Offered Into Marriage

Chapter 88: 88

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Chapter 88: The Village

    The person outside was crying so loudly that Yang Yang could hear it clearly in the aircraft.

    Similarly, Archibald, who was crushing weaklings, could also hear clearly.

    Archibald kicked down Scarface so that he couldn’t get up temporarily and walked towards the aircraft.

    Seeing this, Little Whitebelly’s whole body trembled, but he didn’t run away, only continued crying and repeating the words “don’t kill them”.

    Yang Yang heard his voice and compared it with the cubs in the winter camp these days, this Little Whitebelly was at most ten years old.

    Yang Yang was afraid that Archibald would hit the child in anger, so he opened the hatch of the aircraft and came down.

    Seeing this, Archibald immediately ran over in three steps at a time, and at the same time pinned Little Whitebelly on the nose of the aircraft to heavily— if he dared to act recklessly, Archibald swore, even if Little Whitebelly was just a child he wouldn’t let go either!

    How could Little Whitebelly dare to sneak attack, he was lying flat trembling, wishing he could find a hole to bury himself in and hide.

    Archibald ran to the hatch before it opened fully.

    As soon as Yang Yang came down, he fell into Archibald’s arms.

    Archibald hugged him tightly, and gently ran his hands along Yang Yang’s back: “Don’t be afraid.”

    Yang Yang pursed his lips and patted Archibald’s arm: “It’s you, don’t be afraid. I’m fine.”

    Hearing this, Archibald took a deep breath, then lowered his head and kissed Yang Yang’s forehead.

    After a while, Archibald loosened some of his strength, but he did not let go of Yang Yang, keeping Yang Yang within his protection range.

    Yang Yang waited for Archibald to calm down a little, and then said: “We should ask them.”


    Archibald nodded, looked at Little Whitebelly lying on the hood and asked in a cold voice, “Who are you guys? Where is your base?”

    Before Little Whitebelly could speak, a weakly but fierce voice came from a distance: “Don’t say it! If you betray the village, I’ll be the first to kill you!”

    As Yang Yang looked back, he discovered that it was Scarface who was speaking— it seemed that his physical strength was indeed good, he recovered so quickly.



    Yang Yang repeated the word, and then looked at Archibald’s questioningly, “It doesn’t seem like some illegal gang?”

    Archibald said, “We’ll see.”

    After finishing speaking, Archibald looked at Little Whitebelly on the hood: “Answer me.”

    Little Whitebelly shook, looked at Scarface, tears welled up in his eyes and cried, “If I don’t say anything, you will die!”

    After finishing speaking, regardless of the Scarface’s threats he immediately explained the reason.

    “We are people from a nearby village. We came out to check the situation when we saw the aircraft approaching.

    We thought it was those damned, ah no, we thought it was those nobles who came to hunt again. They always destroy the things we plant and accidentally injure us, previously even some people even died because of their gunshot wounds.

    The most outrageous thing is that some people hunted us like wild beasts seeing our beast shape!”

    At this point, Little Whitebelly raised his head and glanced at Archibald quickly, then lowered his head again, and said in a weak voice: “That’s why we thought about preemptive strikes this time.”

    Yang Yang frowned, bullying the weak was not pleasant no matter where it appeared.

    Archibald also frowned— as far as he knew, there were not many nobles in the Old Emperor Star, but there were many “lawless areas” on the planet and it was indeed possible for such a thing to happen.

    “However, these are not reasons why you can hurt my lover.”

    Even though Archibald could understand them intellectually, emotionally, he was still angry.

    Little Whitebelly pursed his lips, feeling very wronged, but he couldn’t say anything to refute. He could only emphasize: “We wouldn’t hurt him, we just want to chase you away. ——We thought you were those nobles.”

    Yang Yang raised his eyebrows: “But at the beginning, I tried to communicate with you.”

    Having said that, Yang Yang looked back at Scarface, “But it seems that you don’t want to communicate qt qll. ——When you come up and start attacking without saying a word, in my opinion, this kind of behavior is that of a robber no less!”

    Little Whitebelly was so nervous he wanted to cry: “We are really not! You believe me, we really won’t hurt you, don’t kill them, woo woo woo…”

    Little Whitebelly had never seen such a powerful person as Archibald, but his perception of “outsiders” was basically based on those nobles, so now he was really worried that Archibald would kill them if they were displeased.

    On the other side, Scarface was also anxious when he heard Little Whitebelly’s cry.

    Struggling to get up, he yelled at Archibald: “You bastard with a long tail! If you have the ability, you come at me, what kind of man are you to scare a child!” 

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Hey, he’s not happy hearing that.

    Yang Yang poked his head out of Archibald’s arms, looked at Scarface, and cursed back: “Who are you scolding? You bastard, a beetle with a turtle shell on your back! Can’t you understand what I said, are you trying to curse my family’s cutie?”

    Scarface: “…”

    Archibald: “…”


    Yang Yang: “I’m just asking some questions and you act like you’re being bullied. According to your logic, you just now, one, two, three, four, five big men, ganged up to bully a pregnant female like me, what are you? Forget about not being men, you are at least three more levels below!”

    Scarface: “…”

    What were the three lower levels? ?

    No, this was not important.

    Scarface looked at Yang Yang in astonishment, “Are you pregnant?”

    Because where Yang Yang was before the temperature was not high, he was wrapped in a coat in the aircraft, so his figure was really indistinguishable.

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    Little Whitebelly also raised his head abruptly, looked at Yang Yang, and raised his voice involuntarily: “You, are you a female body? Are you pregnant?”

    Yang Yang felt that their reaction was a bit strange, but fire that was let out couldn’t be taken back.

    “That’s right.”

    The moment he finished speaking, Little Whitebelly knelt down again, howling even more fiercely than before.

    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!! Did I scare you! Do you have any abdominal discomfort? Do you want to sit and rest? Did you bring birth control pills? Woooooo, we really didn’t mean it, waaah…”

    Yang Yang: “…”

    Archibald: “…”

    Yang Yang couldn’t understand, he’s the one pregnant, why were they so nervous? ? ?

    Yang Yang looked at Archibald, and Archibald also looked confused— he didn’t understand either.

    But after this stubble, Scarface’s mood calmed down instead.

    Scarface struggled to stand still, did not come over, just stood there and looked at them, his tone even a little guilty.

    He asked: “Aren’t you nobles who came to hunt?”

    Archibald heard the change in his tone, and slightly suppressed the anger in his heart, trying to say as calmly as possible: “No. We are here to find a child, she was accidentally captured by a giant-clawed bird. I just found traces of it being hunted down in the northwest and then my lover was besieged by you.”

    Scarface: “…”

    Scarface looked at Yang Yang, but when he was hesitating whether to put down his face and say “I’m sorry”,

    Little Whitebelly opened his mouth with an ah, “It should be the hunting team. Today is the hunting day. We have met them on the way here and they were indeed going in that direction. Don’t worry, we wouldn’t hurt a child. If they hunted the giant clawed bird, they should have brought the child back.”

    Yang Yang was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: “Really? Are you sure? Contact the people in your village.”

    Little Whitebelly was stunned when he heard the words, and then said vaguely: “We don’t have any way to contact.”

    Yang Yang was puzzled, but then he realized that these six people were wearing thin clothes and did not wear terminals.

    A few hundreds of years ago, the first generation of terminals appeared. Afterwards, the terminal was continuously upgraded and even became compatible with other devices.

    In modern times, the terminal was a symbol of the citizen’s personal identity.

    No terminal, usually meant one thing— an illegitimate household.

    Yang Yang’s happy mood suddenly fell down, and after two seconds, he asked again: “Then where is your village?”

    When asked about the village, Little Whitebelly was very vigilant: “We will not bring strangers back to the village.”

    Scarface was also relieved to hear that Little Whitebelly didn’t say anything, and then added: “We can ask someone to go back and ask.”

    But Archibald disagreed: “I don’t have the slightest trust in you, what if we let people go back to report the news, but you bring people back to besiege?”

    Scarface suddenly became hostile again and his tone was very aggressive: “Then what do you say?”

    Archibald: “Take us back to your village.”

    Scarface: “Impossible! ——Heh, and so are you not afraid of entering the enemy’s lair and being eaten by us!”

    Archibald was unmoved by his provocation, and said lightly: “You can try.”

    Scarface: “…”

    Archibald saw that Scarface was being very stubborn, so thought for a while, and suddenly said: “Roth, locate Monta and the others, and send them here.”

    Roth’s voice came from Yang Yang’s terminal, “Okay, Lord Duke.”

    After speaking, a light screen appeared in front of Archibald, on which was the map of this area, and five green triangles were heading towards their location.

    Archibald: “My people will arrive in ten minutes, you can choose to take us to find the child, or wait for my people to arrive, turn this area over, and see if your village can still hide from us.”

    The light screen was placed in the middle and Scarface could see it clearly, he also understood the meaning of those green triangles.

    Scarface suddenly changed his face: “You really belong to those nobles!”

    Archibald: “You have five seconds to think about it.”

    Scarface’s chest heaved violently,and his mood was extremely unstable.

    But before he could give an answer, he heard the Little Whitebelly on the hood suddenly speak, with a hesitant tone filled with surprise.

    “Duke? You, are you the Duke of Donton?”

    After asking this question he answered himself: “That’s right, only the Duke of Donton among the nobles is a half-beast! My God, you really are the Duke of Donton! Real alive!”

    Archibald: “…”

    Scarface was also startled, and even the other three people who were barely moving on the ground raised their heads and looked over.

    Their expressions were shocked, and there was no lack of admiration.

    However, Archibald did not respond to their gazes. He waited for a few seconds, and then said: “The time is up. If you don’t want to think about it, I will make the decision for you.”

    Hearing the words, Scarface struggled, finally, he gritted his teeth and asked, “Are you really the Duke of Donton?”

    Archibald: “Yes.”

    Scarface took a breath: “Okay, I’ll take you there. But those who are coming to your aid, can’t come here.”

    Archibald: “Yes.”

    As he spoke, Archibald said to Roth: “Roth, let Monta and the others go to the aircraft’s position and stand by.”

    Roth: “Yes, Lord Duke.”


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