Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 10: 10. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (9)

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10. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (9)

"Junius, I understand without a doubt you have thought about this," said Markya. In assurance of herself, she crossed her arms. "But what about suffering? Death is a peaceful end to that cycle. A part of that suffering is the idea of leaving loved ones—would you be happy outlasting everyone around you? Are you that heartless? I'm sure you know, but immortality with a corporeality is contradictory, it's something you will no longer need, you will be a mere nous surged within a Shapeless World, and in contrary a possible stagnant sphere of only flesh. Do you consider that fate truly being alive?" she asked.

Junius couldn't deny that notion as easily. He knew he would suffer if he lost more family and friends. But that was not my brother's sole intention. "If I'm going to be immortal, I desire immortality not only for myself but also as an opportunity for those I care for. I don't see life as a bad thing, but I do see it as something that continuously becomes easier to handle, if giving up corporeality is a needed surge for that. I'm willing to make the sacrifice."

Markya sighed. "And here my mother worried about me being overambitious. Space-calling: [Void Storage]." Appearing on Markya's hand a short falchion sword. Markya looked overwhelmingly lonely and beautiful as she held it. "With the Point Cores, retrocausality, Minusfolk, and what I saw within the Warped World, I have proof enough. I'm going to kill you now, Junius Allfather," said Markya.

Greysong sounded via Sound-calling to us. ("I'll hold her off—she'll hold herself back fighting me. Have the Sky Gate ready from when the others get here.")

"Wind-calling," Greysong thrusted her lance towards Markya with all the strength and speed she could muster.

"Power-calling," Markya swung her falchion lightly with one arm to deflect the lance as if Greysong's attack was laughable. Greysong didn't back out though clearly knowing the skill difference between her and Markya, something she's often despised to acknowledge.

Markya raised her free hand. "Wind-calling: Air Ball." Markya shot twice. One pierced by Greysong's lance, the other hit Greysong's body throwing her off her equilibrium. Greysong caught herself with her lance as if it were a cane.

Markya looked at her hand. "The weight we Consurge have over the world. It is only justified by an end to all our warping. If that warping continues—"

"Mr Vince throw me!"

"Right!" From Volos' perspective, two voices beyond the fort announced.

"Earth-calling: [Earth Pillar]." Above in the sky—

Scordi realised the situation right away, I saw Scordi break her baby finger—She gritted her face in pain. "Wind-calling: Air Ball." She used her hand with her broken finger to do it, the Air Ball hit Markya's body, as Scordi landed, Markya dropped to one knee—muddled.

"Fascinating," said Volos.

Confidently, Scordi pointed her broken finger. "With my Individualistic-calling's Numen Power—Etch(Y). I etched my [broken] finger within the Air Ball. The [broken] aspect should've etched to her body. Hearing the ruckus I knew Junius and Nodin came to save me, and used a Sky Gate to get to the militia, too bad you were busy having this silly dispute to have noticed," said Scordi.

"Impetus," Markya called, trying to maintain the welding of her corporeal together.

The rest of the militia, also present shot up by Vince's Earth-calling. All past the gate, although incredibly tired.

Volos clapped. "Well done, you are determined indeed Vince."

"Volos, stop this at once! Return the people you captured back to their families," Vince urged.

Lifting his visors by the side. "Why?" Volos announced the age-old question. "If its morality. You've been killing the people you came here to save," he said.

Gravity. Within that silence, Volos reason outweighed us all.

Morally, spiritually, physically, mentally.

"Huh?" My eyes and mouth gaped.

Phaidra's eyebrows raised. "You didn't deduce that?" With her high-brow rhetorical. "But do not worry, with they're LVL at minus, they were already dead," said Phaidra.

I had reasoned with myself that to be the case, yet I regrettably felt despair in that thought being realised. That despair quickly formed to anger. I debated with myself the ongoing options—flee or fray. I looked at Scordi's increasing irritation; I looked at my brother's struggling hope, I looked at Markya's increasing strength and stability; I looked at Aurelio's solemn face and missing arm; I looked at Vince's anguish and the rest of the militia looking at him for consilience, but then I stared at Greysong as though time made still. My step cousin's look told that whatever choice I made; she'd be my source of acceptance.

If this were a decision game—what decision would you make? Having seen many sides, only lined by a certain result, irrespective—like a circle—it still has no sides.

I—certain we could not take on Volos—my doubt of lady luck began—so too my scepticisms of my brother's ambitions born again, I only wish that emotion continued stronger for what would happen later. Perhaps it only surged because that problem felt close—that no one within that fortress could survive against Volos. Deep down at my core, an unreachable result that could lead to good, but it required risk, and lack of reason, a factor of fate and sacrifice, but for what? Respect? Admiration? I didn't care about that stuff. All I cared about was I and everyone else being alive.

In retrospective, Volos' merely desired to see results as Markya recovered. Junius surged Void Storage—ready to use Reckless to open the Sky Gate. Markya got up acknowledging. "Your GEM sword copied the Sky-calling surge. You've chosen to run." Fully recovered, Markya stood straight, another obstacle we couldn't face.

"I'm allowing you to see that I am choosing to run away," said Junius. His awkward smile quivered. "I give up. In fact. This may very well be the ['Floor'] you Omega Forcers desire so much." Junius assured with a beaming face.

I thought to myself—good. "Let's put an end to this," I said. I thought back to the nullsman we came to save and Zophiel, and added. "To promise—I think we should place a Null-calling around my brother's neck, this will ensure he does nothing wrong, one that will not allow him to even think of the possibility of enacting Immortality. If he somehow gets stronger than the both of you, we can go back to putting one ending against another, the inversion principle or Markya's prophecy. Until then, let's suspend all this, okay?" I pleaded with myself for this solution to work.

Volos rubbed his non-existent chin hair. "You are asking for quite a bit, but you're also giving up a lot. Luckily, I'm already at my desired result. I'm sure you faced the prototype. The rest of the nullsman you can have. Nodin Allfather, you are lucky you are talking to a con of reason. You are free to go. Yes. This might get me to experiment differently as well, we'll become each other's ticking time bomb, and until I'm done, as your Warden I will not allow your brother to blow up," said Volos, pointing his hand.

"I can accept this result as well," said Markya.

"Thank you—" I said, watching a shadow hand warped from the black mist which surrounded Volos, and wrap around Junius' neck.

"[Maximum Acceleration]—Null-calling: [Nullify]," said Volos, "and a bonus," he said, adding another layer to the null collar around Junius' neck. "Void-calling: [Kenosis]. If you attempt to go against this contract. Your vibrancy will surge to nothing until you die and your LVL is met at minus—much like the people you've killed today." Another shadow hand came from Volos' body, it reached behind us. "Sky-calling: Sky Gate. Don't bother using that GEM sword, daddy will open it for you." Volos shooed us, looking at Markya. "You can go as well if you want Markya," he said.

"No, I think I'll stay for awhile," said Markya.

Walking past Markya, Aurelio said. "Make sure to be back by next semester."

Phaidra said. "This is perfect! My rival has taken the rogue path!"

I was reassured by Greysong. "You did the right thing." Turning around Greysong stuck her tongue out at her sister, "I can't wait for Mom and Dad to hear about this, you're going to be in big trouble."

"Try me." Markya stuck out her tongue at Greysong.

Back at the Sandnath inn—those of the militia who stayed accepting the despair of their actions sat by Vince, on the opposite side of the table—Aurelio, myself, Greysong, Phaidra and Junius.

"Introduce yourselves," said Vince.

"Right," they said in unison. Four of them.

"I'm Maximiliano. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Elryon and this is my sister Ellison."

"I'm Kokino."

Vince explained. "These four are Noumenon in training like you guys. They haven't made many strides recently but since all the Noumenon of Sandnath are all under Volos' pay check. The more we have on our side the greater our luck until we can get greater help," said Vince.

With her fingers interlocked Scordi punctured her forehead with her thumbs. "We failed to save all those nullsman. Not only that, the Minusfolk we faced were among them. Junius, is your 'immortality' truly the cause of all this?" Scordi begged for an answer.

"I need to go back," said Junius, demanding with himself.

"Back where?" Phaidra and Aurelio asked in together.

"I need to go back to my sanctuary. Back to the sovereign mansion," Junius fists stayed tight, the trust he had within himself, fading, he tried to grasp to whatever was left.

I of course went back with him.

Within the Thunderland sphere is where it all began—our tragedy. A place for the sovereign family, the House of Allfather. Our birthplace. By the refusal of his own stagnation, and all decadent destinies that led to doom, in his rejection — the rejection of the ways of the cosmos itself. A place where death no longer reached, a place without end.

Within the mansion's dining table our siblings as well as our mother ate. Softly placing her fork and knife on her plate, Pellona asked. "How did your trip go?"

"It seems they don't plan on dying Mom," said Rubicon.

Our little brother Ninus added. "Exactly, which is why they came back."

Pellona pleasingly smiled at us. "Good boys. You're much safer here, until one of you can no longer be here."

"I wouldn't have it any less," said Junius, getting out of his chair. "Thank you for the food," Junius bowed, and returned to his chambers.

I quickly got up. "Excuse me," and followed him.

"Open Space," I entered his chambers.

Junius sat on his sofa, "Light Array," he called.

Name: Junius Allfather

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

You are reading story Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy) at

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Yellow] = 4

Intelligence [Green] = 8

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 28

28 = 0.28 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.28

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

Warning: Title holder of Gradus ascendentis of the Thunderland sphere

Junius smiled. "Everything is proceeding accordingly." He had a hopeful look on his face.

"Huh?" I sounded.

A warped smile on Junius' face. "It's like the world revolves around me brother."

"So you're not done?" I asked.

"This current me is." Junius didn’t elaborate. "Light-calling: Light-Array—Expand."

Name: Junius Allfather

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Yellow] = 4

Intelligence [Green] = 8

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 28

28 = 0.28 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.28

Warning: Has access to Individualistic-calling

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

Warning: Title holder of Gradus ascendentis of the Thunderland sphere

I looked at it thinking there were no changes to his Surgem but. "[Warning: Has access to Individualistic-calling]?"

Junius clasped his fingers. "Volos saw right through me. I bet the headmaster did as well, seeing that I kept my Individualistic-calling hidden within the Light Array of Surgem information," said Junius.

"Huh?" I sounded again.

"I'm sorry for not telling you, but it works similarly to our birth mother, a lineage based Numen Power, and out weighing of the Collective Noosphere—the Noosfera, with it—I have commune with my other selves from other [Floors]," said Junius.

"What?" I was utterly flabbergasted, my twin brother kept a secret that I wasn't previewed to.

He's warped smile continued. "So you think I've just been in my room doing nothing? Being an endless consumer with no plan or agenda or trajectory, that kind of hurts, I thought that besides myself you'd know me best brother."

This attitude of Junius I didn't know. Still, I felt obligated to be by his side. "So what's it called?" I asked.

"My Individualistic-calling's Numen Power—It's called Worth(Y). All version of myself across all 'Floors' that are Worth(Y) of having the Numen Power can commune with each other. All of them so far come only from the Talehart family line, or similar variants," said Junius.

I gulped. "What are they saying?"

"[Earthatheneum] is were we go next—" The epiphany came to Junius' nous. "It’s the lowest in Point Core importance—the museum of our ancestors. Perhaps looking back will be the best way for me to find another way forward." Junius first requested of Ninus' presence. Someone our biological mother can't possess with her Individualistic-calling.

With a knock, the space opened. "Sup bros?" said Ninus.

"Ninny. I know the future," said Junius.

"Huh?" Ninus confused. "Prove it," he demanded.

"Well, I didn't experience this prophecy myself. Our cousin did. I've just chosen to accept it, for now," said Junius.

"Noddy, what is he waffling about?" Ninus questioned, opening the bag of chips he brought with him, after a hefty gobble and crunch. "You know I don't understand half of this nous stuff. Get Rubi to help."

Junius thought about away Rubicon would help. "Rubi is studying Humanology as a back up if she doesn't become a sovereign, we could use that as an excuse to go to Earthatheneum," he said.

Arrived at Rubicon's space, the place looked like a highly technological library filled with ancient records.

"Sup bros," said Rubicon.

"Rubi, Junio is chatting nonsense again," said Ninus.

"I'm not waffling Ninny. Rubicon, can I borrow your board?" Junius asked.

"Go right ahead," Rubicon pointed to it. Using Rubicon's board, Junius attempted to illustrate his revelations.

Our faces became increasingly more stupefied the more our brother went on.


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