Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 20: 20. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (3)

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20. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (3)

As I laid down on Scordi's home's bed. I didn't know that the easiest way to get it done was to have a trustworthy female friend that would recommend you to her friends. By now I must have done it with at least twenty of her co-workers. But doing it with Scordi felt different, less of a task and more of a giving.

Scordi breathed deeply getting herself up, turning back on her spray-on. "You want anything else from the fridge?" she asked.

"I'll have a beer, thank you." I said.

Digging inside, Scordi said. "I remember when we were kids, I used to give you lots of gripes about being a sovereign, but with what you've told, it's not as easy is it."

"Yeah," I said.

"I have a lot of Union from being a teacher, a lot of it saved." Scordi offered the beer. "How about you and I start a new pioneering family? One free of the curse of the Talehart?"

("I said it to you Noddy, she's the one!") Grandpa Wodan exclaimed.

("She's certainly smart,") said Menos.

("I suggest you be cautious, it seems she has a cunning similar to my wife,") said Warren.

I answered my forefather via Sound-calling. ("What do you mean?")

("The idea of nullsman came from your great-great grandmother. That is what I mean,") said Warren.

Scordi chucked the beer, I caught it. "What do you say Noddy?"

"I've got nothing else going on. Plus, I need to regain my power and challenge Rubi again. But what about your teaching?" I asked, cracking the beer open.

"I'll become a temp if we ever genuinely struggle, but for now that gig is off," said Scordi, lying down. "The adventures of Scordi and Nodin. Here to bring a new Noogenesis the Consurge race. You and I will be unstoppable together. My brains and your lames, birthing a new a lane, a new path," her moon eyes light up the once bleak night I was experiencing.

"It's up again," I said.

"I'm ready for round three if you are," said Scordi.

In the morning I woke up to breakfast.

"Terra is different from Thunderland, they're cautious of warping. So their techne is a little dated besides what we have in the academy, but it let's us be slower with our thoughts," she said.

"The adventures of Scordi and Nodin. Hmm," I enjoyed the food. The mischievous face of Scordi Freya did not go away.

"How are you doing these days?" I asked.

"Oh my Surgem? It's basically the same, Light Array," Scordi presented.

Name: Scordi Freya

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-10)

Guild Affiliation: Terra Tutor Guild (Former)

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Yellow] = 4

Intelligence [LBlue] = 12

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Green] = 8

Life Vibrancy Level


= 32

32 = 0.32 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.32

Warning: Has access to Individualistic-calling

Warning: Noumenon Tutor

"Though it seems my endurance went up," she said.

"Yeah. You are a warrior," I said.

As I ate. Warren spoke. ("Your coasting too much Nodin, your sister is surely growing in power, you must make her submit.")

("Hey that's my granddaughter your speaking about,") said Wodan.

("She's our granddaughter too, but for once I believe Warren is right,") said Lunes.

("I say Nodin takes his time, and prepares,") said Menos.

("But if all he does is think and fuck, everything a man needs is being ticked off the list, he will not be able to strategize,") said Crete.

("I'm going to have to agree with the old men, think and fuck is my task, that's how all of you are born,") said Alberto.

Even Wodan, my grandfather, didn’t stick up for me on that one.

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Evening came, I watched the lively outside, careful not to wake Scordi. I considered the most rational course of action I could adopt. Having too many of my old men talk to me at once was exhausting because of the issue with my LVL. They only cry out to me because I'm crying out to myself.

("You sure live in a convenient era.") Alberto's voice spoke.

For the first time I heard Menos' tone sound something other than cold. ("Yes, convenient because of me.") He scoffed.

("Dealing with the faults of that—because of you wasn't so convenient,") said Crete.

("Though from what Nodin's told Scordi, my grandson Junius took that convenience into his hands with both his Individualistic-calling and the people around him,") said Wodan.

I understood that course, but besides rekindling with Scordi—I would require doing the same with the others, the pity Surgem wouldn't work with all of them, and it was something I genuinely could not be arsed to do.

"Light Array," I called, and looked at the map of the Terra sphere. I saw why it was called Terra, it was mostly just earth. Most of the continents were bundled up in one area. Besides Sandnath what ever Volos had been cooking this past decade was best. As soon as Scordi would wake, I'd tell her where we should go next, I'm sure that was her plan anyway.

For once I felt weirdly relaxed.

That's right—this was nothing new, all I had to do was strategize just as Junius did, beginning with the re-surge of my vibrancy. Of course, I would be at a disadvantage, the things that surged me before have already been experienced—a Consurge's nous is like a black hole, it won't satiate unless there is new revelation to suck up. New progress for higher vibrancy. The slow exploration Scordi thought about was right—though I'd be in a deadline with whatever my sister is planning, or maybe has already achieved. Regardless, I needed to experience a knew path to power in order to beat her, and Reckless.

…And Scordi, looking at her sound a sleep, I wouldn't let myself make the same mistake of letting someone I love go through such a struggle… should I leave? I couldn't avoid some bloodshed. The other options was to completely run away—with Scordi.

What if she had some sort of shield, I could increase my knowledge in Water-calling and Life-calling, it then clicked, things moved so fast with Junius that we didn't even complete or pass the Noumenon exam, if I wanted to become a Noumenon-Nomad to adventure and figure out a new way to increase my vibrancy that way I'd need education, as tutor—Scordi could be my 'private tutor' and I would be able to acquire the certifications that way. For now, I needed Scordi… and according to Grandpa Wodan. [("I said it to you Noddy, she's the one!") Grandpa Wodan exclaimed.] For the long run as well.

There's certain people we need in life, people we can't let go of, but as long as Scordi was with me she'd be in danger. But would Rubicon go that far? Reckless has Life-calling: Trace surged to it, the more understanding Rubicon obtains with it's boundless mechanisms the quicker the deadline shortens. A bit of a pickle—truly.

Old man Warren sounded. ("Scordi possesses an Individualistic-calling, Nodin what does it do?")

I would have to ask her about it for more depth. I had seen her used it before in our disastrous raid to Volos' Lab, and in saving me more than once—['If I didn't use my Individualistic-calling Numen Power to etch my life vibrancy to you, you would've died.'] Being around Scordi I would have the opportunity to be a little less cautious with her Numen Power. I could always try to experience a Techne Noosphere again, though that would require resources I don't have, perhaps back in Terra Academy I would've been able to cook something but—maybe it's pride, but I don't feel as though I would experience anything new.

Then an epiphany, Scilla's voice surged in my reminiscence. ['Aeon Noema, it essentially means 'ever lasting mental object'. But, just as there are mental objects that go on forever—no matter what timeline, no matter what place—to act as the surges of reality by the prime movers and the unmoved mover—the Shapeless. There's also techne that moves for aeons.']

Surging to Crete I asked. ("Old man Crete, during the war, was there any powerful techne that were created?")

Crete sounded happy that I asked such a question. ("Yes! Vile motions lower vibrancy, the [Floor War] had sapped LVL among many races. The reliance of Graviton Emitting Modules became both our con and our pro in our surge.")

Crete would further his explanations. Elaborating on the [Aeon Antikeimena], or 'ever lasting objects.' Such objects include the [Point Cores]. The objects can surge themselves independent of corporeal nous—I was reminded of Reckless, it can sort of increase it's outweigh through noetic form sort of like machine learning—but in context of Noumancy.

Crete continued. ("The Point Core's were created to rebuild—by the hopes and bids of higher emanated Consurge who had already transcended the conflict, similarly, the Acelerados found their sanctuary with their ascended sires of the future—timeless ones at that. The conflict by the assortment of folks of the Consurge and their Graviton interaction was also ended by the Aeon Antikeimena—each Graviton Guide of their spheres and folk hold one to prevent the spikes in higher surge and warping.")

("Like shields,") I thought.

("Of course my nephew went a head and 'pioneered' the abolishment of Graviton Guides for Thunderland,") said Lunes with a soured tone.

Grandpa Wodan grumbled.

I felt as though Lunes was right with that resentment. If there were Graviton Guides in Thunderland none of what happened in the past would've followed. The acceleration of our Graviton would've been drastically slower. Though with Uncle Zosimos passing in Earthatheneum—yet another spike, the Talehart Jun-yun-du Guild, as they don't practice traditional means and the Acelerado Realm only surged us further with no Graviton Guide or Aeon Antikeimena.

Is Rubicon conscious of this? With her Humanology studies—that involves study of Vile Vortices and what makes Consurge so different from our ancestors, I was sure she did—and perhaps for that same reason, she would stay in Thunderland a little while longer. There's no way she'd go so warped as to harm Pellona and Ninus as well as my aunties, so my heart was assured regarding that. Nonetheless I had to use my time wisely.

Crete resumed. ("Some of these GEMs have survived to present day and are kept hidden in specific places or objects. If certain conditions are met, one could acquire these. However, the Noumenon of the modern day do not have a reason to surge their LVL. There is no conflict and so I believe these objects have become rather dormant in their power.")

I supposed that's how Scordi is a colossal help. If she etched her vibrancy to these ancient MacGuffins of war—their learning and noetic surge would begin again. The path to stop the boundless force of Reckless with these immovable everlasting objects. Obviously acquiring them wouldn't be simple, as established and found ones are in the hands of Graviton Guides and at my current state I wouldn't be able to rob them. Doing something of that degree would also put [G-Force] on our arses… The relentless galactic enforcers of the Consurge race.

'They will find you, and they will end you.' Pellona would often try and scare Junius and I with that assertion when we missed behaved. I wouldn't want to make that little say come true.

The Aeon Antikeimena needed to act as 'shields' to my corporeal, specifically my vibrancy traits with SIACE and Reckless boundless surge of Life-calling Drain. My Strength, Intelligence, Agility, Charisma, Endurance.

Old man Menos chimed—as the creator of GEMs, I understood more from him.

Graviton Guide's surge their Aeon Antikeimena towards a specific Sacred Circle with which they are efficient at.

For example the Graviton Guide of Wind surges their Aeon Antikeimena towards a preventions of it's Second surge—

Sky-calling—henceforth—the Graviton Guide of Wind, the Aeon Antikeimena adapting toward a flawless surged of this point. Like the Point-Cores terraforming and warping a perfect habitat to live—by it's many surges of the Sacred Circle's—the GEM flawlessly warps and learns to fulfil its surge as long as it has the vibrancy and power to do it—the AP—Action Potential toward that cause is everlasting in it—being given mass—weight—Graviton.

Menos said. ("It's a Higgs mechanism fundamentally—a mass generation, a generation mechanism through the noetic of the users Noumancy—a Graviton surge to give weigh. Sigils function similarly, Lattice vibrations repeating pattern allows for specific vibrations to occur, called phonons. Phonons play a big role in the properties of solids, including their heat and electricity conductivity, and they also affect the way sound travels in solids. Phonons are a type of mechanical vibration that moves in a repeating pattern and can be thought of as a standing wave, where all parts of the system move in sync with each other, but with different levels of intensity. By warping in our higher corporeal vibration with the Aeon Noema, we function Aeon Antikeimena to do the same by the noetic surged.")

I thought of an example—in plainer terms. I have a sword, I surged that sword with the attraction of the Sacred Circle of Metatron's Cube—Water-calling, that sword now functions this mechanism, to quantise vibration patterns of elastic structures made up of interacting particles that I've attracted, they keep telling the sword to do the specific thing and it becomes a GEM sword. The difference with Aeon Antikeimena is that they have been told do the specific thing for such a long time that they can do it flawlessly.

In example—Point Cores have terraformed planets for aeons, and can do it with no difficulty. But I had no time to create an Aeon Antikeimena from scratch, nor the vibrancy to do that in such a way that it could combat with Reckless and the copied surges in it's noetic mechanism of replication.

So, the Aeon Antikeimena used in the Floor War is a shortcut—and as a Consurge's nous is like a black hole, it won't satiate unless there is new revelation to suck up. New progress for higher vibrancy. This new progression was it. Though the point of the Aeon Antikeimena would not be a shield for our warping of reality—or a tool of war, but my mere self. Luckily, this is possible. It was pioneered by the third sovereign family descendant of Digital Decadence—the Kresimirs, and the corporealization of the Prince of Presence to stop Maximum Entropy. Acting as a flawless everlasting homogeneity, a corporeal that in itself is Aeon Antikeimena for that purpose. Of course, Junius and I exceeded the Prince of Presence's surge as we were present in the Acelerado Realm—outside of the Space HALLs, having us warp and surge to the Shapeless World without that 'shield'.

Scordi suddenly woke and said. "You look like your in deep thought, what's up Noddy?"

I stayed silent for a couple more moments and said. "Scilla told me about the Aeon Antikeimena, your sister was incredibly knowledgeable."

"*yawn* She had a good teacher, Mr Gradus taught her everything she knew, and made the both of us more than lost orphans," said Scordi.

The fate of my father caused a deep frustration. The sadness suddenly turned to anger. "But Scilla still died, and so did my father."

Scordi took a deep breath and exhaled. "Come here." She opened up her arms for I to enter and be cuddled by her like a baby. I used the opportunity to brief Scordi on everything I had pondered. As she traced her pretty fingers across my hair. "Interesting, interesting. Hmm. It's incredibly rare to find a Aeon Antikeimena outside of a Graviton Guide's hands. Only other one I've heard of is with G-Force, it's known as [The Finder] and is the reason for why they're the best out of all other Noumenon enforcement. Doesn't matter where you are in the universe, they will find you," she said.

"Scary," I said.

"Don't worry Noddy, you'd have to cause a [planetary devastation] and be [a World Class threat] for them to get involved. Which is why I reason Rubicon will be cautious with Reckless. We'll have enough time to figure things out," she said.

Scordi's incredibly reassuring.

"I need you in my life Scor. It's the only way I will make genuine strides," I said.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." With a reassuring kiss to my forehead, I sworn that no matter what happened, Scordi had to make it out alive from all this.

With that affirmation I rested soundly. I had no room to look back and think about the past—instead, I used the break of sleep to talk with my old men.


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