Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 2: 2. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (1)

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2. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (1)

My brother and I were birthed by my father's first love, Yumiegloria Talehart. We didn't know much about her besides her being what my father referred to as 'hope in corporeal'. Her demeanour, her aura, her grace—our father constantly told us that by her higher spirit alone, every action she took felt incredibly flawed, as though she were a heavenly spirit that shouldn't be here, she was clumsy to herself and constantly wore her heart on her sleeve, putting others before herself and her health. Whenever father told us that I always thought of how those trait went to Junius despite me having my mother's two dotted beauty marks which she also had underneath her lips, something which helped distinguish between my brother and my self, as well as my pretty black hair and sparkling black eyes and his once dreary black hair and dreaded dark eyes, though even with that description, my brother had always shown the 'hope' of our mother far more than me.

It was morning and I kept myself underneath my blanket curled into a ball of sorrow. I heard one knock, the voice didn't speak and then promptly left, the second knock was Junius. I uttered, "[Open Space]," the Space-calling sigil surged whoever was outside of my chambers into them. I still had the blanket over my head, so I couldn't tell who it was. But by the sound of their first step, I asked. "Junio, is father and Scilla really dead?" It wasn't only the blanket which surrounded me that kept me in darkness but also my shut curtains, and how my father died, I was also left in the dark.

Junius walked over to the curtains and spread them open, making way for the morning light. "Our pa isn't dead Noddy, he remains within our nous." Junius then ripped the blanket off me. I sniffed my sorrow, as I heard him add. "Noddy, there's something I need to show you."

My brother's face look more solemn than usual.

In my acknowledgement I said. "Junio, you have that expression on your face. Explain, don't just stare."

"Void-Storage," said Junius, his forearm warped, on his hand a device shaped like a clear gem. "Earth-calling: [Earth Shelter]." My room spacious enough—Junius let go. Hitting the floor, the object didn't shatter, instead it warped, and warped, forming into a transparent-dome, big enough for two chairs, a table with cups and a bottle of tropical juice. Underneath all of that, a [Null-calling] sigil.

I called out Open Space to enter, and sat frustrated as Junius hadn't explained anything yet.

Junius poured juice to the cup closest to him and sipped. Placing his drink down. "Space-calling: [Void Storage]," he said.

I recognised the second object he surged. "Isn't that the GEM earring [Noumenon] use for Sound-calling?" I asked. Noumenon—are those who legally practise Noumancy under a Guild.

"Yes," said Junius, pinching the 'Graviton Emitting Module' earring in-showcase with his left index and thumb. "Shortly after hearing what happened, I contacted the Avant-Guard Guild of our father. Miles away from 'the warping incident', they found it. Tossed and intentionally damaged. It took a while to fix, and plenty of dead cloned rats to perform a Life-calling sigil to revert the damage, but I got it working." With the press of his fingers. The GEM earring functioned, playing back its recorded audio.

With saddened certainty in recognition of the first voice. "Dad," I said.

His recorded voice sounded. 'That's not Scilla anymore," said our father, Gradus Allfather.

The voice that followed was also familiar to us both. 'Hello dear,' said Scilla, our father's apprentice in the Avant-Guard Guild and older sister of my childhood friend. Scilla's voice no longer sounded brilliant and giddy, but rancorous and tyrannical.

The recorded audio of our father's voice continued. 'I recognise those beautiful crimson eyes, and so goes the twist. It seems my wife is a part of the [Omega Force],' said Gradus.

Scilla's warped voice replied. 'Not just a part, but one of its founders. [The witch], [the mercenary], [the druid] and [the familiar]. I'm the Witch of the Omega Force,' she said.

'How are you in possession of Scilla's body?' Gradus asked.

I imagined a smile appeared on a face that was no longer Scilla's, as the possessor replied. 'Nearly fifty per cent of modern Consurge females are descendants of my original body. In simplification, my Individualistic-calling.'

My father quick deduction had him judge. 'So, you can surge your consciousness to any descendant that is female? Which includes my wife. That means you're not her.'

The voice was completely different now, I felt akin to it, although I had never heard the voice my self, I felt jamias vu as it replied. 'Oh, trust dear, I am her. I've possessed that corporeal since the day it was born. Such is the ritual of the Talehart,' she said.

'I'm glad you're being open with this information—' Our father's speech stopped.

"That's it?" I asked. The recording ended. "So Scilla and Dad just end up killing each other?"

Junius comforted my quaking hands. "No, not exactly Noddy. According to the Guild, Scilla was a Noumenon to the end. She died alongside her mentor and offered her own life in retaliation against the possessor, but to the saving of the possessor came another member of the death cult—with grey skin. There appear to be four primary representatives. The rest are likely gofers," said Junius.

I recalled what was said in the playback. "The witch, the mercenary, the druid and the familiar. The witch… do you think that's our step-mother? At one point—she was villainous," I said. Initially a reasonable question to ask, but then I remembered another part of the recording.

[Such is the ritual of the Talehart].

With our twin nous we were thinking the same thing. The person that may have possessed Scilla's body, caused the 'warping incident', was our deceased mother—Yumiegloria Talehart?

In this revelation, a path which we were sent down—a path of revenge and immortality. One that only I would come out alive from.

Junius looked away, transitioning his look down. "In caution, this dome has a Null-calling sigil, to stop anyone from using a Sound-calling to listen in on us. Though I doubt this sigil is potent enough to outweigh the [Graviton] of someone capable of possessing Scilla," said Junius, pouring tropical juice on the empty cup next to me.

I accepted and chugged most of it down, smacking the cup on the table. "What's the plan besides revenge?" I asked.

A slightly but prominent warped grin appeared on Junius' face as he said. "Immortality."

I jumped out of my chair to see his eyes. "Are you serious?" I asked.

"I'm serious," said Junius.

"That also explains the rats." I sat myself back down and grabbed my cup, twirling the remaining fluid in ponder. "At least you're not performing [Corporeal Noumancy] on yourself, but for that same reason, the rats must be useless. Their Life Vibrancy Level, too low. But I get the joke, stupid, silly Omega Force death cult wants us to transcend to [the Shapeless], so you go head and create a forever shape. Yeah, I see why I like you brother—Always a comedian," I said.

"Noddy, I'm leaving tonight," said Junius.

I was sceptical, and obviously still pained. The thoughts swirling in my head consisted of two things, why and how? At that time, Junius was next in line to become the head sovereign, he was too young, so our step-mother pleaded to the rest of the family to wait until he at least turned fifteen, we were twelve at the period of our father's passing.

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I shook my head. "Mom owns the Union of the House of Allfather now. Although she's our step mother she cares for us as though we were her own sons, after what's happened to our Dad, do you think she'll let us leave? And what about resources? I guess you have that Space-calling Void Storage sigil on your forearm to store some non-corporeal things with less Graviton than you. But sparing change to Zophiel to have her let us go. Not going to happen. We're not leaving here without either of them knowing," I outed my scepticism.

"Don't worry, I have a safe destination for us to go to," said Junius.

"Where?" I asked.

Junius assured himself, palming the back of his neck with his left hand. "In a town, which is nearby, a former Noumenon lives there with his wife and daughter. He is a close friend of our father. His daughter is a [Star Student], and his wife is our father's sister," he said.

"Uncle Greymark and Auntie Songya's?" I asked.

"Yes, I plan to ask them to train us in the ways of [Noumancy], at least to where we can pass the Noumenon exam. Of course, it won't be in this sphere where we do the exam, but [Terra]. Out of all [Equalsfolk Consurge], they're the most progression hungry. At Terra Academy, we'll make a couple of connections. It's also within the Terra sphere that I believe lies the Druid of the Omega Force. I've slimmed it down to two alumni of Talehart School of Jun-yun-du," said Junius.

I clasped my fingers convinced. But if I could go back in time, I would have stopped us. "But where that destination leads… I see it now. The 'sigil of immortality' against the Omega Force. The adventure must start somewhere," I said.

We left at sunrise, expecting no one to have woken up yet, we easily snuck out to the yard, but a presence overwhelmed us both—The winged Noumenon and protector of the House of Allfather, as its Sabre, the one known as—"Zophiel." I stunned.

Zophiel towered over us. She had a Null-calling sigil around her neck like a collar, though it was mostly veiled with her long golden hair, her stature, and her wings. "Sky-calling: [Sky Gate]." The air warped behind us. As if collapsing on itself, revealing an assured destination beyond the warp like a reflective mirror. "That is the way to your sleeping quarters Master Junius," said Zophiel.

Junius clumsily smiled with a thumbs up. "Ah, Zophy! It's nice to see you. Your feathers are looking as angelic as ever. Before things get out of hand, how about you and I make a deal?" Junius suggested.

Zophiel's hand reached for Junius. "I already lost my friend. I will not take the bonus of losing the next in line to be the head of the House of Allfather," her mere palm was the size of his torso.

A comparatively tinier baby-like hand touched Zophiel's to stop. Puzzled, Junius and I look to who was to our right.

It was our step-mother. "Pellona," we said in unison.

Pellona Noah-Allfather, a former villainous herself, the person we've considered to be our mother for the longest, she looked both creepy and serene with her long void coloured hair which wrapped around her feminine sculpture—and her void eyes which gazed into—an endless void of experience.

"Zophiel, let them go," said Pellona.

"But my Lady—" The Null-calling around Zophiel's neck shined black. "As you wish," said Zophiel. Pellona attracted the sigils properties without touch but her mere Graviton. Zophiel kneeled, allowing passage past her, but as Junius took his first step, he stopped himself.

"Thank you, Mom," said Junius.

"You called me, mom?" said Pellona. Most of the time we called her by name. Since our father made his idea of his first wife and the woman who birthed Junius and I, Yumiegloria, well known to us.

But we did love Pellona as our mother. Jumping to reach her, I gave Pellona a kiss on the cheek. With her face turning beat red—she passed out.

"Alright let's go," I said, Junius nodded.

By noon, Junius and I arrived at the near town of Wodan, named after one of our forefathers.

"That cloak. What's a sovereign doing here?" Similarly, the townsfolk quizzed each other, trying to find out more. Both of us walked to the open plaza.

"Hello everyone, I am a child of the House of Allfather. It's nice to meet you all," Junius made his presence known. The townsfolk looked at each other.

"Does that mean? Are you perhaps the child of the Noumenon that saved us?" a woman asked, clinging to their child.

Junius continued. "Yes, my father is Gradus Allfather. I make my presence with you today to learn of your worries. Regarding anyone warped with their LVL at minus, [Minusfolk]. Have those occurrences affected you at all since the incident? Your town seems small. I haven't seen a Noumenon citadel. Who keeps you safe?" Junius asked, his intention to weed out Uncle Greymark and Auntie Songya.

"Well, we had someone. Her name was Scilla Freya," the townsfolk replied.

"Wait a second, Noddy?" one wondered. I was looked at from head to toe, then I assume in his mind, the image of a much smaller person appeared. He calculated the increase in size and the appearance changes that could have occurred. "Guys, that's little Noddy," he declared.

"Noddy's here?" Despite the man's tremendous size, he made little noise, and it took a while for even his own people to acknowledge him. He had coffee-coloured locks and a well-kept beard.

"Mr Greymark," said the townsfolk. "Noddy's came back to us."

"That is Noddy," the man known as Greymark bent his head forward to get a better look at us. "And you must be little Junius, you've decided to leave your room for once." With a smile. "It's good to have you back, in perfect time for the festival!" said Greymark.

"Festival?" Junius and I asked in unison.

"Yes, a festival to commemorate my friend, your father, and his sacrifice. You have both grown into fine boys. How about you two come over? Your Aunt's preparing lunch," Greymark offered.

"Auntie Songya—Junio, her cooking is so good," I drooled. Junius pinched my thigh. "I mean. If it's not a bother," I said.


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