Not so tamable

Chapter 4: Saying goodbye

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(Zoya's POV)

After our meal I laid down on the grass with my head on my paws. Skyshot was shooting down some trees with her spines. According to her for accuracy training. In my opinion she wouldn’t need to train a day in her life because she was so good at aiming that she even managed to perform acupuncture on me.

Again I inhaled deep and held my breath. I was trying to perform on of these relax techniques I read about on the internet. I then pressed out the air of my lungs but still held my breath. A little bit like compressing the air in my lungs.

To my surprise a blue purple like glowing ball shot out of my mouth and hit a tree which was teared to shreds while starting burning and falling down the cliff he was standing by.

"That's definitely not relaxing. Don't believe what you read on the internet!" I said to myself. Skyshot didn't even care so I just adjusted myself and tried getting a bit sleep.

(~Time skip with a full stomach~)

The first thing I saw after I woke up was a Skyshot trying to get close to an dead eel bat didn't managed to get close before her instincts kicked in and she took a few steps back. I casually walked to the eel and ate it right in front of her.

"Why are you playing with food?" I mocked her. She sighed "I tried to eat one too because you looked so cool slurping it down and I thought I could impress my friend with that"

"When it comes to food I eat nearly everything!" I said proudly. (Which even was that way in my former life. My opinion was food is food just eat it. Actually I was so surprised by the taste of raw fish because I didn't even ate anything THAT yummy in my past life)

"Do you want to go for a flight?. My wings are cramped" I said while slowly spreading my wings. "Sure". We both took of. We enjoyed our rounds around the island and talked about different things"

"I wish I could have seen that battle" I said referring to the battle between the bewilder beasts and the main characters. That was no lie. Imagine don't seeing that on a screen but live in 3d with sound and all. That would have been an epic battle.

"There is something I haven’t told you. I actually was there when..." "Then why didn't you tell me that?" I looked at her with a big question mark floating above my head. "Well the truth is kind of embarrassing. "

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"On the evening before that I ate a few fruits and they seemed to already start to ferment so I was a bit dizzy and tired so.." "So you slept through the entire thing?" I asked not really believing what I heard.

The Deadly Nadder that was flying right next to me had the chance to se the battle of the century but just slept?

"Could we land now? I want to sit behind a rock and be embarrassed." Skyshot said and we didn't talk until we landed. She hid behind a rock and I caught some fish. The ones I caught weren't as tasty as the ones we caught at the lake Skyshot showed me yesterday.

(~time skip~)

Skyshot and me lied on the grass and looked at our campfire which consisted of 3 burning trees. "Zoya?" I looked at her. "Wo do you plan on doing from now on?"

"Well I don't know. I think I just want to enjoy my life and not meet any dragon hunters if possible but that's it why?"

"Well.... It's because I have to go back home?" "Home?" I asked her. "Well I don't know if they decided to stay after the fight but if they decide to go to another place I would like to go with them so I know where my family is"

I looked at her and thought "normally this would be the time where I should ask her if I could come with her but where the dragons are there Is Valka and where Valka is there is Hiccup and If I don't want to be tamed and be stuck on berk forever I should try avoiding those people. "

Skyshot looked at the flames "So this is where we part?" she looked at me and I already thought of a fitting answer. "You know... I never liked a place with many dragons. I prefer to stay alone or with few but nice people"

"I will leave tomorrow morning so I guess it's better to say goodbye now" Suddenly Skyshot's eyes started to glow like she had an idea. "But you must promise me that we will see each other again!"

It followed something like a pinky swear but with our tails and then we went to sleep.

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