Nyx Of The Night

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Actions and Consequences

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“Kuyaaaaa!!!!” The four chicks screeched violently, a couple of hours after leaving their eggs.

Lacking in feathers of blue and red like their glorious mother, they were pale pink in flesh and grotesquely bony and fragile looking. 

Nyx felt puzzled at the creature's repeated screeching. It was clearly going to do nothing except be a waste of their already meager energy, but for some reason they kept making that horrible noise like an unpleasant symphony feeding on sun and rain, making them practically unending.

At first, Nyx had been intrigued at the manner with which they came into the world, and had questions relating to their ability to view the status screen, and if they even had it. 

But quickly its curiosity had fizzled down to an unfamiliar emotion it had never had the honor of experiencing before; annoyance.

Annoyance at the creatures' inconsiderate endeavors to pollute the soundscape around them, and annoyance at Nyx for being unable to move away since the creatures were visibly unable to do so, judging from their pathetic-looking appendages.

Amidst its pondering, Nyx had remembered there being something about mobility in its status screen. So focusing solely on its desire to leave, it called;

Status screen!


[ Name: Nyx                level: 1 {0/5}

  Age: 4 months            Mana: 5/5

  Mobility: 0                   CHR: 5

  Strength: 0                  Evolution: 0

  Probability: 1               Ability Points: 1]

And suck at a zero at that.

How accurate.

Was there a way to make gain mobility and Nyx had just been oblivious all along? 

The fact that it was a zero opens the door to endless possibilities such as a one, or a two, or maybe, gasp! A three?!

Nevertheless, how did the entire process even work?

Could Nyx gain wings by merely moving symbols in its mind? Was this how every creature gained mobility?!

We’re the pathetic-looking creatures Nyx has viewed with disdain already tens of steps ahead of it merely by being able to move?!

Nyx has so many questions but like its mobility, it had exactly zero answers.

Move one! 

It thought with intent, doing absolutely nothing.

Move one to mobility!

It tried once more, also doing nothing.

Maybe Nyx was doing it wrong? Maybe it wasn’t a command and more of an action?

Like Nyx had to move one from somewhere to replace the zero?

Focusing once more, Nyx imagined moving the one in the ability points into its mobility and…


[1 Mobility gained!]

It worked!

[Choose your path of evolution:

Bipedal: You gain two legs to explore the vast world around you. 

Quadrupedal: You gain four legs to explore the vast world around you.

Leggy: You gain an infinite amount of legs to explore the vast world around you.

Aerial: You gain no legs but fly to explore the vast world around you. 

Levitation: You also have no legs but float to explore the vast world around you.

Rotation: You still have zero legs but spin rapidly to explore the vast world around you. 

Choose 1]

So many symbols of incomprehensible meaning!

Nyx only had a faint idea of what they all meant but! Aerial flight seemed nice.

The symbol’s emphasis on legs was a bit puzzling though. 

Was that the right path of evolution? Legs?

But why stay on the ground when you could live in the sky? 

Did every creature walking the earth choose to walk the earth because it was the right option? Then why were there so many also in the sky? 

Was there a wrong path to choose or a right path? Probably not, right? Since Nyx had the option to choose, which must mean that the path Nyx chose was the right path.

If so then definitely Aerial. Nyx had spent so much time stuck on the ground, looking up enviously as others flew past it, merely imagining being able to do the same set forth a burst of joy inside it.


[Evolution Path: Aerial]

[Appendage gained: Wings]

[Ability gained: Flight]

[Ability gained: Wing attack]

You are reading story Nyx Of The Night at novel35.com

[Ability gained: Rectal burn (Sunlight required)]

[You have 0 ability points remaining!]

Nyx’s jubilation was soon cut short by the sudden wave of itchiness spreading on every part of its core, heralding the beginning of its new evolution.


Constant awareness meant always being awake for experiences you would have preferred not to remember. 

Like the horrible feeling of its core breaking to accommodate its new wings or the stinging of feathers shooting out from the surface of its new wings but unfortunately breaking it again in the process.

On the bright side! it had become much larger in size, almost rivaling the screeching creatures, and it had gained two new wings!

They gleamed brightly in the light and were a very pretty shade of lilac, Nyx’s new favorite color.

It had tried flying but it could currently only hover a little bit over the nest, not high above like the creature of red and blue but much better than the ones in the nest.

On the topic of those, Nyx gained some new abilities it was excited to try out on them. 

Focusing on the symbols of rectal burn, it brings its wings forward, and immediately a beam of light flies in the direction of the creatures, restarting an onslaught of loud screeches.

[Rectal Burn - Damage (2)!] 

Nyx tries once again and gets another result.

[Rectal Burn - Damage (3)!] 

The next attempt is less effective with a damage of 1. 

But the other two attempts deal consistent damage of 3 onto the creatures resulting in the appearance of some familiar symbols.

[You have defeated {Lvl 1 Bird Of Prey}!]

[You have defeated {Lvl 1 Bird Of Prey}!]

[Level UP!]

[1 Ability Point Available!]

[You have defeated {Lvl 1 Bird Of Prey}!]

[You have defeated {Lvl 1 Bird Of Prey}!]

Was that their name? Birds of prey? 

If so, then Nyx was grateful to the birds of prey for allowing it to experiment with its new abilities. Their meeting was surely fated since they had been so instrumental in the process of its growth.

Offering a moment of silence in appreciation for their sacrifice, Nyx calls up its status screen.


[ Name: Empty             Level: 2 {5/10}

  Age: 4 months            Mana: 6/6

  Mobility: 1                   CHR: 5

  Strength: 0                  Rank: 0

  Job: {Empty}              Job level: 0

  Agility:                         Evolution: 1

  Probability: 1               Ability Points: 1]


A new ability point! 

Could it be of use in learning to fly better?


Passive skills:

  • Let It Shine: Level 1 {You are impossible to miss in the light } 
  • Flight: Lvl 1 {You can hover lightly for a few minutes}


Active skills:

  • Wing Attack: Lvl 1 {Your crystalline wings can be shot at foes a few feet away} (3~5 damage) (1 mana)
  • Rectal burn: Lvl 1 (Sunlight required) {You can reflect light into the eyes of foe} (1-3 damage) 



Nyx got the feeling that it had to become better with time and practice. On the other hand, the new additions were interesting. Nyx wasn’t sure how to get a job, but it was thrilled to find out!

Believing that future evolution would require the sacrifice of more creatures, Nyx placed the ability point into strength.


The pitter-patter of raindrops hitting leaves was a comforting sound, Nyx thought, crashing into another branch and almost getting stuck in the tangled vines.

‘Up up up!’

It chanted, willing its heavy crystalline wings to flap faster, but failing and getting struck by the furious-looking mother bird once more. 

As it turns out, birds of prey don’t appreciate having their offspring murdered in their nest, a few hours after hatching. 

Who would have guessed? 

Definitely not Nyx, the murderer with no valid reason for its actions except morbid curiosity and a feeling of mild annoyance. 

So now, in the heaviest rainfall to befall the forest to date, and chased by a vengeful amalgamation of fury on wings, Nyx found itself flapping fruitlessly in an attempt to escape another strike.


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