Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 3: 3. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (2)

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3. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (2)

"Who are you kidding? Our house is your house." Invited to Uncle Greymark's residence—the home surrounded by large green pasture, inside and outside, the neo-medieval architecture, aesthetic and effective.

"Dad, who are these clowns?" Greymark's shorter daughter happily announced with her fists by her waist. Noticing our incoming in the yard.

"Greysong, be nice, and don't you recognise Noddy?" Greymark asked.

"Noddy? Oh, yuck. What happened to your hair?" Greysong asked. Bearing coffee coloured hair as well although lighter as if milk was added, she also had Uncle Greymark's deep green eyes.

Opening the door. "Honey, you're back." Auntie Songya had burgundy hair and azure eyes like to our Grandpa. A burgundy apron, the spatula on her hand dropped as she ran to the both of us. Her hug offered comfort for us and herself.

"I'm sorry," said Songya.

"Ouch, Auntie you're hugging us too tight," I said. She softened her arms around us.

"That's right," she nodded to herself. "You’re his legacy, as long as you boys are here, he's still here." Songya sniffed.

"Aunt Songya, our mother let us come here, is it possible for Junius and I to be trained by the both of you in the ways of Noumancy?" Junius asked.

Inhaling the biggest sniff, the prevention of further tears, both shouted. "It'd be an honour."

"Dad, Mom, stop being weird," said Greysong with a repulsed face. Met outside at the yard. The sun's noon continued to beam.

"Have you two ever performed Corporeal Noumancy before?" Songya asked.

Both of us shook our heads.

"Good." Auntie Songya elaborated. "Corporeal Noumancy is incredibly taxing, especially for us [Equalsfolk]," she extended her arm, on her forearm a Light-calling sigil. "Light Array," she called. From the rays of light emitted—the forming of a sacred geometric shape. "As you two know, this is Metatron's Cube. It's separates us from the unmoved mover, the first nous—the Shapeless," said Songya. The Light Array changed to what she furthered in her discussion. "Metatron's Cube contains every shape that exists in the cosmos, they're known as Platonic solids. Three-dimensional shapes surged from Metatron's Cube appear throughout creation—everything from crystals to our ancestral human DNA, those shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter and thus weight, or what we refer to as [Graviton]. It's one of the [Aeon Noema] the [Digital Decadence] algorithm found, with the first being, [the Shapeless World], second [the Barbelo's Womb], third [the Autogenes Logos], and lastly [Metatron's Cube]. Each Aeon Noema has a purpose within our cosmological system. The unmoved mover moves within itself, and in distinction of itself between what it is and isn't."

Junius mumbled to himself. "Creates duality."

"Correct," Songya approved with a thumbs up. "With this polarity surging Barbelo's Womb, birthing the 'Platonic soul', Autogenes Logos—the essence of individuality. This essence is, of course, incorporeal, and so Logos—the word that already is and always was—consequently hearing itself through the representation of itself, that birthed from itself, Metatron is the 'voice' and hearkens the 'Calling', giving weight and presence to the word—its own spheres of thought. The split perfect being conceiving within itself lower and lower emanations, 'Moved Movers' through the celestial spheres. As shown within Metatron's Cube's Sacred Circles, each circle encapsulates an aspect of our reality," said Songya.

Auntie Songya continued. "With everything within the inner circles surrounding [Void-calling] being a Second-tier Calling, higher in emanation. These Callings comprise: [Yin-calling], [Space-calling], [Null-calling], [Yang-calling], [Sky-calling] and [Life-calling]. Everything in the outer circles is a First-tier Calling, so [Individualistic-calling], [Light-calling], [Power-calling], [Earth-calling], [Wind-calling e Sound-calling] and [Water-calling]. The capability to warp and attract these circles to our gravitation—quantified through the Surgem of one's Graviton determining how high it can emanate in surge and action potential for Calling. Calculated through Color Grades enumerating vibrancy, decided by the [Collective Noosphere]. Thanks to our ancestors, the Homo sapiens doing the hard work by warping their own epigenome to have more weight over things. Just as their 'nous' allowed them to turn oceans into tap water, Noumancy has us attracting aspects of reality by our mere corporeality. Making the average Continuus sapiens Surgem of Graviton [1]," said Songya. "Light Array," she sounded once again. Yellow-white light emitted from the mark displaying mystical rays of letters and numbers, which gradually structured in front of us.

Name: Songya Kresnik

Education: Avant Guard Noumenon Institute (Grades 1-5)

Guild Affiliation: Avant Guard [Former]

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Green] = 8

Intelligence [Yellow] = 4

Agility [Green] = 8

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Yellow] = 4

Life Vibrancy Level


= 28

28 = 0.28 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.28

Warning: Former sovereign child of the House of Allfather

"This is Surgem. You'll get it once you join a guild," said Songya.

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In reminiscence. "Scilla said it quantifies progress automatically—by the Collective Noosphere," I said.

Junius added. "And with the average of 1, Equalsfolk can attract First-tier Callings with their own bodies without the need of Graviton Expanding Modules and sigils but it's still risky, and most Plusfolk can attract Second-tier Callings, though again with risk," said Junius.

"That's true," said Greymark, approaching, he spoke with Greysong on top of him, nabbing on his beard. "Plusfolk have additive features and organs that essentially function as GEMs and even make their LVL additive," he said.

I thought back to Zophiel and her wings. "Right, Miss Zophy is a Skyfolk, a classification of the Plusfolk and can use a Second-tier Calling like Sky-calling with ease."

Unbothered by his daughter's play, Uncle Greymark continued. "Though even with those limits, boys, your father reached beyond a Surgem Graviton of [2] as an Equalsfolk without additives, proving to us that the lower average for our [Thunderland sphere] isn't low because of predetermined features, but because those who get past [1] actively desire self-improvement and increase of their Color Grades in further education and other development institutions or guilds. Comfort keeps the common Consurge away from that, so too the reliance on Noumenon and fear of being warped."

Junius looked down. "But the Omega Force still conquered our father." Frustrated, he clenched his fists tightly.

"Junio," I said, a palm to his fist, Junius' fingers bloomed in easing.

Sorrowed, Auntie Songya looked uncertain with what she wanted to say, twirling her toes on the grass. "Unfortunately, your father and us, as well as other Noumenon of the Avant-Guard, have hypothesised that the Omega Force has access to even higher emanated Third-tier callings: [Void-calling], [YinYang-calling] and [Soul-calling]. Callings that at one point were Sacred Circles thought to only be trace characteristics to the Shapeless—higher in emanation to other Aeon Noema, incapable of attraction between us who are Shape. Soul-calling surged with the Autogenes Logos, YinYang-calling with the Barbelo's Womb, and Void-calling with the nondual source, the Shapeless World. But knowing the Omega Force's motives, and their tainted desire for all Consurge to accelerate our Noumancy and warp ourselves in surge to the Shapeless. It is more than likely true." Her foot stopped.

Junius clasped his lower face with his left hand. "I think starting from the ground up will be too slow for us," he said.

Songya crossed her arms. "My concern is that you end up being too eager. If you're anything like your father, you might end up risking it all. I don't want history to repeat itself. We too have a responsibility here. You're my nephews—Caution is obviously going to be my priority," she said.

"Honey, if the boys are up to it, let them. Whatever consequence comes, they will understand that it's their responsibility," said Greymark.

Here I made the mistake of surfing the convincing wave of Uncle Greymark, and added. "Ever since hearing what happened to my father and Scilla, I don't want to lose anyone else. I want to be strong enough to protect those around me. I know it sounds cliché. But if this helplessness continues. I won't be able to live with myself," I said.

"Okay-okay," Songya shook her hands frustrated I got her. "You got me, but I will be the GEM for the both of you to start. This will get you used to the surge coming from your own bodies rather than a sigil. Because you'll be attracting the properties yourself, if your Graviton can't outweigh the call, two things can happen. The Action Potential behind the call is weak and essentially nothing happens, or the worst, a warping occurs to accommodate leading your LVL to minus and your become Minusfolk." I gulped hearing what Auntie Songya said as she went behind to guide my hand. "Raise your hand I'll do the calling for you. Wind-calling: [Air Ball]," she sounded.

I felt an unnatural circular weight on my palm. This feeling of complete and total distortion—A ball of wind that shouldn't be at the palm of my hand was present. "Shoot," said Songya. The ball hurled at super-fast speeds across the yard before evaporating into nothing.

"That. That felt amazing," I said. The weight was still on my hand.

"Resonance is reason," said Junius, uttering the classic Consurge motto. He ripped a part of his spray-on clothing bottoms, the temperature regulation erased from that part of his thigh. "I remember Scilla saying that if I ever needed to perform Corporeal Noumancy, that I should visualise vectors bending and contracting towards my attraction." Junius extended his hand. "If the Sacred Circle I try to attract is already present and tangible to my corporeal, there's less of a chance it will have to accommodate through further warping." Unexpectedly, the surrounding wind warped within his palm and the sweat coming out of Junius' thigh shaped into a ball of water. "Water-calling: [Water Ball]." Turning to his side, Junius jerked his hand forward. The ball of water. No. Sweat. Didn't have to travel much. Splash. Junius slightly stuck out his tongue in additional baiting.

Feeling the weight of the attraction on my hand, discerning the desire to duplicate Songya's demonstration. Although spray-on clothing is dirtying-proof and waterproof—what I was annoyed by was the intention. "Wind-calling: Air Ball." With a thrust of my hand, the ball of air hit Junius' body.

"Waving air at me? Was that supposed to do something, my dearest brother?" said Junius, as he puckered his lips.

Auntie Songya sighed in relief. "Good, both of you are quick learners. That's to be expected by who your father and mother are, but let's not get a head of ourselves," said Songya.

As I watched Junius, his face in sudden utter shock. "How is she—" he voiced. I tracked my eyes to what Junius gawked at.

"Hello mother, father and sister." A foreign voice. Greysong—who was on top of her Dad, quickly noticed.

"Hey sis!" Greysong waved.

From the angle which I looked up at, all I saw were Tudor high heels shoes with floating vibrant espresso hair atop. "It's her," I said, confirming to Junius that this was our Star Student cousin, Markya Kresnik.

Days passed by quickly—and with Markya, our understanding of Corporeal Noumancy increased. Like the Consurge saying: 'Resonance is reason.' Markya's presence sped up my and Junius' progress and unfortunate understanding of Corporeal Noumancy. With Uncle Greymark, and Auntie Songya mostly out for festival preparation—the ['Gradus ad torneamentum'] homage to his friend, homage to her brother near in its actualisation. Arrived at the Kresnik's, the morning training started. The aroma of the grassland and the brightness continued to be pleasing for us, and the mild humidity recalled the endless summer. Done sparring with Markya, all three of us laid on the yard's beaming green pasture.

Greysong walked to us, turning her head back and forth between each of us, stopping she said. "Between you two," she pointed. "Who do you think is going to win the Gradus ad torneamentum and become the first [Gradus ascendentis]?" Greysong asked.

I noticed Greysong only pointed to Junius and Markya. "I'm not an option?" I pointed to myself.

As Markya stretched. "Gradus ascendentis," she muttered, crossing her arms. "Uncle's name means 'degree or steps towards something'. Winning would give me the title of 'degree of ascendance'. It has a nice ring to it. You're not winning this tournament, Junius Allfather," she said.

Junius palmed the back of his neck reliving tension. "The win rate of our sparring became sixty-forty today. Sixty in your favour still—of course, though it will be fifty-fifty once Gradus ad torneamentum is over," Junius declared.

"You know what?" I triumphantly pointed to myself with my thumb. "Fuck the both of you. I'm winning."

Greysong taunted. "Noddy, don't you know pointing at yourself like that is an ancient bad sign, manifesting the certainty that you'll definitely lose?" Greysong poked my belly.

"You little rascal. You need to stop giving me shit." I began my hunt with my fingers in a tickling motion.

"Please, no! Don't tickle me!" Greysong fled in minimal effort.

"I'm placing my bets on Nodin," said Junius.

"I don't know. My sister's tickle game is strong," said Markya. However, seeing the chase wouldn't end, both joined in, and at that point. It was over.


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