Odyssey of a Deranged Transmigrator

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Training

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I woke up.

I had the impression that there was something warm next to me.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I became aware that I was holding the girl in a particularly tight hug. In addition to this, I became aware that she was wide awake and staring at me.

Almost instantly, I got to my feet and took my hands off of her.

“I’m sorry, it’s an old habit,” I muttered an apology.

“Where are we now? Do you happen to have anything to eat?” She asked; her question was delivered in a tone that was so soft that it was almost inaudible.

“We’re on a settlement of monsters. You have nothing to worry about, as they are not hostile. I’ll inquire about it outside and get back to you as soon as I can.” I said as I moved my attention toward the entrance.

“Don’t leave me here alone.” As I attempted to leave, she grabbed my leg and pleaded with me to stay.

“Haaaaah...” I heaved a long sigh of exasperation before taking her in my arms and carrying her like a princess. I got up and left the room in order to look for the orc leader who had brought me here.

Her temperature had come down a little bit, but she was still quite warm when touched.

I saw Silvia off in the distance, so I made a beeline for her as quickly as I could.

“Hey! Is there something we could eat and drink?” I asked.

She gave me a sideways glance out of the corner of her eye and sighed before responding, “Sorry about yesterday.”

“Come with me; I saved food for the both of you,” she said.

I followed her as she went to another room. A dining room, to be exact. The meal was presented on a plate and ready for consumption. Surprisingly, there were also seasonings and condiments available for use. The meal consisted of roasted beef accompanied by fruits and a gallon-sized container of water.

I started out by biting into the beef that was covered in some kind of sauce before moving on to the fruits. It was delicious.

I couldn’t stop eating. I had no idea how much food I had already eaten because I was so hungry. But I was abruptly stopped in the middle of my ravenous rampage when I noticed the girl wasn’t eating at all.

“What, you don’t feel like eating?” I asked the question without expecting an answer because I knew that it was common for someone with a fever to lose their appetite. A substance known as cytokine is secreted by the body in order to reduce feelings of hunger and save more of the body’s energy for combating the illness rather than being used up by digestion.

“It’s fine if you don’t feel like eating, but you should at least get some water in your system. Your body cannot function properly without water.” I explained.

Her eyes darted back and forth from the dish to the glass of water that was sitting on the table.

“Can you feed me?” She requested in a hushed tone.

“Haaah...” I heaved a sigh of exasperation out of my mouth. The only reason I was helping her was that she was indirectly responsible for saving my life, and I needed information about the town. In the end, I gave up and said, “Fine.”

We have completed our meal. 

I ended up eating the rest of the food because she only ate about half of it, and I didn’t want to waste the food that they had prepared. 

I carried her to the large, empty room where we slept and positioned her on the mat there so that she could resume her rest. I dipped the cloth in water and placed it on her head to cool it.

I did the same thing, but I couldn’t get comfortable enough to fall asleep. I gave some thought to what I should do next, but unfortunately, there is nothing I can do here.

Oh, that’s right, I just realized that I need to work on my fitness and strengthen this body.

I jumped up and began doing push-ups.

I got into a push-up position by placing both my hand and foot on the ground and bringing the rest of my body into a parallel position to the floor.

I lowered myself carefully until I was relatively close to the ground, and then I slowly raised my body back up.

After the first fifteen times, my body was unable to take any more of the strain that was being put on it.

I attempted to perform one more repetition, but my arms felt like they were going to collapse under their own weight, and when I tried to raise my body upwards, I felt a sensation similar to an electric shock in my arms.

It must have been a problem with my nerves; just to be safe, I should add flexibility training to my workout routine.

In order to pass the time while I waited for the strength in my arms to return, I decided to do another workout instead, with the emphasis this time being on my lower body.

I brought my hands in front of me, bent my knees, and positioned my feet so that they were shoulder-width apart.

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First, I brought my upper body down, and then I brought it back up.

After carrying out the same motion more than fifty times, I was finally unable to bring my leg down any further.

It felt like my lower body was on the verge of collapsing.

I was so weak that I could hardly stand still.

I was unable to stand up anymore, so I lay down because my legs had lost their strength.

Because they do not require any effort from the legs, hands, or shoulders, I have decided that the next workout will consist of sit-ups.

I bent my legs forward and placed my hands on the opposite shoulder.

I began by pulling my back off the ground, after which I went back to where I was before and repeated the process.

I was only able to complete thirteen repetitions before my strength gave out, and I was unable to lift my back upwards.

As I took some nice, deep breaths, I had the sensation that I was soaking in a bath because of the amount of sweat that was covering my entire body.

I felt like I was going to pass out, but this wasn’t good enough.

My workout regimen needs to be ramped up to an even higher intensity.

In the coming week, instead of doing sit-ups, I should perform leg and knee raises while holding onto a tree branch with my hands in a pull-up-like position.

I really should include pull-ups as well.

If my hands slip or I lose strength, I’ll probably fall from a pretty high distance, but hey, it’s not like there are any other options, so I might as well give it a shot.

In addition, I did it that way on Earth because I didn’t want to be a burden on my parents by asking them to pay for a membership to a monthly gym.

I turned my head to the side when I became aware that the girl was looking at me.

“What?” I inquired but did not receive a response to my question. “You need something?” I inquired a second time.

She did nothing more than shake her head.

“Why are you hurting yourself?” She asked suddenly.

I was perplexed, so I asked, “What do you mean?”

“You continue to go to extraordinary lengths in order to improve your physical strength. You’re masking away the pain, but I can tell how much it’s hurting you.”

The young woman focused her attention squarely on my face as she waited for a response.

I don’t know why, but I felt compelled to give her an honest response, and I told her, “Because I don’t want to do something that I’ll regret someday. ‘What if I had put in more effort?’, ‘What if I had trained more?’, ‘What if I had worked harder?’, ‘What if I had been stronger?’. I don’t want to ask myself those questions someday. After all, regret is always at the end.”

“But... doesn’t it hurt? Wouldn’t you benefit more from taking it easy?” Her brows were furrowed as she asked the question.

“Why do you seem to be so concerned about me all of a sudden? Have you forgotten, or do I need to jog your memory that I slaughtered your companions?”

The reminder caused her to flinch slightly. As was to be expected, guilt spread across her face.

“The man whose eyes you pulled out, he was my father. The rest, they were my uncles.” Her words were stumbling as she fought back the tears that were threatening to fall.

“Is that so? Then tell me, why do you not hate me? Don’t you feel any desire to exact revenge on those who wronged your family? To kill me, who took the lives of your family? When I was asleep, it would have been very simple to accomplish. In addition, there was a weapon in the immediate vicinity. If I were in your position, I would have cut my throat while we were in the woods at night when we were together.”

I wondered aloud to myself, in a state of bewilderment, “Is it not normal to seek vengeance?” How much more so in this world where the law cannot bind everyone?

The girl became noticeably shaky as a direct result of my words. Tears ran down her cheeks, making her cheeks look rosy.

She did not respond and instead turned her gaze away.

I continued to work out, varying the routine that I had been following from earlier until I was able to complete 500 repetitions of each exercise. After that, I just threw myself to the ground and went to sleep there.

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