Of Swords and Dragons

Chapter 3: The First Knight- A Failed Task

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           I rode like the devil himself was at my heels. I had been given an order by the person most dear to me. I paused and wheeled my horse around to a nearby hill. Once on the top of the cliff I looked out and saw Castle Strand standing on its seaside cliff. It was an imposing fortress that would not fall to siege easily. Many said it was as far north as you could get without leaving the continent. I had come here three years ago as a child myself. Luckily no one had complained about my reluctance to not be seen out of plate armor and without my help. I had come here to leave my past behind and entered a tourney. I had taken the victory in every area and when it came to my reward the king had offered me a simple deal. I could take the gold and move on, or be his son’s guard. 

            I initially was going to take the gold and move on. Buy passage to the northern wastes to sell my skills as a mercenary. Then I saw his son. Someone who was my same age. Someone who wore a look I remembered seeing in the mirror every day growing up. A smiling mask that shifted to quiet misery when they thought no one was looking. I took the job as a bodyguard. 

           After a year of following him around, being the quiet shadow, I found my suspicion was right. I saw the signs; longing looks at things and expressed desires that were always cut short as if he feared someone might hear him. I lost track of the number of times I saw the prince stare off into the sky in longing. We became quite friends as I never judged him and let him speak his mind freely. More than a few times it seemed he was about to tell me something, I never pressed though when he would finally fall silent. It took me years with support to find myself. It was just him and I wanted him to feel safe.

           Unfortunately, the king was a fervent believer in that damn cult of Viroi and let it overshadow his rulings. If it was not for the prince I would have left. I knew the fate that waited for me at the hands of Viroi priests. I had narrowly escaped it once before and did not want to experience it again. Though I had tested my suspicion once and let the prince try one of my elixirs made from the viri fruit the Orcali would sell. It confirmed my suspicions in a moment as the prince found the taste repulsive. I became more determined than before to protect this precious being. They dedicated themselves to learning the ins and out of being a proper ruler though my heart ached as I saw them put away their paintings and music.

           On their eighteenth birthday, it all changed. So far, the predations of Viroi had just influenced the king to rambunctious outbursts against the world. Then they brought that poor woman in. A trans woman, another who had been cursed with the wrong body at birth. Not for the first time I wished to trade bodies with them. She had been beaten for the simple crime of being herself. My blood boiled and I felt the need to draw my sword and cut them down to free her like in the stories the minstrels would sing.

           Instead, the prince stood tall and demanded to know her crime. They never misgendered her, even once the matter of her birth became clear. The prince defied their father but bowed before his father’s rage. I knew the prince was concerned that King Portis’s wrath may fall upon the woman. I found myself following the prince at their request to a place I never thought I would be. The temple of Viroi. I knew my prince well, they would look for any loophole to free that woman, and they did. They were beautiful to watch work, how their long brown hair would fall on their face and they would blow at it to not interrupt their reading and writing.

           The prince found what they needed and led us back to the banquet where things had escalated. The woman was chained to the floor like an animal and the priest my prince had kicked out was ranting against her evil. Once again, I felt my grip tighten on my sword and I began to draw steel.

           And again, my prince stilled my hand as they called out the priest, gave a mighty speech, called out to the nobles, and in a single moment turned a room of vultures who hungered for this woman’s life to parakeets who chirped at their words. They freed the woman in a drama and kicked the priest from the banquet hall. They guided the woman to the royal table where she would be protected until the prince could see to her safety. I smiled behind my full-face helm; my prince had once again shown the true and just nature of their heart. 

           Then the woman spoke, she spoke against her treatment and threats which had been levied against her, by the king himself. I know she was in the right, but still, my heart wished she would be silent. My prince would not stand for it and I knew it. They would defy even the king for their sense of justice. Then it happened, a moment I never thought would come. My prince stood brave in front of their father, and announced in front of all they announced they were no different from this woman. That to condemn her would be to condemn them as well. They shone like the sun than to me. The bravery to be out like that in front of a man who openly condemned those like us, my blood sung and, at that moment, I would have done anything for them. If they had breathed a word, I would have fought every soldier in the castle for them. Instead, they dispatched me to protect Amara and escort her from the grounds. I obeyed and it was lucky I had done so as we were accosted by some of the nobles’ men who sought to prove themselves to the king. They were no match for me, someone who had been training with martial weapons since I could walk. The greatest risk to Amara was the blood spatter. I successfully got her to the main road and gave her my horse. I sprinted back to the castle. I arrived and interrogated the guards to find my princess. They were loath to withhold secrets from a knight covered in blood. I remember reaching that door and knocking.

           She sat there in the window with her hair unbound in a loose tunic. It was the first time I saw her allow herself to be anything other than masculine. I saw the freedom in her smile as I knelt and asked for orders from my princess. She then gave a command which tugged at my heartstrings. She told me to flee, as her father would seek to use anything he could to force her into line. Against my better instincts, I obeyed, but not before I asked for her name, the true name she wore on her heart.

           I have never seen a more beautiful smile than the one which grew on her face. “Verity,” she had said, “It means truth.” My heart soared and I locked that smile away in my heart as I rode off on another horse I had taken from the stables. 

           I assumed her father’s anger would last for at least a month. Then I would return.

           There I camped, on that lone hillside for a month. I was no stranger to living off the land, the only difficulty came with waiting and the occasional patrol. At the end of the month, I decided against riding back in full armor. It was like a voice whispered in my ear to be cautious. I took a travel cloak I had not worn in years and inspected myself in the river. I found myself smiling at the reflection. It had taken eighteen years and lots of viri extract, but I had a fairly neat and well-trimmed beard. It was gratifying and let my heart soar a bit. I even did a flex and admired the bulge of my muscles under the tunic sleeves. I strapped my sword to my waist and hid my armor in a log. I then rode down the road into the capital and to the castle. I snuck in with a group of merchants past guards I did not recognize. Worse yet, I saw they wore that hated patch of Viroi. I began examining the guards and saw more faces I did not recognize and more patches. The elation I had felt at expecting to see my princess again turned into a leaden weight in the pit of my stomach. In the middle of the courtyard, there was now a statue of that cursed martyr Viroi. I froze, that was completely new. I began to look around and I saw the religious evidence everywhere. Priests who felt empowered chastised women for inappropriate clothing. It was a scene from my nightmares, I had to find the princess. Then we would have to flee.

           I snuck into the castle, these new guards were crueler and lazier than those they had replaced. I darted through the halls to the princess’s room. I opened the door and found an empty room with a lone servant mopping. It was Anton, a loyal retainer and a friend.

           I lowered my cloak, “Anton.” I hissed as I shut the door.

           He spun in surprise and I was surprised to see tears wetting his cheeks. He saw me and his face sagged in relief, “Xati, thank the old gods you have returned.”

           “Where is she?” I stepped forward, “What has happened here? What is going on?” 

           Anton placed his back and sank down to sit on the floor. “I know not where the prince-” he must have seen something in my eyes as he finished with a quick add-on, “-ss is. The king handed hi-her over to those damnable priests and we have not seen her since.”

           I stared in horror at Anton, “What do you mean she was handed over?”

           Anton looked miserable. “The king ordered that she be lashed for her defiance and at the recommendation of the priests to be cured.”

           My blood ran cold.

           Anton continued as he stared at the wall, “I begged the king not to, he struck me instead and banished me from his sight.” 

           “They lashed her?” My jaw hung open.

           He nodded, “The first day she strode out full of her nobility. She spoke like her grandfather full of defiance and spirit. She cursed the priests and politely requested the guards chain her to the post so they would not be punished.” Tears began leaking from his eyes again, “Jack refused to strike her and tossed the lash to the side, he quit at that moment. Aron always had a chip on his shoulder and delivered the first ten lashes.”

           I sank down beside Anton and felt my hands clench into fists as the image of my princess being lashed filled my mind. 

           “He dropped the whip after she would not cry and fled the courtyard.” Anton looked up, “Then the priests took over, they did not trust the guards anymore. Rightly so, that night the entire castle guard threatened to resign unless she was freed. They walked out at the king’s refusal.”

           “What happened to her?” I asked dreading the answer.

           “They whipped her bloody, the damnable priests did not stop until her blood puddled around her knees.” Anton hung his head, “The first day she did not scream, the second day she did.”

           I turned with rage in my heart, “What do you mean the second day? That is deadly.”

           Anton nodded miserably, “Less so if you lash the other side of the body.”

           I stared in shock, “Did no one try to free her?”

           Anton laughed bitterly, “Three guards who had quit did after the second day. They were lashed and then hung from the battlements.” He hung his head, “She never broke though, they dragged her before the king to take back what she said and to repent. I watched from that hidden nook behind the tapestry. She was bloodied and in pain, but she still defied them. Said she would not change herself.”

           “They had to free her,” I said desperately.

           “I thought the same, but the king turned her over to the priests to be cured despite the queen’s objections.” Anton shrugged hopelessly, “Since then the word of priests has become the law and they supplied all of the new staff to replace those who quit. And none can find the princess.”

           “What do you mean?” I hissed.

           He laughed bitterly, “I know every inch of this castle, I snuck into the dungeons with a key to free her after the king,” He spat the word out, “turned her over to them. I knew then the king was false. I scoured those dungeons and could not find her or the priests. Just bloodstains.” He waved hopelessly around the room, “I stay in this wing keeping her room clean though they took everything and burnt it to prevent the corruption from spreading.” He laughed bitterly, “They have forgotten me, I just hope she can be found.”

           I stood, “Do you have the key?”

           He tossed an iron king at me, and I caught it easily. 

           “I hope you find her.” He said miserably and stood to continue mopping.

           I wanted to rage against him, to tell him he should have done more. Something told me he screamed that at himself every day.

           Once more I stole through the castle to the dungeons beneath the basement. I found a guard snoring, some petty criminals, and empty cells. I froze, the hall seemed a lot shorter than before. That wall looked too clean; it was free of soot from torches. I pressed against it and felt the wall push back. It was not stone. It was magic. I stared at the wall. My princess was behind that wall. And I could not get to her. I pounded on the wall and it did nothing except wake the sleeping guard. He stumbled towards yelling to surrender.

           My sword cut out his throat. I had no patience remaining. I saw the patch of Viroi on his corpse and spat on it. I put my sword point down with my hands on the pommel. I would wait till this wall came down, then I would save my princess.

           My opportunity came in two hours. A priest of Viroi walked through the wall. His robes were splattered with blood. He saw me and yelped he pulled at a bell on his waist. I rammed him through with the sword and he was pinned to the wall for a moment. His corpse then sagged and began to pass through the wall. I grabbed him and tried to ride his body into the wall. But it blocked me. Only his dead body could pass through. 

           Footsteps sounded behind me and I whirled to face guards that had to have been summoned through arcane means. There were maybe five of them with more on the way. I roared in frustration and hacked my way through them. The narrow hall meant their sword swing bounced off the walls letting me stab them over and over. Seconds later I was free and sprinting through the castle. Once I had trained the guards to respond in groups as a single well-trained intruder could cut through them. These guards had not received the same training. I took a few cuts for my haste, but they fell before me like wheat before the scythe. A trail of corpses led me through the halls. I reached the main hall and found the King and Queen meeting more priests. Two paladins were flanking them.

           I swore in frustration. I would cut them down in a heartbeat, but those paladins moved in front of the royals. I was good, but not that good. I pointed my sword at them, “Damn you, Portis!” I roared, “May whatever hells there be consume your soul and make you suffer for an eternity.”

           “Who are you?” He demanded trying to move in front of the paladins.

           I knew it was stupid, “I am Xati, protector of the princess! I have come for her and you will not know peace until she is at my side safe again.”

           The paladin’s blades flashed with the horrid golden light of their god.

           I spun in a circle and decapitated the priest next to me. “I will be back!” I snarled and charged out the main doors. They should have been shut as soon as I stopped, but these fools barely tried to push them shut. I ran one of the guards through and was in the courtyard fighting a holy knight. These knights were a step below paladins, but without that holy cheat, my skill was beyond theirs. I took more painful blows, but I still struck them down and stole one of the horses, and rode out of the castle. 

           I reached my encampment after hours of riding around and slaying pursuers on a wild chase down the main road. Then I had abandoned the horse and hiked back through the forest to my tiny camp. I washed in the river wincing as water flowed over the cuts. I used a herbal pouch I had carried and refreshed since childhood to bind my wounds. I would rest then try again.

           Once I regained my strength, I assaulted the castle again. I no longer got tangled in massive fights, I simply stalked the halls killing any guards who crossed my path, questioning the damnable priests, and then killing them. I did this time and time again. Paladins arrived to halt my attacks. I killed them in their sleep when they slept in the luxurious guest quarters without guards.

           They began sleeping with guards and in half armor. I still assaulted the castle, day after day, week after week. Every night they woke there were more bodies. I was a demon to them. My armor became battered and damaged as I grew tired from my countless assaults. Then one priest cracked and actually knew something.

           “They are finished with the prince, they will move him tomorrow.” I drug more information out of him and then like the rest I decapitated him and set the head on a table as a decoration. I scraped another notch on my sword. Fifteen, fifteen priests I had murdered, thirty-something guards, and two paladins. I smiled grimly, my princess was still worth more.

           The next day I camped outside the castle. Close enough that it was dangerous. I knew it could be a trap, but I had to risk it. I had seen them prepare three carriages. I knew at least two would be a decoy.

           I watched with a stolen spyglass and shortly before sunset as it began to rain, two carriages tore out of the castle at full speed. I immediately mounted my horse. Then I stopped and looked back, there were supposed to be three. I was tortured with a decision for a long moment before I dismounted to wait. Common sense said they would have put her on the most secure carriage, but why was one missing.

           Then as the sunset, almost an hour after the others left a single carriage left the castle gates, and a paladin was driving it. I smiled viciously, they were using a paladin to guard this one. It had to be this one.

           I followed at a short distance as they rode at a leisurely pace, no doubt they had expected me to chase after the other two. I urged my horse into a gallop and leaped onto the carriage. Against a paladin in fair combat, I stood little chance. Luckily, I had gotten very good at dirty fighting over the years. I tossed a concoction of pepper juice and acid into his eyes. He screamed and tugged at his sword, pain dulled his movement. I tore his helmet off and cut his throat. I kicked his gurgling corpse off the carriage and kicked the driver off before halting the carriage. I leaped off and ripped open the door to see a priest sitting there calmly. No princess.

           “Well, Sir Xati.” He said with an imperious accent, “I have had politer greetings.”

           A massive blow of force caught me in the chest and sent me flying back into a tree. The air whooshed out of me. There were no prayers, this was a fucking mage. Of course, those bastards used mages despite how they railed against magic. I picked myself up and ducked behind the tree as a bolt of fire scorched the tree.

           “Oh ho, I see you have faced magic before. Now I know why the high priest was so worried about you.” He said with a condescending tone.

           “Where is she?” I roared as I readied my shield, I had worn it on my back to take the carriage, but it could be a single blow of magic and let me close the gap.

           “She?” The priest feigned confusion, “Oh you mean that cockbait of a prince, yeah I can see how you could be confused. I wanted to stick my dick in him at first too. Bruised and bloody faces look so pretty you know?”

           I felt rage build in me, I knew it was a provocation. I knew it, I knew it was meant to draw me out. Make me make mistakes. 

           I had a choice, I could go out and get hit with some nasty spell or bottle it for now. I swallowed the rage for a moment. I just let it seethe in my chest, waiting.

           “Waaaiiittt.” The mage drew the word out and cast a wave of flames at me. “You were already fucking him, weren’t you?”

           I rolled out of the way and fell flat barely dodging the follow-up burst of ice. I rolled away behind another tree. No more magic flew at me. Instead, he threw out an invisible wave in the other direction. He had lost sight of me. I smiled viciously. I took my helmet off and set it on a rock. I crept further down the tree line.

           “I mean I imagine the nights got pretty cold in that castle and that little faggot of a prince promised the best dick sucking of your life.” He threw another broad spell meant to draw me out. “Imagine how many other guards he was fucking.”

           My smile grew more savage as he spied my helmet and threw a small fireball at it scorching those trees and melting my helmet.

           “Gotcha you bastard.” He cracked his neck, “Slippery one.” He advanced on the crater he made.

           I sprinted at him as soon as I saw his back.

           He heard my armor too late and spun with fear in his eyes. He should have cast a spell instead.

           My sword took him in the chest and I pinned him to the muddy road. I knew I had punctured a lung. He was not dead yet.

           “Fuck.” He coughed up blood, “Fuck.”

           “Where is she?” I growled.

           “First carriage, on the way to the high temple. Already gone.” He said with a bloody smile. “Never catch them.”

           I choked the life from him with my bare hands. Once he stopped twitching, I cut his head off and tossed it in a mud puddle. If I had a dick I would have pissed on the corpse. I mounted my horse and rode after the first carriage. It could be a lie, but I had to try. I found the carriage on its side and the driver dead. A thick rope pulled tight between trees across the road had crashed the carriage. Bandits. I found tracks from the carriage where someone had been drug from it.

           Bandits had my princess. I swore and began tracking them through the woods. Aside from their stealth at the site of the attack, they moved brazenly through the forest as if they owned it. It was their downfall. I found their ramshackle camp around an abandoned cabin. There were about six of them in total. No sign of my princess though. Their leader was in the main cabin. 

           I stripped down to my tunic. My armor was practically useless after the mage. I charged into the camp. The first two barely had time to turn. The next two managed to swing at me and one cut my face. Doubtless would leave another scar. I spun and struck down the fifth as the leader came out and immediately dropped the apple he was eating. 

           I held my sword to his neck. It was dripping with the blood of his friends.

           “Where is she?” I snarled. My voice came out rough from the smoke of my last fight. 

           “Who?” He gasped while sweating. He tried to back up.

           “Move and die,” I warned.

           He froze.

           “The woman in the carriage.” I ground out.

           He looked confused, “Oh that boy, yeah we were confused too at first. We left him there on the road. He was not worth the effort and looked like he was about to die.”

           I felt anger and despair welling inside me. “She’s not here?”

           “No, he’s not.” He said watching my sword.

           He should have watched my shield. It crashed into the side of his head and dented it. I cut his head off. I marched back to the road. My horse was too exhausted to continue on. So was I, but I had to know. 

           I found where she had been dragged away. Then I saw it, a small set of bare footprints leading into the forest almost lost to the rain. I followed the tracks for as long as I could. Every so often I would find a bloody handprint. Then the rain came down so hard that I lost the trail completely. I kept on. Staggering in a random direction. I just had to hope I would find her. Then in the clearing, I found it. A corpse savaged beyond recognition. Dressed in a torn bloody shift like acolytes wear. I fell to my knees. I did not know if the wolves had gotten to her first or not. I prayed to whoever was listening that she passed without much pain. I scooped the bloody corpse up and began a long walk back to the castle. Her parents deserved to see the results of their actions. 

           Anger and sorrow kept me moving past my physical limits. I had left my sword far behind. It mattered not anymore. I had trouble caring if I lived or died. My only friend in this world was dead, a woman I treasured. I reached the castle gates and stumbled through. Her body is heavy in my hands. The guards did not see me as they were hiding in the rain. It was only when I reached the main doors that someone stopped me. I glared at him. The guard found a reason to be elsewhere. I pushed the door open and stumbled into the hall. Water and blood ran off me in equal amounts. I began walking to the banquet hall. I knew the king would be there in the morning. He liked to receive news there. I reached it without issue. My campaign of vengeance had thinned the guard ranks severely. No one is in a hurry to volunteer for a job where you could die at any time.

           I pushed the door open. The king was eating and staring off into space while the queen sat opposite glaring at him.

           “King Portis, Queen Dalia,” I called out. Then the sleepy guards leaped up and moved to defend the king.

           I ignored them and gently set Verity’s body on the table. I looked up as they looked at me in horror.

           “Xati, you traitor what is the meaning of this!” Portis yelled his face purpling with his infamous rage.

           I laughed bitterly, “Your daughter is dead.”

           “I have no daughter!” He screamed, “I have a son.”

           “Then who did I carry for miles in the rain?” I answered.

           I had hoped till that moment I was wrong. That maybe this was the wrong body.

           I saw his face pale and his wife screamed and rushed over falling to her knees.

           “You killed him!” He roared and shoved past the guards till he was inches from me.

           “I treasured your daughter more than words can encompass otherwise I would not have killed over thirty people to see her free from the torture you forced her to endure.”

           “He was being cured!” Portis roared.

           “Then why did she not have the strength to escape the wolves?” I roared back. “Why did she crawl from the carriage? Why did every person I speak to tell me she was near death when they saw her? Why was I taunted by a mage about the torture she was forced to endure?” I stopped and my shoulders slumped.

           Portis stumbled back, “You didn’t do this?”

           “I would never harm your daughter outside of training.” I answered, “Thanks to your efforts I pursued the wrong carriage while hers was ambushed by bandits. I tracked the bandits and found out she was left for dead. I went back to the carriage and found where she had dragged herself off into the woods and stumbled through. I found blood indicating how badly she was injured. Then the rain washed away what tracks were left. I kept walking while hoping I could find her. I found her body instead having been savaged by wild animals. I left my sword there and carried her here.” I sat in a chair and drained a bottle of wine I had snatched up. I needed to dull the pain. 

           Portis stared at the body in shock and rolled up a sleeve. On a patch of unbroken skin was the brand of Viroi. Silence reigned for a long moment. Queen Dalia stood and the sound of the slap echoed in the chamber. She stood there panting as she had put every ounce of effort into the blow.

           “You have cost me, my child.” She whispered with a cold intensity. “I begged you to leave hi-her be. To let them figure things out on her own. Instead, you gave her to those accursed priests to be cured. May you be damned for all eternity.” She turned and saw me sitting miserably in the chair, her shoulders slumped, “I failed her as well Xati, what did she have you call her?”

           I stared into the mostly empty bottle and tossed it to the side, “Why?” I glared at her, “Why should I give you her precious name?”

           Dalia looked miserable, tears were streaking her face, “So I may bury her as she deserves, as who she was.”

           Portis whirled at that. “Don’t you dare! You will not bury my son as a woman!!!” He screamed.

           I stood and found a nearby steak knife and held it to his throat while I tangled my hands in his thick royal robes so he could not back away. “Speak again and I will gut you,” I whispered. I had seen the guards sneaking up on me. I spun Portis so his back was to them. I shoved him into one and smacked the second’s spear out away from him. My steak knife found his throat. I grabbed his sword and drew it before letting his body fall. I pivoted and ran the second guard through. It was over. King Portis pulled back in shock. I spat on the floor and sat back down holding the slain guard’s sword. I looked over to Dalia who had been splattered with blood. “You lost the right to know her name when you allowed her to be tortured for who she was. Take her to your home, far from this cursed place, bury her as the daughter who you failed so that all may know your shame. Preach of your failure and caution all who may listen that this is the fate that awaits those who do the same. Pain and suffering with a nameless daughter who died because of their indifference.”

           Tears ran freely from her eyes and she nodded. The now-former queen gently covered her daughter with a table cloth and picked up the corpse. She staggered slightly under the weight and began her long walk. I stayed where I was watching King Portis.

           He was silent for long minutes after Dalia left. He found his courage and spoke as I drained my second bottle of wine. “Aren’t you going with her?” He asked almost hatefully.

           “Nope,” I answered and drank more wine.

           He looked confused, “What are you doing then?”

           “Watching you so you can’t send any after her. I might kill you in a moment.” I took another swig.

           He glowered at me, “Why haven’t you?”

           “Because I am not sure if my princess would have liked me leading the land she labored to one day rule fairly, leaderless.” I drank more. “Tell me what would your daughter have wanted?”

           “My son.” He snarled.

           “If you address her incorrectly again I will end you regardless, you will respect her in death,” I answered.

           “Fuck you, Varrin was my son.” He said picking himself up and lunging for the sword.

           Rage sparked in my heart and I watched him unsheathe the sword after a rough failure. I let him find his feet. I even let him lunge at me. I slapped the sword away with the wine bottle I held. I followed up with a kick to his knee which made him stumble away. I struck him across the face with the flat of my sword, splitting the skin along his cheek. I then struck his wrist as he pulled back and knocked the sword from his hand. He scrambled back towards the fireplace.

           I tossed my sword aside and dropped the wine bottle.

           “I am the King!” He yelped as fear grew in his eyes.

           “And I am the knight you charged with protecting your daughter. I may have failed, but I will avenge her.” I cracked my knuckles, “I only hope to make you experience a fraction of the pain you forced her to endure for your ego.” I smiled, it mirrored the sickening feeling in my stomach, “Bear with me your highness, I am not as skilled as your torturers.”

           I was never as skilled in hand-to-hand combat as I was with weapons. It also takes a long time to beat a man to death bare-handed when you ignore the head. The sunset before I stood above the bloody wreckage of a man who once was king. His face was only bruised from the few times I had struck him to silence his screaming. I looked back and saw a group of guards standing there. I ignored them and picked up a sword and decapitated the corpse. I was tired and more than a little drunk so it took more effort. I knew I would not stand a chance if they attacked. I ignored them and carried the crowned head to the door. They parted before me. I carried on to the throne room. 

           Gathered around the throne was a semicircle of priests with the high priest at its center. They seemed to be murmuring in irritation.

           “Catch,” I called out and lobbed the head to the high priest. 

           He turned and instinctively caught it. Samsre was always a coward man. He screamed and dropped it. My sword took him in the belly. I savagely twisted and cut back and forth. I knew this wound would cause him to die over hours. The other priest recoiled in shock a few screamed in horror at the violence. I let the screaming body of Samsre the soon-to-be-former high priest drop to the floor. 

           “The king is dead; how many priests are here?” I demanded. Somehow, I managed to avoid slurring my words.

           “We are it.” One said in shock.

           “Good.” I killed them all. It was brutal and fast. They had anticipated words, an explanation. I gave them none. I dragged the now whimpering Samsre to the bottom stair of the throne so I could watch him die. I tossed the head of Portis on the throne. Then I sat heavily at the base of the Princess’s throne.

           She had been avenged. It was a bitter taste in my mouth. Samsre died at some point during the night. I did not witness it as I dozed at some point. I was woken by a soft voice.

           I looked over and saw Anton standing there twisting his hands, “Sir Xati?”

           “Aye,” I answered.

           “Is she?” His voice quivered.

           I nodded looking over the carnage in the throne room, it reeked of death. I could not bring myself to care. “I was too late.”

           Anton sank down beside me, “The kingdom has fallen then.”

           “Probably,” I answered, “The queen has returned to her homeland with the princess to bury her.”

           He nodded and sighed. I expected tears, but his look was just utter despair.

           “Has vengeance been delivered?” He asked quietly.

           I nodded. “Everyone I could find has been dealt with.”

           “What will you do?” Anton asked.

           I shrugged, “Go south, sell my sword, get drunk, and die a violent death.” I looked over at the old manservant, “You?”

           “I will head to my home village and return to mending clothes.” He answered, “Wait for the nobles to fight it out and determine the next king. Die quietly somewhere.”

           I snorted, “I will be off Anton, may whatever gods you worship bless your path.” I pushed open the heavy throne room door and walked to the stables. The castle was empty. Why stay for a dead ruler, the place would be stripped bare by nightfall. I found some food that would pass as rations, a decent sword and spear, some gold from the priests, and a trial pack. I found the princess’s riding cloak and could not bear to part with it. It bore a crest she had sown into it. A dragon soaring amongst streaks of lightning. At that moment I knew what my shield would bear. I donned the cloak and rode off on a chestnut mare named Creek. This time when I rode away, I did not look back.

Several Months Later…

           The Wretched Lizard was a hell of a name for a tavern. It was also accurate. The ale they served was wretched indeed. Though my palate for fine things no longer existed. I drained the ale without much thought. It barely fuzzed my sight. Turns out that getting drunk night after night to cope with your failures builds up a tolerance. I had turned this shitty into my personal haunt. I paid a good coin and the staff did not bother me. They knew I wanted hot meals and cold drinks and that I did not want to be bothered. I had been here for at least a season since leaving the kingdom. I stopped drinking and stared up aimlessly.

           “Xati?” One of the waitresses timidly asked, her name was Tabitha or something.

           I looked and slowly focused on her face, in time I might find her pretty. I still did not want to deal with the headache that would come with an intimate partner. I felt no particular need to explain myself again. If I had an itch that bad, I would just go to a brothel where I did not have to say anything. I found my voice after a moment longer, yep, I was getting a decent buzz. “What?” I had left many things behind and politeness was one of them. My voice came out raspy as I rarely spoke anymore. 

           “I need your help, please, it’s my friend she is in trouble.” Tabitha pleaded.

           I stared at her for a long moment. I barely knew these people, why would they think I would help. “Why?”

           “Because you seem kind.” Tabitha pleaded, “You never bother us and always give us a room.

           I snorted; standards were really low if that is all it took. I thought hard about sending her away then a memory trickled in.

I was sitting with Verity on a hill away from the castle as she studied yet another law book. “You realize once you rule, you will be able to make the laws,” I said as I ate an apple watching her studious face. I watched her roll those lovely blue eyes, the same color as the sky.

           “Laws should help and protect people; I cannot make them if I do not understand them. I want to help my people, see them succeed.” She had answered as she stretched.

           “Why help?” I asked, I was used to the tendencies of those in power.

           “Because the strong should always help the weak.”

           I was back in the present.

           “Xati?” Tabitha asked with concern on her face, “Are you ok?”

           “Just a memory,” I answered, “Lead the way to your friend.” I stood and collected my shield from where I leaned it against the bar. After all who was I to refuse the order of my princess.

           Tabitha practically sprinted to the door. I followed at a brisk pace. It was then I realized she was not wearing her bar wear. It was a more conservative and brightly dyed dress. We reached the market place and she began looking around desperately. “They could not have gone far.” She muttered.

           “Star!” She called out.

           I took a moment and looked over the vendors I saw some of them looking away pointedly from Tabitha as if they might make eye contact. 

           I narrowed in on the closest, a spice seller, a middle-aged woman. I dropped a gold coin on her table. “Where is her friend? I don’t have time for lies.” I glowered at her. New scars across my face had lent themselves well to my intimidation.

           “They took him to that alley.” She muttered and pointed.

           I frowned; Tabitha had said Star was a woman. I stalked off in that direction and Tabitha followed after. As I got closer, I heard the sound of blows and whimpering. I hissed and broke into a sprint. I entered the alley and saw three men kicking at a whimpering lump in the center that was curled into a ball. They were laughing as they kicked.

           I growled in my chest and put all my body weight and force of my sprint into my punch. The sound of cracking bone echoed in the alley as his jaw broke. Bone vs a mailed fist is usually lost. I spun the edge of my shield into the next and heard the dull crunch of his ribs breaking. I followed up with an uppercut. The third stumbled back and my punch caught him in the throat. He fell back gurgling. I gently crouched and touched the huddled form. 

           They flinched away from my touch.

           I found my voice, “It is ok Star, Tabitha sent me.”

           The form peeked out at me. Her face was bloodied and swollen “C’mon.” I scooped her up and earned myself a surprised yelp from her. I walked out of the alley and almost into a surprised Tabitha.

           “Xati!!” Then she saw the limp form in my arms, “Star!!! Are you ok?!”

           “Easy,” I said as Tabitha reached for Star. “She is injured, is there a healer nearby?”

           Tabitha shook her head, “None that will help her.” Her tone was despairing.

           I snorted, “We will see. I know one.” I stalked off towards a richer district.

           Tabitha tried to stop me once she saw where I was going, “We can’t go there, they will arrest us and the priests are there.”

           I laughed, “It would not be the first or last time I killed a priest.” 

           Tabitha fell silent.

           I found the healer I was looking for; it was a temple dedicated to the water goddess Oliphra. They took modest donations in exchange for healing. Several priestesses looked up and saw me then shrugged. Several wealthy huffed at me and I just shouldered them aside. They would go to make a scene and the priestesses would silence them. Tabitha was practically hiding behind me as I entered the inner temple reserved for the highest of their order. Clerics, paladins, and the high priests and priestesses.

           “Lady Lynn!” I called out. “I have one that requires healing.”

           The head priestess slowly turned from where she had been praying at the feet of a statue of the goddess. “Sir Xati, must you always make such an entrance?” She still stood and gestured to a nearby bed.

           I set Star on the bed, “It is just Xati now Lady Lynn.”

           Lynn rolled her eyes as she coaxed star into laying down, “It is ok my child, you are safe here. Still yourself daughter of the womb, I must disrobe you to see your injuries.”

           I politely turned away only to hear a strangled, “NO!” I turned back and saw that Star had pulled away.

           “I will be fine!” Star said in a soft pained voice, “I just have to get home.” 

           “Child, you are bleeding from your mouth and lack color,” Lynn said.

           I looked back to Tabitha and saw her biting her hand so hard she was bleeding. I looked back at Star’s terrified face. The pieces clicked into place.

           “Oh,” I said, “Lady Lynn, she is like me,” I commented.

           Lynn looked back at me with exasperation, “This is not a time for jests Xati. This girl has next to nothing in common with a brute like yourself.”

           “Lynn!” I snapped.

           She looked back at me again.

           “Like me, she needs privacy to be treated.” I hissed.

           Lynn’s eyes widened, “Oh.” She immediately called for a stretcher to carry Star to a private room. Star allowed herself to be moved as Star and Tabitha looked in confusion. I did not blame them. A private room in the temple of Oliphra was unheard of. Oliphra and her followers had a soft spot for those blessed by Ila, as they said. I stopped outside of the door and Lynn beckoned me.

           “Xati, this child will run if she does not know she is safe. Please, for her sake.” Lynn pleaded.

           I nodded and followed them inside. Star had once again backed up to the wall. Her blonde hair was matted with blood from cuts on her face.

           “You are safe here child, no harm will come to you,” Lynn said softly.

           “I need to go home!” Star cried softly.

           Tabitha burst, “Listen she’s-”

           “Tabitha!” Star cried out in betrayal, “You swore!.”

           “But-” Tabitha protested.

           I simply undid my breastplate and let it fall. The clang of metal and stone silenced everyone.

           Tabitha and Star froze looking at me.

           I just undid the chainmail vest I wore under and let it fall.

           “Xati?” Tabitha asked uncertainly.

           I pulled my shirt off my head and revealed my chest binding that Lynn had taught me to wrap all of those years ago. I undid the wrappings and revealed the weight on my chest which brought me such discomfort.

           Both Xati and Star stared in shock. I nodded to Star and slowly rewrapped my bindings. “You are safe here. Lady Lynn taught me how to bind years ago.”

           Star slowly nodded and allowed Lady Lynn to disrobe her to begin the healing. I looked away and donned my armor. I then left the room. Lynn would see that they were taken care of, both of them. I found my way back through the streets to the Wretched Lizard. I took my seat and ordered another ale.

           I sipped it and reflected on Star and Tabitha; they were lucky to have each other. I ordered my meal and ate it mindlessly as I drifted through the past. Maybe I could have saved Verity if I had told her I was like her sooner. I thought back to my childhood when I had been known by a different name. I remembered fighting to be acknowledged. Training harder than the rest of my clan. The day when the priests came with their martyred god and sought to change us to their ways. At first with honeyed words, then force. I remembered the clan burning as I fled to this town. How I found Lynn and she aided me before I fled again at the sight of those white and red robes. I drifted out of my memories as my spoon clanked against the bottom of the bowl. I dropped a gold on the table and headed up to my room. I undid my armor and shed my clothes before sinking into a hot bath. I dried off and dressed before going to sleep.

           The next day started like any other. I donned my armor and took my place at the bar. This is where people knew to find me. Shortly after I sat a ratlike man appeared by my arm. Bjorn was my usual contact. He recruited on behalf of the local criminal organization. They had tried to get me to officially join. I had refused and maintained my sellsword status.

           “Xati, the boss wants to see you,” Bjorn said looking up at me from his perch beside me.

           “Job?” I asked.

           “Yep, need some skulls broken,” Bjorn said with an unpleasant smile.

           “I don’t do debt collection,” I responded.

           “C’mon, I know that. How long have we been friends?” He said, making his best puppy face.

           “We aren’t friends,” I answered evenly.

           “Look just come see the boss, he will explain,” Bjorn begged.

           I sighed and stood.

           Bjorn jumped up and lead me out the door.

           I had only met the head of the Crimson Reds once. He had offered me a job as his personal thug. I had turned him down and he took it badly. Three bodies later he decided to let me be independent was better for business. I was surprised that he wanted to see me. I thought it was a trap, but my self-preservation had long since disappeared. We reached their dockside lair, the front was a ship that doubled as a casino. In reality, they were pirates and a well-organized sometimes mercenary group that did time as the local gang for Watvor. I followed Bjorn to the back where Jax waited. 

           Jax was a mammoth of a man, rumor had it he had giant or minotaur somewhere in his bloodline. My money was on giants. He sat on his little throne watching over this portion of his domain.

           “Jax,” I said evenly and waited.

           And waited. Jax liked to make people sweat. Once I realized he was not speaking I took a seat at a nearby table and leaned back. I had all the time in the world

           “You are an odd one Xati.” Jax rumbled.

           I shrugged, “I just keep to myself.”

           “That is painfully obvious, you have no friends aside from the temple where you go to be healed. You don’t leave that shitty tavern unless on a job. Then you go back to the shitty tavern. I estimate you have made a decent amount of money and spend none of it.” He placed the pipe on the table, “Then yesterday you go and beat the shit out of three of my boys because some pretty face asked you to.”

           I shrugged, “Not apologizing.”

           Jax rubbed his nose with an irritated sigh, “Why the fuck did you beat the shit out of my boys?”

           I looked around and made the connection for the increased number of his thugs around. “Is this an execution or are you actually asking?”

           Jax looked mildly surprised, “Haven’t decided yet.”

           I shrugged, “Once you decide let me know.”

           “Look Xati, you are good, but you are not that good. You won’t be leaving here alive.” Jax threatened.

           “Neither will you,” I responded calmly. This would not be such a bad way to go out.

           Jax slammed his hand on the table and stood up, “You think to threaten me in my own home?”

           “No,” I answered and sat up, “If you decide to execute me, I will simply fight my way to you. Maybe you will win, but I am fairly confident in my ability. Then I will keep fighting until I make a mistake or one of your men proves especially good. Then I die and my body is tossed in a ditch after being stripped for valuables.”

           Jax sat back down thoughtfully, his rage was an act. I knew blood as cold as ice ran in his veins. Every move he made was calculated. “You are ready to die.”

           I nodded, “Yep, honestly just waiting on it.” I found myself being honest with him. It’s not like it mattered. “Eventually someone will kill me.”

           “You could just throw yourself off of a cliff and save them the effort,” Jax said evenly.

           I shrugged, “Yeah, but I would rather die in battle. Not so much a religious belief. Just a preference. Call it nostalgia from my childhood.”

           “Huh,” Jax leaned forward and laced his fingers, “Now I am just asking, why did you beat the shit out of my boys?”

           “One of the waitresses at the shitty tavern asked for help and I found your boys doing the best to beat her friend to death. Kicking the shit out of her. I intervened; they should count themselves lucky I did not use a blade.” I answered.

           “It was a woman?” Jax asked and I saw a hint of fire in his eyes.

           “Yep, I took her for healing and went back to the shitty tavern,” I answered.

           “Bring them,” Jax told Bjorn.

           Bjorn frowned at Jax for a second, “Boss, they are still on the mend, the healer said not to bother him.”

           Jax turned a glower on Bjorn, “You know the rules.”

           Bjorn gulped and scurried off.

           Jax looked back at me, “Drink?”

           “Yes please,” Jax reached and took hold of some Alote Whiskey. A bottle is easily worth several hundred gold. He poured me a generous helping. I took it and swirled the whiskey around, “So I guess this is no longer an execution?”

           Jax rumbled as he looked beyond me, “I may be criminal scum, but I have rules. Not many, but a few.”

           “Like what?” I sipped at the whiskey, it had a delicious sweet burn and was extremely smooth. Definitely, something I could get used to drinking.

           Jax poured himself a drink, “No bystanders, especially not innocent women or children. Unless they are involved with us or in our circles, they are not to be touched.”

           “Huh, surprising,” I responded.

           He chuckled as he sipped at his whiskey, “Oh yes, the guards typically stay out of our way and only hamper our rivals because of it. In the long term, it is very good for business.”

           “Also gives you pirates a safe haven from others,” I commented.

           “Yep, extremely convenient. An open secret if you will.” Jax contemplated you, “Though it makes sense why you only take clear-cut contracts. No ties, no sides. Why do you insist on being independent? You could find a new purpose.”

           I remembered her gentle smile and her goal to bring true peace to those under her rule. Her gentle kindness. “There is only one individual I will ever bend knee to, and they are no longer among the living.”

           Jax winced, “Oh, my condolences Xati.”

           I shrugged, “I did all I could, and those who took her from this world paid in blood and pain.”

           “Is that her crest on your shield?” Jax gestured to it.

           With the whiskey warming my insides, I found myself relaxing, “It would have been, she stitched it on her cloak. It was the only thing I brought with me.”

           “Explains why I do not recognize it.” Jax swirled his own whiskey.

           “Yep, it was from a dream lost on the winds of ignorance and pain.” I looked into the amber-colored liquid and lost myself remembering that long walk back to the castle with her body in my arms.

           Jax stayed silent.

           After several minutes Bjorn reappeared with those that I had beaten earlier. They looked extremely uneasy seeing me there.

           “Boys,” Jax growled and pulled out a large knife and plunged it into the table. “Xati here told me you were kicking the shit out of a bystander, a woman.”

           “Boss,” The one whose ribs I had broken winced as he spoke, “It was no lady and he bumped into me.”

           “She.” I corrected and looked up from my contemplation, “I am in a foul mood and if you misgender her again I will finish what I started in that alley.”

           “Boss?” He looked to Jax in panic.

           “Johan,” Jax said in a frighteningly pleasant voice, “I suggest you listen to Xati, I have no intention of stopping him or punishing him.”

           “But that faggot bumped into us and dared to wear a dress!” Johan whined.

           The whiskey glass shattered with a tinkle of expensive glass and shredded his face. My gauntlets protected me. The sound of my first crunching against his jaw caused him to slump. I grabbed his chin and the back of his head. I twisted until I heard the dull crunch of bones. Johan was dead and crumpled to the floor.

           “Fuck.” Bjorn muttered.

           I took my seat again and Jax had not moved true to his word. “Bjorn, they violated my law.”

           Bjorn nodded. in a flash, he had buried knives into the others’ throats. 

           Jax stood as the other two lay gurgling as their lifeblood soaked into the red carpet. “Crimson Reds, I have rules, you know these rules. They protect us, our income, and the people we live amongst. To violate these rules is death as you see.” He sat back down.

           Other Reds showed up and dragged the bodies away.

           “Are you sure you won’t join up with me?” Jax shook his head in amazement, “You fight like the devil himself.”

           I stood taking that as the cue our audience was over. “My answer is the same, but feel free to come to have a drink with me.”

           Jax nodded, “I may just take you up on that, this place gets stuffy.”

           I departed without any fanfare. The walk back to my tavern was long and I was lost in my thoughts. I needed a stiffer drink to get rid of them.

You are reading story Of Swords and Dragons at novel35.com

           I found myself back at the bar of the Wretched Lizard downing an ale.

           “Uh, Sir Xati?” Tabitha’s timid voice came from my elbow.

           “It is just Xati.” I corrected.

           Tabitha bit her lip and shook free of her fear, “Thank you, for everything. Star will be well by tomorrow thanks to you.”

           I shrugged, “Sounds good.” 

           Tabitha looked uncertain and walked off to continue tending to patrons. I dismissed her mentally and just kept drinking. The ale came steadily, usually, I would cut myself off. I just wanted to get so drunk that I could not remember my name. I was well on the way to that when they came for me.

           “Knight Xati of Castle Strand.” A voice full of arrogant authority sounded behind me.

           I spun on the stool and saw a full complement of town guards standing there in the tavern. Their red uniforms were tacky when complemented by their gold-painted chainmail. Their spears were sharp and effective. I was also incredibly drunk. “Who’s asking?” My words came out slightly slurred. I already knew though why I was being summoned.

           “The City Governor, come along or there would be trouble.”

           “One minute,” I smacked my chest and burped. “Tabitha!?” I called out.

           Tabitha appeared from the storeroom and was shaking in fear. “Yes?”

           I looked at her and smiled wryly, “I am about to be executed by sunrise.” I handed her the key to my room, “Everything in my room belongs to you and Star except for the cloak. If you would take it to Jax and have him bury it with my body wherever they toss me. Last request.”

           I stumbled to my feet as she stepped back speechless before she found her voice, “What?! They can’t do that!”

           I laughed dryly, “Oh, but they can. I have killed over ten priests, four paladins, two clerics, and a king. Lost track of the guards at the end. If I kill these bastards, they will just send paladins and I don’t want this place getting wrecked.” I looked back to the guard captain who looked a whole lot less confident. “Let’s go, my death awaits.” I followed the stories of my princess’s bravery. The least I could do is go out as she did.

           I lead the guards to the governor’s palace as they struggled to keep up. They did not try to cuff me or disarm me out of fear. I could practically smell it on them. They knew my words were true. I opened the doors and walked to the governor’s office. I had worked for him before so I knew where it was at.

           I opened the door and as expected the governor was behind his desk while a Bishop of Viroi recoiled from my entrance.

           “WHAT THE HELL?” The bishop squeaked, “Why is he not restrained?!”

           The governor snorted; Veril was not an idiot. I suspected the guards had been told not to restrain me. After all, well-trained guards were expensive.

           “Xati,” Veril addressed me, “Will you abstain from violence while in my office?”

           “Depends on what Bishop Asshole says. I might kill him if offends me.” I answered while sitting in the second chair. There was still dried blood on my gauntlets from earlier.

           “He’s a madman and must be restrained!” The Bishop yelled while standing and backing up to the wall, “He is a murderer and a maniac!”

           The Veril rubbed his eyes, “I will remind you that this city owes Viroi nothing and if anything, you have only caused me problems. You are here as a small favor.” He then pointed to me, “Xati is the best sellsword in this city and blessedly apolitical so yea I am aware that he is a murderer because that’s what people fucking hire him for.”

           “How dare you-”

           “Funny your buddy Samsre liked to make noises like that right before I gutted him like a fish,” I said without emotion and looked at the bishop.

           He paled and fell silent.

           Veril looked back at me, “The church of Viroi has brought charges against you in cooperation with the Kingdom of Vlarn.” He sneered at the bishop, “I do not care about the church’s grievances, but for fuck’s sake did you kill a king?”

           I nodded, “King Portis, I beat him to death with my bare hands and left his head on his throne.”

           “You are just going to admit to it?” Veril sighed, “You know there is a treaty of which I am a signatory that all kingslayers will be turned over to whoever charges them short of a monarch’s protection.”

           “I am aware,” I answered.

           “You are also aware I will not risk my city’s status and protect you,” Veril added with a dark look.

           “I know.” I looked over at the bishop, “I knew this day was coming and I stopped here because I was tired of running. I have no defense. What’s next?”

           He sighed, “My guards are going to disarm you and take you to the dungeons.”

           “Just turn him over to me and we will see to him!” The Bishop cackled.

           “Please do, I will take pleasure in that.” I answered with a smile, “I think I can take maybe a single paladin before the other gets me.”

           Veril stood, “No, you will be in my custody until Vlarn arrives. I turn no one into Viroi.”

           The bishop colored with rage, “You cannot-”

           “You are dismissed from my presence Bishop Andres, get the hell out of my building.” Veril said dryly, “or I will turn Xati loose on you and blame it on you.”

           The bishop stumbled over himself as he fled the room.

           “Go with my guards Xati,” Veril instructed.

           I shrugged and followed the guards to the dungeons where I turned over all of my gear and stripped to my trousers and tunic. I sat in the cell they gave me and perched on the wooden bench for a moment before lying down. I was grateful I had gotten pretty drunk before my arrest and managed to pass out in a drunken stupor.

           I was awoken the next morning by a key in the lock. I sat up and saw the guards enter with manacles. 

           I placed my hands in them and they secured them. I said nothing as they led me up to a caged wagon. I got in without complaint.

           The guard driving the wagon turned to look at me. It was Warren, I had fought beside him when dealing with some bandits. “Xati, you know we are going to the execution grounds?” 

           I nodded, “Yep.”

           “You’re not going to fight?” He asked in bewilderment.

           “It is punishment for a failure long ago,” I answered. I was at peace despite my impending death. 

           He shook his head in amazement and we rode in silence. Normally an execution would be announced, but the Kingdom of Vlarn housed the headquarters of the Church of Viroi. They wanted this done quickly before word really got out. Doubtless, there would be Vlarnish executioners and troops waiting.

           A small crowd was still forming, travelers entering the city that morning and some workers. They were buzzing excitedly I swear I saw Bjorn in the crowd, but it was just a glimpse. Then I saw the noose and cursed my luck. I would have preferred beheading, but still better than fire. The satisfied-looking Bishop stood on the platform with the green-clad executioners. It was the green-colored troops who opened the cage. I wordlessly exited and marched up the platform. I stood under the noose and waited.

           I saw Veril in the front row, he looked sympathetic and shook his head as if someone was putting down his favorite dog. An apt description for me. A masterless dog.

           “You have been found guilty of murdering an entire monastery’s worth of priests, at least thirty innocent guardsmen, four holy paladins, two clerics, a high priest, and a king. What say you?” The Bishop boasted, “Do you call upon the mercy of Viroi?”

           I spat, “Fuck Viroi.” 

           The Bishop looked irritated at my defiance. “You are to be hung slowly by the neck until death.” He threatened, “The mercy of Viroi can be a blessing.”

           I spat in his face. “Fuck you.”

           He angrily wiped his face. The crowd was humming in anticipation. “So be it Xati the Heathen may the fires of hell welcome you. Last words?”

           I looked out in the crowd and for a moment I found a pair of blue eyes that looked painfully familiar. Tears filled my eyes. I looked to the sky, “May my princess forgive me for my failure wherever she may be.”

           The noose was slipped over my neck and fastened. I was kicked from the platform to dangle over the crowd. There would be no swift death for me. The noose pulled tight and I could no longer breathe. I gasped and struggled. I kicked and floundered trying to get enough air to breathe. My lungs burned, my chest ached and my head felt like it was about to pop. I heard distant voices calling out. They sounded upset. Through my dim version, I saw Tabitha and a healthy Star screaming. Why didn’t they stay away? Was that Jax behind them?

           Then I was falling and the dirt met me with a thud. I coughed and drew in a painful breath and looked around. Did the rope snap? I looked back and saw some very uneasy-looking Vlarnish troops. The Bishop looked furious. Then I saw it, an arrow that had severed my rope was still shaking in the beam that had suspended me. I looked around in shock, none would have risked this for me. No one.

           “What is the meaning of this?!” The Bishop screamed, “Who dare interrupts the justice of Viroi?! You will be punished!” The crowd parted and revealed a hooded figure holding a simple bow. They strode up to the platform. Something about the way they moved was painfully familiar.

           “I dare.” The quiet voice echoed over the crowd. My heart vibrated and I looked up as the figure pulled back its hood. Brown hair flapped gently in the morning breeze. Blue eyes looked at me softly. Her smile was just as I remembered. Then she looked back to the Bishop. “I am beyond your reach Bishop.” Her smile was sharp and dangerous.

           “None are beyond the reach of holy light!!!” He yelled and Vlarnish troops moved in.

           “I am the crowned heir of Castle Strand of the Kingdom of the Forested Mountain.” She declared, “You are holding my loyal knight who has served me faithfully.”

           “That is impossible!!” The Bishop yelled, “The prince died and you are no prince.”

           “You are correct, I am no prince, I am a Queen.” She declared, “I was born a prince and my family turned against me when I revealed my true nature to them.” She shook her hair in the wind and smiled at the Bishop. “Only my knight stood for me and obeyed my every order. It was your order my family handed me over to. It was at the hands of priests and followers of Viroi that I suffered every pain imaginable to break my will. In the name of the Forested Mountain, I pardon him.”

           The bishop snarled and chanted. 

           I was on my feet in an instant. All pain was forgotten. I threw the first Vlarnish shoulder on the ground and had his sword in my hands. I felt my body moving as fast as it could my sword slicing down at the bishop’s neck.

           “Xati stop.” Her words stopped me dead in my tracks and I quivered in rage as my blade was gently cut into the bishop’s neck. A dark stain formed on his robes.

           “Oh, Bishop would you continue verifying the nature of my birth?” She looked to me, “Xati, to me.” 

           I lowered my sword and stepped back behind her as I had so many times before. I held the sword lowered, but ready.

           “Bishop, complete the chant or I will have Xati finish what he started and wait for the priest of a better guard.” She commanded. Her voice was that of a ruler.

           The bishop stumbled as he chanted, but the words took effect. A glowing crest appeared on her forehead. It was a simple crest that every royal had their children given. A simple crown with the parents’ names beneath. It could not be repeated or faked. It was undeniable proof that my princess was alive. I felt a bright smile form for the first time in ages. It hurt, but I could not stop it.

           “Impossible,” The bishop stumbled back, “You were broken!” He screamed, “You were broken and killed!!! You should be a whimpering sap!! I saw to it!!”

           “Xati, kill this scum.” Her voice was harsh.

           I was in motion as the words left her mouth, the bishop did not have time to scream. My sword took his throat and he collapsed as his blood-stained his robes red.

           “You all have seen my mark of royalty!” She cried out, “I am heir princess Verity to the throne of the Forested Mountain. Do any challenge my claim?” She calmly surveyed the crowd.

           Several Vlarnish guards rushed the platform. 

           I readied my sword.

           Then men with crimson bands tied to their upper arms appeared and held knives to their throats of them. The governor’s guards filled the space as well. Veril himself stepped in front of the Vlarnish guards. “Now I know you would not be trying to assassinate a royal heir in my fucking city, right? Take your fucking fanatic and clear off. You have no claim here.”

           The soldiers obeyed and Veril bowed low to Verity behind me.

           “Lady Verity I would be happy to host you in my palace when you are ready.” He said respectfully.

           My princess smiled, “I appreciate your effort, but I will be taking the word of my knight above all.”

           He bowed and took his guards with him.

           The Reds had disappeared as quickly as they appeared, Jax however approached. His hulking form towered over the rapidly dispersing crowd. He smiled at me and then bowed in a surprisingly courtly manner to Verity.

           “Lady Verity, may I say your beauty is stunning to behold.”

           Verity blushed slightly and I smiled.

           He held up the cloak I had carried so far with me, “Your knight there is the most loyal person I have ever seen. I have literally offered him a mountain of gold to serve me, I threatened him and tried to have him killed. His response to all was that there was only one to whom he would bend knee.” 

           “I am indeed lucky to have him,” Verity flashed a quick smile back at me, “Though why the flattery?”

           Jax smiled, “Can never have too many royal friends, your highness, though the bit about Xati is true. He refused to serve any but you. I commend such loyalty.” He tossed the cloak to her, “By the way your knight requested to be buried with this. It was his only request when he was certain of his death.” Jax bowed again, “If you wish to find me Sir Xati knows the way.” Jax paused, “Oh and I got those girls to safety Xati.”

           “Thank you, Jax, they should not have been here in the first place.” I felt immensely grateful they had not been harmed.

           He snorted, “Not their fault their knight in shining armor decided to walk the plank willingly.” Then somehow the mountain of a man disappeared in the crowd and I was alone with Verity. Well almost.

           A woman almost as tall as Jax was the sole being left. The force of presence I felt from her was intimidating. I immediately put myself between her and my princess.

           Verity placed her hand on my shoulder, “That is not necessary Xati.”

           The woman laughed and I swear there was a rumble in it. Her emerald eyes flashed at me from beneath a head of blue hair. “Indeed, I do believe you may be just as motivated as I to protect my little gem.”

            I frowned, “Verity?” I asked cautiously and looked back.

           She was beet red and trying very hard not to look at the woman.

           The woman approached and ignored my sword. I fought the urge to swing it at her neck. This woman radiated danger.

           “Xati, it really is ok. Azura saved me and nursed me back to health. And ah.” Verity flushed and looked away.

           “Humans are so squeamish about these things.” The woman known as Azura waved her hand dismissively, “What is the polite term? We had relations as she gave herself to me and I claimed her as one of my treasures.”

           My heart sunk and I knew it to be true. Still, I would serve Verity to the end of the time, I had failed her once. Never again. I called upon my old skill of hiding my emotions. “Verity, does she speak true?”

           Verity nodded, “She does.” I saw her absent-mindedly rub the rather expensive necklace upon her neck. Verity looked very awkward. I looked at this woman who had taken Verity’s heart. I was saddened, but also more grateful to her than words could express. 

           I bowed my head to her, “Lady Azura, I do not know you, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving Verity. I had lost all hope when I thought I had carried her body home in my arms. The fact she is alive because of you.” I felt tears drip from my eyes, “You succeeded where I failed.”

           A gentle hand tilted my head up and I found myself looking into those emerald eyes. They seemed to pierce my very being. “You shed much blood trying to save her.” It was not a question.

           I nodded, “I did and her vengeance has been paid in blood.”

           Azura licked her lips, “Tell me, I wish to know the fates of who hurt my little gem.” Her eyes glittered in hunger.

           “Every priest of Viroi I found in the kingdom fell to my blade, the guards who beat her I gutted in dark alleys and left to die in their own filth, the paladins sent to stop me died in their sleep with their clerics, the mage they distracted me with was cut down in the forest, the bandits who left her for dead I killed in their encampment, I killed the entire garrison of Viroi guards save those who ran, her mother I sent away with the body I believed to be Verity I denied her the mercy of knowing Verity’s true name, the high priest who orchestrated her torture I stabbed in the gut and listened to him die in pain, and her father I beat to death with my bare hands.” I recited feeling a dark satisfaction in my gut, “And today I took the head of a Bishop who had apparently orchestrated things.”

           Azura smiled and for a moment every tooth seemed too sharp and her mouth a little too wide. “I like you Knight Xati, you are a fearsome creature and loyal.”

           I bowed my head again, “I am glad to find favor with my princess’s partner.”

           Azura looked past Verity, “I like your knight little gem.”

           Verity smiled and hugged me from behind, “I quite like him too Azura for three years, he stood at my side when no one else would. And in the end, he was more loyal than the heroes of old.”

           I blushed as Verity pulled away. “You are too kind my lady, I still failed you. I could not rescue you.”

           Verity snorted, “Not for lack of trying, and you avenged me.” Her smile was not gentle, her suffering had hardened her, “Thank you for that. I will rest more easily at night.” Her smile returned to being the soft one I knew more intimately, “Now where were you staying? We have been traveling and honestly, I am exhausted.”

           “Ah, the governor’s palace would be a better choice.” I tried to deflect.

           “What is good enough for my knight will always be good enough for me,” Verity said with a soft smile. She reached around me and fastened her cloak about my shoulders, “I do however want to see you wearing my crest at all times.”

           I blushed and bowed, “Of course my princess, as you command.”

           I led them into the city to the Wretched Lizard.

           I nervously shifted in front of the sign, “Ah this is it. I lived cheaply and did not have much in way of needs.”

           “Wretched Lizard huh?” Verity asked with a smirk and looked at Azura who was guffawing. “I think it will suit us just fine.”

           “My lady it is a bit rough in there.” I tried to caution.

           “Why would I worry? I have my Knight.” Then Verity went inside.

           I walked in and the room fell into a hush at my appearance. I mean the last had seen me I was being arrested. I did not blame them for their surprise. I suppose the news had not spread yet.

           “Xati!!” I found Star and Tabitha throwing themselves at me as they wrapped me in fierce hugs.

           Star looked at me with tears in her eyes, “How dare you save me and then immediately go to be executed!” She huffed.

           Tabitha had crossed her arms, “And what was that buried with cloak bullshit?! Like how could you think that was ok?”

           I coughed, “Ladies, now is not the time.”

           “Oh no, I have served you enough ale to kill a dwarf. You will fucking explain yourself right now!” Tabitha demanded, “And gods Star’s first crush going to get himself killed right after saving her? This is not some romance serial!”

           “Her what?” I stared dumbly at Tabitha.

           I beet red Star yelped, “Tabitha!?!”

           “What? Better he knows now before he runs off to fight a dragon or some shit. Maybe he won’t be so death hungry.” Tabitha ranted.

           I heard Azura chuckle behind me.

           I felt myself blushing again, “Ladies really-”

           “You told me you had a crush on him too!” Star stuck her tongue out at Tabitha, “So there!”

           “Star!” Tabitha exclaimed.

           “Ladies,” Verity was smiling broadly.

           “Who are you?” Both asked suspiciously together. 

           “My name is Verity,” Verity rubbed her neck shyly, “I promise to keep his foolhardy behavior in check and I have no intention of sending him to go fight a dragon.”

           Azura seemed to be dying of laughter.

           Verity shot her a sharp look, “Besides, he and I have some catching up to do. Don’t worry I will make sure he has time to give plenty of explanations regarding his foolish behavior.”

           I gulped. That last sentence seemed ominous.

           “After all, I sent him away to protect him so my only friend would not be tossing his life away, and then the next time I see him, he is letting himself be hung. I mean how is that fair?”

           “Right?!” Tabitha and Star agreed at the same time.

           “Uh, Tabitha, Star, Verity has traveled far-” This was not boding well for me.

           “Like it would be almost idiotic for him to waste his life like that,” Tabitha said peevishly.

           “Almost?” Star scoffed, “It is idiotic, the fool has a heart of gold and lets himself be dragged off because of some idiotic belief he somehow failed some task.”

           “Oh, trust me I know,” Verity looked at me with a sharp look, “Like I just wanted him safe and happy then he goes and tries to get himself hung until death.”

           “I’m Tabitha, this is Star,” Tabitha said.

           Star smiled, “We are going to get along great.” 

           Verity nodded with a smile, “I definitely think so.”

           “So how do you know Xati?” Tabitha asked.

           Verity smiled, “He is my Knight, sworn to protect and obey me.”

           “Are you some kind of princess?” Star asked with good stars in her eyes.

           Verity shrugged, “Technically, don’t know if I want to go back to it. Have to keep an eye on this fool though now.”

           Both Tabitha and Star took a moment looking between us, “Ohhhhhhhhh.” They were in perfect sync.

           “What?” I asked feeling exasperated.

           “Nothing!!!” They chimed at the same time, “See ya tomorrow, Verity!!” Just like that, they were gone as soon as they appeared.

           “You have some interesting lady friends Xati.” Azura purred from where she had stealthily moved beside me.

           I whirled to face her. It had been a very long time before someone had managed to sneak up on me. Then Verity was at my other arm. I felt like I was ganged upon.

           “Any wives or husbands we need to know about?” Verity asked with a twinkle in her eye.

           The bartender placed my usual mug in front of me. “Nah, this fool just likes to drink all day, mope, then stumble upstairs and pass out.”

           I glared at Jack, “Really?”

           “You got a problem Xati. I kept quiet cause you have a death wish and weren’t bothering nobody. My girl has gone and taken a shine to you so I expect you to quit your shit.” Jack said with a glower. “I ain’t gonna let you quietly drink yourself into the grave.”

           “Xati?” Verity’s tone had a note of concern to it.

           “Just something to pass the time.” I tried to explain.

           “Mmmm, bullshit dear,” Azura said and took my mug and drained it. She made a face, “This swill is nasty.”

           “Trust me I know, it's my cheapest shit.” Jack said with a grimace, “The bastard doesn’t care, he just drinks until he can’t see straight.”

           “Xati shows us to your room, we need to talk,” Verity said.

           “I am ok, I swear.” I protested.

           “It wasn’t a request Xati.” Verity’s tone became hard, then softened as she looked at Jack, “Thank you, sir, could you send some food and water up to his room.”

           Jack nodded, “Will do, I will send my good stuff, not the gruel he eats.”

           “Appreciated,” Azura said, “How much do we owe you?”

           “Not a damn thing, the moron has been paying for the cheapest shit in gold since day one. At this rate I owe him.” Jack practically snarled.

           “Hey, it was a trip!” I protested.

           “It was a damn insult!” Jack slammed his hands down, “I take care of my people and my place. Now go get your lickings.”

           I blushed and went to yell.

           “Xati.” Verity’s voice was firm.

           I sighed and led the way to my meager room. In the corner was my armor stand, my armor had seemingly magically reappeared there with my sword. Well, Jax was not magical, but definitely skilled. I had a single stool in front of a desk, several locked lockers that slid under my bed full of my gold, a single rucksack with my spare clothes, and a small bathtub in my bathroom. We barely fit in there standing. 

           Azura flowed around us and laid down in the bed. She patted the space in front of her and Verity sat there almost instantly. I cocked my head at the obedient behavior.

           “Xati, kneel.” I blushed and realized my behavior was no different. I went to one knee in front of Verity.

           “I am going to ask questions, and you will answer them honestly. No evasions, no dodging the questions.” Verity’s voice was soft. ‘Understand?”

           I sighed and nodded, “Understood my princess.”

           “Have you tried to kill yourself? Any method counts including battle.” Verity asked with concern.

           I opened my mouth to deny it, then hung my head. “Yes. I have been waiting to die.”

           “Are you hurting yourself?”

           “Not directly. But I have the desire to punish myself.” I answered again. The words were bitter on my tongue. This showed I was not worthy to be her knight.

           “Why do you drink?” Verity’s tone was still soft.

           “To drive off the nightmares, to deal with my guilt.” My voice was barely audible. 

           “Tell me what happened.” She lifted my head, “Tell me everything.”

           So, I did. Every person I killed trying to save her, how I thought I had carried her body home. How I delivered what I thought was her corpse home. The confrontation with her parents. Her father’s death. How I had wandered south selling my skills until I found this city to wait out my death. And how I just gave up here. By the end, I was crying. A horrendous sign of weakness. I really was not fit to be a knight. Not fit to be a warrior. Not fit to be a man. I bit my lip and felt blood drip onto the floor.

           Then I felt her arms around me.

           “Oh Xati, my sweet loyal Xati.” I felt Verity’s tears upon my neck.

           “You have suffered so much.” Her voice was so soft. She pulled back from me and I saw her blue eyes shimmering with unshed tears, “I cannot imagine what you suffered.”

           “But you were literally being tortured while I could not even find my way to you. I could not rescue you. I failed you!” I protested. I had hoped to just go back to being her knight as I once had. The falseness of that hope showed now. I could never go back. She would always know that I failed her and in my weakness after, I just gave up. “I failed you in life and in death. What kind of warrior gives up on life?” I hung my head, “You are better off without me.”

           “Xati,” She said softly.

           I stood and went to leave. “I did not deserve you then and I most certainly do not deserve to be your knight now.” 

           Then her hand was on my cloak and I found myself yanked backward. I spun and found myself closer to Verity than I ever had been in my life.

           “You fucking idiot.” Then she kissed me.

           My world froze in time. All that existed was her pressed against me and her lips against mine. I found my hands drifting to her hips as I held her. Then she pulled away and tears wet her eyes. Verity wiped her eyes.

           “Fuck, I have wanted to do that for literal years.” Verity smiled softly, “You are my idiot Xati and you have been hurting too. You are allowed to hurt, my sweet, sweet knight.”

           I was suddenly aware of Azura watching us with what could only be called a satisfied grin.

           “Uh, Verity. Your partner?” I suddenly felt uncertain. Azura would be within her rights to demand my head.

           Azura snorted, “Little knight you have nothing to fear. I own that little gem and that little gem owns you. I have known that for a bit now.”

           “No one owns me!” I protested out of habit, “I serve out of my own choice. And I have not sworn to serve you.”

           Azura just smiled, “Oh I very much like you.” 

           Her reaction caught me off guard. “Uh, what?”

           “Azura?” Verity said in confusion.

           Then Azura was behind Verity her hands on my cloak. She pulled me into Verity so that she was pinned between us. I blushed at her loud eep and slight gasp. “You see little knight. I have been traveling with this little gem. The entire time she kept regaling me with stories of her heroic knight.”

 Suddenly I was airborne and I landed on top of the bed with Verity under me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Then I was yanked back and felt my back pressed against Azura’s body. I blushed in her iron grip. I could not even pull a little bit away.

“I was skeptical, after all a knight’s loyalties are to power, to money, to glory.” Azura purred, “I really dislike knights because of that. They will do anything for just another drop of prestige.” Her hand crept up to my neck as Verity watched. Her words were whispers in my ear, “Then I saw you, and I heard those words you whispered meant to be heard by any. That moment you were certain of your death. You begged for forgiveness from the one you thought to have failed.” 

She let go of me and I fell forward and found myself face to face with Verity again and Azura was suddenly sitting on the small stool. This time I saw how she seemed to flow through the room almost like liquid.

She smiled at me, “That is when I realized you were truly her knight, that every story she had told, every memory she had shared of you was a friendship which flowered into love.” Then she was at the head of the bed stroking Verity’s face, “Even this little gem could not see it till just now. I could though.”

I pulled back from the sudden closeness of Azura slightly and she was under me and lifting me up. I was suddenly pressed against the wall. “I saw how a little bit of you died when you heard that Verity was mine,” Her sharp teeth nipped at my ear. “I also saw the immediate determination that you would remain by her side regardless of anything.” Then she was away from me and I had dropped into a low crouch at the foot of the bed, Verity was panting in the bed and looking at me with hungry eyes. Azura was over both of us, smiling with the lazy smile of a predator. Then there was a knock at the door.

Azura walked over as Verity and I stared at each other. I could feel the want in her eyes and the same was mirrored in mine. I felt the desire in my body. Azura set the plates on the bed for us and interrupted the moment.

“Now little ones, we are going to enjoy this delicious food and then have a little chat,” Azura instructed.

“What if I am not hungry for food mistress?” Verity asked, her eyes locked on mine.

“Both of you will have to be patient.” Azura chuckled.

I glowered at her my frustration boiling over, “And how do you plan on stopping us.” I growled.

Azura’s emerald eyes flashed, “Oh that’s adorable.” In a flash, Azura had me by the throat and I was dangling, but not choking. “You are fierce little knight, but you need to eat a proper meal as does my gem.” She pulled me close, “Don’t worry; I would not dream of keeping my gem from you. I see the love you have for each other and I will not touch that.” She set me down gently.

I rubbed my neck and stared at her in a mixture of wonder and amazement, “What are you?”

“I will tell you after we eat,” Azura said and picked up a delicious leg of roasted chicken. The smell hit Verity and me at the same time. We looked at each other and dug into the food. 

Jack had been right, this was delicious. Despite the other hunger, we had the food was delicious and devoured in short order. For once I actually felt full.

Azura set the plates outside and sat on the other side of Verity. She pulled Verity against her and patted beside Verity. She made a clicking noise, “Come here little knight lay beside your princess.”

I obeyed slowly and found my body curving to Verity’s. I let out a little gasp as I felt her grind into me.

“See, listening to me really that bad?” Azura teased.

“Shush,” Verity sighed and sat up. She was panting and I swear her eyes were glowing slightly. “Azura what is your angle?” Verity was panting hard and looking hard at me, “I don’t like these games. They are tedious. She licked her lips hungrily again and looked at me.

“Simple, I want to increase my hoard just a little bit.” Azura’s eyes flashed.

“What are you?” I chuckled and sat up against Verity, “Some kind of dragon?”

In a flash, both Verity and I were pinned to the bed underneath Azura. Azura suddenly had horns emerging from her temples, scales rippling into existence across her skin, and a long tail that bound mine and Verity’s legs together. Wings wrapped around the three of us leaving us in darkness illuminated by Azura’s slightly glowing eyes. “Exactly, I am as you say, some kind of dragon.” She rumbled.

Verity was squirming against me, “Azura, you can’t take Xati.” She protested.

“Oh, my precious gem, I would never take him from you,” She kissed Verity tenderly dragging a moan from her. Azura broke the kiss and looked at me with a hunger that I had seen in Verity’s gaze. I swallowed nervously. “I simply want to make sure that my gem has the appropriate company. Something to keep it nice and safe. Something that would fit very nicely in my hoard. I have just seen your little knight’s value.”

“I will only answer to Verity.” I ground out defiantly.

“Oh, I know little knight. I find that absolutely delightful.” She purred. She looked back to Verity, “Of course, it will be his choice.”

“What will?” I asked.

Suddenly Azura was off of us and sitting on the stool. Her wings make her seem like some form of an ancient spirit. Her smile was predatory. “It is simple Knight Xati. I will bind you to Verity like I bound Verity to myself. You will be a part of my hoard. You will be mine by the transitive property.” She smiled to herself. “You just have to agree, you will always know where your little gem is and how she is.”

“Azura?” Verity asked.

I felt my fists clench, “What can undo it?”

“It is an ancient thing; it takes a force equal to the binding. These bindings are so powerful even I could not break them.” Azura explained.

I felt my hands relax, “Verity if you are willing. So am I.”

Verity looked at me, “She is right though, you will belong to her as well if you do this.”

“I will always be your knight first and foremost.” I looked to Azura, “The dragon swore it, a dragon’s word is a weighty thing.”

“Indeed it is, Xati.” Azura agreed.

Verity swallowed, “What will I feel of him?”

“The same as I feel of you little gem.” Azura’s grin was wicked.

Verity swallowed nervously and took my hand. We walked to Azura whose grin widened exponentially. 

“Kneel my little treasures.” Azura purred.

Something inside me warmed up at her words. I felt the hard surface of the floor under my knees as we sank down together.

Azura pulled out a collar made out of flat chain links so it would lay flat against the neck. It was some kind of obsidian metal with gold engravings that matched the gold of Verity’s necklace that I now realized was a collar. Mine had a single emerald in the center to match the cut of the ones on Verity’s collar.

“Once this is bound to you, you cannot remove it, little knight.” She placed the collar in my hands. She gave a matching bracelet to Verity. “Once he places the collar on, fasten this around your wrist.”

Verity looked at me, “Are you sure Xati?”

“Never been more sure.” I fastened the collar around my neck and felt it seal and adjust magically to fit my neck. “I am yours.”

Verity blushed and clicked the bracelet on her wrist. Instantly we felt the connection. I gasped at the same time as her. We looked at each other and in a side portion of my mind, I felt her emotions. Her worry for me, her love for me, and winding amongst it I felt her overwhelming lust for me. I knew she felt the same radiating from me. 

Azura was grinning, “Yessss,” She purred.

Then I felt her presence through the link. It was almost overwhelming as she held herself back. I felt the chain from her to me through Verity.

“Give it a try my little gem, see how well your knight listens.” Azura coaxed Verity.

Verity looked at me and I felt the lust pulse through our link. “Come here.” She commanded and I listened.

I crawled over to her and she hooked a finger in my collar and pulled me in for a kiss. Her soft almost pillowy lips met mine and our tongues just gently touched as she moaned into me. She stood and sat on the bed, “Service me Xati.”

I crawled over to her and gently hooked my fingers into her waistband and slowly pulled down her pants. Her clit was hard and stood proudly as she breathed heavily. I felt my beard tickle her thighs and she giggled as I tossed her pants to the side. I wasted no more time and took her in my mouth. I savored her sweet and rich taste as I dragged my tongue up her shaft and swirled it around the tip of her clit as her legs tightened around me. I used my hand at the bottom of the shaft and gently stroked her base while bobbing my head up and down. Her shaft throbbed in my mouth as her moans grew in intensity. Then I felt her thickening in my mouth and she emptied herself in my mouth with a loud moan. I gratefully swallowed and licked her clean. I pulled off of her with a soft gasp and looked at her blissed-out face. 

“My turn.” She growled. Verity pushed me back onto my back. For a moment I wanted to protest, but then I knew she would accept me as I was. She practically ripped off my pants and there was a slight pause. Her eyes met mine and gentle tears appeared, “You’re like me.”

I nodded, “Yes m’lady, I always have been.”

“By the gods, I love you Xati!” She exclaimed and buried her tongue in me.

I grunted and groaned as I tangled my fingers in her as her talented mouth went to work. I felt her giving my head special attention and felt my orgasm slowly build as she added her fingers to the mix. I wanted more though. I flipped her on her back and looked down at her, “Take it, my princess.” I ground myself down on her face as she moaned into me as I roughly face fucked her, practically taking my orgasm from her as she eagerly lapped at me the entire time. Then my orgasm rippled through me and I just held myself down on her for a long moment before I pulled myself off of her and looked down at her juice-covered face. I smiled in satisfaction; I had been wanting this for so long.

I heard a rumbling growl and I looked over at Azura. She was practically feral, “Do either have a complaint if I join in.”

I looked at Verity and she looked at me, we looked back to Azura and responded together, “Nope.”

I had been outside once as a hurricane had buffeted me with winds that were throwing around debris and watched as it sunk a ship. I thought I had felt the primal force of nature at that moment. I was wrong.

Azura hit us both at the same time, in each of her hands were our throats and pinned us under her. She kissed Verity and dragged a moan from her. Then she kissed me. She smelled of fire and it was delightful. I groaned as her long tongue tickled my ear.

“I have a present for you little knight,” Azura cooed in my ear, “Do you want it?”

I nodded breathlessly as she bit my neck hard enough to bruise and draw a little blood.

She leaned back for a moment and let go of Verity. She dragged a claw lightly across the skin portion of her neck and pulled my head there. “Drink.” She commanded.

I did. Her blood tasted like liquid fire, the best brandy I ever drank, cinnamon, and spicy. I felt it burn as it traveled down my throat. It hurt, but I wanted more. I drank and swallowed then she pulled me from her neck.

“That’s enough little knight,” She chuckled. “Now where was I?” Her voice was like a sing-song musical little tone. She kissed me again and then went back to Verity. Once I would have believed I was in control, but her dominance was that of something that ruled whatever area it entered. Unquestioning and relentless. I never thought I would enjoy something like that. I found myself undoubtedly enjoying it. I was tossed on the bed and Verity was bent over with her head between my legs. Her breath tickled my intimate parts.

“Service your little knight my gem, I wish to enjoy you,” Azura commanded.

Immediately Verity once again dove down onto me and I groaned as her tongue attacked my still sensitive parts. Then I saw it. Azura apparently grew an inhumanly shaped cock of an impressive size from almost nowhere. She saw my stare and winked, “It stays inside until I need it.” 

I watched her slather herself in some clear liquid and then thrust into Verity who moaned like a whore into my pussy. I groaned in return and this is how it went as Azura almost savagely fucked Verity who loved every single thrust licking and sucking me with even more fervor. I lost track of my orgasms as we shifted back and forth. 

Verity on her back as I rode her tender lips. 

I rode Azura’s face as her tongue devastated my insides and my lips locked on Verity’s as she rode Azura’s cock.

Me on my back taking Azura’s skilled fingers as she fucked Verity beside me.

Then finally I found myself beside Verity on my knees as we serviced Azura together with an eagerness that surprised even myself.

Azura rumbled and moaned then came onto mine and Verity’s waiting faces and open mouths. In the back of my head, I realized that cum would be difficult to get out of my beard and hair, but I could not bring myself to care at that moment. 

Azura wet a towel and gently cleaned our faces.

“They're my pets.” She growled, “All clean for now, we will worry about baths in the morning.”

I found myself curled up to Verity’s naked body and Azura rumbled on the other side. At this moment I found peace and happiness. Nothing turned out how I had expected, but I was happy it was so. The woman I loved was in my arms and her trusted partner and owner beside her. I was also becoming more and more fond of Azura. Plus, what she could do with her mouth would make anyone shiver.

With a happy smile I drifted off to sleep and for the first time in a long time, I had only pleasant dreams.

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