Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 12: 12. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (11)

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12. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (11)

As we experienced the Warped Time Max. Rubicon was possessed by the same possessor who took over Scilla, and possessed my mother Yumiegloria from birth. A battle ensued unbeknownst to us. Uncle Zosimos gave it his all to seal 'the warped servitor thought-form', and return Rubicon to normal. But I wasn't entirely sad, the beginning of the revenge that began our quest, the get back Uncle Zosimos got against the death of his great-great nephew—our father. I was given peace of mind, with the supposed anticlimactic end of the Witch of the Omega Force.

After surging the seal Uncle Zosimos created—to his Void Storage, Junius walked over to the rooftop's edge of the Tower of Tribute—looking over the clouds. "I'm going to stay in this place for a while," said Junius, landing his butt on the ground, Junius sat cross-legged—clasping his knees. He closed his eyes. "Though, being honest with you all. I'm seeing this as an opportunity for I to run away from my responsibility, as time is faster here, I'll have more time away from being the next sovereign in line," said Junius.

"Lazy bum," said Rubicon awake. "Where's Uncle Zosimos?" she asked.

By our distraught faces—Rubicon didn't ask further. "I see." Rubicon sniffed.

"It's not your fault," I said. Greysong comforted Rubicon, but eventually we all embraced each other for comfort.

"Mr Zosi showed Ninus and I the GEM channel within the tower in case of an emergency, we can head back," said Greysong.

"Noddy, are you coming?" Ninus asked.

"Remember what Uncle Zosimos said? Junius is the most boring. I don't want Uncle Zosimos to be bored," I said.

"Right. Good reason," said Rubicon. Using the GEM channel within the tower, Rubicon and Ninus returned to the Allfather Mansion. But Greysong came back from the cottage.

Junius got up from his ponder. "Greysong, you've chosen to stay."

"The alternative is an empty home to go back to," said Greysong.

"The more the merrier," said Junius, he got up. "Greysong, Noddy, would you care to help me with something?"

"Sure, what's the plan?" I asked.

Within Earthatheneum's Tower of Tribute—Time quickly flew. Inside the Point Core facility—Deep red spatial cracks suddenly appeared and stretched out in all directions over the white void. Every crack appeared like a bloodthirsty serpent, unscrupulously spitting out its tongue and venomous red.

At the beach we were warned by Zosimos not to do it, it was also a task our father—suspended himself from doing as well. The Warped Time Max is instated to stay within the noetic of Noosphere information from the beginnings of Earth to Continuus sapiens, but Junius desired to go beyond it, to see if Markya's foresight bid true, both in commencement of all reality and future—to see if there was a solution, another way. Another ending for the sigil of immortality and the continued faceoff with the Omega Force.

From within the Point Core facility. Greysong and I looked at everything with a stupefied expression. Junius' body was shaking—

"This anxious vibrancy—I'm only fuelling it more," I said.

"Right, let's calm down," said Greysong. She breathed deep into her belly and lungs, exhaling as she comforted, I did the same. With her eyes shut, Junius laid within the pane, Greysong embraced Junius' body, hugging him tight. "You can do it Junio."

I believe something similar to the homogeneity that I experienced within the Warped World happened.

"What is this feeling?" I thought consoling myself in Déjà vu.

Junius opened his eyes.

We beamed seeing he was okay.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I felt an unconditional love coming from the both of you, it calmed me down," said Junius.

"And?" Greysong enquired.

"Uncle Zosimos was right. Noddy and I, need to go to our roots," said Junius.

"What about the tower?" I asked.

"I don't know. The sovereigns can figure that out, right now I just want us to head to the Talehart school of Jun-yun du," said Junius.

The three of us had spent the equivalent of a year learning and exploring the tower.

Our next destination using the GEM channel in the Tower of Tribute.

Surged to the premises of the foreign sphere to the specified location of the [Junyun du Guild]—The Talehart School had changed. Within a gorgeous extravagant forest—the path of the trees led to a cottage.

Someone meditated high above in the sky, and opened one eye. "Students?" She exhilarated and rushed to us, pressing parts of our bodies with her hands. It's then I got a proper look at the person's eyes, their sclera was black, their hair was silver—and their skin was grey.

"Are you curious as to what I am? I'm an [Acelerado]. Since you're are Consurge, the first recommendation I can give you if you plan to be my students is to not work so hard. By that I mean don't warp yourselves and everything around you with your nous, we Acelerados run on destination rather than reason. However here in the Junyun du Guild, we focus on traditional means of cultivating and nurturing through the primordial ki within your body—continuing its evenness with the world around you, rather than savagely warping the world towards our desires," she puncture my abdomen trilling her index finger up to my chest. "It's about enhancing the homogeneity we have with reality instead of warping it. I only have one other student here; the others are training with Elder Maxlee. This student is of your race as well, at least partly—A halfling, I'll have her guide you."

"Thank you," said Junius, he didn't know what else to say. "But we're not here to—"

"Oh! And I don't mind the formalities. You can call me Organa," said Organa, making an okay sign with her right hand.

We followed to the cottage. "Thank you, Ms Organa, but we didn't show up for—" I said, interrupted.

"No! You stay here. She'll come to you. Nature, are you used to being amongst it?" Organa asked.

"I am, these two not until recently," said Greysong.

"Right-right. Descendants of Digital Decadence, sovereigns, that's prime. So essentially, you've stayed indoors most of your life. Well now you'll get to sleep amongst the beautiful green if you remain here," said Organa. Entering the cottage. She left the door slightly open—we could hear what happened inside.

Her student seemed apprehensive. "Why do I have to? Fine," outside, they paused for a moment getting a proper look at us. "Oh, it's you."

"I'm sorry if my appearance shames you," I said.

"No, not that," she said. Scarlet eyes, hair, lips, and nails, her top white and her hanfu dress also scarlet. "Don't you remember me, I'm Kokino? I was in the militia going against Volos?"

"Ah, yes?" said Junius.

"Ignore the knuckle head cuzzos, I remember you," said Greysong.

"It's okay, we only met briefly. But in summary me and the other guys in the militia chose to come here to train. The warping ways of nous bring no homogeneity, we truly mourn what we did to our own—going against the Minusfolk, but no more. I suggested it of course, the Star Students basically told me to shut up and continued to their academy, the others said yes. I'm really a second teacher here because I was adopted by Lady Organa. As you can tell she's an Acelerado, I am half-Acelerado, and Consurge. By your height you boys are certainly full Consurge, which means you have on spray-on clothes. Those things aren't going to run here." Kokino opened her hanfu. "As you can see, I don't have spray-on. That spray-on clothing doing everything in terms of keeping you clean and regulating your hormones—That needs to be taken off. Immediately."

"Like now?" Junius asked.

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"Go behind a bush or something if you don't want me to see you naked," said Kokino.

"What am I going to replace my clothes with?" Greysong asked.

Kokino paced to the cottage and gave all of us similarly traditional hanfu clothes. "These are the largest ones I could find for the boys. If it's too tight tough luck, your fault for being so big."

Junius got himself changed, first taking his cloak, folding it by one of the many ways he saw people do it in the Warped Time Max, he said. "Void Storage." It surged to the sigil. As for his spray on clothing. This was a harder matter. The moment we reached for the back of our necks to turn it off, we knew there would be a complete crash to our body's regulatory system. We understood we were already being tested. I touched the GEM implanted at the back of my neck from birth, the spray-on clothing faded. Collapsing to the ground, I began to hyperventilate. I felt incredibly cold, the air seamed into the pores of my skin like an acid—causing a stinging, burning sensation all over my corporeal. Junius was in a similar condition. But Greysong with hearty laugh, perhaps being more human than us stood triumphally naked as though unaffected.

After a couple hours, the sky darkened and Kokino returned outside worried. "What's taking them so long to fix up?" She could hear us although distant, the quaking of the voices of two boys cradling their bodies in agony. All sorts of emotions appeared on our faces. "Your ki's are all over the place," said Kokino.

"I can't put the clothes on. It… hurts," I said.

"Same," said Junius.

"You need to overcome this Consurge weakness cuzzos," said Greysong.

"Your cousin's right. Overcoming it will do wonders for you two. Turn your spray-on back on. Come inside, we'll work on this tomorrow," said Kokino.

"No. I'll persevere," said Junius. Persevering naked.

"Okay, if you have this much resolve." Kokino stood above Junius' body first, noticing all the ki points she needed to hit to make his breathing controlled. "Although your ki is a mess, physically, everything is on point. This is a bit of a cheat, as I am half Acelerado. I'm going to accelerate the bioenergetics of your body so you can begin to stabilise a little. Then it will be a matter of controlling your breathing on your own, do so towards your solar plexus, not your lungs, that causes muscle exhaustion in a way you couldn't believe. Then keeping yourself rooted in your chakra alignment not just Anahata—I can tell your heart is beating incredibly fast, and the temperature of your head is steaming. The idea of everything working towards the crown chakra is wrong as well but it's what your used to with Noumancy. All seven points need to be balanced so your ki flows proper through your entire body," said Kokino.

"Your explanation isn't helping," I said.

Rubbing her palms together. "Alright-alright, just be ready to cry like babies, this meridian massage is going to hurt even more," Kokino began the procedure.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah———" Throughout the entire evening, we cried like babies. The tears fell from our eyes naturally, as though we weren't in control—and were giving up control, Greysong laughing at us didn't help. The result of this overreaction was our bodies desiring and forcing themselves to be homogenous again without external means. Though by nous I understood all the thinking behind this exercise, having witnessed the entire ancestral history on Earthatheneum with the Warped Time Max, it was only a matter of our bodies being able to apply from conceptuality to corporeality.

Kokino wiped her forehead. "Few, I'm done with yous. That was more intense than it needed to be." After Kokino left, I breathed a sigh of relief. Watching her from behind there was this strong sense of brilliance around her. Just like the air which hit my skin. I felt hers. Her aura.

"Is this ki?" I questioned.

In the next ten days, we slowly recuperated under the care of Organa. Then after a month passed we caught up to Greysong's training, completely familiarised with the condition of our bodies, we began normal ki training.

Fists to his waste Junius floated above it all. "The hanfu feels good on my skin. The air feels like it's a part of me. I feel as if my weight and presence benefit the environment just as equally as it benefits me—towards a new destination," said Junius. Flying down.

"Good response," Kokino gave a slow clap. "But again, it's an answer out of privilege. It wasn't the same for our ancestors, for both the Consurge and Acelerado in me. They had to adapt and go through constant trial and error for us to experience this so readily," said Kokino.

I drenched in perspiration as I attempted the first technique. I continued to practise hitting, withdrawing my hand, elevating my knee, and kicking. I regulated the strength of my corporeal during the continual actions moving within a rhythmic vibrant dance. I felt as though I had been reborn every time I trained. I didn't lose this practise which is why despite what happened in the future, my body continued well trained. The progress was evident to the naked eye, I never grew bored of it.

"I'm blessed, but I still want more. Complete management of death will allow this progression not to end," said Junius. Drops of sweat dripped down from the bridge of his nose as he practiced the same movement. His body spun, countless cyclones were formed. These cyclones rubbed against the airflow in the air, and suddenly, Junius didn't use his vibrancy to perform a calling to attract and surge his weight over the world, he was simply moving what was already there and functioning with it, corporeality and reality—even.

Excited, Junius' body moved at breakneck speed. A few fuzzy afterimages emerged in the air as he rotated his body quickly. Greysong had demonstrated the same pace that day. "She's still faster," said Junius. After a long while, Junius calmed down the airflow and stood on the spot to adjust the ki in his body. The early stages of the Junyun du Guild's cultivation made him feel as though he was a child—something outside of his Worth(Y) Numen Power, and everything we had learnt thus far with Noumancy. I too was obsessed with its learning, and a warm airflow gradually formed around my brother's body. The Light Array emitted from him without call and warp—but by his ki.

Name: Junius Allfather

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Junyun Du Guild

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [LBlue] = 12

Intelligence [DBlue] = 20

Agility [LBlue] = 12

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [DBlue] = 20

Life Vibrancy Level


= 68

68 0.68 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

LVL 40 = 2 AP

LVL 60 = 3 AP

Graviton: 3.68

Warning: Has access to Individualistic-calling

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

Warning: Title holder of Gradus ascendentis of the Thunderland sphere

Igniting every part of his soul with a high brow look—directly inside the Space-calling Void Storage sigil, he said. "Although their are many host bodies—female descendants of its original body, this thoughtform—this tainted servitor will never come out of Uncle Zosimos' seal," Junius professed.


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