Noircie Beauté

Chapter 3: Duties part 2

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Chapter 2 (part 2)

Quiet can seem so loud.

Her mind was like raising train.

She was very quiet , very mellow , nobody ever knew what was going on in that brain.

Rebecka watched as her eyes became a piercing red , her body sweaty and her mouth dry , she wondered why she was so tired lately. 

“You had enough sleep?” Asked the Warden Peter

Rebecka nodded , she was slouched over unlike she was instructed but for some reason Peter was not concerned with it. He watched her , quite curious about her.

Who would think it?

This act attracted the attention of the other women in the prison , again some cared , some did not. One specifically cared , and that was Tilly.

Peter later called Rebecka to his office hours later , “your condition seems to have worn a bit.”

Rebecka nodded , “what is your reason for calling me here Sir?” Oh so how she hated not being in much control of herself , she still did not know Peter’s full intentions.

Peter stared at Rebecka then a grin would go over his face , this startled Rebecka. She hadn’t seen him smile yet.

“Come over here.”

As she got closer , inching slowly.

Later that night Rebecka washed in the showers with the other prisoners , she looked down at her feet. Thinking to herself , then she felt it. Piercing pain and weakness throughout her body. She was in warm water but yet was so cold.

Stumbling to her feet , and dressing was a hassle. She stumbled back to her cell , greeted with Peter again. He watched as she went into the cell and laid there , he had no seconds thoughts on that night. Right?

Rebecka shook all night , tossing and turning , she had no recollection of what could have caused this problem with her body. Then she remembered , her main reason for even being in prison was for drugs , she was going through withdrawal.

She cried silently in pain all night , her head pounding , for a moment she thought she had seen her parents again.

“Honey are you okay? Another bad dream?”

She teared up , her heart racing as she moved forward. “Mom? Mom!”

She yelled , she kept moving closer just to fall onto the ground to see she was back in her cell. There she curled up and cried herself to sleep.

The next morning she was awoken by a man holding her , she could barely see who it was but he placed her back in her bed , and for the next few days all Rebecka could see was blurred vision and hallucinations of her parents. She couldn’t eat , she couldn’t drink. Her body was just too weak.

After a week of this constant daily occurrence. A visiter.

“Alright , you have been cooped up in here all week! You have to go outside and see some light or something.” Said Peter

“I am tired” Rebecka said , “I see enough light through this window.”

Peter gritted his teeth , “either you will go out there or we will have to cause restrictions , you like your uniform yes?”

Rebecka sighed and slowly sat up , blinking for a bit slowly looking up at Peter.

A concerned look went over Peter’s face. “What has happened to you? Have you caught a fever?”  Walking closer to Rebecka

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She grinned slightly , “something like that.”

Peter checked Rebecka , placing his hand on her forehead and throat. “Ugh.. it seems you are , we will get some medication from the Doctor. She will examine you , but for now you must come eat.”

He didn’t force her to move quickly but watched her every step. Rebecka was tired and her heart was numb.

As she sat down watching the other Prisoners do their daily work. Peter put down a warm meal for her and some water. “You should finish that, then showers and bed.”

Rebecka picked up the spoon and ate a bit as she was told , she now felt a bit more scared of Peter. She had no idea of his next moves. 

So many thoughts in my own head , she said to herself. Ha ha.

She sat in her cell , some feeling finally wearing down enough for her to sit up straight. Just as she thought to lay back down she heard the cell door open again , and seeing the prison doctor.

“About time.” She mumbled

“Hello Miss Bex. I heard you were talking feeling well huh!”

Rebecka looked at the women then down at her tools and medicines.

“Hm. Well it seems you are sick. Here I have some things for your fever and headaches. Only take each a day”

Rebecka nodded before popping two pills down her throat. Ugh. 

“There you go!” The lady smiled, “my name is miss weni! I will hope to see you around Miss bex”

Rebecka nodded again , before lying down.

As another person walked into her cell , “well hello.” , Rebecka sat up to see huts.

She grinned. “Hah hello. Where have you been for so long!” A mere part of irritation she felt.

“I also work in the city , as an officer. But I am always here”

Rebecka scoffed and turned over. Giving him a slight cold shoulder. 

Huts smiled. “You missed me that’s fine.”

Rebecka peered over her shoulder at him , “how can you stand working here?” She asked

“What do you mean?”

“It seems like so much pressure and as someone who is within the walls I hate it”

Huts smiled , “are you supposed to like it?”

“No but still I guess-“

“But no.” Huts said , “your not”

“Now , I will see you tomorrow. Please get some rest , how about think of your life when your out of prison.”

Rebecka stared at him curiously. Ugh.

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