Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 13: 13. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (12)

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13. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (12)

Kokino came out of the cottage and got our attention. "It's 12 PM, we have to go. Lady Organa's already there." The three of us and Kokino walked together, beyond the forest—the road gradually widened towards the local town. From time to time, we would encounter other disciples of Junyun du, and the general populace of the [Armonioso sphere]. When they saw us, these disciples greeted us warmly. I also smiled and greeted them back.

Arrived at the dojo. "It's almost as big as our mansion," said Junius.

"Fun fact. The highest emanated sovereign family used to reside here," said Kokino, with an almost disheartened expression on her.

Excluding Organa and Elder Maxlee—there were five disciples including Greysong, myself, Junius and Kokino in the dojo.

Elder Maxlee, an old man with long eyebrows and tired back, initiated the talk. "This planet—or should I say sphere was once the background of the third sovereign family descendant of Digital Decadence. The ones who established the Spirula—the Kresimirs. My family tended this planet, or should I say sphere, or should I say garden—and continue to do so. The importance of this place to me holds great value—which is why I have decided for us to participate in the upcoming [Gradum surge event] for its recognition. After each sphere does its preliminaries—We will have an opportunity to show the world that it should return to the ways of tradition. Junyun du will be participating and registering as a guild. If you honestly love and respect these teachings which have been passed down for generations. I suggest all of you participate." It didn't sound like a request but an order from the old man. But no one was hesitant.

Instead, eager. "I've been dreaming of this," one of the disciples announced. His eyebrows thick like the Elder Maxlee, but not as long. "I'm sure Thunderland is doing this to contribute to a peaceful and better world by educating all races through challenge, inclusivity and participation. Truly like the Olympic spirit of old," he said.

Little did they know the ones initiating this were my Uncle and Auntie, Junius, Greysong and I impishly smiled at each other.

"Well put Maximiliano," Organa gave him an okay sign. "Though the purpose of this meeting is different. We've decided that we are going to have you learn the most advanced form of Junyun du," said Organa.

The disciples prepared. Although we had been in Junyun du for three months, we hadn't told anything about ourselves.

"Introduce yourselves," said Elder Maxlee.

"I'm Elryon and this is my sister Ellison." Both bowed. As Elvenfolk they were a subcategory of the Plusfolk like Aurelio and the Headmaster of Terra Academy, their ears as the 'GEM organ' that made their LVL abundant, unlike Skyfolk like Zophiel, or Merfolk who have fish like features.

Maximiliano and Elder Maxlee a subcategory of Equalsfolk—Dwarfenfolk, they are shorter but extensively more muscular compared to other Consurge and incredibly efficient with Power-calling and Earth-calling, both Maximiliano and Elder Maxlee had Power-calling sigils on their foreheads. "I'm Maximiliano Nunes. My grandfather, the elder before us—expects a lot from me. I'm here to be pushed," he said.

"I'm Kokino Kresimir," Kokino bowed. I thought to myself—Kresimir?

"I'm Junius Allfather," he bowed.

"I'm Greysong Kresnik," she bowed.

"I'm Nodin Allfather," I bowed.

"For the next month all seven of you are going to become one through the [jūnyún zǔhé technique]," said Organa. Junyun meaning evenness, and Zuhe meaning combination. The technique Organa named, meant—Evenness Combination.

"Become one?" Kokino enquired, the rest of us looked at each other jumbled.

"Yes, your minds especially, you must—zǔ hé—not only with reality but the corporeality and nous around you," said Elder Maxlee, he mischievously smiled and triumphally pointed with his index finger—his eyebrows raised alongside his rising emotion. "A singular warrior capable of demonstrating everything the practices of Junyun du entail," he exclaimed.

Organa added. "In terms of Noumancy this surge is a Third-tier Calling, Soul-calling, higher in emanation with Autogenes Logos. Use today to get to know the Platonic souls, your fellow nous, that you'll be combining with in body and mind."

This is what we learnt from everyone during the first day.

Elryon and Ellison come from the [west of Spirula], not too low, not too high, middle emanated Consurge? From this section of galaxies which makes up the [Spirula] is where the tyrant race of beings known as the 'Huldufolk' have emerged. In their explanation we immediately noticed the similarity in name to the Huld we encountered against Volos. According to Elryon and Ellison, the Huldufolk are 'shadow entities' that warp to surge their 'Higgs field' and have taken hold of the [Ensembles sphere], their home to begin their 'Higgs Boson Doomsday' for the annihilation of the [Unodotodo]. By the request of their father, the siblings were told to travel the Spirula and return home stronger.

Maximiliano is the grandson of Elder Maxlee. His parents were never into Junyun du and so the desire to carry on the Nunes' legacy is within him. With us still gathered in the yard of the dojo all disciples mired the lowering sun, Maximiliano asked, "What about you four? Your descendants of Digital Decadence, aren't you?" he asked.

Kokino looked at us as if saying you first.

I thought about how much we should say, but Junius went right into it. Presenting his forearm.

Ellison observed. "A Space-calling sigil," she said.

Junius explained. "Within this sigil is a servitor-thought-form which possessed my mother's body. She killed our father which sent me and my brother down a path of wanting to get revenge on her and her principled death cult," said Junius.

"I'm just their cousin who's tagging along," said Greysong.

"Alright you guys win," said Elryon.

"Please elaborate," said Ellison.

Kokino's eyes tensed looking at Junius. "Was your mother possessed by the [Antisophia Working]?" she asked.

Suddenly with that question. "Ellison your eyes," said Maximiliano, concerned, all of us watched Ellison's eyes flicker blue and red.

Elryon clarified. "Don't worry guys, my sister is using her Individualistic-calling's Numen Power, Inquir(Y)," he said, easing us.

"I'm fine everyone," Ellison stared blankly, her eyes continue to flicker. "As my brother said, I'm using Inquir(Y), this Numen Power, allows me to get an answer for questions I have from this pseudo Noosphere that is only tied to those within my lineage. The most accurate answer always arises, and the question I was asking myself was—'' Ellison squinted her eyes in pain, palming her forehead. "Got it," she said.

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Greysong, Junius and I looked at each other in carefulness, because Ellison had a similar lineage-based Numen Power Individualistic-calling, to Junius and our birth mother—Yumiegloria. "What revelation have you come to?" I asked.

Ellison described. "An answer concerning the 'Antisophia Working' which Kokino spoke of," said Ellison, informing. "Not much is known about the Antisophia's past. However, according to the knowledge of an ancestor who adopted her that wasn't always her name. In January to March 1946 a series of magic ceremonies or rituals were performed by pioneer rocket-fuel scientist and occultist Jack Parsons, and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard called [The Babalon Working]. The project was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley, and his description of a similar project in his 1917 novel Moonchild. Jumping to the 1970s predominantly in North America, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The Goddess movement grew as a reaction to perceptions of predominant organised religion as male-dominated. Within the same decade in Western Europe—within a nation called France, two university students created a club in homage to the Culte de la Raison—called 'Neo Cult of Reason' with the tenets of the Goddess movement—they believed that the teleology of man was a return to the 'la matrice' and away from all that is masculine. Inspired by occult writings of Magick and of Babalon Working—both university student conceived through their 'sex magick'—by corporeality and nous—[le livre d'antisophie]—only seen by few within their university, it would later inspire 'Sophia Antipolis' a 2,400-hectare technology park in southeast France," said Ellison. Her eyes continued to flicker. The sudden information Ellison received, and her 'lineage'-based Numen Power prompted us to recall of our mother's Individualistic-calling and Junius'. There was a brewing certainty for the revelation we were going to receive.

At Antisophia's home, where her sickly father, herself and their dog gave each other fellowship, all three relied on each other. Though her father frequently argued that her mother's death was at Antisophia's hands. Antisophia persevered and aided him. All that Ellison grasped was that she was a good person.

However, after her father passed from his illness no longer having a purpose, in December, police arrested Antisophia. She confessed to killing her mother—cutting the body into a thousand pieces and sharing the meat with her dog and her father to eat—she even made soap out of her mother's fat to bathe, stating that nothing was wasted. Brutally beating her mother to death after a quarrel. Antisophia dismembered the body into pieces with a saw and a butcher's knife.

At the revelation's continuum Antisophia faced a thirty-year sentence for killing her mother. Butchering and eating one of the pupils in her detention centre, her sentence was lessened to fifteen years when she became an adult because of mental illness. They deemed her acts involuntary. Facing her time with good behaviour showing signs of change, she was given a purpose, as scholar nun of a small local church. Within it she rarely interacted and spent most of her days reading.

Shaded by the sun, she stared blankly at the three ghostly figures who stared back at her. At this time was when she met the ancestor of the second sovereign family ['Saint Marpaul Betterman'] or as the sisters called him; [Father Mars]. "What's taken you by surprise Maria-Gloria?" Father Mars asked approaching.

"Father Mars, what is the teleology of man?" Antisophia asked. "My mother and father told me that the mistake of the feminine principle is—continuity. Us allowing things to continue will only make things worse. There is no hope for a nous that is already warped—and seeing that my mother's was—I saw her break her own vow with another man. Til' death do us part—but she did it while my father was still alive. I had to make sense of it, and I returned her too. But within the prison—a revelation came to me—everyone and everything is warped. Everything had to be returned. So, I ask you again Father—what is the teleology of man?"

Father Mars patted her on head as if verifying the Antisophia belief. "Thealogy certainly could the teleology of man. 'The Woman of the Apocalypse'— Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation, she is an unknowable woman that has a major and pivotal role in the Apocalypse. She challenges the mighty Red Dragon of Revelation, once again giving birth to something truly pure," said Father Mars. Ellison uttered the last thing her Inquir(Y) surged.

I assessed. "Ellison, you have a lineage-based Numen Power, it reminds me of my mother's. Does anyone in your family have the last name Talehart?" I asked.

"Talehart?" Maximiliano recognised. "That's the Maiden name of my grandmother."

"Us as well," said Elryon and Ellison, all mystified.

Affirming what everyone concluded, Kokino said. "We are all descendants of the Talehart then, that could explain why we were explicitly gathered by Elder Maxlee to perform this as we are kin by soul. My father identified it as the Antisophia Working, that's how I know about it. Because a similar parasitic-nous took over my mother's body," she said.

I recalled the soundings of my father's GEM earring, the voiced possession of Scilla's body. ['Nearly fifty per cent of modern Consurge females are descendants of my original body. In simplification, my Individualistic-calling.] I pondered out loud. "This so-called 'Jun-yun Zuhe' may pose a risk if possessable like our and Kokino's mother. Though maybe overcoming the resentment we have for this devouring mother—as successors of the Talehart family. We'll free ourselves of this cursed thought-form and its ideologies," I said.

"Right," all of them agreed.

A month later—Organa would look at their expression and nod with a smile. "You passed!"

A day prior—Gathered outside surrounding the campfire it was the only source of warmth besides our bodies. I felt connected with all of them. Although from a principle I came to demise and desire revenge upon, the development made me feel even more progressive overcoming my resentment.

Kokino giggled to herself. "What should we call this super warrior of Junyun du?"

"How about, Junyun du?" Elryon suggested.

"Brother you stink for that," Ellison waved the air around her nose.

"If the warrior takes the best aspects of our souls and creates something entirely new." Maximiliano suggested. "Then how about we combine all our names?"

"That sounds incredibly complicated," said Greysong.

"Yeah," I said.

Junius suggested. "How about…"

The next day, Organa continued their praise. "It took your predecessors a lot longer."

They had the stature and height of Junius and I, the ears of Ellison and Elryon, the colour of Greysong's eyes, the musculature of Maximiliano, the permanent scowling expression of Kokino, and a feature none of us had—an odd aurorean green hair colour.

"Did they do it?" Elder Maxlee entered snacking on a sandwich, miring. "What should we call you?"

"They came up with the name, Fin," the fused entity spoke.

Organa approved. "Fin—as in end. You have all learned of your cursed commonality, and decided to put an end to it. I find that beautiful—good choice," said Organa.

"Also, they decided to hurry things up for a reason," said Fin.

Elder Maxlee wondered. "What exactly?"

"A couple of things to deal with before the Gradum surge. I will be back," said Fin.

"Wait!" Organa desired more explanation, but they flew almost instantly, she gave up realising it was futile.

"They've already made up their mind," Elder Maxlee assured her.


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