Odyssey of a Deranged Transmigrator

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Monster Within And Its Tendrils of Terror

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“Finally. It’s been a thousand years since I’ve had breakfast!” The monster’s words were filled with elation as they echoed inside Yuuto’s head.

From Yuuto’s back, a plethora of minuscule tendrils began to protrude, all of which began to intertwine with one another in order to form larger and more lengthy tendrils.

“Ahh! What the hell is that?!” After witnessing the hideous transformation that Yuuto had undergone, the bandits screamed as they fled while wearing expressions of abject horror on their faces.

Yuuto did nothing more than sit there and watch as the tendrils began tracking down the fleeing bandits while a grin spread across his face.

As the tendrils moved closer to its victims, a mouth began to take shape, and, in a single motion, it ate the heads of the bandits.

“Whoa. Sick!” He said it with a tone that conveyed his admiration for the monster’s performance.

“So... are you not planning to consume the remainder of their bodies?” He asked.

In response, it uttered in a deep and menacing voice, “I only require the nutrients that can be found in their brains. The rest is useless.”

“Yeah, well. I need nutrients too.” Yuuto stated in an uninterested manner.

The monstrosity sighed and said, “All right.”

Its tendrils quickly began to eat away at the bandits’ flesh until there was almost nothing left of them.

“I will only let out the necessary quantities of nutrients. You should be able to go without food or water for no more than four days if you have this amount of nutrients in your body. You might be able to survive for more than a week if you just lie around all day and not do anything.” The monster said after consuming all of the bandits’ corpses.

Yuuto’s tendrils started winding themselves back up and disappearing into his body.

Yuuto was getting closer to the carriage when he noticed that there were only four tendrils left.

While he was pulling the door open, he accidentally ripped it off of its hinges, and it fell to the floor.

“Goddammit.” He spoke those words while clenching his fists and adding, “I’m having a hard time controlling my strength.” It had occurred to him earlier when he punched a bandit, but now he was certain that it wasn’t merely an isolated incident.

Yuuto took notice of the man who was atop a blonde woman who had all of her clothing and undergarments removed.

“Damn. Having the time of your life, cabron?” Yuuto asked while unintentionally squeezing the man with the tendrils he was controlling.

Oh, so I can also control it? Not bad... I can control it much better than my own arms...

Yuuto threw the ringleader of the bandits out of the carriage, sending his body flying a couple of meters above the ground and landing twelve meters away from the carriage.

The leader of the bandits struggled to get to his feet but was ultimately unsuccessful.

“Was the pussy so good that you dissociated yourself from your environment and moved to a higher plane of existence?” Yuuto made fun of the dead bandit leader for not hearing the screams of his underlings when they were being attacked.

After assessing the condition of his foe, he activated Odin’s Sight to examine the wounds that his adversary had sustained.

The impact caused him to suffer from broken ribs and punctured lungs. His head also suffered from a concussion.

There was no escaping from this one, but just in case —because I have trust issues—

Yuuto began to exert his will upon the tendrils so that they would bite off a portion of the man’s left foot.

“Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!” The leader of the bandits let out a scream of pure agony.

Yuuto turned around and said, “We’re not done yet,” before walking away, “We’ll be back for you, bitch.”

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When he went back inside the carriage, he observed that it contained several dead bodies. There were six men total, five of whom were dressed as knights and one who resembled a coachman.

He saw the terrified woman who was still trembling and had tears streaming down her face as he approached her.

Yuuto examined her body. Her inner thighs bore the marks of blood that had partially hardened. Her neck, her breasts, and her mark were covered with a large number of bite marks. In addition to that, there was a multitude of claw marks and what appeared to be bruising, which was most likely caused by punching or a blunt instrument.

It was evident that the leader of the bandits had a good time.

When he saw the condition that her body was in, it brought back memories of the atrocities that Japanese soldiers committed across Asia during the second world war.

What sick fucks, not that I’m one to talk. I suppose that I do now understand, to some extent, why Ayame despises the human race.

“No severe injuries. How lucky.” He thought as he looked away.

“It’s alright now,” Yuuto wiped away her tears with his palms while reassuring her that everything was going to be okay.

“We’re here for you.” Both Yuuto and the monster spoke at the same time, although their tones were noticeably distinct from one another. Their voices fused together to make a unique tone.

“We?” The woman slowly opened her eyes and stared at Yuuto and his tendrils for a few seconds before uttering a quiet “Th-thank you...” in a hushed voice.

Yuuto helped the woman dress by using the tendrils to pull on her clothes for her. He dared not use his hands because the power was beyond his control.

He felt the need to speak up to break the awkward silence.

“So, what’s your name?” He asked.

“I-Irene,” She replied.

“I see,” He said wryly, then added a warm smile, “Let’s get you out of here.”

“But before that, do you want to kill him?” Yuuto pointed his finger at the leader of the bandits.

Irene reached for a sword that was nearby and remained silent.

“Don’t worry about it. You can vent your rage on him. He won’t be around for much longer anyway.” Yuuto encouraged her.

“Y-you bastard! You ruined my life!” Irene scowled as she repeatedly slashed the man with her sword, the bandit leader’s blood splattering a portion of her face and her dress as she did so.

Irene stopped, panting heavily.

She started to position the pointed blade of the sword to the side of her neck.

“I-My life is over! I’ve been ruined and sullied, my fiancee is going to call off our engagement, and my family is going to disown me... I don’t have a home that I can go back to anymore...” Irene let out a pitiful wail as she attempted to escape her predicament.

Yuuto was able to prevent Irene from stabbing herself in the neck with the sword by using the tendrils that were growing from his back.

“If you want to throw your life away, how about joining me? You will be able to do whatever you want...” Then, after a brief pause, he continued with a sneering grin on his face and stated, “Because I’m here with you.”

Irene’s expression conveyed surprise as she turned around to look at Yuuto.

“So, do you accept?” He asked.

Irene finally responded with a nod of her head and a “...Yes” after pausing for a brief period of reflection.

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