Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 84: 84

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Chapter 84: The Little Follower

    Archibald was not good at dealing with small children, especially crying ones.

    So after greeting everyone, Archibald checked the time and upon seeing that there were still three hours before dinner, he went to the training room first.

    In the living room, only Yang Yang, Fu Qing and Kami were left.

    Kami stopped crying and sat next to Fu Qing, holding a small biscuit that she was eating in tiny bites.

    Yang Yang stared at Fu Qing without speaking.

    Fu Qing: “…”


    After about ten seconds, Fu Qing’s straight back collapsed and he nestled cross-legged on the sofa, reached out for an orange to peel.

    “Don’t look at me like that, even Sister Li acts like that in front of the Duke. Even my father and uncle Monta also had to back down sometimes.”

    Yang Yang smiled: “It’s okay for outsiders to be afraid of him, why are you so afraid?”

    Fu Qing: “I’m different from them. My dad and the others other bring it upon themselves and deserve to get beaten up, but for me it’s all pure instinct, just like with Kami.”

    Hearing her name, Kami turned her head and looked over with her big watery eyes in a dazed way.

    Yang Yang didn’t understand: “Instinct?”

    Fu Qing threw a piece of orange into his mouth and nodded: “That’s right. Dual form Lesters often maintain some beast instincts until they reach adulthood, it’s something rooted in the soul. The younger you are, the stronger this primitive instinct is. For example, strong prey on the weak.”

    Yang Yang understood: “The instinct to fear the strong?”

    Fu Qing nodded again: “The strength of the Duke’s soul power is unprecedented, and because of his illness, his soul power cannot be completely compressed and it leaks outside the soul palace, so it’s easily noticeable by children.”

    Speaking of this, Fu Qing couldn’t help but gossip: “Four years ago, the Duke participated in a rescue mission, and there was a kindergarten in the evacuation area that was under Duke’s scope. Guess what happened?”

    Yang Yang: “What?”

    Fu Qing: “As soon as the Duke entered, all the children in the kindergarten cried in fright! You wouldn’t believe Duke’s expression at that time, Mr. Monta said he was so scared that his tail all puffed up, hahahaha!”

    Yang Yang: “… …”

    Fu Qing laughed happily, but Yang Yang only raised his eyebrows and remained silent. After Fu Qing been laughing for a bit, Yang Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at the position behind Fu Qing with surprise.

    Fu Qing noticed Yang Yang’s gaze, and the laughter stopped abruptly. He hiccuped.

    Fu Qing: “… hic!”

    Don’t you dare to fool me.

    Yang Yang smiled silently—see for yourself.

    Fu Qing swallowed his saliva, obediently put down his crossed legs, and after a few seconds of mental construction, he slowly turned his head.

    ——He saw nothing behind him.

    Fu Qing: “…”

    Fu Qing’s body went limp and he leaned back on the back of the sofa with his spine like soft noodles. He clutched his chest questioning Yang Yang aggrievedly: “Scaring a 14-year-old child like this, won’t your conscience hurt?”

    Yang Yang took a sip of the fruit milk, “No.”

    Fu Qing: “…”

    Yang Yang put down his cup and said with a smile, “This is just to let you know, don’t speak ill about people’s spouses. ——The duke’s appearance is called ‘cute’, understand?”

    Fu Qing: “………”

    Fu Qing: “Do you remember that you made his emojis emojis?”

    Yang Yang: “Duke’s expression pack is very cute, I made some more these days, do you want to see it? There is a pic from getting up in the morning, waking up handsomely.jpg.”

    Fu Qing: “…………”

    Fu Qing’s hand clutching his chest moved to his stomach, he said expressionlessly, “No, thank you, I’m full. ——Ah, this bowl of dog food is poisonous.”

    Yang Yang was amused, threw a nut into his mouth and changed the subject: “Speaking of which, I remember you said last week that you wanted to enjoy the winter vacation? Why did you come to the winter camp again?”

    Fu Qing felt his stomach hurt even more, life has no happiness written all over his face in capital letters: “…Yeah, I thought I would have a winter vacation too. But obviously my grandpa thinks otherwise.”

    Not only did Yang Yang not sympathize, he even laughed out loud.

    Fu Qing glared over, trying to condemn Yang Yang with his eyes.

    Yang Yang waved his hand and asked again: “What about Kami? The winter camp lasts for 20 days and your father ran away again. Do you want someone to send him back?”

    Kami heard her name and looked over dazedly again.

    Fu Qing shook his head: “No, my grandma and grandpa have already gone to Emperor Star to attend the year-end meeting, so there’s no one to send her home.”

    Yang Yang: “…so?”

    Fu Qing: “I heard that you’re going to the winter camp too? After all, Duke seems to be in estrus.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    It seems that Monta was making trouble again.

    Fu Qing: “Look, you’re going there to have fun, why don’t you just take Kami with you.”    

    Yang Yang refused: “But I’ve never brought a child—hey, don’t cry!”

    Seeing that Kami was crying again, this time crying harder than before, weeping softly, like a little weak chick.

    She was sad. Although she couldn’t understand many words, she understood the fact that she was going to be “abandoned”. Even the person (Fu Qing) in whose hands father put her before, didn’t want her anymore. With no familiar people around, her fear and grievances suddenly poured out like a flood and she could only cry.

    Yang Yang glared at Fu Qing: “Quickly coax her.”

    Fu Qing could only stare dryly: “I just met her today.”

    Yang Yang: “??? Isn’t she your sister?”

    Fu Qing: “She was weak when she was a child and afterwards she was still very afraid of strangers. She was always taken care of by her grandma. During the trip, she was always in my father’s arms and was put under my care after my father left. ——She only pulled my clothes when Duke came, the entire day before she was avoiding me, up to now she didn’t let me carry her and I haven’t even called me brother.”

    As if to prove her statement, Fu Qing stretched out her hand to wipe Kami tears, but Kami shrank her shoulders and avoided it, with a sense of vigilance against human traffickers.

    Fu Qing: “Look.”

Ke Mi: “Ying, ying, ying, ying…”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang also had a headache, but he couldn’t leave such a small child alone, so he could only attempt something himself.

    Yang Yang walked over, squatted in front of Kami, took a small biscuit and handed it to Kami, and then tried to divert Kami’s attention: “Hello Kami, my name is Yang Yang.

    Kami didn’t take the biscuit, she shrank her shoulders and continued weeping.

    Yang Yang: “Were you scared of the Duke of Donton just now, the one with a big tail.”

    Yang Yang gestured behind him vividly while saying that.

    Kami remembered it and then cried even harder.

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    Fu Qing: “… fight poison with poison?”

    Yang Yang rolled his eyes at him, “Either you coax her or shut up.”

    Fu Qing shrank back on the sofa and made a zipping movement over his mouth.

    Yang Yang withdrew his gaze, looked at Kami again, and said with a smile: “Actually, that man is my husband, and I can guarantee that he will be obedient.”

    Kami stopped crying. Although she still couldn’t understand what “his husband” meant, she understood the three syllables “obedient”.

    Yang Yang continued: “Then let’s make an agreement. If I can make Duke Dalton behave and not hurt you, then you should be obedient too. If you are afraid, you should speak out, and you can’t just cry, okay?”

    Kami blinked her wet eyes twice and nodded hesitantly, seeming to have understood.

    Yang Yang smiled, then put the biscuit into Kami’s hand, and said, “Just wait and see.”

    Kami held the biscuit and looked at Yang Yang eagerly, inexplicably expectant.

    Yang Yang turned on the terminal and called Archibald, and Archibald came over after a while.

    He had just changed into his training uniform and the beast-shaped lower body became even more conspicuous, making it even more “scary” to look at.

    Ke Mi instantly turned into a crying bag, glanced at Fu Qing, but stubbornly did not move over, only squeezed the biscuit that Yang Yang gave her, and looked nervously at Yang Yang and Archibald.

    Fu Qing: “…”

    For some reason, he felt rejected.

    Over there, Yang Yang was putting on a show, he raised his chin and said to Archibald: “Squat down.”

    Archibald: “???”

    Yang Yang coughed lightly and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: “Help cooperate to coax the child”

    Then he said loudly again: “Squat down.”

    Archibald: “…”

    Archibald sighed, and squatted in front of Yang Yang cooperatively.

    With a smile on his face, Yang Yang stretched out his hand to stroke Archibald’s hair: “Good boy.”

    After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and kissed Archibald, “Go back to training, don’t miss dinner.”

    Archibald raised his eyebrows after getting a kiss on the cheek: “Is my performance fee so low?”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Since opening the “love package” from his father, the Duke was becoming more and more unreserved ——But he didn’t hate it, after he got over the initial cowardice, the rest was only fun.

    Yang Yang pursed his lower lip and kissed Archibald again: “I will pay you back at night.”

    Archibald showed a smile. He stood up and gave Yang Yang a deep look, then turned and went back to the training room.

    Fu Qing, who was watching the whole process, expressed: “…”

    Ah, his innocent ears have endured the filth it shouldn’t have at this age!

    Kami, who also watched the whole process, had glowing eyes, looked at Yang Yang with admiration, and said the first sentence after arriving at Donton Manor: “Yong Yong is so powerful!!”

    Although she didn’t speak clearly and mispronounced Yang Yang’s name, but it was good as long as she didn’t cry.

    Yang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, turned back to Kami, and said with a smile: “En, Yong Yong is very powerful, and Kami is Yang Yang’s friend, so Kami doesn’t need to be afraid, right?”

    Kami raised her head with a smile  and nodded vigorously: “En!”

    So from now on, Yang Yang had an extra tail, wherever Yang Yang goes, Kami follows him, even when Yang Yang goes to the bathroom, Kami had to guard the door.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Forget it, it’s better than letting her cry.

    Yang Yang was consoling himself, but at night, Kami wanted to sleep with him.

    Archibald: “…”

    Even if you’re a child you can’t steal my wife.

    And so Duke of Donton released his soul power childishly, creating a powerful soul power aura, like a big monster suddenly showing its fangs.

    Ke Mi immediately shrank into a ball with a “beep”, but she firmly believed in Yang Yang’s ability to “tame animals”, so although she was so frightened that she cried, she had no intention of giving in at all.

    Archibald: “…”

    Yang Yang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and patted Archibald’s arm: “Alright alright, Lord Duke. She’s only five years old.”

    Archibald didn’t speak, expressionless, but the tail unremittingly curled around Yang Yang’s calf, showing sovereignty.

    Yang Yang had no choice but to make the final balance and let Kami live in the baby room that was completed three days ago, and that was the end.


    The night was getting darker.

    A warm yellow light was still on in the bedroom on the top floor of the manor. Under the warm light, Yang Yang’s panting chest was glowing red.

    The person on him was still making trouble, Yang Yang couldn’t help pushing Archibald’s head.

    “Stop licking, the performance fee is settled and you will be fined if you come again.”

    Archibald propped up his body, looked at Yang Yang, with dissatisfaction written on his handsome face: “You will take Kami with you the day after tomorrow, right?”

    He made an agreement to go to the winter camp with Archibald a long time ago. It was originally a training camp for children and there was no possibility of fatigue or danger. But no one expected that a Komi would appear halfway.

     Yang Yang thought about Kami’s clinginess to him today, and was a little unsure: “Let’s see tomorrow, I think she acted very close with uncle He tonight.”

     Archibald said firmly: “My father will not let a third person ruin his alone time with my dad.”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    There was no way to refute it.

    Yang Yang was little helpless, “Then we can’t leave her alone at home.”

    This was indeed a problem.

    Archibald thought for a while with an unhappy face, and finally lay down on his side, hugged Yang Yang into his arms, and stopped talking.

    Knowing that he had compromised, Yang Yang couldn’t help laughing, took Archibald’s hand and put it on his lower abdomen, saying affectionately: “You are the most important person to me, and no one can replace you.”

    Shameless Love words, from the “100 sentences of love words fueling combustion” in the big gift package of love, required a very high threshold of shame, even a veteran theoretical driver like Yang Yang, who could pick and choose, could only say this sentence.

    And Yang Yang didn’t quite see the “fueling combustion” effect of this sentence, but the coaxing effect was quite good.

    Sure enough, Archibald touched Yang Yang’s belly, smiled contentedly, and then fell asleep holding Yang Yang.


Bamboo has something to say:

let’s breathe in the car exhaust together

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