Nyx Of The Night

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – A Name

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It had taken a while for it to find the right word for the sudden clarity with which it could now see the world around it; sentience.

It felt it on the smooth caresses of wind on its core, the light wetness of dew left over from the waning moon, and the pressure of being stepped on by others larger in size than it. 

Although its size and brilliance made it a common curiosity for larger predators, the miracle of itself proved impervious to the constant prodding of foes. And no matter how much they poked or pricked or pried, its body remained unbroken.

The acidity of some predators stung harsher than others, but with the rise and fall of the flaming sun, the pain often mellowed into something more manageable to be forgotten in some corner of its vast mind. 

On other days the creatures that flew majestically in the sky recognized the wonder of its existence and tried to possess it with beady eyes of unmatched fervor.

Those were its favorite days. 

Since its lack of mobility made it a bystander at the fickle passing of time, days fell into the night then back to day once more but it remained stationary and unmoving from the earth it was left on by another failed predator. Every attack by the creatures of the sky gave it a glimpse at the marvelousness of the earth on which it awoke, for they often failed at prodding it open and then deemed it an article of virtu they wanted in their nest.

Such occasions, although rare, we’re always welcomed

Today began like any other and seemed like it would have ended just the same, had it not caught the interest of a curious-looking creature of the sky.

The creature itself was large in size. far larger than all the others that had graced its presence before. On its glorious wings of flight were vibrant reds and blues fading into a darker shade of purple at its crown and bill. Such vividness was rare and had instantly gained its envy, so much that it wished its own vividness had been the reason for the creature to stop midway in flight to prod away at its core.

Seemingly puzzled at its oddity, the creature cranes its neck left before shaking its plumage and rising to flight once more, clutching it tightly with its talons.

And so began, at the fall of the sun and the darkening of the day, an unexpected trip that took it further north than it had already been, began. 

Grassy plains gave way to dense forests and tangled vegetation as the creature took it to an area teeming with life. Amidst the flight, it began to wonder why every flying creature seemed to love moving north so much. Did they have a purpose or was it just a habit learned over time? 

Its musings were soon cut short as the sensation of the creature releasing its talons was felt and it began free-falling down into the canopy of trees below.

A loud crack and the sudden feeling of being coated by an unknown viscous liquid added to the appearance of floating symbols made it suddenly aware that it had been dropped into a nest.


[Level UP!]

[You have defeated {Lvl 1 Bird Of Prey}!]

[Status screen now accessible!]

[1 Ability Point Available!]

[Title gained: Against All Odds!]

[Description: Against all odds, you have somehow gained a level despite having no form of mobility whatsoever! Increases Probability by (1)!]

A nest filled with eggs at that.

Eggs that were probably about to hatch and release another majestic creature of the sky to roam the forest.

Since the day it had gained awareness when the floating symbols briefly appeared, it had thought they had been a fragment of its imagination or something similar. It wouldn’t be the first.

What was a status screen and what does gaining access mean?

Gaining sentience had given it the ability to remember.

Did gaining a status screen do something similar?

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Did it have to call out for it to appear?

Stratus screen!

Status screen?

Status screen!


[ Name: Empty                level: 1 {0/5}

  Age: 4 months            Mana: 5/5

  Mobility: 0                   CHR: 5

  Strength: 0                  Evolution: 0

  Probability: 1               Ability Points: 1]

Huh. Thinking of the words ‘status screen’ with intent made more floating symbols appear. 

It had counted the rise and fall of the moon since it could remember and today was to be the 126th moon fall. If it was divided by the 4 months shown in its status screen then there were almost 30 days in one whole month. These floating symbols were surely created by an existence far greater in intelligence than it could comprehend. Did they also count the rise and fall of the moon to keep track of time? Were these symbols written to keep track of the effects of time on their growth? Did every creature birthed from mother nature possess the ability to see  these floating symbols? Or were they merely gifted to the select few lucky enough to develop the gift of memory?

How delightfully bizarre.

But in its feeling of joy at discovery, there was dissatisfaction at the emptiness displayed in the space of its name.

To be empty meant to contain nothing and be worthless in all manner of existence. Did the existence behind the symbols consider it worthy of remembrance and nothing more?

This was a contradiction since its mind was filled with fond memories of the various experiences it had gained in its short life span with the unknown creatures roaming the forest and the expanse of new sensations received from the ever-changing forces of nature ranging from rain to hail to wind everchanging in its force.

It wanted a name that could encompass its growing curiosity for the world around it. 

A name that could encompass its feeling of gratitude for the entity that made it able to remember all of its new experiences and not forget them the next day as it had before.

It wanted a name that signified the true beginning of its existence not when it was solidified from the magma that created it or fell from the rocky mountain slopes into the loving embrace of mother nature down below.

It wanted the name Nyx, for it meant the night on which its eyes first awoke to take sight of the silver moon hanging high in the sky above its reach, knowing with unmatched credence that it would never be the same.

And with the warmth of a dead chick below its core and the sound of leaves dancing to the tunes of the wind and the sharp cry of thunder signaling an incoming onslaught of rain, it named itself Nyx. Nyx of the night.


[Name gained! {Nyx Of The Night!}]

[Title gained! Moon-attuned]

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