Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 83: 83

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Chapter 83: Fu Qing & Kami

    Last day of tourist season.

    After Abel and his party came to the Old Emperor Star, Yang Yang’s schedule was full.

    But it could be regarded as a small relief.

    First of all, that strange chip.

    With the help of Ya Qing, the research institute managed to create a replica of the chip. After running some tests on it, it was found that its function was limited to receiving the soul power of the soul beast—although it was different from the conventional soul corpse experiment, but being only different in that regard, it couldn’t be considered as a violation.

    But this couldn’t explain the 30-year delay fuse of the chip and the overnight transformation into a beast soul corpse.

    So the key laid in the vacated area in the middle of the chip.

    Ya Qing had theorised that the chip should have been filled with something, but this substance should have been exhausted over time, and now there was no trace left in the body of the soul corpse beast. Maybe it was a kind of energy body such as soul crystal or mineral essence, or it may have been a separate independent chip.

    To solve this problem was to catch another chip-injected animal.

    Ya Qing said that there would be more than one experimental animal of this kind, and if they searched for it they should be able to find another one.

    However, the Old Emperor Star was sparsely populated and there were many uninhabited areas, making it very impractical to proceed.

    Therefore, as of now, the matter of this soul corpse beast could only be put on hold.

    Second issue being the gray soul power.

    Both Yang Yang and Zhang Jun believed that it was a sign of soul power being purified. But Ya Qing pointed out that it could be its weakening.

    Ya Qing said.

    The soul beast’s soul power did not depend on the existence of the soul palace, it was independent and dynamic. When it was strong, it was black, but when it weakened to a certain extent, it would become gray, and once it weakened further, it would turn white.

    But no matter what colour it turned into, it was still the soul power of a soul beast, not the normal soul power that had been “purified” for the people of Lester.

    However, this couldn’t explain the existence of red fruit.

    —Ah, let’s stop for a word here. Zhang Jun did not tell Ya Qing about the existence of red fruit. This was something that took Yang Yang two days to realize. Yang Yang asked Zhang Jun obliquely, but he didn’t expect Zhang Jun to laugh.

    Zhang Jun said: “Your fruit has a mysterious origin and Mr. Ya Qing is very keen on secrets. If he learns about it not even your underwear will be left.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Of course, Yang Yang was still grateful to Zhang Jun for concealing the fruit’s existence. After all, the less trouble the better.

    But in the same way, although Zhang Jun said it lightly, Yang Yang still noticed one thing—whether it was Kudo Wasseron, Gu Lita, Zhang Jun, or Old Liang, even Abel himself, although they were all close to Ya Qing, they would maintain an imperceptible sense of alienation.

    However, there were always some secrets that could not see the light in wealthy families and Yang Yang had no intention of getting to the bottom of it.

    It’s just the red fruit that kept Zhang Jun and Yang Yang’s minds occupied— because its soul power was white, but the soul power it contained was not weak.

    Zhang Jun suggested: “Perhaps its filled with accumulated large number of extremely weakened soul beasts’ souls. ——Mr. Ya Qing said that the soul power of soul beasts is independent and the soul power of the soul beasts you see is also separated in layers. I think it can be considered that once soul beast’s soul gets separated, it can form an independent individual, unable to merge again, just like broken glass.”

    Yang Yang did not refute, but he knew it was not the case.

    If it was the soul power of a soul beast, then whether it was the fluorescent ball, Bean Sprout, or him and Monta, they would all have been infected by the soul power of the soul beast by now.

    Therefore, it was possible to purify the soul power of a soul beast.

    As long as there was the Soul Cube.

    After confirming this matter, Yang Yang devoted himself to his “experimente” with great enthusiasm, and also expanded the scale of the experiment, even putting poultry into the breeding part of the cube.

    From the early stage of the tourist season to the last day, Yang Yang’s experiments had slowly yielded results.

    First, the soul power in the soul cube could purify the soul power of soul beasts.

    Second, the soul power in the soul cube could supplement the soul power, but it had no repairing effect on the soul palace.

    Third, improper dosage can lead to death.

    The third point wasn’t good news.

    There were only three animals that died, but they were all in the control group that used the red fruit, and two of them were infected by soul power.

    Of course, there may be many reasons for their death, after all, the poultry themselves were not healthy.

    But even so, Yang Yang did not dare to take the risk of giving the fruit to Archibald.

    Yang Yang still needed to experiment some more. Before the next experiments, other influences need to be more rigorously ruled out. It would be better if bigger amount of red fruit could be obtained.

    “Not finished yet?”

    Archibald’s voice came from behind.

    Yang Yang recovered from his thoughts, stood up, turned around with a smile, “Just finished. Have people downstairs left?”

    The last day of the tourist season, although the market was closed, it was still very lively, and there were many activities everywhere. BBQ restaurant naturally also had some of their own.

    Yang Yang was now the “pillar” of the barbecue restaurant, so he naturally participated in it—— he made some ordinary biscuits in advance yesterday, packed them into fifty bags, and gave them as small gifts this morning.

    But Yang Yang underestimated the number of tourists.

    There was Starport near the convalescence area and most of the tourists from the surrounding towns gathered nearby today, waiting for their return journey.

    Yang Yang’s biscuits were gone in about ten minutes, and the porridge made in the morning sold out faster than usual.

    But the customers were still unsatisfied, asking questions around Yang Yang.

    Yang Yang couldn’t stand it any longer, and after answering questions about whether he wanted to continue selling porridge, he went upstairs first.

    It was already afternoon, and it was clear that most of the human voices outside had disappeared—there was a clear regulation regarding the tourist season and tourists were only allowed to enter and exit during the tourist season.

    In other words, within today, all tourists must leave.

    Archibald: “En, no one left and Mu Tou and the rest are also packing up their things already.

    —You haven’t eaten these things yet?” Archibald was talking about the animals in the cages.

    Yang Yang: “Oh, I bought some more, but I don’t need them for now, let Mu Tou take them back?”

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    Amber was responsible for the purchases within the Donton family. Amber and mother You would never let such “defective products” appear on Donton’s dinner table.

    Archibald had no comment.

    “Then go back first, there are guests at home.”

    Yang Yang was taken aback: “Who is it?”

    Archibald: “The two adopted sons of my second cousin Donton Luo Fu.”

    Yang Yang was a little surprised: “Fu Qing?”

    Archibald: “You know him?”

    Yang Yang coughed lightly; “I heard about him from Monta. But I thought Luo Fu only adopted Fu Qing.”

    Archibald had an expression of having a headache: “Fu Qing was seven years old when he was adopted, he was picked up by his second cousin from the battle field under Warsaw Star. The other is named Kami, who is only five years old now. Also an abandoned baby picked up by his second cousin and was raised by the aunt’s side.”

    Yang Yang was a little surprised: “Why have both children come?”

    Archibald: “Fu Qing is going to participate in the winter camp the day after tomorrow and the second cousin brought him here. My aunt is afraid that Kami would make trouble without second cousin so she asked him to take Kami along on a trip.”

    Archibald paused, his tone gradually freezing: “On the way, the second cousin heard that a strange creature emerged from the sea on the Aquamarine Planet and wanted to see that scene, so he handed over the two children to the guards and flew with the starship to the Aquamarine Planet.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Well, it was the moth he was familiar with.

    Archibald sighed, “Dad and the others will come back from the trial area tonight. There is no one at home now, we’ve got to go back and report to my aunt.”

    “Let’s go.”

    Yang Yang took his coat and said with a smile: “Aren’t you fond of children, why such a bitter face?”

    Archibald held Yang Yang’s hand and was a little embarrassed when he heard this question: “But children don’t like me.”

    The same scene appeared whether at home or outside, older children were still alright, only facing him with awe and admiration, but all of the younger child had one exact reaction when seeing him—crying.

    Of course, it couldn’t be blamed on the children, some adults are also afraid of him.

    After all, before he was 20 years old, the way he appeared in front of the public was all war and current conflict news. Although he didn’t show his face in the news, on the transmission he was either covered in blood or tearing soul beasts with his hands, so his image wasn’t really friendly.

    Yang Yang laughed, and stretched out his hand to pinch Archibald’s fingertips: “It’s okay, our cub will not be afraid of you.”

    Although the perception time of the interactive period had passed more than ten days ago, and Archibald could no longer perceive the child’s soul again, but at the last feeding, the fluorescent ball gave Archibald a “kiss” after eating and drinking.

    Archibald almost went crazy with joy that day. He also shared the good news on his Youtu account, and was labeled a “Silly Dad” by netizens.

    The effect of that kiss was powerful. For example, now, every time Archibald thought of that kiss, his mood immediately improved.

    But the good mood only lasted until home.

    Donton Manor.

    When the car drove to the front of the villa, there were 3 people standing in the courtyard. Amber, a young boy, and a little girl led by the young boy—they should be Fu Qing and Kami.

    By visual inspection, he was as tall as Yang Yang’s chest, very handsome, but his eyes were firm and his demeanor reveals the calmness of a young adult.

    ——Of course, Yang Yang knew what kind of moth was under his steady skin.

    Kami was like a small fluffy ball, wearing a pink coat and a furry hat, revealing her tender and reddish face, very cute.

    Archibald parked the car and walked with Yang Yang.

    As Archibald approached, Yang Yang obviously felt that Fu Qing’s standing posture became a little more tense, and Kami’s reaction was even more direct— she was stunned for a moment, and then immediately hid behind Fu Qing’s legs, tears almost falling out of her eyes.

    Yang Yang blinked: Wow, the effect was immediate.

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald’s tail drooped.

    But in the eyes of others, Archibald just looked a little colder and more scary.

    Seeing Archibald’s reaction, even Fu Qing became a little nervous.

    When Archibald and Yang Yang approached, Fu Qing immediately greeted him with a youthful military salute, “Hello, Duke. Hello, Aunt.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Hello? What do you call me?

    I’ll give you a chance, call again.

    However, Fu Qing didn’t understand Yang Yang’s glare, instead, adhering to the principle of “see no evil”, his eyes were only locked on Archibald. He vividly showed the strangeness of “meeting for the first time”.

    Archibald nodded: “Go in first, don’t get cold.”

    After finishing speaking, Archibald couldn’t help but glanced at Kami who was sticking to Fu Qing’s leg.

    Seeing his expression, Yang Yang could almost see Archibald’s thoughts—you see, I am concerned about you.

    But Kami couldn’t understand.

    On the contrary, Kami was startled by Archibald, and the tears that were swimming in her eyes suddenly fell down. But she didn’t cry out, she just shrank her neck instinctively, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

    Like a baby rabbit being targeted by a falcon, weak, pitiful, helpless, and wanting to go home. qaq

    Archibald: “…”


Author has something to say:

Byrd: …..Sure enough, only my family’s cub is so cute (whispering.jpg)

Yang Yang: ….Pffft

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