Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 87: 87

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Chapter 87: The Same

    Yang Yang was occupied watching Archibald’s situation from the aircraft, only when he heard the sound from the aircraft bulkhead he raised his head and looked outside.

    Then he saw a small beast-shaped Lester standing on the hood of the aircraft, looking at him curiously with its head tilted.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang looked around again and found more than one beast-shaped Lester, and several other human-shape people were circling around his aircraft. The sound that came from above was made by those people hitting the aircraft.

    —This was hardly a polite opening statement.

    Yang Yang’s first reaction was to tell Archibald, but Yang Yang didn’t want Archibald to come back: “The aircraft is in protection mode and I still have the self-defense weapons given by Uncle Ya Qing, it should be fine. You go to Kami first, then go back here I can hold on.”

    Archibald was already running back.

    “This area is limited, they’re most likely from the same group that took Kami away. Stay in the aircraft and don’t go out, I will be there soon.”

    Although it was military standard aircraft and there would be no problem in terms of quality, but it’s just a small four-seater aircraft after all, and there were many ways to destroy its protective system.

    As for Yang Yang’s weapons, although they were all things that can make experts exclaim, but Yang Yang didn’t have any combat experience. If the weapon was accidentally taken away by the opponent, the consequences would be disastrous.

    Archibald felt that his head blank, now there was only one thought left—— no accident can happen to Yang Yang.

    Yang Yang didn’t know what Archibald was worried about, but after hearing what Archibald said, he didn’t try to refute, so he just sat there obediently and waited for Archibald to come back.

    Probably knowing that Yang Yang had called for help, the beast-shaped Lester standing on the hood turned his head to the side and said something, then the beast-shaped Lester jumped off the aircraft and landed not far ahead, instead, a middle-aged man turned his way and jumped up.

    The man was wearing shabby clothes and was barefoot, holding a plain wooden gun in his hand.

    On his face, from the left forehead through the jaw and to the neck, there was a long scar that almost crossed the carotid artery.

    After standing still on the hood of the aircraft, he half-kneeled down and looked down at Yang Yang through the glass.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Yang Yang hesitated for a moment, but still tried to communicate: “Hello?”

    Because the glass had a sound insulation effect, Yang Yang smiled while speaking to show friendliness.

    However, Scarface glanced at Yang Yang, and only gave a sneer, then showed a contemptuous and hostile smile, like one of looking at a fat sheep, the kind with the neck cleaned and ready to be slaughtered.

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Hey, that was a little upsetting.

    Yang Yang put away his friendly expression, put on an Archibald-style paralysed face and then used his soul power to search through the storage side of the Soul Cube— there were still some “little things” that Abel gave him for self-defense before he left.

    Energy guns, shrinking cannons, soul-exploding bombs…

    Which was more fitting?

    Scarface didn’t know what Yang Yang was thinking, he had already determined the situation in the aircraft—— there was only one fat sheep.

    Scarface sneered again, then raised his hand and waved to the people below, saying loudly: “Do it!”

    With the order, there came “bang bang” hitting sounds from the left and right of the aircraft, the aircraft even started to shake due to the impact.

    However, there was no panic on Yang Yang’s face—— he had experienced worse situations than this in the apocalypse days.

    In such situation, the more you panic, the faster you die.

    Listening to the slamming sounds outside, Yang Yang judged that there were three impact points. If there were no other bystanders, adding one person and one beast in his sight, there would be five people in total.

    Yang Yang took a deep breath, then flipped his hand hidden behind the pillow, and there was an extra energy gun in his hand.

    ——Although this thing was not big in size, quoting Abel’s words, “Three beasts the size of Monta could be shot through with one bullet.”

    Because this gun consumes a lot of energy, one energy magazine could only allow for one shot. So Abel prepared three for Yang Yang, saying that it would save Yang Yang from wasting time changing magazines.

    Ah, big thanks to father for his thoughtfulness.

    The violent impact threw the aircraft’s protective energy layer into chaos , and the red warning light was also lit in the aircraft. But Yang Yang remained unmoved, and still looked coldly at the Scarface still kneeling on the hood.

    Scarface seemed a little surprised by Yang Yang’s calmness, the contempt in his eyes lessened in turn, but he didn’t have any intention of stopping.

    As the time passed, alarm sounded in the aircraft after a few minutes: “Warning, the protective layer is under attack and the energy will be exhausted in ten seconds. 10, 9, 8…”

    Hearing the countdown, Yang Yang tensed his jaw, moved his finger holding the gun and kept his gaze fixed on the man with the scarred face.

    Scarface also seemed to have heard the alarm sound of the aircraft. Looking at Yang Yang who was clearly nervous but still “not showing fear at death’s door”, a smile slowly appeared on the scarred man’s face.

    A pity that he didn’t have the time to fully express his emotions with a smirk when he saw a black figure galloping towards him like a cannonball, and then there was a loud “bang!” Scarface was send flying through the air.

     At the same time, Roth took over the aircraft and while making sure Yang Yang was safe, he said: “Master, don’t be afraid, the Duke’s arrived. I’ve send call for help and location to Monta and the others, they will also come to support us. As this aircraft isn’t equipped with any weapons, let Duke deal with the intruders first and we’ll leave.”

     “Won’t leave!”

     Yang Yang leaned on the back of the chair, panting slightly from nervousness, but his tone was firm.

     “Broadcast me Duke’s situation.”

    Roth hesitated for a moment, “But master, you promised the planet master and the others before you came, that you would definitely guarantee your safety.”

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    Yang Yang calmed down a little and said, “I’m safe now. And I trust the Duke to protect me.—— Show me the screen.”

    Roth paused, then obediently relayed the screen.

    Archibald’s terminal light screen invoked from the perspective of the picture overlooked the entire venue in a floating mode.

    Seeing this, Yang Yang’s eyes widened.

    “What’s the matter with these people?”

    In the broadcast, Archibald was fighting with five people. Even if he fought five people at once, he wasn’t losing in the least.

    On the contrary, the five people were beaten black and white by him, one of them was already lying under a tree and couldn’t get up— barehanded, as Archibald didn’t even use the thermal weapons.

    But Yang Yang was not surprised by this, but by those five people.

    There was a total of six “enemies” here—— the additional one Yang Yang counted, was still on the aircraft, and seemed to be responsible for guarding the “trophy”.

    As for these six people, except for the completely animalised Lester on the aircraft, the bodies of the other five people also had traces of animalization, some on their arms, some on hands, some on their heads…

    As well as Scarface, when his clothes were torn apart, a large piece of black scales on his back was revealed, with a pale white mark on the scales, left by Archibald with a dagger just now.

     After he decided to understand Archibald’s illness, Yang Yang checked a lot of information and knew that “half-beasts” like Archibald were very rare. Most of the people who got sick had severely damaged soul palace, making it so that they couldn’t control fully the conversion between human form and beast form.

     For such “half-beasts”, because of the difference in bone and muscle strength between the animal form and the human form, their beast form often became a burden.

     But this wasn’t the worst, ——80% of the patients couldn’t control their beast parts at all, and the beastly part was very “superfluous” to them.

    As a result, some people even chose amputation.

    But these people’s beast parts weren’t like this, but rather they could be controlled freely—— just like Archibald’s.

    Yang Yang’s intuition told him that this was very important.

    But even if he noticed, Archibald didn’t care ——what were these people planning to do to Yang Yang if he came a few seconds late?

    Just thinking about that possibility, Archibald’s anger couldn’t be contained!



    Archibald swept his legs, kicking away a person who was trying to sneak up on him, and then flipped back in the air to avoid stab of a wooden spear. During the landing, he flicked his long tail, wrapping it around the arm of the person next to him and pulled the man down, then Archibald hit the man’s head with an elbow, which made the man immediately fall to the ground and faint.

    In this way, in less than a moment, the five besieging people except for Scarface, could barely stand, and the others fell down to the ground, either in a coma or howling in pain.

    While Yang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he also saw some clues: “These people don’t seem to be bandits.”

    Although these people had good physiques, they looked fierce and their aura was full of “meritorious deeds”. But when it came to fighting skills, even a layman like Yang Yang could see that they were simply giving away heads.

    If they were simply bandits, they wouldn’t be so resistant to fighting—— even if it was a gangster on the street, they should know some fighting techniques.

    Archibald obviously noticed this too, so although he was furious, he didn’t kill them.

    Archibald looked at Scarface standing at the end, with cold eyes, “Come.”

    But Scarface didn’t move.

    The wooden spear in Scarface’s hand had been broken. There was no lack of hatred on his face, but even more surprise.

    The surprised eyes were concentrated on Archibald’s tail and legs, as if he couldn’t understand why Archibald had the same “features” as them.

    “Okay, I’ll go.”

    Archibald saw that Scarface didn’t move, so he moved by himself.

    Archibald and Scarface fought again, but Scarface, who was already tired, was no match for Archibald, but when Archibald first came, what he saw was Scarface ready to break through the glass and attack Yang Yang.

    So now, although Archibald didn’t kill him, he was more ruthless to Scarface than others.

    Yang Yang also saw that Archibald was angry, but he didn’t have the slightest opinion on Archibald’s actions—— he was also frightened before!

    But some people couldn’t see it.

    Yang Yang could only make a soft sound when a black Lester landed on the hood of the aircraft. Because of the angle, Yang Yang noticed that there was a piece of white scales on the belly of the beast-shaped Lester, which was particularly conspicuous.

    At the same moment that Little Whitebelly landed on the top of the aircraft, Yang Yang had already raised his gun, and the black muzzle of the gun firmly pointing at Little Whitebelly’s head.

    However, Little Whitebelly did not attack, but bent his limbs and threw himself to the ground to give Yang Yang a big kowtow.

    At the same time, he wept loudly: “Please, don’t kill them!! We know we were wrong, and we dare not do it again! Woo waoo woo——.”


Author has something to say:

Yang Yang: But my gun is all ready

Little Whitebelly: …..QAQ

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