Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 6: 6. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (5)

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6. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (5)

Markya pointed at both Junius and I, she said. "Okay Scor, now that we're here get them a Surgem sigil."

"Not even a please?" Scordi rubbed her hair in frustration. "These are the people I have to deal with for the rest of my life," she said.

Junius' arm jolted first, then mine—feeling a burn on the upper part of my left forearm. One of Scordi's GOLEMs projected and printed the array of the sigil on my skin. Junius looked at the bottom of his forearm to make sure his Space-calling: Void Storage sigil remained fine. Sighing in relief. "What do you two know about the Omega Force?" Junius asked.

I nodded in agreement. "You two were shocked when Junio brought up Volos, is he the one who's provided you with these resources?" I asked.

Scordi crossed her arms and pinched her chin in deduction. "Oh, we were? Markya has brought you two here—so you two we can trust. You see, we believe one of the adherents of the Omega Force has an Individualistic-calling that can possess people, there's no way my sister was a part of that cult," said Scordi. Junius and I gave a look of understanding, Scordi continued, "and what we're doing right now is illicit. The Light Array Surgem sigil surged to your forearms from my GOLEM. Only guilds should have access to that," Scordi informed.

Junius nodded. "I figured with the Sky-calling GEM Markya had," said Junius, thinking of another example.

I added. "It's like we're printing money, definitely not legal."

Markya assured us. "Oh right. Noddy, Junio, that Volos guy is no longer a tutor here, you two also suspect him of being in the Omega Force. Currently what I can confirm, is that he has seen potential in Scordi which is why—like you supposed has helped her with these resources. There's nothing else beyond that," said Markya.

"I see," Junius and I said in unison. "We can figure that out in our own time," showing courtesy. "Thank you for the sigil, Scordi."

Scordi delighted. "Noddy, when Markya contacted me, she mentioned that you completed the GEM sword project that I aided you to come up with when we were children," said Scordi. At that moment I was exposed. The idea for a GEM that could replicate a sigils surged—actually came from Scordi, though I said Junius that idea as if I came up with it myself. Junius squinted his eyes piercing my hack. I dabbled my index finger on my cheek embarrassed. Scordi got up as though she didn't care and stretched with a massive yawn, although her eyes always alike to a full moon, with a closer look, they were sleep deprived and grey. "Alright, now that your with us, no point telling us off—I doubt anyone of us want to deal with those consequences. So it seems you're now with us cons Junio. It's fun to play the system, right?" Scordi asked.

"Certainly," said Junius. "Light Array." Rays of letters and numbers formed from the sigil.

Name: Junius Allfather

Education: Not applicable

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Neutral

Color Grades

Strength [Yellow] = 4

Intelligence [Green] = 8

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Orange] = 2

Endurance [Yellow] = 4

Life Vibrancy Level


= 22

22 = 0.22 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.22

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

Warning: Title holder of Gradus ascendentis of the Thunderland sphere

"Not bad bro," I said, expecting my LVL and Graviton to be higher. "Light Array."

Name: Nodin Allfather

Education: Not applicable

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Neutral

Color Grades

Strength [Green] = 8

Intelligence [Yellow] = 4

Agility [Orange] = 2

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Yellow] = 4

Life Vibrancy Level


= 22

22 = 0.22 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.22

Warning: Sovereign child of the House of Allfather

"Wow," said Scordi.

"Right?" Markya nodded. "Although your Color Grades are different—you have the same LVL and Graviton, Gemini indeed," said Markya. "Scor?" Markya requested by look alone.

"Yes Mar," said Scordi, tired. One of the GOLEM floated to us. I understood the function the GOLEMs of Scordi worked under, a superior version of the Reckless in Graviton attraction—surge replication. "Sky Gate," said Scordi.

Junius, Markya and I surged on to the other side, an ordinary school corridor, more so than the Noumancy facility we were in—though it had no spaces towards classrooms, only a single black door at the end of the hallway. Approached, Markya made contact. "Open Space."

The inside of the space—only lit by candles bundled within the rooms centre. The woman hovered above us in the air, meditating, the candle smoke coating around her, she possessed all sorts of golden jewellery, an Elvenfolk—she had sharp ears, sharp florid eyes and hair—and a sharp demeanour. The headmaster of Terra Academy and alumni of our biological mother's side of the families Talehart School of Jun-yun-du, the second suspect for who the Druid of the Omega Force may be. The headmaster left her meditation. A vibration surged—causing a slight warping to the flames and complete darkness for a second before her feet continued still, standing on the candle's flames. "Sons of Gradus and Yumiegloria, we finally meet," said the headmaster of Terra Academy.

I bowed slightly looking up at her brilliance. "Madam. My brother and I wish to join your academy," I said.

The headmaster's eyes fixated on Junius. "Light-calling: [Raysight]." I felt as she was looking through us as she said. "Junius Allfather, you have proven yourself up to the task as the Gradus ascendentis of the Thunderland sphere. The tournament that occurred is certainly something that I esteem. Trials of strength and endurance are it—for one to survive this warping world." With that my brother's acceptance into the academy was settled, she continued. "But it is not the sole factor that has got life to where it is now. So, I ask you," I was now her focus. "What is it you wish to do in the gaining of strength?" The headmaster asked. I supposed how to go about answering the question.

My answers comprised three possibilities—An answer that catered to the academy. An answer that catered to the boy she thought was before her, and an answer that catered to myself. "I wish to not die, to have enough strength so that no one else I love has to die," I said. In reminiscence, that was an ironic statement—as I wasn't able to do that to the person I love which stood right next to me since we were shaped in our mother's womb.

"A noble reason." The headmaster nodded once. "The Star Students of the academy exist as exemplars to this sphere's future. Protectors from the forces beyond the stars and our own. Junius Allfather, and Nodin Allfather, you both have the inherent potential to reach not because you are a children of sovereign, but because you surged yourselves towards this occurrence. Your continuous desire. With my expression and matter that you destined yourselves here—whether this fate leads you to a path of sorrow or a path of joy. I will not turn you back," said the headmaster. With this uphold, Junius and I looked and each other, and reasoned the headmaster not the be the Druid of the Omega Force.

Markya smacked our backs. "You did it cuzzos."

We politely bowed before we left. "Thank you."

Returned to Scordi's space.

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"So the headmaster actually rates you two. Talk about privilege," said Scordi.

"I don't think that's the case Scordi," said Markya.

"Right, because you don't have esteemed parents either?" Scordi scoffed. Her attitude in that moment—I recalled why we distanced as friends. She always had this odd envy of my sovereign status, it felt like our friendship was built upon guilt, like I was constantly attempting to prove to her that not to be the case.

Our cousin vouched for us crossing her arms. "Sovereign children going out of their lives of luxury to learn more and bring change to the warped condition is something I respect, and all of us are in a similar situation here. Our parents are all more than your regular Equalsfolk, and so was Scilla, Scor. Living up to their expectations or even outside of it is just as much of a task as having none."

Scordi scrubbed her hair, unsatisfied with herself. "You're right, my bad," she said.

But I understood her, as I said. "No, I believe Scor is correct. This is a matter of privilege." Agreeing with her, Scordi bemused.

I was given a smug look by my brother. "But there is no reason for us to feel bad about it, right Noddy?"

"Yeah," I said, adding. "How about you put your strength where your mouth is, Scordi?" I asked.

"It seems my Nodin Allfather has changed. Why not, let's do it," said Scordi.

"I'll ref," said Markya.

Junius added. "Make it a challenge instead of a bout, so it's fairer."

"Righto." Markya snapped her fingers, within the hallway. We arrived at one of the freed up training facilities. "Open Space," she said. The walled sigil warped—surged inside—a vast white space with no objects. "How should we do this?" Markya asked.

I thought about Scordi's appearance. She has a decent frame, but compared to Markya she's not as physically fit, and since we arrived at the academy, because of Scordi's techne, we had barely walked or even explored.

"How about we have an endurance contest?" I suggested.

Scordi nervously smiled. "Oh-okay."

"Perfect," said Markya. Positioning herself in front of us. "Let's see who can throw the most amount of Wind-calling Air Balls the size of a Basketball stacked with an Impetus Power-calling that is the full usage of your Color Grade for Strength. Scor, show your Surgem." Markya requested.

"Light Array," Scordi presented.

Name: Scordi Freya

Education: Terra Academy of Noumancy (Grades 1-)

Guild Affiliation: Not applicable

Community Status: Good

Color Grades

Strength [Yellow] = 4

Intelligence [LBlue] = 12

Agility [Yellow] = 4

Charisma [Yellow] = 4

Endurance [Orange] = 2

Life Vibrancy Level


= 26

26 = 0.26 LVL conversion

LVL 20 = 1 AP (+) LVL conversion (LVL above 20)

Graviton: 1.26

Warning: Has access to Individualistic-calling

Warning: Noumenon in training

Watching the Light Array, Markya informed. "Scordi's surge will be more powerful, as she has more vibrancy but less endurance than you both. Regardless make sure to use the full extent of both of your Color Grades, okay?"

Junius performed his calling more gradually, and I did as much as possible before tiring myself out as if trying to glitch the system, Scordi did the same. Despite our two different strategies by the time we were done, all three of us had our knees on the ground.

Markya pointed. "Junius is the winner. But Junius you forgot something important. The inherent surge and attraction that comes from your vibrancy, the Action Potential surge, can maximise and the opposite is true. Your output compared to Nodin was weaker inherently since your Strength CG is lower, but you didn't even use the full extent of yours and therefore not your Endurance CG either." Cruelly smiling at Junius. "For example, if I had used the full extent of my Color Grades. You would not have won," pointing at herself. "I would've been the Gradus ascendentis," said Markya.

Junius understood. "But if you did Markya, you would've obliterated the whole arena and exhausted yourself. If I survived, an opportunity for me to win," he said.

"No, you would've lost," Markya upheld.

A continued realisation of gaps in power and understanding of Noumancy. Relaxed and welcome. "I'm here to learn Markya, teach me more," said Junius.

Markya clapped. "How about we do it in action?" she asked.

"Oh no, here we go," said Scordi.

Markya's face warped. "There is a [Vile Vortex] in Terra, just as yours has half of your sphere in thunder—we have our own; Terra that causes terror and absorbs vibrancy. It happened when they used your GEM [Point Core] to terraform the sphere, there are lots of Minusfolk and other desperado creatures there. Good for hunting and putting all your power on the table," said Markya.

Another opportunity arose for Junius. "I've been meaning to research Minusfolk for a while. I'd be willing to go. But before we do, I have a proposition," he said. One that Scordi, Junius and I worked on.

Days later within Scordi's space. "I see." Markya pinched her chin and nodded in understanding. "We practise in simulation first, gathering what we know. Seeing what works and doesn't. Looks like you won't be losing your life just yet, Noddy," said Markya.

"Fuck you Mar," I flipped her off.

"Light Array," said Junius, presenting his forearm. "Here's a sigil to help you re-power the Techne Noosphere."

Scordi observed, hovering her chair closer. "A [Life-calling: Revert] sigil, that's a quicker way to re-shape the GOLEM's power but it will require it to come from your own bodies. It's risky."

Markya enquired. "But it will give us more time to explore and understand the warped condition, right?" she asked, busy giving my head a prime good nookie.

"Yes, though Scordi is right in her concern," said Junius.

"Ah, it feels so good to have someone else explain things," said Scordi.

Junius explained. "The Techne Noosphere we created is called [Warped World]. Scordi already had Noddy and I add what we've experienced regarding Minusfolk on there. To get a better understanding of the process that causes warping and for simulation as Markya said. If we mess up, we'll have an unpleasant trip, the Yin-calling—like that time in the alleyway Noddy—it could have an adverse effect on our nous as the GEM attraction won't surge from modules but our corporeality, powering it ourselves, the bad trip would give weight and warp our brains in some psychological way."

Freed, I sorted my pretty black hair. "So essentially we'll be performing Corporeal Noumancy to do this?" I asked.

"Yes." Junius and Scordi astounded.

"Bad trip." Markya wondered. "I mean, we are planning a terrible trip to a Vile Vortex. I doubt this could be that bad." With that we nodded in assurance of ourselves and prepared.

Laid on transparent panes which Scordi set up, their were four GEMs: A Yin-calling and Light-calling GOLEM GEM which Markya, Junius and I surrounded as we rested, and smaller Yang-calling GEMs connecting us to the Techne Noosphere. Scordi assured. "As our tutors do, I'll have a Null-calling sigil ready if things get truly out of hand. So, you're in luck. Let's begin." Scordi hovered her hands above all three GEMs over our heads. "Power-calling: Impetus." The GEMs glowed a cheery red colour surging each of our nous to the Warped World.


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