Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 21: 21. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (4)

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21. Noosfera: World of Comfort—End: Continue (4)

Surging my Numen Power, my nous coursed to what I will be denoting as the 'roundtable'.

("Forefathers, is there any Aeon Antikeimena out there that isn't already in someone's hands?")

They pondered for awhile, Crete broke the silence. ("I think it's been too long for any of us to say anything for certain Nodin,") said Crete.

Alberto added. ("Old man Wodan, you’re the closest to Nodin's era, any ideas?")

Grandpa Wodan looked hesitant as he answered. ("The Unknown Blues of Perpetual Thunder.")

I remembered words from Auntie Songya. ["I once was the same desiring to cross the 'Unknown Blues of Perpetual Thunder' with her father, wanting my known world to become unknown. Negligent that my known world still had room for development. Her father found this with yours and that ended his recklessness. I hope Markya can do the same."]

As Scordi and I ate breakfast I explained to her. "The Unknown Blues of Perpetual Thunder. Way back Volos had explained that it was a cause of the Point Core fragment the House of Allfather used to terraform the Thunderland sphere, but according to uh—" I hadn't explained to Scordi about my Numen Power yet.

"What's up?" she asked numbing on the bread.

"I haven't told you yet but I have an Individualistic-calling that's currently allowing me to converse with my forefathers. Just think of them as a search engine or Wikipedia page," I said.

"Cool," she said. I thought Scordi would have more to say but she was nonchalant with it. "So what are they saying?" she asked.

"My Grandpa has explained his ventures out to the Unknown Blues—he said that there's an island he wasn't unable to reach but there I should find an Aeon Antikeimena powerful enough to combat Reckless," I said.

Scordi took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay Noddy, let's actually break this down. You want us to use the majority of our funds to utilise a GEM channel to go to Thunderland, where your sister more than likely is—the same sister that's already almost killed you, and with your weft and weakened vibrancy to a restricted area we're likely only Noumenon-nomads with certification from a guild go to get themselves killed?" Scordi came at me with what she told.

There was a deeper reason behind it though.

Scordi's an orphan. Her parents were Noumenon-nomads who desired glory—and saw the conquering of the Unknown Blue as chance for that glory. They never came back alive, leaving Scilla to take care of herself and her. Suddenly, the man who she's with is asking her to essentially do the same—in far less favourable circumstances. I was surprised she didn't get more annoyed and reasoned with my inadequate assertion.

"Right, my bad," I said.

"Sometimes short cuts make long delays, Noddy, you are not getting rid of me so easily, we're going to be doing this for a very long time," Scordi roguishly smiled.

"But I don't have that time, whatever Rubicon is developing—needs to be stopped," I said.

"What exactly is she developing?" Scordi asked.

[Rubicon: 'Now I hold Unodotodo's power. But don’t worry, I'm a nurturing mother. One who's womb takes care of her little children endlessly, instead of this unloving father we call the Shapeless. That will be what I pioneer, brother, an end to all Thanatophobia.']

I didn't know. But with Reckless, I knew Rubicon would be reckless with her desire.

"Nodin, why do you think people fantasise?" Scordi asked.

"To escape there concurrent reality?" I said.

"Exactly," pointing the piece of bread she held. "The reality of your situation Noddy is that you are royally fucked, and fantasising about a quick solution—isn't going to happen. This is going to be long and tedious and by the end of it all you will look back saying—I did it."

Truer words hadn't been spoken. "Your intuition is that of the feminine principle of the universe itself Scordi," I said. I spent more than a decade doing absolutely nothing, I was becoming impatient for any reason to have agency and zealous.

But these were the steps I had to take—the arcs I had to follow before reaching my destination.

"What we need to do is create an army—of beautiful girls and beautiful men, with courageous hearts—to do that we'll have to climb the ladder, step by step," said Scordi. I understood her intensions.

I closed my eyes to surge to the roundtable.

Warren was the first to speak. ("There is another option Nodin.")

("What is it?") I asked.

The eyes of my old men darkened.

("You are our future, so it's only right,") said Lunes.

Crete elaborated. ("According to Menos, we are Aeon Antikeimena within your Allfather DNA because of your Talehart epigenetics from your mother's Individualistic-calling. Until you've recovered, use your blood memory—us, to surge yourself back to your once power. No matter what sacrifice lies a head.")

Menos added. ("I'm certain my speculation is correct.")

It felt incredibly convenient but my birth mother's Individualistic-calling and my ancient matriarch Maria-Gloria bid the same. ("Is there no consequence for this?") I asked.

Grandpa Wodan gave a relaxed smile. ("No.")

At noon we decided to move out of Sandnath by GEM carriage to a place more available—towards the Noumenon-nomad path.

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Its outer look was appropriate and as lavish as Sandnath, it look like I place I would have expected Volos to build. [Volos City], a complete contrasts to Sandnath, the place was filled with GEMs and GOLEM of all sorts of generations—a city made of light marble outside and inside. The shops were filled with Fifth-Generation GOLEMs dressed as maids, definitely a kink of his, it looked like the perfect city for a holiday with the opportunities for exploration.

"Thank you for accompanying me this far, Scordi." I said.

"I know you've been ready to speed things up, but you know where that's got you already," she said.

"Your right," I said, we arrived at [Volos' GEMs Guild].

It was well maintained and lit lavishly.

The clerk GOLEM, a cute brunette robot lady behind the counter affably welcomed us. You can differ GOLEM people by the gem's on their forehead and commonly unchanging mood. Its hard to be mean to them as well, as they look completely unemotionally invested with what you have to say. Though people still break objects in anger.

"We're looking for GEM weapons," I asked. Then at the corner of the store a saw it, three kids miring figurines of my brother.

"The Aurora Consurge state is so cool, I hope I can achieve it one day!" the boy said to his friends.

My breathing accelerated.

I began to hyperventilate.

"Let's come another time, Scor," I said. Was it envy? I struggled to understand my emotions.

Scordi ended up selecting the weapon, I couldn't get it anyway as I had no license to show by education or warned roles. The Noumenon-Nomad, essentially the route Scordi and I were taking—often carry weapons with them. The guild is in charge of it, they say supposedly helps a decrease the crime around small cities. It would give purpose to our meaningless travel and hopefully stop my old men for nagging so much. It's a pleasant strategy, a good way to increase my vibrancy bit by bit again helping out others and finding opportunities for fray.

Scordi asked the cute robot lady, "Where can we go to find the citadel?"

The cute robot lady pointed upward. "It's upstairs." The Noumenon-Nomad' guild was readily identified on a huge sign outside the building—Volos' GEMs but it didn’t click for me, which included a shop-like section on the first floor that was supported by pillars. Merchants as well as GEM carts and Noumenon-Nomad came and left. There, shoppers included traders, Noumenon-Nomads, and others who appeared to be citizens.

"Noddy, this is where commerce takes place. Noumenon-Nomad may trade in anything using the first level, therefore I assume this is how Volos obtains his resources," Scordi looked on.

"Better than what he was doing before," I said.

"Defo," she said. The reception desk was located on the second level of the Noumenon's guild, and its counter was very large. Noumenon-Nomads were handled by a line of five employees sat on the counter's side. "There sure are a lot."

There were a lot of ladies working here, Volos understood how to get clients.

"You eyeing some of the ladies here?" Scordi asked.

"No," I said.

"Like the tutors at Terra, they wouldn’t be capable of handling you. Only I can," said Scordi, wrapping her arm around mine.

("Go to that one, I feel a powerful presence from her,") Warren pointed to a particular assistant.

I liked having Scordi cling to my arm, her weight and warmth. "Noddy, you’re up next," she alerted.

The girl gave a beaming face. "Hello!"

"I’d like to register myself and the madam," I said.

"Light Array," the Light Array information projected like a computer set up—scanning. "You don’t have a Surgem," she said, beginning to look worried.

Someone behind uttered. "Why doesn't Volos just have the GOLEM working up here as well? These people are slow."

I mean mugged the bystander behind me.

"You'll have to take an exam," the assistant said quivering.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Camila," she said.

This was the first time I ever used my status to get by. "Do you know who I am?" I asked. Trying to use my status to skip the part of having to be schooled.

Camila checked the Light Array of information again. "Nodin Talehart?"

With that—I got confirmation that I was no longer a part of the House of Allfather.

Rubicon had progressed and succeeded the throne.


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