Odyssey of a Deranged Transmigrator

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Bandit Encounter

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“You, where are you?!” Yuuto questioned aloud as he turned around to face whoever had insulted him.

The monster continued, saying, “If you don’t want to fight, you and I will be hungry, and I will be forced to feed on your liver and intestines while you will die, and I will have to find a new host.”

The words spoken by the monster made Yuuto feel sick to his stomach. Even if they were a vicious gang of bandits, he had no intention of hurting anyone.

He dismissed the idea with a shake of his head, “No, I can’t do that. I won’t allow you to cause harm to other people. I won’t be participating in that in any way. It’s possible those individuals are bad, but they might have a justifiable reason for acting that way.

“Wait, what did you say? You’re inside of me?”

“Yes,” the voice rumbled, “I am inside of you. I am a part of you now. Together, we have the potential to achieve much more than this. So, what do you say? Will you join me?”

“No, I will not allow you to kill those bandits. Everyone should get a chance to redeem themselves. We have no idea why they are acting in this manner; it’s possible that they have a good reason.” Yuuto said firmly.

“All right, that settles it.” The voice sighed.

Tendrils suddenly protruded from Yuuto’s back and began wrapping themselves around his clothing and armor. It started moving around on its own.

“What are you doing?!” Yuuto yelled.

Yuuto underwent a transformation and became a monster that was 4 meters tall after the tendrils changed their shape.

“What have you done to me?!” Yuuto shouted.

The same voice spoke once more and said, “I have given you power. The power to protect yourself. The power to protect those around you. And the power to annihilate each and every one of your foes!

It continued, “Or you can watch as those people die. Others will be brought to their deaths as a direct result of your inaction and cowardice. In exactly the same manner as when you slaughtered your wife, your parents, and your brother.”

Yuuto yelled, “How dare-” when he was cut off by the piercing and high-pitched scream of a woman.

Yuuto was terrified and on the verge of taking a step back when it suddenly recalled the insults that had been hurled at it by the monster.

As he took one step forward, he yelled, “I’M NOT A COWARD!” in his mind and then moved forward.

As soon as his foot made contact with the ground, changes began to take place in his body. The bluish pupils in his eyes were immediately replaced by red pupils. He had reverted to his previous violent personality.

Yuuto announced, “I’m back.”

“Nice thinking, by the way.” He complimented the monster.

“I aim to please.” It then continued with a laugh before saying, “It’s time for a late breakfast.”

“Let’s go then,” Yuuto uttered those words as he started making his way toward the bandits.

“You are able to control my body as well as my attire, right? Could you possibly give me a suit, a tie, and a mask? Oh, and pants as well!”

“I can do that.” The voice said.

Yuuto transformed back into his human form and started walking towards the bandits while wearing a black surgical mask, black tie, and black suit.

He had the impression that he was more powerful than he had ever been in his life on Planet Earth.

When he opened his inventory, he was surprised to discover that the Crescent Moon Hammer was missing.

The coward must have abandoned it in the goblin village... hah, fuck.

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Yuuto quickly equipped his Crescent Moon Axe and charged full speed toward the gang of roadside bandits.

In contrast to the more straightforward appearance of the Crescent Moon Hammer, the design of the axe was significantly more complex, and it featured engravings on the head of the axe. The weapon’s head was attached to a long handle, indicating that it was intended to be wielded with both hands, much like the Crescent Moon Hammer.

Yuuto let out a roar as he charged the bandits while brandishing his axe.

Yuuto was suddenly confronted by one bandit armed with a spear.

Yuuto attacked the bandit with a spear while swinging his axe in an arc toward him. As it sliced into the man’s shoulder, the blade of the weapon sliced effortlessly through both the man’s flesh and bone. He wailed out in agony for a moment before Yuuto’s next swing, which decapitated him completely, putting an end to his wailing.

The other bandits were stunned by what they had just seen, but they quickly regained their composure when they realized that Yuuto was still on his way to kill them.

They all tried to maintain their composure despite the anger caused by the death of their friend.

Yuuto was attacked by a second bandit who brandished a sword. He launched an angry slash at Yuuto, but Yuuto avoided his attack at the last second and countered with a right cross.

After flying for an entire meter and landing on the ground, the bandit was decapitated by Yuuto with one downward swing of his axe, which resulted in the bandit’s instantaneous death.

Yuuto laughed as he grabbed the severed head by the hair and held it in his hand.

“Is this the extent of your banditry? Fight back, and allow me to take pleasure in this slaughter.” Yuuto yelled at the group, taunting them despite the fact that they all appeared anxious and downright terrified of him.

“What do you say we throw in a little handicap?” Yuuto threw the head and the axe to the ground and spread his arms out in front of him, giving the impression that he was inviting his pursuers to attack him and that he was vulnerable.

After a brief moment of hesitation, the bandits charged him all at once in unison.

Yuuto assumed a fighting stance similar to that of a boxer as the bandits came closer to him. He then began to jump around on the ground as he waited for them to get inside his range.

The first person to reach him was a bandit armed with a sword. The bandit attempted to slash Yuuto, but Yuuto blocked the attack with his arm and followed it up with a left hook.

“Holy shit.” Yuuto shrieked out in surprise when he saw the bandit’s skull splitting open, which brought him to his knees.

Yuuto reached out and grabbed the head of the dying man with both of his hands, and he slammed them violently against each other.

Crack! The force caused the top of the head to collapse, which resulted in brain matter, blood, and broken bone fragments being dispersed in all directions.

“Goddamn,” Yuuto said as he dropped the corpse and laughed, “Hahahaha, shit.”

He was startled when he heard the sound of the system’s demon voice saying, “Level up.”

─ Your level has increased. You are now Lv. 2.

Yuuto was ambushed by a second bandit who approached him from behind, but he was able to easily avoid the attack.

Yuuto made a flying leap and brought his elbow down on the man’s head. His elbow went all the way through the man’s skull, and Yuuto could feel the bones cracking.

The bandit let out an agonized scream just before he was silenced.

Yuuto did a quick scan of the area and found that there were fifteen bandits still standing.

“Your turn.” Yuuto said to the monster within him and continued, “Go wild.”

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