Omen’s Warning

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

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Crunch after crunch, as the little girl slowly ate the egg that used to house her as an infant, the surrounding scientists focused on their given tasks. After the initial shock, things started to die down the suffocating aura, forcing the head researcher to change the current staff to more powerful and capable personnel. With this, they needed to befriend or find a way to control this little monster lest all their waiting could waste this opportunity. So now we find ourselves at a conference in what used to be Japan, Tokyo. Although everyone present was currently nothing but a hologram for safety reasons, because of the urgency of the current topic, most of the leaders present showed tense faces as the meeting began.

"So today's meeting is about the hatchling of the Egg, found in the middle of a desert." Said the overseer of the meeting. She had red hair with hypnotizing yellow eyes and an hourglass-figure

"That egg hatched??" Said a blonde man named Roz Alegrad, the leader of the Pledge of Power. For the last hundred years, nations raised a brand new system that has proven its effectiveness in reducing the amount of confusion because of the appearance of the essence in order, they are:

Agriculture: [Pledge of Life]

Economy: [Pledge of Wealth]

Engineering: [Pledge of The Inventor]

Research and Development: [Pledge of The Sage]

Reconnaissance and Intelligence gathering [Pledge of The Vanguard]

Security and Protection: [Pledge of The Guardian]

Wars and Battle: [Pledge of The Warrior]

Growth of Essence and Power: [Pledge of Preeminence]

"So what's the best way to.. in your words.. 'befriend' this monster. Dr. Lin?" Asked a man named Daymond Le. Bastion. He had short brown hair and amber eyes with a muscular build. He looked at the woman who made such an outrageous decision, the possibility of taming the monsters that now plague the world was up to debate, considering the one they were dealing with was not so simple. This plan is risky, but the benefits it would wield would be invaluable if it followed through.

"Treating her as a human child would guarantee some of her cooperation... Now we don't have ways of doing that without direct contact it is a risky plan if she is proven malicious toward us."Said man named with a lean but muscular build with black hair and amber eyes was the Vanguard Pledge's leader. Without proper knowledge of what to anticipate, there would be dire consequences if treaded carelessly, which deters the others from accepting the proposal. Essentially this was a hit or miss in the dark only their estimates tell of the fate that would threaten humankind.

Although humanity rebuilt itself enough to form a society, it still had its troubles in some aspects. So now they sit at this round table, they think of a decision that would benefit humankind. One thing that these people can agree on is that their decision today would change their day tomorrow.


Back in the lab-

The little girl finished her food, awakening her from her trance with a flinch.

'Where am I? Who am I?...' She looked around, looking for something or someone what she sees is nothing but a lonely room. Looking around one more time, she found that the room was slightly hazy and noticed something white hovering slightly above the room. Finding nothing else in the room, she sat down on the floor, thinking about what she last remembered and why she was there. 


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