Nova: Omega

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Hitori woke unusually early.  A vague memory haunted him, like he had somewhere he needed to be.  Probably because he did, thanks to Ms. Athens.

With nothing better to do, he geared up and headed to the North Gate.  It looked like he wasn’t the only one starting early.  He walked by at least a dozen teams on his way out, most likely hoping to claim a spot in the Training Center.

Hitori frowned.  He hadn’t booked a room, and it wasn’t likely there would be any available.  Not worth the bother to check.  He sighed and shrugged.  Perhaps he could think of something on the way.

Even at a meandering pace, Hitori was unable to solve his problem by the time he reached the North Gate.  To make things worse his thoughts kept drifting to the Wychwood.  He’d never been, except once on a training expedition.  One of the few history lessons that—

Was there someone behind him?

Hitori spun to his six, lightly gripping the handle on his sword.  It wasn’t uncommon for students to ambush each other, usually for fun, but for certain students it was perhaps less good natured.  Being related to the infamous Maia Seishin made Hitori very popular with the latter sort.

Rather than anyone like that, Hitori was instead approached by what appeared to be a Shade.  For a moment he thought it might even be Ms. Athens.

Except everything was wrong about them.  They were wearing the all black armor and face mask, but instead of a set of daggers they were carrying a Duroterran style longsword.  Also, a Shade that loud walking around would probably die from shame.

“Who are you?” Hitori asked.

As a response, the black figure thrust out their sword, aimed straight at Hitori’s heart.  The gesture could only be taken as a challenge, so Hitori drew his own weapons and took a guarded stance.

Unsure what style to expect, Hitori let his opponent make the first move.  As they closed the distance, Hitori noticed several weak points in their guard.  The situation was so curious he decided to ignore them and follow his opponent’s lead.

Once in range, the Not-Shade led with a basic sword slash, delivered in so tentative a manner a child could dodge it.  This continued for a few attacks, as his opponent became more confident.

Having reached the extent of their technique, Hitori switched to the offensive.  He could end the fight with a series of techs, but the urge to test his opponent’s skill stayed his hand.  He made a few quick strikes of his own, increasing in speed until he was just fast enough to nick their armor.

Their defensive skill was decent, about C-Rank, Hitori guessed, but it seemed like this might be their first real fight.  He couldn’t imagine why such a novice was on campus, let alone why they decided to attack him.  It was like they started training a year ago.

Whatever the reason, Hitori was certain he’d seen everything they had.  The only thing left was a good hit to deplete their Vital Energy and take them out of the fight.

When fighting, especially as a mercenary, it was important to finish off an opponent with the right amount of damage.  Too much and you leave a body, too little a threat at your back.  This was a rare chance to put theory into practice, so he couldn’t help but grin as he activated his attack.

Every tech was largely unique, but they did fall within certain paradigms.  In this case Hitori used something called a Blitz Tech.

Under the control of his Vital Net, Hitori was able to move his body at speeds well in excess of anything humanly possible, even accounting for a VN’s normal enhancements.  He bolted towards his opponent, bashing them in the chest hard enough to break ribs, and then finishing with a slash through the side.

The fake Shade spun in the air before landing on the pavement with a crunch.  Their sword clattered on the ground as it bounced a short distance away.  His attack went off perfectly.  The last step was a quick interrogation to figure out what they were trying to do.

Except for the fact they were getting back to their feet.

Hitori took a step back and retook his guard.  There should have been no way his opponent could recover so quickly.  Unless they were a Paladin.  Problem was, Hitori couldn’t imagine a single reason a Paladin in a stealth suit would attack him on a Saturday morning.

“Look, I don’t know who you are, but it’s pretty clear you’ve got nothing on me,” Hitori said, lowering his guard.  “You might as well—“

What they might as well have done will forever remain a mystery, because Hitori’s dark clad assailant plucked an invisible thread from about their neck, and transformed it into a bolt of deadly flame to shoot at his chest.

Caught totally by surprise, Hitori could do nothing but accept the strike.  A jolt of pain pierced his armor, explosively heating a chunk of flesh, rupturing his skin and searing his lungs.  A sizable portion of his stored Vital Energy evaporated in an instant as a swarm of restructors rebuilt his chest cavity.

This cheeky little shit.

Before his assailant could prepare and launch another arte, Hitori triggered his Blitz Tech again, driving his opponent to the floor.  This time he didn’t hesitate to flip them onto their back and pin them to the floor.  He held the tip of his sword against their neck.

“Will you give it a fucking rest already!” Hitori took a deep breath. “What are you doing?”



The woman was rather confused.  In the span of a single blink she went from standing to pinned.  She heard experienced fighters could move unusually fast, but the stories didn’t do the reality justice.

She slowly raised her hands in surrender.  Hitori’s sharp blue eyes watched them with suspicion, eliminating any thought of trying her Flame Arte again.  Also, the sword at her throat was a pretty strong deterrent.  Instead, she moved them to her face and started working the clasps that held her mask in place.

After a few awkward moments of fumbling, she pulled it off and gasped.  “Holy crap!  You Nova sorts are tough.”

“Who the hell… ?” Hitori said.  “Elvira, right?”

Elvira took advantage of his confusion to push the blade away and wiggle free.  After a few seconds of clambering, being sure to grab her sword from where it landed nearby, she returned to her feet.

“Yeah, that’s me.”  She turned her attention to the straps on the side of her chest.  After some fiddling, they popped open and she took a deep breath.  “Ah, sweet blessed oxygen!  How does Li squeeze into this darn thing?”

“It’s only supposed to be snug,” Hitori said.  “Ms. Athen’s just has smaller—“he cut himself off and then snapped, “Damn it Elvira, answer my question!  What are you doing?”

She looked off thoughtfully then said, “From the way everyone talks about you, I didn’t expect you to be this good.”

Hitori sighed.  “People doubt because I only recently made A-Rank.  My swordsmanship, however, is probably the best in the school.  A lot of people under—“ Hitori cut himself off with a curt growl.  “Will you stop that?”

“So impatient.”  She gave Hitori a sly grin.  “Give me a minute to make this a little more comfortable.”

Elvira started fidgeting with various straps and cords, tugging and pulling the tight fabric over her body as she worked the thin plates into position.  After a few minutes of struggle she settled on something to her liking.  She took a moment to look herself over.

The collar was buttoned off to the side, leaving a v-shaped patch of skin beneath her neck.  She removed the gloves and long sleeves, storing them and the mask in a small satchel hung tight to her back  The coat remained unbuckled, which left her sides exposed save a loose mesh.  Underneath she was wearing a simple cloth band over her breasts.

“I guess this will have to do.  Anyway, I’m here because Li told me I needed to pick a team for the field exam, only it turns out there’s only one team with an opening.”

“Oh gee, I’m flattered.  So then you attacked me because… your clothes don’t fit?”

“Hilarious.  Actually, I’m borrowing this from Li.  I was supposed to get something from the armorer yesterday, but apparently I’m, ‘The bustiest girl she’s ever seen.’  Now I gotta wait until Monday morning for her to custom make something.”

“Well, that’s less than ideal,” Hitori said with a frown.  It looked kind of cute.

“I’ll say, and now you’ve gone and put this big cut in Li’s top.  What am I going to tell her?”

“I’m sure Ms. Athens will understand,” Hitori said, although a wary look suggested he wasn’t too sure.  “Equipment damage is one of the risks in this business.  Although, actually, before I forget…”

Hitori pulled a small roll from his satchel.  He took off a piece before making an inquisitive gesture towards her chest.  Elvira gave him a suspicious look, but nevertheless turned the damaged side of her coat to him.  He carefully pulled the split cloth away, and sealed the two pieces back together with a few strips of the strange material.

“This stuff is quite literally a life saver,” Hitori said as he put it back.  “Or at the very least, stops you from looking like a bandit hobo.  I’m partial to Easy-Fix, but any brand of Armor Tape should do.”

“Right… thanks.”

“So, you still haven’t said why you attacked me.”

Elvira laughed and blushed.  “Ah, sorry.  Li told me to do that too.”

“Ms. Athens wanted you to attack me?”

“N-no, well, yes, but more like she thought I should show you my stuff.  Oh!  Speaking of, you’re running a little low on Vital Energy, right?”

“Yeah, getting hit dead on with a Flame Arte will do that.”

“Yes! I knew it!  Here, I can take care of that.”  She stepped up to Hitori and grabbed his shoulders.  After a few seconds of focusing internally, she felt a familiar sensation that told her his Vital Net was being replenished.  When she was finished, she hopped away and chirped, “I did it!”  She blushed and coughed, then said as cool as she could manage, “I mean, of course I did, no sweat.”

“Oh, so you’re a Pala…din…? Wait a gods damned second!”

Elvira grinned, and gave a little twirl.

“Now you wait,” Hitori continued.  “I am like, ninety percent certain Paladins absolutely cannot do artes, at all.”

“Verumundo, mea ami!”

“Right, and I’m a billion percent certain you have to be a Paladin to do a Vital Force transfer like that.”

“And six years ago you’d have been right.  Well, more like six months ago, but in principle I could have done it.”


“I’m a Grey Knight,”  Elvira said.  “Now hold up with your questions.  Give me a minute to get my thoughts in order and I’ll tell you what that means.”  Elvira took a deep breath.  “Okay, put simply, I’m like a Paladin, except with a different kind of restructor.”

“Maybe a little too simple there.”

“Oh, I guess some of it was true then.”

“Some of what.”

“Nothing, let’s try it this way.  Some people exist, somewhere, who decided to make a new kind of restructor.  They based it off the Paladins, who also have a different kind of restructor.  That’s why I can do most of the same things a Paladin can do, but it doesn’t cap the malhahonic web, so I can still use artes.”

“But it does restrict them?”

“Well, yes, a little.  How did you know?”

“The sword,” Hitori said.  Elvira squinted at him, with a slight cant to her head.  “If you had the offensive power of an Arteficer you would stay at range, and probably not even carry.  Given you do, it’s clear you don’t believe you’ll make it to that level.

”As for your blade-work. I can tell you’ve been practicing, but only with formal instruction for the last six months or so.  A major ramp up in intensity, up to six hours a day?”

“About eight, I think.  Who told you…”

“It’s all over your fundamentals, but I can’t place the style.  Who’s been teaching you?  Someone Seitojin I’m sure, but Tanaka would have taught you Lotus Style.”

Elvira wasn’t sure what happened, but she felt like she’d awakened his inner savant.  That, or he was a total sword nerd.  In either case, she was feeling a little embarrassed for doubting him.  Li sent her to him for a reason, after all.

“Oh, I’ve been staying with Li, and she’s been training me after class.”

“Ms. Athens!”

Elvira jumped.

“But why would she know….  Sorry, questions for later.  Anyway, I’m excited by the strategic possibilities.  Of you, I mean.  If I didn’t know better I’d say—”

A plume of black mist erupted a few feet away.  As it cleared she saw a young man standing in its place, Hitori’s teammate Protius.  He was staring at an object in his hand.

“Zero seven exactly, damn I’m good.”  Protius tucked something into a pocket, then turned to study Elvira, a finger resting on his nose.  “Elvira, right? So we’ll get a fifth teammate after all.”

“I guess Mr. Foster didn’t buy your ‘I count as two people’ angle.” Hitori laughed.

“Joke’s on him, now we have six.”  He grinned, then turned to Elvira.  His grey-black eyes contrasted sharply with his warm and friendly tone.  He looked at the sword at her hip.  “I hope you’re a better Knight than Hitori though.”

Hitori shifted uncomfortably to her left.

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“Oh come on,” Protius said. “There is no way she’s worse than you.”

“I’m, uh, not actually a Knight at all,” Elvira said.

“You could say she’s worse than you, me, and Chandra combined,” Hitori said suggestively.  Protius scrunched his face.

“We call ourselves—“Protius thrust his finger out.  He turned to face her, a glimmer of wonder in his eyes.

“That’s impossible,” Protius said.  He looked at Hitori.  “You’re not messing with me, are you?”

“I just got a first hand demonstration.” Hitori said.  “A literal, first-hand, and somewhat painful demonstration.”

“We were fighting earlier,” Elvira said.

“Probably not a bad idea,” Protius said.  Then, to Hitori, “How’d she do?”

“About C on defense, maybe D on offense.  I didn’t see enough artes to know for sure, but she got a manual Flame Arte off in about a second, so maybe also a C.  As for sigils, we’ll have to ask Chandra.”

“What are you going to ask me?” A woman called out as she approached from the south.  Elvira quickly looked her over.

Judging by the outfit, a mesh coat over a linen half shit, plus white slacks, boots, and a cloak, she was a Paladin.  The myriaite beads and ivory breastplate suggested she was a mercenary one at that.  Elvira supposed her being here meant she was part of Hitori’s team.

For some reason, the moment she arrived Hitori handed her a knife from his satchel.  She took it without comment, although Hitori still seemed unsatisfied.

“Hi Chandra,” Protius said.  She smiled back.

“We were discussing the capabilities of our newest team member,” Hitori said.  He motioned towards Elvia, who responded by slowly raising her hand above her breast.

“Hi,” Elvira said.  “My name is Elvira Valentine Peri.  I hope we’ll…”

“It’s good to meet you,” Chandra said.

“What are you staring her down for,” Hitori said.  “Chandra?”

“What are you?”  Chandra was deep into Elvira’s space, their eyes leveled by Elvira’s shrunken posture.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Protius and Hitori jumped in with an explanation.  Elvira did her best to follow along, but each sharp glance from Chandra sent her scooting further behind her new leader.

After the pair finished, Elvira braced herself and stood tall in front of Chandra, matching her gaze as best she could.  “A-and if you have a problem…”  She flinched and turned away, then mumbled, “I-I can just leave, or whatever.”

“O-oh, no, no,”  Chandra said, stepping closer.  “I was surprised, is all.  Welcome to the team.”

“Thank God!”  Elvira said.  She reflexively hugged Chandra, who fidgeted in her embrace.  She quickly stepped back and blushed.  “S-sorry.  I just… I mean, the Order thought any Paladin who noticed might kill me on the spot.”

Hitori laughed, but was cut off by a sharp glare from Chandra.  “N-never mind.”

“Maybe some of the Chaplains at the Temple,” Chandra said.  “But that’s not the sort of Paladin that gets into mercenary work.  I don’t think there’s anything to worry about here.”

Elvira smiled.

“As much as I’d love to let you two hug it out,” Hitori said.  “We’ve got to make a training plan.  I was thinking—“

A black figure whipped by her face, sending Elvira screaming backwards into a heap.



“I was thinking—“  Hitori was cut off by a man falling in between him and Elvira.  Specifically, his teammate Gordon Kavanagh, a young Mairtalan man with curly red hair and a wiry frame.  Gordon landed into a crouch, while the Impact Tech dampened the blow and sent a ripple of light up his legs and arm which faded at the torso.

Elvira was apparently caught totally unaware, as she yelped and went tumbling back into a pile.  “What the hell are you doing!” she yelled as soon as she settled.

What’s her problem?

“Joining the meeting,” Gordon said.  He leaned over and offered Elvira a hand.

She eyed it suspiciously, before grabbing it and pulling herself to her feet.

“Showing off again, Gordon,” Hitori said.  “I guess this is better than blowing something up, at least.”

“Hey, told you last night,” Gordon said.

“‘A weapon demonstration’s a perfectly legitimate late night activity,’” Hitori and Gordon said in unison, before laughing.

Elvira was still giving Gordon a wary look, but said, “You guys do that often?”

“More often than I ever wanted to,” Hitori said.  “That and ‘You can’t prove I had any part in this disaster.’”

“Just misunderstood, really,” Gordon said.

Hitori laughed.  “Anyway, like I was saying, we need a training plan.  Elvira doesn’t have much experience, so it should be pretty intense to prepare for the Field Exam.“

“Could coast on your coattails instead,” Gordon said.  “Heard you rag-dolled Brutus last night.”

“Oh yeah, you never did say what was up with that,” Protius said.  “All I remember is blacking out after getting tag teamed by ten Elites, then suddenly you’re across the room and the speaker is playing that lame victory music.”

“I watched the footage and it was like some kind of super tech,” Chandra said.  “Even the cameras had trouble catching everything.”

Hitori laughed and scratched the back of his head.  “I… honestly don’t know either.  Everything got kind of weird for a second.  My Vital Net was drained afterwards so I must of used a bunch of techs.”

“Used a bunch of techs, totally on accident,” Protius said with a sly grin.  “More than I’ve ever seen you use in my life.  Come on, admit it, you’re a superhero in disguise.  That’s why you practice so much but suck so hard in the rankings.”

“I knew it,” Gordon said.  “Get this nerd a cape.”

“I could give him mine!”

“Meant you, ya dweeb!”

“Protius already has a—“ Hitori cut himself off with a huff.  “Could we ease up on the silliness?  I’m sure it was a critical tech.”

“You better hope not,” Protius said.  “Those are a once in a life time thing.  It’d suck to waste it on a dumb training exercise.”

“I’ll file a complaint with my Vital Net,” Hitori said.  “Now can we get to business.  Training. Plans. No shenanigans.”

“Could we do something in the Training Center?” Chandra asked.  “No, wait, you didn’t book an appointment.”

What about the Wychwood?

“I was thinking we could head to the Wychwood, actually,” Hitori said.

“What!” Chandra and Gordon yelled in unison.

“You out of your mind?” Gordon said.  “It’s a bloody death trap!”

Hitori jumped back when they yelled, his face a mask of confusion.  “What are you talking about?  The tournaments are at least as safe as the Training Center?”

“Tournaments?  You talking about Vicker’s Arena?”

“That’s what I said.  There’s matches every Saturday.  As long as they don’t know you’re from Nova you can sign up.”

“I heard most of the city was closed this week,” Elvira said.

“Oh yeah, they’re preparing for Kosmiche,” Hitori said.  “What did you guys think I said, anyway?”

“Think!” Gordon yelled.  “You said ‘Wychwood’ plain as day.  Crazy enough to do it too.”

“Hah.  Although I guess being dead is one way to get out of the final.”

“Actually, I think there’s some merit to the idea,” Protius said.  There was an uncomfortable silence as his friends waited for him to start laughing.

“Being dead?” Gordon said at last.

“The forest, man.  Powerful metafauna guard the perimeter, but they don’t chase you far as long as you stay out of Wychwood.  I don’t think there’s a better place to get a lot of experience in a hurry, and it will be a great lesson for her in breaking away from engagements.”

“Gods, hate it when you make sense.”

“That’s a surprising aye from Gordon,” Hitori said.  “What about you Chandra?”

“It’s probably way too dangerous,” Chandra said.  “I don’t know if we’d be able to keep up the pace for very long.”  She paused, then said, “Do you still have those Dragon Stims?”

“A few.”

“What are you talking about Hitori?” Protius asked.  “You told me you haven’t used a single one since you got them.”

“I also told you I was saving them for an emergency, and not to go blabbing around about them.”

Protius laughed.  “What, are you trying to make it to your death bed with ninety nine of them?”

“That’s so Hitori,” Gordon said.  “Five drakes chewing on his ass, and he’d be like ‘Oh no, gotta save my supplies—‘”

“‘What if there’s six later!’” Protius and Gordon yelled together.

“Fine, fine,” Hitori sighed.  “I brought a few with me.”

“Don’t be so grumpy about it,” Protius said with a gentle nudge.  “I’m sure your mom would want them used, not decorating your closet.”

“Yeah, you’re right.  Anyway, it looks like Chandra’s on board.”  Hitori turned to her and she nodded.  “Then let’s get out of here.  Is everyone ready?”

Elvira raised her hand.  “Actually, I might have a question or two.” Hitori looked at her expectantly.  “What’s the Wychwood?”

The others shared a few uncomfortable glances.

“I’ll explain it on the way,” Hitori said.

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