Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 11: 11. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (10)

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11. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (10)

Rubicon revised Junius' tapestry. "This is all theoretical," said Rubicon.

Junius added. "Yes, it’s a what if scenario, if I were to pioneer a sigil of immortality, which I would call a 'HALL system', but I won't."

Rubicon snapped her fingers. "Because that Null-calling on your neck will kill you?"

"Certainly," said Junius.

Seeing Rubicon steadily resonate, Ninus tried to do the same reading out loud. "Future Consurge surge their DNA all the way to the Aeon Noema—Shapeless World, becoming Luminare Consurge. The Barbelo's Womb is warped to birth endless possibilities to end the Future Consurge, Space in of itself is a 'Highest Axiom Literalising Loop Sequence'—HALL for this purpose creating endless 'Floors' for that possibility—More warping and decadence but it comes back around—a loop through the Point Core-Higgs mechanism? Nope, I will not pretend any of that makes sense," said Ninus.

"Reason Ninny, why would our brother come to us with this information?" she asked.

Ninus sighed. "He's done this before—he loves to create little systems about how we should navigate the world, this is why Noddy is the better older brother," said Ninus.

"Don't say that Ninny," I said.

"If everything I've explained doesn't seal the deal for you Ninny," Junius stated with complete assertion. "I want to pioneer the sigil of Immortality." Just like that, his face turned red, as if the sigil tightened around his neck.

Ninus and Rubicon ran to him. "Light-calling: [Raysight]," Rubicon observed. "He's LVL is going down."

"Okay, maybe he's not waffling," said Ninus.

Junius collapsed to one knee. "I want to return to the Shapeless," with that he was able to catch his breath. He rubbed his neck in soreness. "That was painful."

Ninus and Rubicon helped him up. With them close to him. Junius surged a Sound-calling— one I heard too. Although he explained our journey so far, he had yet to explain the reason why it all started.

"We figured," said Rubicon and Ninus.

Ninus responded with a Sound-calling of his own. ("Mom already told us.")

Rubicon replied by Sound-calling as well. ("She said not to tell you guys, because your older you'd be more stubborn.")

"She trusted you guys with information like that but not us?" said Junius.

But it made sense. "Our biological mother isn't their mother, their not as emotionally devoted," I said.

"True," Junius agreed, "and in a way Pellona did entrust to us with the GEM earring found. Zophiel could have not let me have it," said Junius, adding. "Do you two know anything about Grandpa?"

Ninus and Rubicon shook their heads.

Junius continued. "He believed 'Vile Vortices' is what allowed the nous of our ancestors to expand so much—with the Vile Vortex that permeates throughout the cosmos—the Dragon of Revelation, compared to our sphere which only has one, Earth had several Vile Vortices. Which is why I want us to go to Earthatheneum," continuing in Sound-calling. ("In the context of Rubicon learning about Humanology and us going to assist her as brothers, Mom might let us use our GEM channel to get there.") He added.

"I'll see what I can do. But I better get something else in return after this," said Rubicon.

"How about a research partner?" Junius suggested.

Rubicon asked. "What makes them special?"

Junius elaborated. "Her name is Greysong. She's more human than she's Consurge by her skeletal structure. Her legs are short and stumpy, but not entirely like a Dwarfenfolk, but like our ancestors it does make her more acrobatic. So less of a research partner~—"

"And more of a test subject," Rubicon mischievously smiled. "Get her to come with us."

Ninus considered. "If she's pretty I might have another reason to come as well."

Rubicon and I sighed in disappointment.

Arrived at the Kresniks, Greysong opened the door. "Hello cuzzos—Oh, it seems you brought more cousins. These are the ones from Aunt Pellona," said Greysong. Leading the way, she was still alone at the home. We gathered at the kitchen table. "I'm making something for myself, you guys want any?"

"I'm alright thank you," I said.

"Same," said Junius.

"I'll have some," said Ninus.

When Greysong completed her meal and served Ninus, she joined us at the table.

"Since my parents are away. Markya hasn't said a word since, and the Star Students have been going at it training hard. I'm more than willing to go—it's not like I have anything else to do," said Greysong.

"Thank you Greysong. The GEM channel in our mansion can surge our bodies anywhere in Earthatheneum—this poses a risk," said Junius.

"Right," said Rubicon. "The perfect replication of Earth's history of the Earthatheneum sphere—If we at all mess up, it would lead us to face the [Point Core Guide of Earthatheneum] and we'd be immediately detained."

"Got it," said Greysong with a thumbs up. "No breaking of the [Prime Directive]."

Returned to the Allfather Mansion Rubicon was able to get permission from Pellona. The place we surged to surrounded us in grey stone and the sounds of dripping water. "We're in a cave," I said.

Within the cave, four hairier shorter selves stared at us startled.

Ninus and Greysong gently waved, but that's not what the primates saw. "Looks like we already messed up," I said.

Rubicon considered. "Wait. Unless this is a part of it all, but that would make things incredibly paradoxical and confusing," said Rubicon.

"Rubi don't tell me we're the source of ancient giant cave paintings," I said.

"Let's get out of here," said Junius.

"Wind-calling: Float," said Greysong.

Rubicon and Ninus looked at each other amazed, Junius and I accustomed to the calling Greysong surged, we flew out of the cave, past even the tallest trees—Into the clear night sky, the moon shined on us peacefully.

"But in case, let's console with the Point Core Guide of Earthatheneum," said Junius. We nodded in agreement.

As we reached the Tower of Tribute, it sat on the clouds—A golden tower which hovered. On its expansive open chequered rooftop a regular cottage.

Landed, Rubicon asked. "Are you sir Zosimos, Point Core Guide of All Earthatheneum?"

Expecting our arrival Zosimos already outside of the cottage, he held a girthy wooden walking stick and a kind expression, his beard equally old but tightly braided as if young. On top of his spray-on clothing what looked to be ancient robes with ancient patterns. "Well done for behaving yourselves."

Junius bowed. We followed, and Greysong performed a peace sign with a wink.

"Looks like we have some characters," said Zosimos. Junius pointed at himself. "Not you. You're the most boring," said Zosimos.

"Too right," said Ninus.

"Touché, I'm the strongest," said Junius.

"Doubt," I said.

"Not for long," said Rubicon.

"May I ask sir Zosimos? How old are you?" I asked.

"How old do you think I am?" Zosimos stroked his braided beard.

I joked. "Not much older than me, I hope. Perhaps thirties?"

"Hahaha. How about over three billion?" said Zosimos.

Our faces expanded in utter confusion.

"Now enough with the banter. Explain yourselves as to why you are here," Zosimos continued to the incredibly normal looking cottage.

We followed him inside by the wave of his hand—The indoors a lot bigger with a central fountain within its entry area, around it several potted plants and on the floor severals types of Space-calling: Open Space sigils to surged to different destinations. "How about the beach?" said Zosimos, waving his hand for us to join him on top the sigil. Before our eyes could blink, the comforts of the sounds of waves—parasols and drinks laid out. Zosimos old—took a moment to mire the sea without telling us what to do. Greysong took a deep breath of the refreshing air and immediately relaxed on the sand—making a sand angel by the waving of her arms and legs.

"You are one of a kind," said Ninus, watching her.

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Rubicon enquired. "May I relax underneath the parasol sir Zosimos?"

"Of course you can my dear," said Zosimos.

I walked over still curious. "Uncle Zosimos, are you truly over three billion years of age?" I asked.

"Certainly my boy. I'm the Point Core Guide of Earthatheneum. When the sovereigns decided to recreate the wonderful home of our ancestors I was appointed. I have been here from the moment of its beginning. So, as the ancients' said or are going to say. Time is relative; its only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing."

Junius understood, nodding his head. "So biologically you're in the hundreds, but within this planet your three billion."

Zosimos nodded back, turning to Junius almost excited to explain his feat. "It is also because of my surge of Graviton. The Graviton of my corporeality outweighs this sphere, and thus, I do not age at the same pace as it, but here I am in fact over three billion," said Zosimos.

"Wait—Graviton can do that?" Ninus ran to us.

"Of course. It's just gravity," Zosimos stroked his beard walking to the parasol.

We continued to enjoy our day at the beach. We even caught fish, although one's much bigger than the ones you're used to. As the night settled, we gathered around the fire we made.

"So, essentially you are all curious and wish to experience the [Warped Time Max], with the history of your ancestors just as your father did? Light Array," said Zosimos, the light under his face—he spoke in a spooky manner. "A Noosphere directly surged with not a GOLEM GEM of information but the Point Core of All Earthatheneum. With all the knowledge of time and space regarding the surge of Homo sapiens all the way to Continuus sapiens. Within it is an acceleration of time so fast it is the maximum by which anything has happened. From the beginning of all that 'noetic', your nous will warp in such a way that if you do not adapt—your minds will be lost forever," said Zosimos.

"Scary." Greysong huddled herself around me.

"As far as I know only Dad was able to experience it in its entirety," said Junius.

Ninus turned to Junius and I. "But it's not that scary, right?" he asked.

Rubicon nodded her head twice, affirming to herself. "No, it probably is. Our ancestors didn't have it so easy. But I'm certain our CG for Intelligence and Endurance will go up after the fact," she said.

"Hahaha. You're the bright one it seems," said Zosimos.

"Why thank you Uncle Zosimos," said Rubicon.

"My nephew once told me he'd bring his progeny and his progenies progeny to train under me. Seems fate has fulfilled his promise," said Zosimos, in reminiscence of the proposal.

In due time. At the Warped Time Max—Point Core facility—A space of white only including the panes Rubicon, Junius and I rested on—the GOLEM GEMs above our heads, and what our nous surged—to the Point Core of Earthatheneum—a radiant spatial pyramid object which we surrounded. Outside, Ninus and Greysong choosing to not participate and experience the horrors of our ancestors gathered dozens of leaves from the pots of plants which surrounded the cottage fountain to create what Zosimos referred to as 'exotic strains'.

Within the Warped Time Max, our bodies witnessed—all—as ghostly versions of ourselves.

Rubicon echoed. ("The primitive cruelty, yet they believe themselves conscious?")

Junius echoed. ("Their nous had little weight over the world around them—or at least they thought it did. Until us, most were screaming voices within a world of no sound—forgetting their revelations of corporeal Logos until the expansion of their DNA towards higher emanated surge with the Aeon Noema of the Shapeless source.")

I echoed. ("Is this when things changed—that girl.")

Rubicon echoed. ("Why does she look like your Mom?")

We watched the uncanny miss sitting alone—reading within a vibrant garden—underneath the lofty tree—which showered her in shade—the only shone light besides the sun were her crimson eyes staring back at us.

Junius echoed. ("What the—") He's eery voice stunned by the prevention of further revelations.

When my eyes gently reopened—Instead of the GOLEM GEM on top of me, Rubicon's face. "Hello Noddy." I immediately recognised the inflection.

"Mom?" I asked.

"I'm here to save you from your cursed fate," said Rubicon.

"Rubi. No. Mom—No, you're not Mom, who are you—?" I knew something was off.

"Just like your mother, Rubicon is helping the greater mommy right now," said Rubicon—or rather, the possessor.

I looked around, Junius was gone.

The possessor replied. "He's using a Yin-calling with his Reckless, but I can sense and see him healing Greysong behind me—with Light-calling Raysight," said the possessor.

Revealing themselves, Greysong pushed Junius with both her hands. "Wind-calling: Wind Burst," aiming at Rubicon.

"Power-calling," said Junius, but the punch went through.

"Light-calling: [Mirage]," the possessor's illusion faded as she waved and Junius caught himself.

Greysong pinned herself up with her lance. "If she can't directly access us here. That means she destroyed the Open Space sigil before she left."

"Where's Ninus?" I asked.

"I told him not to come in," said Greysong.

"What about Uncle Zosimos?" I asked.

The air warped—a Sky Gate opened.

"Uncle Zosimos!" we said in unison, he brought Ninus with him and carried Rubicon on his arms.

"Good-good. You are all alright, my heart can rest," said Zosimos handing Rubicon to me.

"How is she doing?" I asked.

"Do not worry. Rubicon is fine," Zosimos assured.

Junius and I sighed with ease walking to him, but a lingered confusion in all of us.

"Now follow me," said Zosimos. We passed through the Sky Gate. Outside of the cottage—Earthatheneum's skies looked calm as well. Rubicon scratched her chest as she slept, with that a big yawn, she started to wake up, Zosimos gently placed her on the rooftops floor.

"Junius my boy—Hold on to this," Zosimos presented Junius a crimson crystal. "Here lies the suppression of that warped servitor thought-form," said Zosimos.

"So in their, is our mother? Yumiegloria Talehart?" I asked.

"No," said Junius, elaborating. "The thought-form, the servitor—within—this is the possessor. They are separate from our biological mother," he said.

"Why did it suddenly appear?" I asked.

Zosimos answered. "The Talehart School of Jun-yun-du. For more answers I suggest you and your brother go there," he said.

"So Uncle Zosimos you fought her and beat her?" Ninus asked.

"Yes, with the thought-form sealed, the Witch of Omega Force is no more right—" said Zosimos.

"What a relief right guys?" I said.

Greysong's expression which began to bream with hope warp to despair. "Mr Zosi?" she asked.

Similarly, "Uncle Zosimos?" Junius confused, and attempted call. "Life-calling—" In desperation.

"Nullify," said Zosimos, suppressing Junius' call, he smirked. "The [Aurora Consurge] state on this old body did no good," placing the crystal on Junius' chest. "What should the end be? It's clear to me that we must find that out for ourselves." From skinless, to bone, to nothing.

Zosimos vanished.

All signs of his vibrancy gone.

As the mournful faces came upon us.

A single question traversed our thoughts.

What happened?


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