Noircie Beauté

Chapter 4: Uniform

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Chapter 4

Most prisoners had uniforms. They all were orange of course , and had these bands around the collar area. All a different color which meant a different fate for the prisoner. If you didn't have a uniform...then you were very lucky to get through the winter.

Rebecka loves reading books. Her time in prison it was the only way for her to think of something else. Going on her 2nd month there , she'd walk around her cell waiting for a new book to come through , or go to the library and pick up ones , spending her days laid onto the floor of the library reading one.

One day as she laid herself onto the ground , barefoot , she felt a shadow hover above her , looking up.

"Maybe you forgot you were charge of cooking lunch today?" Said Nadia , staring down at Rebecka frustratedily

Rebecka pushed the book down to her chest and turned her head staring back at Nadia , "I remember. I am going to" she replied

"So..Go down there" Said Nadia

"They made you in charge of the Cateen now?" Rebecka said with a smile

Nadia sighed , "Please come on. We will get in trouble , I only have a few weeks left here"

Rebecka sat up and turned looking at Nadia , "I'm going , I promise. I will get up now"

Nadia stepped back , a concerned look went over her face as Rebecka stood up wrapping her arm around the book and took Nadia's hand. "Let's go" Rebecka said , grinning at Nadia.

Nadia had been very nice to Rebecka since she met her , Nadia was very stern and straightforward , open , and very hard headed. It matched as Rebecka was very quiet , just as stubborn , and dictative. Nadia was to be out of prison in 4 weeks , so she wanted to be on her best behavior so she would not get a single write up of extra time.

Rebecka looked at Nadia's face , she had never looked so stressed before. " will get out. No problems , no write ups , you have been just as good and obedient as a servent." Rebecka joked. Nadia smiled at Rebecka , "How you have become so much more talktive lately. You should talk more with the other prisoners." Said Nadia. "They wouldn't get me." Said Rebecka , tightening her arm around Nadia's". Nadia smiled , copying her. "It's okay , they will love your nerd personality , with hyper emotional anger issues , who storms off whenever the slightest bit of comment is made at her" , she grinned.

Rebecka usually did storm off but she just grinned at Nadia. She knew what she said was true. As they arrived in the Cateen , Rebecka placed the book down on one of the prepping tables and began looking around at the food. "Damn...Tilly just does not like cleaning after herself does she now." Said Rebecka. Nadia picked up her book skimming through it , while leaning on the wall. "You're too nice to her."

Rebecka sighed , tilting her head. "She gets enough problems being a servent. Everyone here hates the servents", said Rebecka. Nadia rolled her eyes , there was no way to show Rebecka that the servents were not good.

Handing each prisoner a tray then placing their food on it. Rebecka felt very tired , but she held up , it was all she could do now.

As she dizzily was giving out food she saw Huts enter , “Hello Rebecka.” He said , “how are you feeling today?”

“I am fine sir” Rebecka responded, her head was nodding back and forth.

“You look tired…you should get some sleep” just as Huts said that Rebecka dropped a tray which made a loud metal bang sound throughout the entire cateen. Rebecka put her head down and tiled , “I..I am sorry.” She stuttered , slowly taking off her gloves and picking up the food and the tray.

“No , you need rest come on.” Huts demanded “put the tray down”.

Rebecka stood up quickly and her eyes gazing to his belt , seeming paranoid. Huts grabbed her by the shoulder and began to lead Rebecka to her cell. 

He closed the gate and Rebecka sat on her bed , as Huts walked closer to her , he touched her head. “You are not ill. What is going on?” He questioned , his eyes…they were so sincere Rebecka thought.

“Why do you seem so nice to me?” She asked

Huts looked surprised , “well..I care for you. I want to make sure you are okay.” He said.

Rebecka looked at him , in the eyes this time.. “you are always seeming so…sincere”

Huts grinned leaning closer to her , “and your eyes , they are seeming so tired and numb lately. Let me help you..” he said

Rebecka woke up later in her cell from the ringing noise. Wondering how long she slept. Sitting up and brushing her hair out of the way, , stumbling to her feet. “Crap. I left Nadia to clean my mess” she grumbled , quickly rushing to get to her bared door.

There she saw Peter , he was opening every gate and let Rebecka out. She quickly walked out in front of him without making any eye contact.

“Hey! It is morning. Do not have something to say to me?” Asked Peter.

Rebecka turned with her arms crossing her chest , “Morning Sir” she said while looking to his chest.

Peter frowned and felt a little irritated , “Good morning Rebecka. How do you feel this morning?” He asked before being interrupted. 

“Good morning sir! Here I have opened everyone’s gates this morning !” Tilly happily chirped 

Rebecka looked up at Tilly very confused , “what?” She asked.

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Peter turned to Rebecka , “Tilly has been allowed to help with certain tasks here from now on” , he said.

Rebecka looked over at Tilly in disbelief , “what? How??” She stumbled.

Tilly shrugged , and smirked at Rebecka , “ I have been a very good girl.” She said.

While the two walked off Nadia walked beside Rebecka , “I told you! I told you she wasn’t to be trusted! You should have listened to me!” She said quietly but stern. 

Rebecka’s faced twisted , a sense of anger went over her , she had been defending and protecting Tilly , giving her food and water on her pole hours and going against many things that could have made her sentence anytime longer if announced in court , and then she sided with them.

As the weeks went by Rebecka started to feel strange , she could not stand the different smells and tastes of food she used to like. She kept throwing up and felt very sick.

Soon Nadia was released from prison and Rebecka felt many of the other prisoners had something out for her , they would make overly amounts of messes in the cateen knowing Rebecka was the only one working there , and soon she had finally had enough. One night while cleaning the cateen , she began to get so frustrated she kicked over the bucket if water and screamed out loud. All the frustration built up inside she could not take it.

The next morning of course she had to clean it up and she could not help but gag the whole time at the smell of milk and other things.

“Morning Rebecka- are you ok?” Asked Peter.

“I’m fine Rebecka” said as she picked up the bucket to throw into outside.

“You don’t look fine are you… when have you bled?” He asked

Rebecka looked irritated at Peter. “What? What question is that??” She said

“You just haven’t seemed like yourself lately and I think we should check , you constantly are throwing up and seeming everywhere crying and well , your breasts..”

“What about my breasts?!” Screamed Rebecka , before she covered her mouth. “Sorry Sir.. please do not punish me-“

“Let’s do a test scan. We need to make sure if you are pregnant”. He said

Rebecka reluctantly placed the bucket down and took off her gloves and followed Peter over to the Prison Infirmary area. She was impressed by the many tools the Doctor had.

“Lay here.” Said peter

“Have you done this before?” Rebecka asked. Before sitting down.

“A few times. It is too early for the Doctor to be here , I want to know now.” He said while he directed Rebecka to lift up her shirt and he scanned her belly.

His face lit with amusement , and then went to get a pregnancy test. “Stay here I will be back soon.”

After 1 long hour of sitting there , Rebecka playing with her hair , and counting , she finally saw Peter walk in with a box. 

“Here take it.” He said

Rebecka turned around and did , and sure enough it was positive.

Peter grinned and looked at Rebecka , her face was solum and cold.. sad even.

Peter informed Rebecka , “there is always the choice of abortion.” He said.

Rebecka looked at Peter confused before walking out of the infirmary.

That night she looked at her belly , touching it , pressing a bit on it. “Ugh! Why!” She thought to herself.

She laid in her cell bed and covered her face with a pillow. Unsure of what to do , she couldn’t scream , she couldn’t break things , just sat there before her body relaxed for her to think straight. 

What do I want? A baby? Or should I wait , she thought to herself.. ugh…




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