Odyssey of a Deranged Transmigrator

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Orc Settlement

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The monster and I arrived at a cave. There was nothing unusual about the cave from the inside or the outside; it appeared to be a typical cavern.

We had been walking for several hours at this point, and I decided to walk behind him at a leisurely pace. Or perhaps it has only been a little over an hour. I had lost track of the amount of time that had elapsed.

I haven't slept in a while because I've had to carry the infected girl while also holding the knife and the sabers. I'm exhausted.

"We. Here." The monstrous voice proclaimed.

"There's nothing in here. Are we really in the right place?" I thought to myself.

Suddenly, the monster pulled something out of its pocket, and it was a bright green orb that emanated a dimmer green light.

The wall of the cave suddenly opened in front of me, revealing a space that was large enough to accommodate three identical versions of the monster that was with me.

As I watched the monster approach the door with interest, I couldn't help but think to myself, "Interesting..." I trailed closely in his footsteps.

After I had entered, I discovered another cave. However, in contrast to the last time, this time, there were lanterns embedded in the wall. I finally got a good look at the monster in its entirety.

The monster was covered in a thick layer of green skin and had massive muscles. He resembled The Hulk from the Marvel Superheroes, with the exception that he had a completely upright posture.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're an Orc, right?" I asked.

After staring at me for a while, he eventually gave a small nod.

"I... used... to... be... human..." He murmured his words in a low voice.

"What, did you subject yourself to amounts of gamma radiation that could have killed you?" I joked.

Once more, he looked directly at me. His eyes were as open as they possibly could be.

"Are... you... from... Earth...?" He questioned.

I blinked my eyes in confusion and then realized what it was that I had just said.

"You, are you also from Earth?" I replied, just as surprised as he was.

After continuing to look at me for a while, all of a sudden, he came over to where I was standing and gave me a hug. His arms, which were strong and muscular, wrapped around my body. After holding on to me for a brief period of time while I stood there in this position, he finally let go of me and set me free.

He nodded once more, and then he started moving further into the cave, showing signs of great excitement.

I kept up with him while keeping an eye on what was going on around me. When we were about to enter yet another dead end, the monster released his green orb once more, and a new path appeared before us.

"Follow... me..." He beckoned.

As I followed in his footsteps, I came across an even larger cave on the inside.

There must have been a couple of hundred stone buildings inside.

After what seemed like only a few seconds, I caught sight of someone far away running in our direction.

It was a group of orcs. They made a respectful bow and welcomed the orc who had brought me here. Strange, is he the dominant figure in this colony?

After that, he addressed the group. In response to that, every single one of them bowed down.

"We. have. guests." He called out to them.

They all turned around and looked at me, their faces displaying a range of emotions, starting with fear and progressing through shock and, finally, anger.

I was about to let go of the girl in order to take ahold of the saber when all of a sudden, the orc that had been leading me stepped forward and shouted.

"STAND... DOWN…" It gave a low growl to the group.

After an instant of stunned silence, everyone in the group got to their knees and bowed their heads.

The orc looked directly at me.

"Follow. Me. Closely." He commanded.

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I did as I was told, keeping a close distance between us and ensuring that my weapons were always prepared for combat in any situation.

The orc led me to a tall building that had a ground level that was raised above the rest of the structure, as well as four tall pillars that stood at the entrance. Its general appearance suggested that it was modeled after a city hall found on Earth. This structure, in contrast to the others found within the cavern, featured an intricate and symmetrical design. 

The remainder had an unadorned and standardized exterior, and their windows did not have any panes or grills attached to them. The walls seemed to be a light brown color. It looked visually similar to the capital city of Jordan, Amman, which is located in the Middle East.

Together, the orc and I entered the building. We came to a stop in front of a door. The orc pounded on the door twice before waiting for a response.

The door opened with a creaking sound and revealed a woman who was wearing a plain white robe and had her hair pulled back into a bun. She had light skin, blonde hair, and the appearance of being in her early to mid-20s.

"Oh, a human? Fufu, how unusual." She grinned. "I am Silvia, the vice leader of this settlement." After giving him a hug, she pointed to the orc that was standing next to me and said, "I am also his wife."

"Is interracial marriage common in this world?" I inquired with a keen interest.

Silvia smiled and shook her head. To be honest, no. It is forbidden for humans to marry non-human races unless they look human in some way, such as elves, cat people, dog people, or other similar races. It is strictly forbidden and regarded as heretical to wed a monster such as an orc." She stated.

"If that's the case, why?" I wondered aloud, filled with curiosity.

"The monsters, though they may look like savages, are far superior in many ways. Their blood and genes are far more advanced than ours in a variety of aspects, including physical prowess and rate of movement. After I had that experience with a monster, I found that I could no longer be content doing it with a human. I-" 

"No, it's fine. I don't want to hear about your sex life." I interrupted her. I've never seen anyone shift gears quite as quickly as she did; her once-elegant appearance was suddenly that of a woman in heat. Crazy bitch. It would be best for me to avoid interaction with her.

"Oh, I see. What a shame. If you are this at ease around monsters, I thought you would have already done it with a monster girl." She giggled.

"Nope, never did that," I replied nonchalantly. "Look, can we take a rest? My companion is injured."

"I strongly suggest carrying out the deed with a slime or an elf," Silvia suggested while laughing.

"Enough! What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled as I drew my saber and pointed it at the woman, my rage beginning to take hold of me. "I just want to rest. I have no interest in participating in whatever kind of interracial orgy you're trying to put together. I've had a long day, and all I want to do is go to bed and rest."

Silvia froze for a second. A look of terror crossed her face, and she quickly ran off without saying anything.

I let out a breath and lowered the saber before turning around and seeing the orc with a contrite expression on his face.

"Sorry. About. My. Wife. Its. Been. Some. Time. Since. We. Did. It." He explained.

I heaved a sigh and replied, "No, I ought to be the one to apologize. When I'm overly exhausted and sleepy, I have a tendency to lose my temper."

"Its... Fine... No... Harm.... No... Foul…" He assured.

He led me into a spacious room that was empty.

"You. Can. Sleep. Here. I'll. Bring. The. Beds. And. Water. For. The. Girl." He said as he was leaving the room.

It didn't take him very long to get back, and when he did, he brought with him some hand-woven mats, a bucket of water, and a piece of cloth.

I uttered the words, "Thank you," just before he exited the room.

After placing the mats on the ground, I positioned the girl on top of them. Just before I went to sleep, I pressed the damp cloth against her forehead.




I woke up.

I had the impression that there was something warm next to me.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I became aware that I was holding the girl in a particularly tight hug. In addition to this, I became aware that she was wide awake and staring at me.

Almost instantly, I got to my feet and took my hands off of her.

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