and introduces her with a bloody smile , "Hey newbie."

Tilly stayed quiet

Nadia looked over at Tilly , "This is the servent whore , how are you servent?!" Nadia screamed

"Hey!" Rebecka yelled , "That is not okay!"

"Servents are going to live for themselves newbie , I would not care much if I were you." Nadia stated

Rebecka scoffed , she had a big headache and was not going to start and argument with the first two women she met. She walked back into the canteen , rubbing the back of her head. "Ughh..." . She groaned. She heard a seat moved and felt the presence of someone nearby , she opened her eyes to see Officer Huts.

"What's wrong with your head?" he asked

"Oh..uh.." she stumbled ,"Hello Sir"

"What's wrong with your head?" he asked again

Rebecka touched the back of her head , "it is a pressure ,  headache.."

Huts nodded and stayed with Rebecka for the rest of the afternoon.

Later during bed hours , Officer Huts walked Rebecka to her cell. 

Rebecka looked around for her cell buddie , "She will no longer be here for awhile. She attacked the nurse and is on watch." Rebecka nodded , in understanding. Huts walks over to Rebecka , and smiles. "Hey.. I know it is rough the first time here , I like you though , you are observant and caring , I can tell." he said. Though Rebecka stayed quiet , Huts sighed , "It is okay , you do not have to talk now..but I want you to know that I would like to be your friend. You can call me for anything.." he said sincerely. Rebecka nodded once more.

When Huts closed her cell door Rebecka laid again in her bed and fell asleep.

Such longs years ahead of her.

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