Not so tamable

Chapter 1: How free are dragons?

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(Zoya's POV)

I threw myself on the couch only seconds after I closed the door behind my parents and little brother. Finally I had my peace. Now I was the only one left in the house.

After my brothers birth 99.9% of the attention of my parents was on him. I think the only thing that reminded them of my presence were the bills they had to pay for me what they did.

A few years ago I had a friend who was in the exact same situation but her parents even refused to do anything for her so she bought herself a train ticket and ran off to her grandma. Guess what, her parents didn't even notice it for THREE WEEKS!

I was lying on the couch staring against the wall. For absolutely no reason I was suddenly reminded of my childhood and felt the urge to watch some films. I went over to the cabinet where we stored all the snacks.

The cabinet was separated in two compartments. On for my parents and one for my brother. My brother "generously" allowed me to store my snacks in his compartment but he ate like everything that belonged to me.

He knew if I told my parents he ate my stuff they would just scold me for buying that stuff and putting it in my little brother apartment. I took a bag of chips he fortunately didn't notice yet and took it out.


I was sitting in my brothers room with my laptop connected to his TV. Why? Because he got a giant flat screen from my parents and I had to use the 10 year old with didn't even work properly half of the time.

I opened up my browser and then opened up the streaming service of my trust and after changing a few settings of my browser to bypass the website block of my internet provider I finally was ready to enjoy some films.

(~About 9 films later~)

Right now I was watching the credits of How to train your dragon and for no reason my useless brain started thinking about every thing it found strange about the two films.

"I feel sorry for the dragons. They seem like they absolutely have no free will. If there is not some other dragon controlling them or stupid human chasing them there are humans who use them for fun just to fly around."

"One moment they put their snout in someone's hand and next second they have somebody sitting on them commanding them stuff they have to do and If they do something they weren't supposed to do the will get scolded."

I was snapped out of my thought when the arm which held the TV made a strange noise. I stared at the TV. I looked directly on the film cover of How to train your dragon 2 but the Tv hung at an angle not normal for TV's.

I stood up and tried to push the TV back in the position he should be in. As I pressed my hands against the bottom of the TV. I heard that sound again and Tv, which I was still holding at the bottom, fell in my direction.

I walked backwards to stabilize the TV but I fell over the chair I sat on and fell backwards. My head hit the edge of my brother's bed and the TV fell right in my face. I blacked out.


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