Nova: Omega

Nova: Omega

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Nova: Omega

Review: 10/10 from 14 ratings

Hitori was ready to take on the world. He might have had a difficult (and lonely) tenure at the Nova Mercenary Academy (thanks to his relation to the infamous Maia Seishin), but that didn't stop him from putting together a great team, and even having a bit of fun in the process. All that's left is the final exams--a few written tests and a quick mission in the field--and he'll be ready for a quiet, but satisfying career as a mercenary. If only the school hadn't just shackled him with this total novice.

Elvira Valentine was totally out of her element. She couldn't say her life had been a very good one, but it had at least been quiet. Now she found herself thrust into the fast paced, and dangerous world of a mercenary. She might have been granted a special power to boost her along, but that was a far cry from having any idea what she was supposed to be up to.

Meanwhile, powerful forces move in the shadows, spiraling ever closer into a conflict that could upend the very fabric of their world.

Also posted on RR, mostly just putting this here because the forum wouldn't let me link to it, lol (and I wanted to get feedback from someone).


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