Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 25: 25. Noosfera: Twist of Fate—Twirls without End (1)

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25. Noosfera: Twist of Fate—Twirls without End (1)

The visions and insights of yours truly had been limited for over a week. I was placed in a vicinity of only shadow. I couldn't see, I couldn't taste, and at some point I lost the ability to feel. Though before that happened I made an effort to surge Noumancy and ki to get out of this place, but it was futile. The more I did, the more drained I felt, even with the desire to hear and have my old men keep company, they too were silent. I was prompted to recall my experience of the Warped World Techne Noosphere, only this time. There wasn't anyone I was going to be saved by.

The process was calming though, I believe I came to a new revelation. Perhaps a sympathetic feeling towards my mother's and ancient matriarch's yearning. The intentions of the Omega Force. Firstly, Volos, he was edified with those beliefs warping and twisting with his own inversion principle, that the worst destination is the solution to all current complications, and to many that destination would be a world without shape. A Shapeless World. The Druid continuing with this effort—he was never defeated. The Acelerado King, looking at his own forefathers with the Time Take Acelerado, and prior wars they've had with the Consurge race with the Huldufolk, approved of the Omega Force—An enlightenment for the Consurge to put an end to their warping and accept their destination just as his forefathers did, his fate unknown—probably a caterpillar in some other Floor. The Familiar, Unodotodo, the Higgs field to all nous capable of warping, in realisation of the endless noise it would have to hear, even with the brought upon unification of self and individuality, a combat between the warped Autogenes Logos, and the warped Barbelo's Womb of endless continuity which made that noise he loathed so much. The witch, my mother, Yumiegloria Talehart, too taught the ways of how she should trust, an ancient servitor that carried through my mother's side of the family. With my brother's ascension to the Shapeless World, I pondered what became of that crystal that sealed the Antisophia Working.

…And Rubicon's sudden change. The clearest theory is that both events are connected. But why would the views be so dissimilar?

Nonetheless this circumstance that fell into my lap, Camila—her destiny and my own seemed to be intertwined. With the Black CG. A unbound Color Grade with no constrictions of quantification, but was there a clear reason for this?

Gualter had theorised. ['Right, it's also the only Color Grade that can go beyond its value within the Collective Noosphere. The [Prince of Presence], Graviton Guide of Metatron's Cube, is your cap, perhaps he has grown in power, or you have surpassed him, fluctuating the surge of the calculation for you both.'] he said something along those lines.

The 'Prince of Presence' and the hierarchy of the Consurge race is something that besides some lore regarding Digital Decadence, I knew little of. But progressively, by the fact that I was kept alive, I knew it had something to do with that and Camila, Daughter of Minus, and by her Surgem an entirely different name—Maristela Mata.

My world was twisted again.

I thought I knew it all, but it was only a spec of the Continuus sapiens.

Such is our twisted fate of continuity without end.

It was completely unexpected—A slight but burning sunlit out of how long I had stayed in the dark. I was looked down on by two silhouetted figures. One dressed in a luxurious fashion—beside him a petite figure of a child immediately came into view. Eyes glittering brightly. "Is that him? Is that him? Is that him?"

"Calm down, Alice, that is him. It's been a while, Nodin."

"Volos," I said.

The girl beside him 'Alice', her innocent smile glowed, behind both of them within a hallway, there dozens of scattered knocked out or straight up dead corpses, they wore militant white uniforms—similar to Bruno and Netuno, however with black and white kite-shape masks that covered their entire skull. Volos patted the child on the head as a malicious smile spread across his face. "You've been held up in this prison quiet a while, I'm sure they weren't entirely sure of what to do with you."

I got up and shielded my self covering my eyes of the light. I looked behind where I once was, alike to it—several black fortified doors. Mine was the only one open. The pattern of the floor an odd spatial marble, the windows by the wall Volos and Alice reared had bars, and though the shown light initially a bright white, beyond the bars the sky was a light violet.

"Mind explaining?" I asked.

Volos tuckered his lips and squinted his eyes before saying. "Please?"

"Mind explaining, please Mr Volos sir?" I said.

"Much better!" Alice gave a thumbs up. She had this peculiar familiar look to her, blond, short, and her body dressed in hands of shadow.

Volos explained. "You were captured alongside the Daughter of Minus. They imprisoned you, and now I'm here to rescue you."

A gasp turned cheer. "Really me? You care about me that much Mr Volos sir?" I said.

"Now he's being annoying," said Alice.

"No, Nodin Allfather, or should I say Nodin Talehart. I couldn't care less about you. Your brother was the interesting one, I'm only here because of Greysong Kresnik," he said.

I rubbed my chin, conclusions began to form. Wind-calling," a ball formed on my palm. "Better," I said, ready to surge to my old men if Volos didn't satisfy with his answers. "What's the motive right now?" I asked.

Volos ridiculed. "Well isn't that the question of all reality?" I felt like punching him as he said that. It was a perfectly reasonable question to ask, but he had to go ahead and make it seem stupid. As if getting the message of you're not invited. "Open a Sky Gate and go home," said Volos.

There was something deeper happening that I wasn't previewed too. For over a decade I hadn't kept myself involved with the ongoing, yet I felt like being a part of it. My monomyth was supposed to have started—no longer an Allfather, my purpose was to pioneer like my forefathers, in the deepest depths I knew what I wanted to do.

The enemies were far more powerful than I expected. Bruno and Netuno. They've returned Camila to what appears to be her birthright. Likely related to her no longer being a nullsman, but it also could have been something else. Volos being here because Greysong told him to rescue was not it.

"You’re here for something else Volos," I said.

"He knows," said Alice.

I used my ki to sense the other presences, none of the knocked out masked guards were ended. With the closing of my eyes surging my Numen Power, I was within the space with my old men. ("Do you guys know where we are?") I surged by Sound-calling.

Crete crossed his arms. ("Before the war, which Menos here started. He did take some precautions.")

Menos elaborated. ("That's right, a sphere to imprison the worst criminals of Noumancy. The Menos sphere. It seems some of them may have altered and created a society of their own.")

Alberto said. ("Nodin check your Surgem.")

My Surgem should no longer be weft. "Light Array." I sounded.

Name: Nodin Talehart

Education: Not applicable

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Neutral

Color Grades

Strength [Black] = 12

Intelligence [Black] = 20

Agility [Black] = 8

Charisma [Black] = 8

Endurance [Black] = 12

Life Vibrancy Level


You are reading story Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy) at

= 60

60 = 0.60 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

LVL 40 = 2 AP

LVL 60 = 3 AP

Graviton: 3.60

Warning: Has access to Individualistic-calling

Warning: Former sovereign child of the House of Allfather

Warning: Possesses Aurorean state—Aurora Consurge Plus

I had gained the Aurora state back, and my LVL increased by 2.

"I'm going to explore for a bit," I said.

Volos stepped up in front of me, pointing his eyes on my face. "I do see you've gone through some sort of change. Nodin Talehart, how much do you know regarding the hierarchy of the Continuus sapiens?" he asked.

"Besides my own family, I know little," I said.

Volos enlightened lifting his visors. "There are the descendants of Digital Decadence founders, who systemized the Aeon Noema. Prior to this humanity was still in the process of transiting from their inherent tribalism, the view of oneself was once determined by the race for resources, then by race itself, and as individuality grew through the expansion of the first Techne Noosphere, 'the internet'—resulting in greater diversification and classification. The Aeon Noema an aspect of that—with the intension of complete transcendentalism, a harkening to prior systems of religion, not based upon societal or corporeal surge of what one is or isn't, but something higher," he said.

I understood. "But by nous, reason, mind. How far the mind can reach—and how much it can outweigh, the Aeon Noema, began with the ascension of what DNA is—surged by Metatron's Cube," I said.

"What does Aeon Noema mean?" Alice asked.

"Aeon is something that is everlasting, Noema is sort of like a 'mental object', so it means everlasting mental object," I said.

Volos excited as we talked our Consurge jargon. "Yes, no matter what time, no matter what place, the foundation of our cosmopolitical system cannot change, they are HALLs, Highest Axiom Literalizing Looping Sequences, across all forms of reality, existence, and even multiple universes, the Space Halls. Which are referred to as Floors via their Collective Noosphere timelines that are intertwined in [bid] and Higgs particles of the Point Cores to trajected the destination of each—in even higher surges of the higher emanated Consurge, by the Dragon of Revelation," said Volos.

I recollected what Junius stipulated—something similar way back when, Ninus, Rubicon and I were at a lost for words when he did.

Volos continued. "There are three sovereign families descendant of the Digital Decadence, the House of Allfather, the House of Betterman, and the House of Kresimir. The house of Kresimir came from an ancestral line of witches and black magic, and through Sex Magick, two members of the family gave birthed to a being with perfect DNA, one that would embody Metatron's Cube, that being—The Prince of Presence. He is the equivalent of a Graviton Guide—a boundary to all vibrancy that prevents warping—though not of individuals by the homogeneity of the entire Space Halls—an Aeon Antikeimena across all Noosfera… Nodin, our Floor should have ended a while ago, during a war one of your forefather experienced, but with the Corporeality of Metatron born, the Prince of Presence, he acted as a stopper to that inevitable end, but now he too has ended, within that throne is an empty seat—the tick-tock of this Floor and resurgence of entropy continues once again," said Volos.

Behind the scenes as I whaled in my despair—a cosmic war waged. One perhaps not of direct battle, but determinism for what the continuous of the Consurge would be. I deduced. "Those of Black CG, are unbound by the surge of their Graviton, so that means—"

Volos interrupted knowing I knew. "All who have Black CG are contenders for this role."

I warped smile on my face. Perhaps it was the inferiority that I had been letting outweigh, though it no longer got me. By becoming the Prince of Presence, a reach, a surge. "Why have you decided to tell me this?" I asked.

Volos chuckled. "Just now you had the same look as the witch, and you ask why? Deep down in you is a desire for an end Nodin, one that you wish to determine, if it is not taking your own life into your own hands, it’s the lives of other people. Am I wrong?"

Perhaps its something I haven't made clear as this is a record of my happenings within the current moment—and not my later actions, but just then, Volos saw through it all.

Volos enquired. "Markya has a similar yearning, though for her it is the system she wants to overcome, you on the other hand Nodin, want it to end. You see through the reasonless continuity, don’t you?"

I didn't respond—that's where he got it wrong, I let him think he was right. The motivations of a warped mind. If I cannot end what determines, then all that determines shall end—Is what he thought I thought. That's why I had let Rubicon do as she pleased, as she was ending the foundation of a system that had it be 'Allfather', but if she could be the 'All-mother' she desired, I would be a step closer to my dream—our dream. My lazing about—wasn't truly lazing, but I can't get to that yet, it will spoil the rest of the memoir—all you need to know is Volos doesn’t know anything. "Why hasn't anyone taken the seat yet?" I asked.

"Something which surpassed the stopper and allowed it to end, for someone to be in the position, they would have to reach a power that ascends that of the power which surpassed the Prince of Presence himself," said Volos.

The clear power Volos referred, consisted of three possibilities, the supposed connecting being—that Markya foresaw within the 'Flash Halls' she experienced of the Warped World—who ascended to the warped Barbelo's Womb. My brother who surged even further to the Shapeless World, or an unknown force.

Of course—Rubicon with Reckless. "I see, I'll have to put in the work," I mumbled.

Alice's index finger swayed from right to left. "Uh-uh Mr Nodin! I'm the one who is going to replace the Prince of Presence!" she exclaimed.

"You heard her Nodin Talehart," said Volos.

"How about we help each other then? You wouldn't have told me this information if you didn't believe me somewhat," I said.

"True, you are the son of one of my mentors," said Volos.

"How about it? A Neo Omega Force of sorts?" I furthered my attempt to convince.

Volos smirked. "Let's see how you do against—the forces we are going to be facing first. The Minusfolk here are born with robust bodies and some, even with skin like—Camila. Like a GEM organ—a part their bodies work similarly to plants, with photosynthetic activities comparable to plants. As long as they drink water, they can employ photosynthesis to generate starch to fulfil their physiological demands, though instead by absorbing the vibrancy around them and making minus resonate equally—they have doing this, it seems there has been a collapse however, thus—they have used and taken root with their 'Nexus' to absorb the vibrancy of a lesser sphere, " said Volos.

"Our home!" Alice shouted.

"That makes sense from what I saw of Bruno and Netuno," I said out loud.

"So you've faced them already? Which means you've seen the Mata family's Graviton entanglement ability. Your capture wasn't easy pickings," said Volos.

"I still need to be convinced!" said Alice.

By ki, I sensed the thousands of powerful auras on the Menos sphere. They must all be Menos sphere Minusfolk. Their auras are very tranquil by the balance they've created from themselves. I said, "The Menos sphere Minusfolk feels calm, and not in continuous agony like the ones born from the Vile Vortex and LVL warping. I sense a ki similar to Camila all the way north."

"Ki?" Volos pondered to himself. "Your tracing of their vibrancy? Or more accurately the energy born from that vibration—their heat. Fascinating," he said.

"I'll be right back, Volos," I said. I recalled surge to my corporeal fusing with Ellison and Elryon who are Plusfolk, and domination of Metatron's Cube with a Graviton of 3—and opened a Sky Gate to the location.


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