Of Swords and Dragons

Chapter 2: The True Paladin- Rebellion

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The True Paladin

           The crusaders stared at me like children with their hands in the cookie jar. Except this situation was nothing like an innocent sweet loving child. I looked at the partially disrobed orc with clothing torn from her as three crusaders stood over her with belts unfastened. In the corner was a child that another crusader was holding a knife. I had come to this hut in response to the cries of distress and was filled with rage at what I had found.

           “You scared us, Mattias, the way you kicked in that door made us think a Warband had found us.” The lead crusader said. A man named Roy if I remembered correctly. I had fought beside him in the last battle. “You want in on this?” He asked with a lascivious grin.

           The orc woman’s shoulder slumped in despair at his remark. Contrary to common belief most orcs understood common. Thus, she knew the crusaders saw me as an ally. Which was a mistake on their part.

           My greatsword began to crackle with holy energy, its blade was as tall as most men and I was blessed with holy strength to wield it as a Paladin of Viroi. Part of me was tempted to ask them what they were doing, the other part of me knew. As a warrior of righteousness that is all I needed. They would answer for their crimes.

           “Drop your weapons and submit yourself for judgment,” I commanded in a cold tone.

           Roy looked at me like I was insane, “Beg your pardon?” He asked incredulously.

           “The commandments of Viroi demand the protection of the innocent. You are in violation of said commandments.” I started bringing my sword into the ready position. “You will submit yourself to the judgment of the church or I shall administer judgment myself,” I answered feeling my rage growing.

           He and the other crusaders immediately dropped their weapons. They were wise to not confront a Paladin whose blood was up. “Easy there Mattias,” Roy said holding his hands up, “It was just me and the boys having a bit of fun.”

           “If you speak again, I will cut your tongue from your head!” I hissed.

           His mouth shut with a clack as the other crusaders looked surprised.

           “Outside now!” I roared, “If you run, I will hunt you to the ends of the lands!”

           The crusaders stumbled over themselves to get out of the tiny hut. Once they were out I slammed my greatsword into the floor of the hut and knelt down, I offered my hand to the woman.

           She took it evidently surprised and I helped her to her feet.

           “Are you injured?” I asked and pulled my pouch of poultices and gave it to her without waiting for an answer.

           She shook her head and accepted the pouch warily, staring at me with a mixture of fear and shock.

           Without a thought, I took my meager coin pouch and gave it to her as well. Paladins had little use for gold so I carried little, but it should help them. “Please leave this area before bandits arrive, look after yourself and your little one. I must take these back to face judgment for their crimes against you. A military camp is no place for women and children, please be careful and take care of yourself.” I made the symbol of the holy circle, “May Viroi guide you.”

           She took the coin pouch and gathered up her child. I guarded the door keeping an eye on the crusaders while she packed her things. Shortly she darted out the door while I stood in between her and the crusaders.

           Roy looked like he may say something, but the look in my eyes silenced him. He just looked away.

           Then the orc spoke, her voice thick with her accent, lending her words a rich quality, “You are honorable, something I never expected from your kind. I do not think this Viroi is a god for one such as yourself.” She left before I could ask for clarification.

           The men looked incredulous as she ran into the underbrush, doubtless towards the orcish lines.

           “Up,” I growled, “We go to your judgment. You best pray to Viroi that the priest is more merciful than I.”

           We marched in silence back to the main camp while the crusaders would occasionally look back at me and shake their heads. I wasted no time in marching the men into the chapel despite it being the daily holy hour. It may do others well to see the judgment of Viroi. I forced them to their knees in front of bishop Luka. A holy man who had spent decades in service to Viroi. He had a kindly face and looked at me with concern.

           “Knight Mattias, what do you bring before me?” He asked, he and I had long conversations over the righteousness of Viroi, he knew I would not interrupt without reason.

           “I caught these men as they attempted to rape an innocent.” I snarled, “They chose the judgment of Viroi over my own.”

           The Bishop nodded his face creased with seriousness, “This is a serious accusation, crusaders, holy and blessed by Viroi. What say you in defense?”

           Roy cleared his throat and looked to his friends apparently seeking permission to speak, “Ah your holiness, it was just an orc.”

           The bishop frowned and looked back at me, “Is this true?”

           I nodded still glaring at the men, “Indeed, they were noncombatants and these men accosted them inside their own home.”

           The bishop sighed heavily as though a great weariness descended upon him, “Crusaders you may go and the chapel is dismissed.”

           I stared in shock as the crusaders walked free Roy gave me a jaunty wave and the others who had been attending the chapel walked out as well. 

           I looked at the bishop in shock trying to find words to speak.

           “Be seated, Mattias.” The bishop said as he began to light the candles around the room.

           I obeyed, “Bishop, explain yourself.” I demanded.

           “I warned the cardinal you were not the one for a crusade.” Bishop Luka said with a sigh, “Tell me what does the word of Viroi say of heathens and unbelievers?”

           “That they are to be ministered to, have the light shown to them,” I answered.

           “What do the texts say if the unbelievers refuse the light of Viroi?” The bishop stood over me waiting for my answer.

           “That they are to be driven from the land as heathens as we cannot allow them to harm the flock of Viroi.” I shrugged, “However, it is known that few choose to live outside the light of Viroi.” 

           “We have ministered to the Orcs in this land for some time. Given them every chance to convert and in response, they shipped back the bodies of our missionaries chopped into pieces and burned.” Bishop Luka said with anger in his voice.

           I remembered that day well, I had seen the cart piled high with bodies. It made me nauseous to think of so many cut down for the task of ministering to the needy.

           “After this, the Divine Lord who speaks for Viroi ordered a crusade to purge these heathens,” Luka said.

           “Indeed, we have routed the orc forces at every turn and now are within marching distance of their capital,” I answered, I had fought in every battle.

           “Every orc is now a heathen until they find redemption in Viroi even those that do not fight,” Luka said looking at me steadily. “You understand this yes?”

           I nodded, “Those were the words of the Divine Lord.”

           “Which means no orc is innocent, there can be no crimes committed against a heathen,” Luka said evenly.

           “My lord bishop I understand that is the technical interpretation. But Viroi is a God of mercy, those who do not fight should be spared the horrors of war.” I answered.

           Luka leaned down, “Mattias listen, every orc is a heathen from the smallest babe to the oldest elder. It is why we are not taking prisoners and razing the land. There is no mercy from Viroi for the heathens. You know this.”

           I shook my head, “That is wrong.”

           “Are you defying the words of Viroi?” Luka asked calmly.

           “Of course not, but-” I answered.

           “There are no buts, there are no crimes that can be committed against an orc. I know you have been at the front leading the holy charge, but you should take some time in the back with me to relax and enjoy the bounties of this land. I know I have.” Luka said with a slight smile, “No crimes Mattias, all is forgiven.”

           I stared at him in shock as something in me twisted. “What? You have-”

           “There are no crimes with the orcs, they are heathens and to be purged. This is not a crusade to spread Viroi’s word, it is to purge them from this land. And if they are going to be killed anyway why not have a little fun?” Luka said with a growing smile, “Feel free to enjoy yourself.”

           I stared as my expression reverted to a blank expression, which I had practiced over the years to hide my true feelings. “Anything is permitted? Anything?”

           “No matter how young or old, they have been condemned by the light of Viroi. There is no mercy for them.” Luka’s normally noble expression had become something more lecherous.

           I stood fighting the weakness in my legs. “I need to go to my tent.”

           “You will be sent to the back to enjoy yourself, Mattias,” Luka said, misinterpreting my silence for agreement.

           I barely made it to my tent and sat on my meager cot. Thoughts swirled in my head as the orc woman’s words came back to me. I do not think Viroi may be the god for you.

           I opened my holy texts and notes. Even pulled out some of my old references. The only luxury I allowed myself as a Paladin was my books. We were meant to be frugal and selfless, many did not match this, but I did my best to. I gave my wages away except for what I may need to stay somewhere on the road.

           I poured over the texts and Word of Viroi. I looked for something, anything that would show that Luka was wrong. There was nothing every tome said he was in the right and when I read between the lines of some older crusades this began to show a pattern. Not only was this the technical definition, but it was also what was expected from a crusade. Every foul deed was permitted so long as it was done to a heathen. Only believers who were true and just in Viroi’s light were to receive mercy. What I had believed was a lie. Or rather not the whole truth. I had only been deployed where Viroi’s light had been, this was my first time dealing with nonbelievers that were not part of some nefarious cult. I had believed that Viroi’s light extended to all, that mercy belonged to all. Instead, it was just a few. 

           I stepped out of my tent and looked around the camp. It was my first time out at night as I preferred to meditate. I saw men dragging empty-eyed orcs to their tents. I felt nauseous. It was clear Luka expected me to participate. I even saw a fellow paladin smiling with an evil grin as he pulled an unwilling and hopeless orc girl to his tent. I was in a camp full of rapists and murderers as pardoned by the god I worshipped so fervently, that I prayed to for forgiveness.

           I turned and threw up beside my tent. I could be part of this no longer. I was a paladin to save the innocents. I would not be a party to this. I took off my army as a quiet rage built inside me. I used a dagger to scrape away every holy symbol of Viroi. I tossed my holy tomes on the fire to warm me as I worked. I cut off the holy brand I had worn on my shoulder and tossed the bloody flesh on the fire as well. My once shining silver armor was now marred with scratches and darkened with soot from my fire. I donned it again. Tonight, I would be vengeance for the innocent. 

           Luka entered my tent as I put the helmet on. He was drunk and had two orc girls with him. He pushed them into my tent. “I thought I would come to have some-”

           He never finished his sentence. My sword rammed into his chest and knocked all air from his lungs. He looked at me with terror and fear as his bloody hands clutched at my armor.

           I twisted the blade savagely, “Suffer not the foul to live.” I ground out.

           The two girls huddled together in shock as I kicked his body free from my blade. “Stay hidden,” I commanded and left my tent.

           I had some bloody work to do. I headed first to the other paladins. They would be able to stand against me, they had to be the first to go. I had hoped to recruit another holy warrior to help the innocent, but after what I saw in the first few tents that hope just became a burning rage. The first paladin tried to smite me, but naked and drunk my sword took his head instead. Then I went to each tent and systematically butchered my former brothers. They stood no chance against me. I no longer felt the warm light of Viroi. I knew his holy might had been taken from me the moment I had slain the butcher. The fire in my heart turned cold as this confirmed that Viroi only cared for those who accepted him.

           That orc woman was right. Viroi was not the god for me. I stepped from the last tent and flicked blood from my sword. In each I had commanded the victims to hide and gave directions to the others I had spared from more torture. I looked at the burning campfires and laughter coming from the camps. I had a lot more work to do. I made work of the commanders next. Butchering them in their sleep or as they tried to celebrate. Then I finished off the priests. Each tent brought me more rage as more atrocities etched themselves on my mind and soul. I was just as guilty for enabling these horrors through my martial efforts as those who reveled in their atrocities. I could not take back the battles I had fought. But I could be vengeance. Slowly those who were still conscious in the camp realized something was wrong. By then it was too late. I was going from one fire to the next and slaying those who were there. I moved quickly and efficiently. Even without my holy might, I was still one of the best warriors in the army. I had trained since a child at the holy temples and perfected my martial skill, what small mistakes I made, my shield and armor saved me from. Then the last fire was extinguished and the last crusader slain. I ground out the embers of the fire under my heel and looked for the next target. I saw none. Just the glinting eyes of over a hundred orc women and children that I had freed. “Follow me,” I called. 

           I led them through the remainder of the night to where I knew the final orc lines were. I had scouted them myself. I heard the beating of the war drums and the freed orcs broke into a run. Yells of excitement and hope erupted from the orc lines as the former captives were swept up. I simply kept walking. The orcs grew silent. Even in my bloodied and soot-stained state my armor was recognizable as a paladin. 

           I stopped over a hundred feet away and threw down my sword. I took off my helmet and dropped it as well. Then the chest plate that I tossed to the side. This left me unprotected. I then knelt and waited. If they decided to shoot me down with arrows, I would be at peace with that. I looked to the ground and waited. An hour went by before I heard footsteps.

           A massive orc that I knew as the War Leader approached. He wore many trophies of crusaders including severed heads still in their helmets. It was a fearsome sight, though, in my opinion, it was justified. He wore thick leather armor and carried a massive battle-ax. He spoke in very competent common as well.

           “Explain your presence foul one.” He growled.

           I lowered my head, baring my neck. “I have come to receive your judgment. I learned yesterday what my people were doing to yours. I have aided them through my efforts in the battle against you. I have no excuse or defense.”

           I heard a snort and orcs speaking to each other in their harsh, but yet melodic language. I stayed where I was.

           “You ask for no mercy?” The orc asked as he slowly circled me.

           “None was shown to your people and the foulest of things done to them.” I spat viciously, “I expect no mercy, I certainly would not show any if I was you.”

           “So you acknowledge the crimes done, what does your god say about this?” He asked almost sarcastically.

           “The light of Viroi left me the moment I carved out his bishop’s heart. And I am better for it. I will serve no god who allows innocents to be harmed.” I could not help the snarl that escaped my lips. My hands tightened to fists in the dirt as I remembered the atrocities I witnessed in the camp. I knew even worse things had happened to the villages and towns whose defenses I had shattered and immediately moved on.

           “So, you see your god for the demon that it is?” The Orc Leader asked.

           I tensed out of instinct then felt my shoulders fall. How many cultists had claimed similar before I cut them down? I felt despair. How many undeserving ones had I slain in my foolish belief? “I suppose I have. Though far too late for far too many.”

           “You are correct and your fellows’ crimes hang heavy on your shoulders.” It was not a question, “If I spare you, what will you do? Swear off the sword and become a monk?”

           “No, they plan to attack you in a day, though my actions at my camp will delay them. I will wait here for them and when they arrive, I will kill as many of the bastards that I can before I am struck down. Blood demands blood.” I growled.

           “Does any hear speak for this foul one before I cut his head from his shoulders?” The orc called out in common before repeating it in orcish.

           There was a clank of metal, “I will speak for him.” A familiar voice called out in common. “I was accosted by his fellows. At the sight of his armor, I lost all hope for we know these paladins are the worst of them. He saved my son and me instead promising punishment for his men’s actions.”

           I looked up and saw the orc woman standing next to the orc leader with a massive bow.

           Then more voices called out. One of the teen girls I had saved from Luka stepped forward. “The foul priest had captured my sister and me, subjected us to terrible things. He brought us to share with a paladin. When we reached the tent, we saw this man donning his blackened and marred armor. He cut down the priest then left to give judgment to the rest of the camp.”

           Other voices spoke up and I saw the orcs I had rescued relaying how I had cut through an entire camp. Some in common others in orcish.

           The orc leader looked back down at me and I saw something approaching respect in his eyes. “So upon learning what atrocities those in your camp were committing, you slew them all?”

           I nodded, “I was devoted to the cause and rarely slept in camp. I would scout your defenses and report back before heading to the next battle. I was never in the rear, always at the front of the battle as I was taught that was my place.”

           “I am well aware of this fact; you have been the bane of my forces. All of my forces have faced you in battle at some point or another. My record-keepers told me that you had been in each fight, but never at the sacking of cities. Why?”

           “I knew there would be looting, I simply in my arrogance assumed the others were as devout as I was and no harm would come to those captured. I have no use for wealth so I would not participate.” I answered, and after a moment I snorted, “I was a fool, have been a fool.”

           “Agreed, but thanks to the testimonies of those here I will not slay you. You are not welcome in our midst.”

           I nodded, “If you are to leave me here, may I make a request?”

           “Speak.” He sounded curious.

           “May I have a skin of water to drink as I wait? I do not wish to pass out from lack of water amid battle.”

           “You shall have that and rations. I thought you would run off to seek penance elsewhere despite your words.” He said with a nod.

           I smiled without any humor, “I intend to pay back every drop of orcish blood I have spilled tenfold from my fellow foul ones.”

           His eyes gleamed bright and he offered me his arm.

           I took it and stood holding his arm in a warrior's handshake. 

           “So be it, what is your name foul warrior?” He asked with respect in his voice.

           “Mattias, when I fall simply toss my body in whatever hole you dig for them.” I knew this would be my last battle, “I am no better than they.”

           “We shall see foul Mattias.” He said, “We shall see.”

           Then he and his soldiers left leaving me alone. A scout returned and dropped off water and rations. I ate the tasteless and almost spoiled food without complaint. 

           The crusade did not attack when I expected nor did they attack the next day. I continued to wait. I used my dagger and painstakingly scraped every single vestige of Viroi from my armor. The orcs continued to give me rations and I still did not move. I knew my armor and self, smelled like smoke and rotting blood. I had not cleaned myself off, nor did I bother. When the crusading foul ones arrived, they would find a specter of vengeance waiting for them.

           After a week of waiting and practicing my skill to stay sharp, the crusade arrived. 

           I donned my helmet and drained my water skin before tossing it to the side. At the sight of my armor, the marching lines stopped short in confusion. Another paladin took it upon themselves to ride out to gain information.

           He pulled his horse up just out of arrow range and lifted his visor, “Ho there brother, what-”

           He never finished his statement. My dagger took him in the eye and he fell off the horse screaming. I was upon him in an instant and cut his head from his shoulder, silencing his screams. Then I was sprinting for their lines. The gasp that had gone upturned to fear and yelling confusion broke out.

           I hit their lines like a shot from a cannon. I cut down a dozen soldiers in the first seconds as they tried to flee from me. I hurled spears at running soldiers and continued to plow through their lines. I cut down any who stood in front of me until another paladin leaped at me with their sword glowing.

           I managed to sidestep and heard the crackle of the smite discharge into the ground, shaking it underfoot. Many would have stumbled. I did not and slammed a broken spear in the space between helmet and breastplate. The paladin went down with a gurgle. I opened the visor with my foot and slammed the sword into his throat. I felt a moment of remorse as I recognized the face, but it disappeared in the haze of memories from the camp.

           I looked at the shocked men, “Come face me.” I called and ran at them. They broke and fled. I dispatched any who stood in front of me and ended up facing a bleary-eyed priest at the back who tried to cast holy magic at me. I easily dodged his attacks as I knew the chants intimately. My sword cut his throat out. Then it was over. Any man who could run did and I was left alone among the bodies. I snarled and stalked back to the place where I had been waiting. They had been expecting orcs, not an enraged former paladin. Next time they would fight harder.

           I plunged my sword into the ground and gave my back to the orcs and waited. I knew what would happen next. A team of three paladins would be dispatched. One would try to immobilize me with holy incantations while the others boxed me in. Once I was bound with holy light they would end me. Many strong foes beyond anyone paladin had been ended in this manner. 

           Turned out I was right; the team appeared and began riding hard for me. Two in the front and one in the back. I waited apparently implacable as they grew closer and closer. The one in the back lifted his visor and began shouting the words of binding.

           My thrown javelin took him in the face and knocked him from his saddle. His two compatriots were too close to change their pace. My sword knocked one from the saddle and stabbed the other’s horse in the eye killing it instantly and trapping the man beneath its bulk. A paladin would be free in a moment. I did not give him that moment. The final paladin stumbled to his feet just in time for me to charge him with my shoulder and knock him down again. I hammered at his helmet with my sword until he stopped moving. Then I took all three heads and stacked them behind me. In addition to the two paladins from before I had five heads. There were only fifteen paladins in this crusade counting myself. There were four in the camp that I killed. So only five left.

           Thankfully the church in their arrogance had refused to use any mages. Priests, clerics, and paladins would be enough. Fifteen paladins, ten clerics, and over a hundred priests. I had killed five of the clerics and over a dozen priests that night as well. I smiled in satisfaction. If I could get the rest of the paladins and clerics the orcs could route the crusaders. They were recruits, very few were professional soldiers.

           Another few hours passed and a bishop stopped well out of range of the orcs and me. He spoke with his voice amplified by some means.

           “Knight Mattias!” He called out, “Put down your weapon and surrender to be judged by Viroi!”

           “I am no knight!” I bellowed back, “I reject Viroi and all of his followers! Anywho follow Viroi are an enemy of mine!”

           “THAT IS BLASPHEMY!” The bishop called back. My words were audible to all of the soldiers who stood behind in a line waiting to charge. They looked uncomfortable.

           “I will serve no god who allows and encourages the death and abuse of innocents,” I growled grateful for the enchantment on my helmet which let me match his volume. “I am the vengeance of every drop of blood that has been spilled on these lands unjustly.”

           The bishop was flabbergasted, out of the things he had been expecting, it was probably not this. “Mattias you are a devout servant of Viroi, come back to us.”

           I laughed bitterly, “I will only join you in death, as hell certainly has enough room for all of us devout followers.”

           “Then you will die alone, may Viroi have mercy on your soul.” The bishop intoned.

           I spat on the ground, “Fuck Viroi’s mercy. I have seen what that looks like. Come die like the dog you are.”

           He rode back to his lines and I saw the paladins and clerics emerge. They moved cautiously.

           I smiled, looked like they were finally taking my martial ability seriously. I would not survive this fight.

           I looked back to the orcs, “I will take as many of them with me as I can, but this is goodbye. Pray to your gods for me that I may at least injure them all.” 

           I lifted my sword which was black with dried blood and gore. I offered no battle cry and just charged toward them. They had sent out the entire remainder to face me. I knew all of their faces from the holy temple. Part of me wanted to plead with them to join me. But I also knew all of them had taken a turn in the back. They knew what had happened, they were just as guilty as the rest. I hardened my heart and struck down Eliza first. She never saw it coming. She was the least martial skilled and a very proficient healer. She also used to have a crush on me. I felt guilty, but none would be spared this day. The other clerics dragged her body back while the paladins engaged me. Their smites were devastating and even a glancing blow ripped my armor off. There were just too many to dodge. Still, I fought like a man possessed and struck down both Eric and Jonah. Skilled twins, but would overextend themselves relying on the other to cover. I was bleeding from countless wounds, but my heartfelt light as I weaved between blows and magical strikes.

           Then it happened one of the surviving clerics got the binding chant off before I could injure or interrupt them. Blazing holy light immobilized me at every joint.

           “You will be punished for your crimes,” Marcus growled. He was bleeding from his side where I had deflected a stray smite into his armor. Kale the only other still standing paladin coughed and ripped off his helmet.

           “Fuck this, we kill him now.” He yelled and charged at me with a sword.

           I smiled at him as he came, for the first time in my life, I not only believed I was in the right. I knew I was. I welcomed death.

           Except he stopped moving, everything was frozen around me. The day sky was suddenly night and the moon hung full in the sky much lower than it should.

           I tried to look around but was still frozen.

           “What’s going on?” I yelled, “Who’s doing this?”

           “I am.” A calm voice whispered at my shoulder. A figure draped in a cloak of moonlight circled around in front of me. The voice was feminine, but I could make out no other distinguishing features aside from the tall and slender frame. “A fallen paladin.”

           I snorted, “If by fallen you mean I refuse to be a party to crimes against the innocent, then yes I am fallen.”

           “You broke your oath to Viroi.” The voice said, ignoring me entirely, “You swore to forever serve his word and will.”

           “So I did,” I answered. For a moment I wondered if this was one of his angels to exact vengeance. 

           “You killed his faithful by the score and aided his enemies. You carved his symbol from you and burned everything but your sword and armor which you use to slay his followers. Even now I can smell the blood of his priests and warriors. You struck down those you once called friends with the barest of hesitation. You rejected him in front all three times. He will never redeem you.” The stranger leaned in and I saw the silver on their lips. “I want to know why.”

           “They were raping and murdering in Viroi’s name with his protection and blessing. He condones this or will not stop it. They seek to kill an entire race and I will not allow that to happen as long as there is breath in my body.”

           “You seek to protect the oppressed? The innocent and abused?” They asked circling me.

           “Of course!” I snarled, “It is why I became a paladin. I want to protect those who cannot protect themselves!”

           “You do not believe in the rule of the strong?” They asked and my mind filled with the thoughts of how paladins were portrayed as infallible soldiers, “You do not believe might makes right?”

           “I do not, the future of this world lays with the innocents, the children, those who know suffering for they are the strongest of us.” I thought of the children who I would give my wages, how they immediately would share even the smallest threads of hope among them, “I am done helping a cruel god spread his influence. I helped because I was blind and I will stand against him wherever I can.”

           “Do you decide who is oppressed and who is not?” They asked.

           I shook my head, “One cannot tell a victim how they were harmed, only defend them when they ask. I will stand for the downtrodden and oppressed for as long as there is breath in my lungs and blood in my body.”

           They smiled and lifted back their hood revealing a face that was neither fully feminine nor masculine. If anything, they shifted between genders and beyond. Their hair was glowing light, shimmering strands of moonlight. “I think I will take a chance on you then. I am Ila, god or goddess of the moon depending on who you ask. I am the protector of the weak, the oppressed, the lost, and the travelers. I am the one they pray to in their darkest moments. I am the light upon the darkened road, and I will see my children saved. Will you be my sword to do so?”

           I looked upon them with confliction in my heart, “I am about to die. And how do I know you are not another Viroi?”

           They laughed, it was the sound of music and warmth on a lonely night. “Viroi despises me for I am the god of those he casts out. I am the one who welcomes any to my shelter. I value the light of independence and hope where he crushes it. I am chaos where he is in order. I am what he is not, I have mercy and you will show mercy in my name.” They smiled more calmly, “As to death we all die, but I think I can lend a hand.”

           “I will help you as long as you do as you say, as long as you protect the weak and show mercy to the oppressed. I will not serve blindly again.” I growled.

           Their smile widened, “Oh I swear except on one note, I do not just show mercy to the oppressed, I empower them.”

           My head was full of visions not my own. A girl growing fangs and claws to fight off her attackers, a child casting a spell to stop their abuser, a group of refugees shielded by the light of the moon from bandits that turned to weapons that they used to defend themselves. These were all true and I knew it.

           “Then my blade is yours,” I whispered.

           They laughed, “Excellent, now show these bastards the price of harming the innocent.”


           Time sped back up; I saw the sword blade coming for my throat. I also felt warm power surge through my limbs. I flexed and the bands came free in a thundercrack of sound. I used my bracer to knock the sword from my throat and kicked Kale in the crotch denting his armor. 

           He collapsed to the ground and I reached out. Moonlight shone from my hand and became a silver sword. I called on the rage inside me at the injustices I had seen. The blade crackled like a bolt of lightning as I struck Marcus in the chest. His armor exploded from his body as his chest was turned into a blacked crater. 

           I sprinted to the remaining clerics who were trying to call down Viroi’s light upon me. I was chaos incarnate at the moment and no bindings could touch me. They were slain by smites and radiance I called down from the moon itself. Where the light of Viroi had burnt like golden fire. This light was silver and pure. No flame just a cooling light that made me feel safe as I used it. I was the eye of the storm, peace in the chaos, and my sword was death. I once again routed their lines. 

           This time I heard a horn from behind me. Orcs rode forth on massive dire wolves. I turned and plunged my new sword into the ground and whispered, “May Ila bless them.” I saw the orcs' weapons glow with silver light and their dire wolves became faster as arrows that would have taken them were knocked from their course.

           A wolf stopped in front of me and I saw the orc woman from the village extend a hand to me, “I see my divine listened, come, Knight of Ila, we have rapists to catch.”

           I took her hand and swung onto the back of the wolf. We were off in a heartbeat. I had told the orcs where every crusaders’ camp was. They made use of this knowledge to brutal effect. No longer on the back foot, they surged from the forests and tore through the crusaders. Their shamans called out the spirits of the wild. Without clerics and paladins to battle them, their situation went from bad to worse. I saw crusaders who tried to surrender be struck down. I did not fault the orcs. I knew what had happened and vengeance was rightfully theirs.

           In a day it was over. Every crusader who remained on the orcs’ land was dead. The blessing of Ila enabled the wolves and orcs to move faster than they should. It was over just like that. I had a suspicion that this had been the plan from the start. Any queasiness I felt at the slaughter of my former allies disappeared when I saw the orc captives. Starving and abused my heart went to them. It was time to face my judgment though. I dismounted the wolf before the orcs’ base camp as I remembered their war leader’s words. I was not welcome among them. 

           I removed my armor and stacked it to the side. I let go of the sword and watched it disappear into the night’s moonlight. I smiled, “Thank you, Ila, thank you for letting me help.” I swore I heard a tinkling laugh in the darkness. I relaxed and stared up at the night sky in my torn and bloodstained tunic and pants that I wore under the armor. I knew eventually the orcs would remember me and judge me accordingly. I was at peace with it, I think I had earned a painless death.

           There was a crunch as someone sat down beside me. I looked over and saw it was the orc war leader.

           “My name is Vro, Knight Mattias.” He offered his hand to me and I shook it.

           “It is a pleasure to meet you formally.” I answered, “You have done an amazing job of leading your people and seeing to their victory. Your tactics would have prevailed even if I had still stood with them.”

           He chuckled, “Noticed I had been preparing for that offensive, did you? Your efforts still helped there be far fewer deaths than what should have been. For that I thank you.”

           I waved my hand, “No thanks necessary. I think I made a good show of my oath.”

           “Indeed, thanks to your efforts not a single member of their religious order escaped,” Vro said with satisfaction.

           It was true, I had hunted down every priest I could find and personally put them to the sword. “It was necessary, perhaps they will think twice before another crusade.”

           “Doubtful, but they will certainly be warier. It is my understanding that their paladins and clerics are fairly rare.” He said.

           I nodded, “Only one hundred and fifty paladins are currently blessed, and only two hundred clerics. This was a sizeable dent in their numbers.”

           “They will come after you, you know.” 

           I shrugged, “They will find a corpse, I mean I assume you are here to finish the judgment.”

           He laughed giant belly laughs, “Come now little knight, your judgment has ended. Not even my record keepers can accurately tell me how many you killed in the battles. You are welcome among us. Your debt in blood has been paid.”

           I shook my head, “But all the orcs I killed.”

           “You killed in battle, honorably,” He looked at me very thoughtfully with a smile, “Plus thanks to you, we saved so many more of my people, children. You personally saved over a hundred and amongst all that we rescued, not one says they ever saw you with your former masters in the atrocity. That you always stood apart.

You are reading story Of Swords and Dragons at novel35.com

           I sighed, I had hidden thoughts I used to meditate on to banish because of how wrong they were according to Viroi. As a result, I always went the extra mile for penance. “Indeed, I had my own internal battles to fight.”

           He snorted, “Come on little knight, let's get you cleaned up.” His nose wrinkled, “You reek of death and it is time to celebrate life.”

           I smiled and followed him into camp. As the orcs saw me, they smiled at me and nodded. I had aided their victory though it would have been still accomplished without me. I always knew that orcs were more than savage barbarians and had advised that the crusade be more cautious. At this moment I was very glad my superiors had ignored me. Vro all but shoved me in the bathhouse. I gratefully scrubbed myself clean and sighed in relief when I found a razor. With the use of the very herbal smelling soap, I shaved off my beard and scraped my body free of all hairs. This was the one indulgence that I allowed myself to have. I just could not function when I saw hair on myself and hated it. Viroi’s texts are damned. Smooth and clean I found that they had left me some clothing. It was a leather vest and pants in the style of orcs and I climbed in. They were close enough to my size and I slipped into the soft leather boots as well. I left the bathhouse and to my surprise saw Vro waiting on me. He did a quick double-take.

           “I thought human men prided themselves on their beards.” He commented in surprise.

           I shrugged uneasily, I normally kept my helmet on, but it was true, according to Viroi it was the proper thing to do like a man who was of age. “Ah yeah usually, I just don’t care for them.”

           “Or any hair apparently aside from what is on your head,” Vro commented carefully looking me over.

           I blushed and shifted, “It just makes me more comfortable and I haven’t been able to address it for months.”

           “Because someone might have seen and called you out for it?” Vro asked, his intensity had not faded.

           I swallowed nervously, “It was my one continuous sin and vice. I just could not stand being covered in hair.”

           He chuckled, “Well we orcs have no such restrictions, I will just stay by your side just in case.”

           “In case of what?” I asked confused.

           “Well,” He rubbed his neck with a smile, “With your long hair and smooth face it is very easy to perceive you as a woman instead of a man. All know the only human in camp is the one who helped us, but they don’t know much beyond that. To help you avoid being ah propositioned.”

           “What?” I asked dumbly.

           “My people do not have the same, how you say, issues with sex that you humans do especially the religious ones.” He answered.

           I blushed brightly, “But as soon as I tell them I am a man that should solve the issue!” I declared.

           “You act as if there are those among us who do not care,” Vro said with a laugh.

           My eyes widened, “But that’s, that’s wrong and it should not even work. Like everything wouldn’t work. The stuff doesn’t match.” I stammered out.

           “Wrong according to who?” Vro asked with a smile.

           “V-” I immediately stopped myself. I bowed my head in shame, “I apologize. I have lots I need to work through. I just have no understanding of these things.”

           “You have never been intimate with another person, have you?” Vro's smile became soft.

           I blushed and sighed, “I was a paladin, it was encouraged to be celibate.”

           He laughed, “Well I will be gentle with you little knight then, just keep your former beliefs out of the picture.” He wrapped an arm around me. 

           I was just under six feet tall, but his seven-foot frame made me feel very small. I was usually in armor and that counteracted most size differences. Honestly, I was just realizing this was one of the very few times I had been in public without it. I rubbed my shoulders idly.

           Vro seemed to think I was cold and draped his leather cloak around my shoulders. I almost protested, but it was very warm and soft. I had not been able to have soft things in many a year. I nuzzled into it. Not to mention it had a very rich smell similar to those herbal soaps. Vro gave me another odd look.

           “What?” I said, “It’s just soft.”

           He smiled warmly, “If I had not seen you tear through enemy lines like a demon, I would doubt that you were the same person in the armor.” 

           I blushed, “It is still me,” I held up an arm and flexed. I knew it was a thing guys did so I tried it. I was fairly well built, a sacrifice to be a paladin. I would have liked to avoid the muscle it made me feel gross but did let me fight well. “See got the muscles to prove it.”

           Vro looked at me then at his own arms which were much bigger.

           I coughed and hid embarrassed in the cloak, “Well you are an orc.”

           He laughed, “Yes there are many differences, come on little knight. Let's get some proper food in you.”

           He stopped his pestering, but it felt like his golden eyes were seeing something hidden in me. But there is no way he could know. Next thing I knew I was in a crowded longhouse and sat beside Vro having people come up and thank me and talk with me. I also had more food and drink than I could manage. I gravitated to the fresh fruits they brought which earned a lot of giggles from some of the orcs.

           “Vro, why are they laughing at me,” I asked between bites of the delicious pink fruit they had brought.

           He chuckled, “Because you are eating the fertility plant. It is what women eat to bring on womanhood when nature did not grant them the proper things. Also is eaten in preparation for having children.”

           I blanched, “Well there is nothing wrong with me eating it is there? I mean it's really good.” I was not lying, I had many fruits on my travels and this just had the right sweetness and tartness.

           He gave me a curious look, “You enjoy it then?”

           I nodded, “It is the best fruit I have ever eaten.”

           “Well as long as you are aware it can have effects on your body over time,” Vro warned.

           I shrugged, “That’s for women though, I am not a woman.”

           Vro shook his head, “You really are clueless aren’t you?”

           “What do you mean?” I asked in confusion.

           Vro refused to clarify. I petulantly nibbled on the fruit and had a third helping just to be petty. Definitely not because I felt better and better as I ate it. I also had some of their delicious roast which was seasoned in ways I had not heard of. At Vro’s prodding, I even had a little drink. It was too strong, but the taste was nice. I also enjoyed the warm feeling I was getting. I found myself leaning against Vro more and more as the night went on. I saw several other orcs glancing and smiling at this. I just brushed it off.

           Then his arm wrapped around me and held me against him ever so gently. In battle, I had seen him snap a man’s ribs with a bear hug. Right now, though I just felt comfy. He also smelled very good with woodsmoke and that same scent from his cloak. It was relaxing and I found myself nuzzling into him. It had been so long since I had any form of touch like this and I was reveling in it. I felt safe and secure in a way I had not in a long time. I was vaguely aware of the orc woman from before settling down across from us. 

           “So Vro, is this the little knight?” She asked in common which was jarring after listening to so much of the orc’s language.

           I popped my head out of the cloak-like nest I made against Vro, “Why does everyone keep calling me little?” I grumbled, “I am not that small.”

           “To us you are, and you keep snuggling Vro like a lost kit.”

           “Am not!” I said and tried to sit up but found myself pinned against Vro in a semi-reclined position. “Uh.” I looked up at him and saw him grinning mischievously. “Can you let me up?”

           “Oh? Why is that? Since your first sip of ale, you’ve been very comfortable right there.” Vro said in a light tone.

           “Cause I need to sit up?” I said in a soft questioning voice.

           “Could put you in my lap,” Vro commented with a wink that sent heat straight to my cheeks.

           The woman laughed, “Just stay comfortable Mattias.”

           I felt my cheeks heat up as I relaxed back into my very comfortable position against Vro. 

           “I wished to introduce myself, I am Zipha.” She said.

           “Nice to meet you,” I made a show of wiggling against Vro. “I would shake your hand, but my pillow won’t let me move.”

           She chuckled, “I see that.”

           “By the way, Zipha is a very lovely name,” I commented realizing what I had said and blaming it mentally on the alcohol.

           She chuckled, “I picked it myself.”

           “Good taste,” I replied. Odd that orcs name themselves.

           “I wanted to thank you, you spared me a terrible fate and saved my son too. I also wanted you to know if you had any questions about Ila, I am here.” She said with a warm smile.

           “Wait how do you know that name?” I asked sitting bolt upright.

           “They are my divine.” Zipha answered, “Who do you think prayed to them to aid you?”

           “That was you? And they answered?” I said in shock.

           “Of course, Ila listens to her children.” Her smile grew, “I also prayed to her on that day and she sent me you.” Zipha bowed her head, “Thank you again for saving my family. I would offer to let you sleep in my son and I’s tent, but I have a feeling you may have other arrangements.” She eyed my food, “That’s a lot of Feri fruit.”

           I blinked, “Arrangements? And yes, it is my new favorite fruit.”

           “Don’t worry I tried explaining it to the little knight, they have not quite gotten it yet. I am giving it time.” Vro explained.

           “Get what? And someone explains these arrangements to me.” I demanded.

           “Only women like the Feri fruit,” Zipha said slowly.

           “That’s what Vro said, but I like it too.” I answered, “A man can like whatever fruit they want.”

           Vro just looked helplessly at Zipha.

           Zipha sighed dramatically and snatched up a different fruit. It was a dark purple fruit that smelled wonderful but tasted so bitter I had to spit out a bit. She offered that to me and I recoiled from it.

           “No thank you, it smells nice, but it is way too bitter,” I said.

           “This is the Viri fruit, men eat it to help develop muscles and prepare for mating,” Zipha answered and handed it to Vro who devoured it.

           I stared in shock at Vro, “How did you eat it?”

           Vro smiled, “To me, it tastes sweet and succulent, not a hint of bitterness. He nodded at the feri fruits. “Those however smell nice but taste rancid. They also make me sick.”

           Zipha caught my eye, “Only women enjoy feri, men only enjoy viri though occasionally there are those who are neither that may enjoy nor hate both.”

           I blinked as her words sank in, “But I am not a woman.” I snatched up another viri fruit and took a massive bite out of it. Involuntarily my body made me retch and I spit it up not even chewed, on the plate. I coughed furiously and drained my ale desperate to get rid of the taste. 

           Zipha smiled with a small giggle, “The fruit disagrees and says you are a woman.”

           “But that’s impossible!” I yelled. Then blushed and lowered my voice feeling ashamed. “I was born a boy, I have a dick. It’s not like I can get rid of it.” I could not help the hint of frustration that entered my voice.

           Zipha leaned over the table, “I was born a boy too, but now look at me.” She did a slow spin showing off her curves.” She looked over at Vro, “I got to get back to my mate, she has been watching the child for too long. Take care of the little knight.”

           “I have a name,” I muttered as she walked off. I was trying very hard to not think about what she had said. I kept trying the viri fruit, but each time the taste got worse. After the sixth attempt, Vro took it out of my hand and set it on the plate. He handed me a feri fruit instead. 

           “Eat this it will help you feel better and get rid of the taste.” He casually ate the viri fruit. “No more trying the viri fruit and making me eat it.”

           I stared at the pink fruit for a long moment before eating it. Somehow it tasted even better than before and I forgot the nasty taste of viri. I looked up at Vro, “And whys that?” I asked almost peevishly.

           “Because these fruits act as an aphrodisiac and I can’t handle much more before I have needs that I will have to take care of,” Vro explained while nibbling on some kind of sweet bread.

           I snorted, “What are you going to do if I don’t stop huh?” I took another piece of viri fruit and bit into it. I immediately regretted it and dropped it. Without thinking I took another bite of feri fruit to get rid of the taste.

           Vro picked up the viri fruit and devoured it while looking me dead in the eyes as he licked the juices from his lips. I felt a warmth blossom in my stomach that was a little unfamiliar and very pleasant.

           “Because I might take the little knight who is in denial and show just what the viri fruit does to a male.” Vro rumbled and as I was against his side, I felt it in my entire body. My face flushed and I felt myself stiffen in my pants. Immediately my religious side shamed me. All of the teachings told me it was wrong.

           I felt Vro’s hand under my chin as he lifted my face so I would look in his eyes. “Would my little knight like to find out what it feels like to be a woman?”

           My stomach did a little flip, “Ah, uh.” I was panting and squirming against him, but he did not release my chin. “I am, uh, am not yours…” I trailed off as I felt his hand drift to my waist.

           “Oh?” He chuckled and it sounded oh so very nice, “You have been glued to my side throughout the feast, wrapped in my cloak. It certainly looks like you are mine, little knight.”

           I dryly swallowed and found I could not find words, “Uh, ah.” I rallied in my head trying to ignore the heat in my body. “You offered it to me!” I gasped.

           “Are you going to take everything I offer?” He asked with a slight rumble.

           I was speechless, something inside me was crying out for touch. “Uh ah, maybe.” 

           His smile was pure mischief, “So little knight, I have a proposition for you that may make things easier on you.” Vro winked, “A little bet you see.”

           “What’s the bet?” I asked with a dry mouth.

           “On whether or not you are a woman.” He said slyly.

           I snorted, “Easy, wait who is judging?”

           He gestured around, "My fellow orcs."

           I laughed, “Ok what do I get if I win?”

           “I will never call you little again.” He responded.

           I frowned, “If I lose?”

           “Then at the end of the night, you will be warming my bed and myself.” He responded.

           I felt that heat blossom again, but I could not lose. I mean I am a man. Wasn’t I?

           “Gather round, gather round!” Vro said standing up. I was shifted to the side and made a noise of discontent.

           “As chief, first I would like to extend our thanks to my little knight for the help they gave against our oppressors.” He announced.

           The orcs cheered in approval.

           “Now that is done and I have already given my speeches after we returned; I have made a wager with my little knight,” Vro said.

           I felt myself coloring at the possessive terms he kept using for me.

           “I need all of you to be the judges for our little wager, it is a simple one on whether or not my little knight is a man,” Vro called out.

           I should be humiliated, but I would show him he was wrong. Wouldn’t I? I tried to put aside my doubts.

           “Which fruit do they like?” Someone called out.

           “Feri, I’ve seen that girl downing it all night.” Another answered.

           “Yeah, she couldn’t even chew the viri.” Yet another agreed.

           I stood up, “That doesn’t prove anything!”

           The longhouse erupted in laughter.

           A tall orc I had seen fighting at Vro’s sidestepped forward, “Listen regardless of what you were born the fruit calls to you. If you feri you’re a woman, if you like viri you’re a man. If you like both, you’re both, if you like none then you’re none. Though some are more complicated. You’ve eaten at least a doze of feri fruits and can’t stomach a single bite of viri. It is pretty obvious.” They called out, “The knight is a girl!”

“I have a dick though!” I called out. “I was born and named a boy!”

“So?” almost all the orcs responded at once.

           One of the shamans rattled their skull staff, “That means absolutely nothing, it is what is in the heart that matters, feri and viri are fruits of the heart. They echo what is on the inside, not the inside. It would be a poor world if the circumstances of birth confined us to who we are.” The old orc’s gaze softened. “Why don’t you try it, let go of your biases, of your training. Just whisper the truth to yourself. See how you feel, instead of running from it. Just once. If it brings you no happiness we will stop and go with however you identify.”

           “But you are supposed to judge me?” I asked in surprise.

           The old orc laughed, “You can judge yourself.”

I stopped for a moment. It couldn’t hurt, I mean it wouldn’t change anything. Like it couldn’t change anything. I exhaled and whispered under my breath. “I’m a girl.” Those forbidden words. Words I had not dared think of since I was a child and my parents sent me away. I felt something crack in me. I whispered to them again, “I’m a girl.” The crack grew wider and my heart pounded more as I felt something that I had locked away stretching its wings in my chest. Hope, happiness. The world felt a little brighter. I felt myself smiling as I whispered a third time, “I’m a girl.” There was no beating after the words, no lectures. Just a quiet warmth I had forgotten. The crack shattered the wall and I remembered every thought I had tried to lock behind scripture, behind meditation, behind the pain. How much I longed to wear dresses and weave. How I had wanted to dance and sing. My heartfelt lighter than ever, since I was a child running through the fields next to the woods.

“Well?” The shaman asked with a knowing smile. “What is your judgment of yourself?”

“I’m a girl,” I said in a quiet voice, but in the silence of the longhouse, it echoed. I immediately flinched. The words were out. Everyone heard. Everyone knew. I felt fear build inside me. I would be kicked out, beaten, punished, and sent away.

Instead of angry shouts the longhouse filled with cheers as the orcs congratulated me and pushed drinks at me. I happily took them and drank. At some point, some of the orc ladies whisked me away and changed me into a dress while congratulating me. A few asked what I was going to call myself. I had no answer but they did not care, instead, they just called me little knight. Next thing I knew I was back at Vro’s side sitting down awkwardly in my new skirt. I felt awkward at first, but people kept calling me pretty and my anxiety melted away as I basked in those words.

Vro looked me up and down and I felt my cheeks blush. There was a primal hunger in those looks that I felt in my loins. 

“You look much more comfortable my little knight.” He said warmly.

“Thanks, I feel more comfortable,” I answered. “Why is everyone being so nice.”

“People like you who are born in the wrong body are uncommon, but not unheard of. Eventually, they find their way. We accept all in this land, our tribe has grown vast and strong because of it. That is why we slaughtered those missionaries. They had found those like yourself and were beating them.” Vro’s face darkened, “We do not allow our children to be beaten.”

I felt ashamed and looked down. Vro’s hand cupped my chin and lifted my gaze.

“Oh, how you must have suffered, little knight.” His voice was gentle and without malice, “You are safe to be who you truly are here. You will be protected.”

Something in my heart gave at the sincerity of his words. I had never heard them before like that. I felt my lips part as I drowned in his golden eyes.

Then his lips were on mine. I melted into him. His lower teeth that jutted into tusks as the orcs were known for them gently rubbed against my cheeks. 

He broke the kiss and I was panting. Somewhere along the way, my hands had latched onto his shirt.

“Speaking of my little knight, what of our wager? To be clear, I will not hold you to it unless it is what you want.” Vro said tracing my side and letting his hand rest on my hip. The size of his hands meant he could easily wrap them around my waist.

I swallowed, “It would be dishonorable of me to refuse to honor my wager.”

He rumbled and I felt an urge to press myself to him, “What do you want little knight? No honor here, just your want.”

“I want to honor my wager.” I gasped. 

In a flash, I found myself in his lap. I let out a surprised yelp and began to look around the longhouse. All of the children were gone and instead, orcs were in varying states of undress and erotic embraces. Low moans and groans were filling the longhouse. I felt a stiffening under me and my cheeks heated as I felt it rub between my cheeks. Vro pulled me against him, his hands traveled up my chest and I moaned softly.

“What is going on?” I asked breathily.

“For the last six months we have been fighting for our survival, we won yesterday. Today we celebrate our continued life. What better way to celebrate than with passion?”

His fingers found a nipple and gently teased it as more and more breathy moans started coming out of my mouth. 

“I could take you back to my tent if you want more privacy.” He rumbled.

I felt my cheeks flush as I realized he was willing to have me right here something about that stoked the flames in my loins. I let out a moan.

He chuckled, “In that case get on your knees in front of me.”

I obeyed and found my heart beating faster as I looked up at him from my very submissive position. Somewhere along the way, all the food had been cleared away. My eyes were locked on Vro though. He undid his pants and his cock fell out. There had been many stories told in unruly places about how well-endowed orcs were. I started to think that the fruits had something to do with that. At this moment Vro put truth to the stories. My mouth watered despite myself. 

“Give it a taste my little knight.” I obliged and timidly licked the shaft. It was firm and spongey. And it tasted so good.

I took a more aggressive lick and moaned as I gave up propriety and wrapped my hands around the base. Abandoning all caution, I took his dark green tip in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. 

Vro groaned and I felt his hands on the back of my head guiding me as I bobbed eagerly on his shaft. He kept making sounds of enjoyment as his fingers tightened in my hair. I moaned louder onto him and he pulled me off of him with a slight pop. A strand of spit ran from my lips to his tip.

I fell back panting and slightly hazy-headed from the taste of him and lack of air. 

“My turn.” He growled. I found myself yanked up. His hands ripped clothes from me. I yelped as the bindings gave way and my skin was exposed to the warm air of the longhouse. I was suddenly upside down and his tongue began probing my opening. I gasped as the warm wetness of his thick tongue slid across my pucker. Soon I was moaning and touching myself to the scene of the longhouse. I saw couples and groupings of every variety as they made love to each other. My puritanical training told me this was debauchery and wrong. That being said, being wrong never felt so right and I gave in to my flesh. It was the best idea I had. I opened my mouth and allowed drops of my fluids to drip from my cock into my mouth. Then suddenly I was rotated and back on Vro’s lap. My head spun, but I was aware of his much large cock pressing against my stomach as I ground into it. It easily came up just below my ribs and I marveled as I ran my fingers over it. I wanted it, I wanted it in me. It was a burning desire as I ground into it with a heavy moan. 

“Up.” He commanded. I obeyed and found myself standing over his cock as his wet and slimy fingers found their way to my opening. I gasped as they pushed inside me and pleasure rocked my body. I clenched and shivered as he pulled them free. I wanted more, so much more. I looked down and saw him coating himself in the clear slime substance There was a lot, I had a feeling it would make things easier.

“Sit.” I moaned as I obeyed and found his thick cock pressing against me. I groaned in frustration and relaxed. Suddenly his tip was inside me and my brain started sparking as the pain from how large he was contrasted sharply with the pleasure of finally being filled. I pressed lower onto him. Slowly my mind gave way as I bounced and gyrated just trying to get the next bit of him in.

Then his hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me down. Pleasure and pain existed in my head together. At the same time, I felt like I was being torn in two, but also like I was exploding in pleasure. I began to ride moaning as the longhouse filled with the sounds of pleasure. Before I knew it, I was cumming and shooting thick ropes onto the floor though they were clearer than I had seen before. I didn’t think much about it, I just wanted more and more and more. I moaned as I kept riding. I vaguely remembered how they had talked about the fruits being an aphrodisiac which made a lot more sense. My legs were burning and then Vro picked me up by the waist and began to use me like a toy. My eyes rolled back and I felt my body spasming as I came again, leaking all over myself. Vro’s cock grew harder in me and I felt it throb as cum shot into me, filling me up with a warmness that was so satiating. He let me go and I began to gently grind on him. Just savoring the feel of him inside me as I watched the others go at it together. Despite it, I wanted more still.

He began to harden inside me again. He spun me to face him and suck back in as deep as he had been before. I moaned in ecstasy. Slowly I came back to the present.

His smile was broad, “I think I will keep you, little knight.” He rumbled. I shuddered at the possessiveness of his words as pleasure rippled through me. His hips began to move and I became acutely aware that even though I was on top, I had no control. Over and over he wrung an orgasm from my body and left me craving more. I wanted more and more. I got used to him inside of me and was wildly riding. That is when I ended up on the table, my ankles by my ears with him driving deep into me. I lost track of time and space. Eventually, he came in me only after I had lost touch with the world and only existed in that pleasure. I had enough time to smile at him and pass out.

Several Months Later

           I was on patrol with Vro when we saw them. Paladins of Viroi.

           “You ok little knight?” Vro asked unshouldering his massive ax.

           I nodded with a smile, “Are you ever going to use my name?”

           “What? You mean Rachel?” Vro asked with a wink.

           I sighed, “That’s a no.”

           “Just doesn’t have the same little tingle of reminding my little knight that she’s mine now,” Vro growled in a much deeper and more possessive voice. “And that she is not to get herself killed.”

           I patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, Ila is with me.”

           It was true I could feel her power humming in my veins. It was always there, but at times like this when I was near sources of oppression her power vibrated inside me. It was a small detachment of the church. Just two paladins and their command. They had a young woman on her knees. I did not like the look of their postures. I knew all too well what these of Viroi would do outside their little homes.

           I dismounted from my direwolf and began walking toward them. I wore nothing but a tight leather outfit that would not restrict my movement. Nor did I carry weapons. It was ok Ila would provide.

           “Ho, what are you foul trespassers doing?” I called out as I approached. “These lands belong to the Rainlight tribe of the Orcali.” I used the proper name for the orcs, “Those of Viroi are not welcome here.”

           The paladins whirled to face me and were confused as to what a slightly tall human girl was doing. “Who goes there?” They called out nervously unsheathing their weapons.

           “Knight Rachel, Paladin of Ila the Divine of Chaos and Freedom, formerly Knight Mattias of Viroi the despot.” I spat the last words out. “Leave now with your lives or die for the crimes of your predecessors.”

           They may not know Rachel, but they knew Mattias as the church wanted him dead. They charged me. These fools never learned.

           “BY ILA’S GRACE!” I called. Shining light shimmered over me as spectral armor and weapons formed around me. Indeed, Ila did protect her children. I deflected their blades with a shield that was shaped by moonlight My blades cut through their armor with sparkling light as I danced through their strikes. In under a minute, they were all dead. I had grown in strength as I found my true self, and Ila encouraged that growth. She had told me how proud she was. I went to the woman who flinched away from me.

           “It is ok.” My armor and weapons shimmered into nothing. “No one will harm you here.”

           She looked at me and our eyes met in that instant I knew she was the same as me. “Hey, it’s ok, I am like you.” Ila liked to let me know these things.

           Her eyes teared up, “Is it that obvious?”

           I shook my head, “No, my divine just lets me in on these things. Come on let’s get you to safety.”

           She started to follow then froze, “Can you help me? There is someone that needs help to the north.”

           “We will see, I am Rachel by the way.” I introduced myself.

           “Amara.” She replied as her emerald eyes twinkled in the sunlight. “Thank you for saving me.”

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