Noosfera: The Noogenesis of Nodin Talehart (Warped Progression Fantasy)

Chapter 5: 5. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (4)

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5. Noosfera: Resonance of Immortality (4)

Junius charged ahead planting his right foot on the white square. "Wind-calling: [Wind Burst]." With the provided GEM sword's tip which faced the ground—a quick burst of wind which let him close the distance. Travelling forward at a much faster pace Junius extended his sword aiming at Markya's sternum.

With a gasp of worry—a head of the attack's extension. "Kidding," Markya reverted serious. "Impetus," pinching the sword before it would reach her.

Junius backed up, keeping his right on the white and left on the black, with both hands protecting his torso. Markya chucked his sword behind her. "Wind-calling: Air Ball." Like a wand, Markya pointed her sword forward. "Air Ball. Air Ball. Air Ball." Shooting three projectiles, all well aimed at different places, one at Junius' lower body, the other at his torso, and one at his face.

"Wind-calling: Wind Burst." Junius side stepped the projectiles—but by the time he did three more Air Balls already surged to his new location. With a surging shielding wind on his left arm. "Wind-calling: [Air-Slash]," he cut two of the Air Balls but unable to surge another calling in time to block the last one—Junius used his right arm to protect himself without call, the ball of breeze—a cannon ball to his arm. Taken aback, Junius bowed to one knee holding his right arm in pain. "How can wind hurt this badly?" Junius asked himself but all of us heard.

Markya informed. "It's called Call-Stacking, Junio. I surged a Power-calling to the Wind-calling and made the Action Potential behind the surge more powerful," she said.

Though my primary concern watching this was Markya's Endurance Color Grade being [Green]. I judged she would do this for a while longer, with no genuine expenditure of her LVL. Suspended in pain, holding his right arm, Junius must have been hurriedly thinking of what to do next as Markya steadily approached.

"Water-calling: [Ripple]," said Markya, her voice echoed as she guffawed. Three Markya now had the same eager look to harm him. Approaching Junius from different angles.

Getting up, Junius walked backwards to a black square. "The Noumenon of Terra has become three. How will Junius Allfather reply to this?" Auntie Songya commentated.

The reply Junius thought of an—Air Slash big enough to cover the distance of all three Markya. Junius inhaled, inflating his belly and his lungs as he stepped even further back to a white square. The surged carried through his unimpacted left arm. "Air Slash." The attack was only powerful enough to cause a slight warping to two of the rippled Markya, showing the real one—leaping at him from the right.

Junius' distance was too short for him to evade and back up any further as Markya could easily take him off bounds. Junius had a sudden stare of despair.

Since I too was bamboozled—I'll explain what I saw in order. "Light-calling: [Light Speed]." Although Junius stepped out of the way in time, he wouldn't step out of the consequence, which instantly befell. His body burst with electricity to evade—appearing behind Markya. As he fell I heard several gasps within the audience, I turned to Greysong to reassure my misperception but she also looked confused. Markya immediately pivoted on her landing to hug Junius and stop him from hitting the ground.

Though another gasp carried through the arena to those who knew.

There were levels to what had happened. Different people saw different things. "Void Storage," the warping of a long thin purple sword within his left hand, it was the first time I saw this project my brother and I worked on when we were kids actualised as more than a childish drawing—with ideas of another, and later I would hand down to our little sister Rubicon. "Reckless. Reform. Yin-calling: [Unreality]." Junius had sounded. No different from the surged fear the Minusfolk attracted. The worst which displayed—the warning Auntie Songya gave, a chance of Junius going overboard and hurting himself through Corporeal Noumancy. The unreality illustrated—Junius going overboard and using Light Speed to evade—but what truly ensued was Junius replying to Markya's leap towards him with the prototype Reckless GEM sword. Having seen my own fear ignited in the match, I quickly deduced that during the Minusfolk Yin-calling attack, Reckless translated and absorbed the surge of delusion, Yin-calling: [Unreality] by Junius' mere thought to call it out. This sword, which we had intended acts like a recognition system, and recklessly the GEM sword reproduces Graviton attraction depending on its charged vibrancy. Unused since Junius left the mansion—fully charged for peak performance. In the calling's surge, with Reckless being a prototype, the reform only lasted for a second, before its radiant purple colour faded. With Markya's back turned to him. Junius used all his weight for one last swing. "Impetus."

Markya immediately turned around, blocking with her forearms as an x. The momentum drove her back as her heels dragged across the arena. Moving too fast, unable to stay on a white square for enough time, by the time Markya stopped, she was out of bounds.

Auntie Songya stood in praise. "It seems we have our winner folks!" she declared.

The last match and first match on a long series of tournaments held for the Consurge and other races in the future—concluded. The first ever person to achieve the title Gradus ascendentis of the Thunderland sphere—decided.

"Junius Allfather is the Gradus ascendentis!" Greymark proudly announced. The crowd applauded pleased.

I recalled dialogue Auntie Songya gave us days before the match. A similar peptalk she gave Markya about us possibly going overboard, however this one about her daughter. ["She's getting overconfident. Boys, I want you to give it your all. Greymark said he will let you break the rules, remind her that there're contemporaries even within her own world that she has yet to surpass and grow from. Her mind is out of this world, and that my hamper her later. I once was the same desiring to cross the 'Unknown Blues of Perpetual Thunder' with her father, wanting my known world to become unknown. Negligent that my known world still had room for development. Her father found this with yours and that ended his recklessness. I hope Markya can do the same."]

The Void Storage surged to a mere sigil on his forearm with Reckless warping out of his hands and returning. Junius sighed satisfied with the conclusion of the match. Greysong and I looked at each other both thrilled and shocked.

Auntie Songya continued her applause. "This match will be discussed for days to come—from all the different scenarios we briefly saw within that last moment," said Songya, amplifying the crowd's amazement.

Markya walked over to Junius. "Your unpredictability got me yet again. I guess that makes it fifty-fifty."

Junius bowed. "Thank you, Markya. Because of you, I have grown faster than I expected. " The crowd clapped at Junius' fair play.

Markya bowed as well, looking up at him. "Soon I'll be going back to Terra Academy, Junius Allfather. I would like for you to come with me. That techne of yours reminds me of a close friend of mine. I think you two would get along well," said Markya. The first Gradus ad torneamentum ended—the crowd gradually dispersed, excitedly talking of what they saw in those last few seconds.

After the festival. The night hushed. Returned to the Kresnik's home. In our shared room, Junius rested looking at the ceiling, I noticed his wakefulness. "That was fun," I said.

"Noddy, Markya made me an offer," said Junius.

I silenced for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "It's all going almost too smoothly," I said.

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Junius sat up to watch, he looked relaxed, propping his head up with his hand to his cheek. "I said to Mar did you helped me, which is true, so she's recommending us both," he said.

"Really?" I felt a surge of happiness, as our luckless twin journey would continue.

At morning—we all gathered outside at the yard.

"Sis, take good care of my prince cuzzos, but not too much or they'll become princesses," said Greysong.

"You do the same for her," said Greymark.

As the distance grew, Markya, Junius and I walked away, though hugging us from behind. Auntie Songya shattered that barrier, the barrier preventing greater showing of affection. Greysong hurried to us and tried to bundle us all together with her small arms, and Uncle Greymark followed wrapping all of us in a neat blanket of manliness holding back his tears.

"The replicated Sky-calling sigil will close soon," said Markya. Both of us nodded letting go. "Sky-calling: [Sky Gate]," said Markya. We saw the other side. Within the dark, Markya proceeded forward and brought forth light. "Open Space." Bringing us out of the room, Terra Academy introduced itself to us. The classroom windows exhibited differing facilities of all white. Some students actively training with GEM swords, and others laid on transparent Space-calling: Panes with crystal GEMs above their foreheads surging their nous to a singular a whole.

I observed. "Are those GEM projectors showing what the students are seeing?"

Markya informed. "It's called a [Techne Noosphere]. It surges all students to a manifested world created via Yin-calling and projected to the tutor outside inaugurating the simulation by a Light-calling," said Markya.

The one Junius and I looked at seemed to be simulating combat against Minusfolk, the one next to it involved trials of Noumancy—likely features to the Noumenon exam.

"Markya, how are we made official?" Junius asked.

Markya's eyes set on a determined location. "Before that I want you to meet someone, I'm sure you both haven't seen her in awhile," said Markya. I had assumptions of who she wanted us to meet, and my suspicions were made certain when they instead met us within the white hallway.

I was the first to acknowledge, she signalled with a tap to my shoulder. "I was wondering and wandering as to who activated my GOLEM GEM—within the storage room," she said. I turned around to a girl with night sky short hair and pearl moon eyes, wearing the dark indigo blue uniform of Terra Academy, she posed mischievously with her arms behind her back and gave a prolonged look at my face. "Noddy, right? I can still tell you two a part," said Scordi. Scordi Freya, Scilla Freya's little sister.

"Scor…" I solemnly sounded.

Scordi's eyes looked down as she stood up straight.

Markya spoke for her as Scordi eyes stayed down in silence. "She's been in here overworking herself. I wanted the meeting to be a surprise for her—to make her happy."

"I am happy," said Scordi. In that silence we spiritually spoke to one another—a collective reason that resonated our temporal sorrow. "Thank you, Mar," said Scordi. Her demeanour completely changed. "Noddy, I have a lot to tell you." Her face turned mischievous yet again. A natural untrustworthy expression she always has on her face, but I knew it meant good.

"Oh, yeah?" I said. Pinching Junius' thigh.

"Oh right, its me Junio." Junius awkwardly gave a thumbs up, and said. "I recall us only meeting briefly when you visited our mansion every now and then. It's nice to see you again and healthy," said Junius. Before any of us could continue the casual convo, Junius added. "Do you know anyone by the name of Volos Dike, he's one of the tutors in this academy, and I suspect he's a member of the Omega—"

Markya quickly covered his mouth.

Students in the halls looked bewildered by their odd behaviour.

Markya and Scordi snatched Junius and I by the hands. "Gotta go," said Scordi. They rushed us to a room at the end of the hall.

"Open Space," Markya touched the sigil, we surged to a dimly lit room, inside—large floating first-generation GOLEM crystals, GEM projectors and Light Arrays of information. Casually sitting on the floating chair, crossing her legs.

Scordi turned back, "Welcome boys, this is what you dearest Scordi Freya has been up to."


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