
Chapter 1: Obscured

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[Chapter 1]

Anders truly thought himself to be superior, an alpha male if you will. Just look at those glistening muscles and slick black hair. What other six-foot two male could make the women swoon. Well, he assumed it was swooning. When walking down the streets of their little town the women seemed to move away from Anders. Of course, that could only be due to how handsome he is. Easily intimidated women couldn’t handle his charisma. At the age of 17 Anders realized this hamlet didn’t contain what he deserved, and decided it was time to venture. Find new, exciting places. Where the women would run to him instead of from.

Although leaving would mean having to drag along Otto. His best friend since infancy. Otto was the epitome of dud, in Anders opinion. Much to Anders surprise though Otto didn’t do too shabby with the ladies of the town. They would go to him if in need of horseshoes or a fix around the home. Otto was the towns up and coming blacksmith. Taking after his father in the family business. Anders attempted to assist in the shop last summer, but the soot on his chiseled cheek bones bothered him. He wasn’t up for such labor, handsome men shouldn’t have to work for the muscles, they just come naturally. 

Anders began walking up the cobbled path to the blacksmiths shop. Otto would already be there getting the fire going and setting up the orders for the day. Knowing it will be hard to convince his friend to up and leave Anders intended to not really ask. He had a way of getting Otto to do things that are very unlike him. Part of that charisma he felt he projected.

Otto noticed Anders mumbling under his breath as he approached the big steel door. The half wall for walk ups was uncovered but Anders didn’t like coming up that way. Made him look like common town folk. Knowing the look on Anders face Otto prepared himself to say no. Anders was always coming up with a new scheme to burden him with. Last week he attempted to convince Otto to sell his sister, Cilla, to Anders as a wife. Not only was Otto raised with different morals he knew his father would never go with such a proposal. Besides Anders only wanted Cilla because she had grown an abundant chest and was soft spoken.

“OTTO! My main man, best friend, sidekick. How are you this, ugh, well miserable morning? Will this rain ever end?” Anders bellowed as he walked through the large door frame. Throwing his shoulders back to seem taller than he was. Otto’s father stood a magnificent six-foot eight inches when prompted to, and only seemed prompted to when Anders made himself present. A bit of a competition between the two over the years has been showing who is more manly. Otto’s father, Magnus, was far more muscular and dignified then Anders.

“Rain?” Otto leaned his head out the half wall to his left. “It’s a mist at best.”

Anders ignoring Otto questioning him continued to speak over his friend. “I was thinking we haven’t left town in a while. Gone and seen some sights. Maybe fishing by Richard’s point?”

“Chase women…” a small voice added from behind a support beam, announcing Cilla was present for this. Anders rolled his eyes knowing having Otto’s family present will make this harder. But Anders was determined. Once he decided he wanted to leave there wasn’t much to stand in his way.

“What do you want, Anders.” Magnus bellowing voice echoed across the shop from the tool bench against the wall.

“Want? To see my friend, that is all. You keep him cooped up in this tiny hut..” Started Anders to only be interrupted by Otto “Hey, watch it. We have an order to get out before the next shaadi. I’m far too busy to get caught up in yo-” “I finished that yesterday.” Magnus interjected. “Oh, but we have that door to repair for th-” Otto attempted to continue. “That’s done to.” Magnus corrected. A small giggle can be heard in the corner by the forge. Cilla had taken up a stool between the large stone fireplace and the window with a book in hand. Anders always thought it strange the family had decided to allow her to learn to read. Why when the rest of the town’s girls learned practical things like sewing and cooking, he may never know.

“You’ve worked hard this week. Go.” Magnus said turning away from the boys to move the 3-pound hammer back onto the bench from the anvil.

“But, umm, what about…” Otto was trying hard to not get pulled into whatever Anders had designed in his mind. “I am sure that it can wait for your return.” Magnus turned toward Otto, he was always able to move so smooth and effortless for such a large man. “I would like it if you’d leave now. Do I need to assist you?” Otto was stunned by this, but if he thought about it for a moment wasn’t completely surprised. His father seemed annoyed at Otto for not going to the local social events anymore. Asking him regularly if the 19-year-old is even interested in women. Otto knew his father would be fine if he wasn’t, just as long as he didn’t let the town folk know. Something like that could ruin the shops reputation. Truth be told for years he thought he loved Anders. Then he grew up to be more self-centered and egotistic the alure of his muscles and chiseled cheek bones faded. Especially after the summer Anders worked in the shop and did nothing but complain. 

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