On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 128: One Hundred And Ten

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“Wow, I can’t believe they even had bows for sale.” My sis looked down excitedly at her purchase. It was an Olympic-style recurve bow, along with all the required accessories. “I don’t get why you wouldn’t let me use the card you gave me though. why give me money if you aren’t going to let me spend it, bro?”

“That money is for when you need it. This holiday is my treat so let me cover things while I’m here. I won’t always be around, will I?”

We had spent the afternoon after our fun time at the shooting range exploring all of the many shops that the Strip had to offer. We had burned through quite a chunk of the earlier winnings, but the girls had bought lots of clothes and accessories, as well as specialty items, like Aiko’s new bow. It was painful when they were shopping for underwear and swimsuits. The looks I was receiving from the staff and other shoppers… It didn’t seem fair, as I was about to be an engaged man, out shopping with my fiancée, but I guess they didn’t know that… Guess now I’m in a couple I’ll have to get used to it…

Still, I had to do shopping of my own, getting souvenirs for our families, as well as acquaintances such as Rika-san and Yae-san, and Karen-chan. I ended up with so much (mostly alcohol as it happened) that I had to use my phone to book us extra luggage capacity for our return flights. Still, it sure is great having money…

What had been a little bit of a strain though was the fact that Eri seemed to be waiting expectantly. It’ll be soon, just hang on… her gaze every time we passed a place that was even slightly romantic was quite the burden.

Seeing as the sun was slowly starting to set over the Strip, the many illuminations that adorned it like jewels beginning to spring to life, I checked my watch. Twenty past five. “Well, I think it’s about time we took our spoils back to the hotel and then had some dinner. I’ve made us some reservations.”

“Oh, you have, have you big bro?” My sis asked slyly. “Somewhere nice and romantic, I imagine?”

“I think so. Somewhere nice at least.” I agreed. With that we hailed a taxi and returned to the hotel to quickly change, ready for our final evening in Las Vegas. I was wearing a new smart-casual outfit the girls had picked out for me, with trendy jeans and a flashy shirt, while the girls… It takes them forever to get ready…

Shaeula was first out, and she was wearing a new summer dress, a pale ivory with orange highlights. She was wearing her new armlet, as well as a pendant hanging around her neck. “So, how-how do I look? You are mesmerised, yes?”

“I don’t know about that, but you look very cute.” I agreed, and she returned a smile. Next out was my sister, also in new tight jeans and a pale blue shirt with a feminine cut and some frills, giving her a bit of a tomboy look yet still making it clear she was a pretty girl.

“Looking good there big bro!” she gave me a thumbs up, then paused, obviously waiting for my compliment, so I obliged her, advising that she looked very dashing.

Finally Eri emerged from her room, wearing  a stunning white dress that she had purchased earlier. It was cut quite daringly, and she had paired it with a glittering necklace we had bought, as well as having changed her hairstyle, putting it up and pinning it with an ornate hairpin. She was looking far more mature and totally captivating. I found I was staring despite myself.

My sis coughed to snap me out of my delirium as Eri flushed under my searching gaze, and I smiled, embarrassed. “Sorry Eri, you were looking so beautiful I was lost in thought there for a moment. I’m such a lucky guy.”

“Thanks.” she looked down shyly. “You look very handsome yourself, Akio.”

“Ugh, I’m being love poisoned again…” Aiko complained, but her tone was light.

“Shall we go then?” Shaeula asked, and I nodded. Offering an arm to my girlfriend, we headed out, leaving for our destination.




“You sure Shaeula and I should be here, bro? I can’t help but feel we are cramping your style.” My sis joked. “Still, the view sure is amazing. The food too.” She was taking pictures and videos on her phone, the view from the revolving restaurant on the observation deck of the massively high tower, the Strat, was stunning. Shaeula had been thrilled at first as well, but now she was tucking into the wide selection of food we were provided, washing it down with glasses of fine wine. I was staying off the drink though, my nerves shot.

I don’t know why I’m so nervous. Eri knows I’m going to propose, and she’s not going to say no, yet even so, my heart is racing and I feel unwell…

“We can step out bro, Shaeula saw the casino downstairs, I think she’s hungry for more. Besides…” my sis looked at the array of pretty roses at our table, Eri having been given a bundle by the staff earlier, in red and pink. “… I think it should just be Eri for this. We are getting some weird looks from the other tables.”

True. When I did some research this morning this place was renowned for proposals, and we aren’t the first… earlier a couple went through with it, earning a hearty round of applause from the onlookers as she tearfully accepted his offered ring. Eri and the girls watched with sparkling eyes, putting more pressure on me. This is harder than fighting monsters…

“You might as well enjoy the oncoming desserts.” I answered. “It’d be a shame to miss them, right?”

“That is indeed true-true.” Shaeula said, looking up from the remnants of her once-full plate. “I could certainly enjoy something sweet-sweet about now.”

“With what you eat you’ll get fat, Shaeula.” My sis warned, but she simply scoffed in response.

“I shall not-not gain weight, no matter how much I eat. As a Fae my form is much a creation of the mind. Mortal laws do not-not apply to it.”

“I’m so jealous.” Eri said. She hadn’t eaten much, her own nerves perhaps getting to her, though she never was a big eater like my sis or Shaeula. “I don’t want to get fat. I want to stay just how Akio likes me forever…”

Ugh, that hit me hard… so cute!

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“I think you’ll be fine Eri. My big bro is really into you. Last night should have confirmed that, right? Anyway, where the hell are those desserts? I want to get out of here…”

We continued to enjoy the rotating view of Las Vegas until our desserts came, a selection of fruits, ice creams and cakes. For a short while we busied ourselves with small talk, making light conversation and joking at each other’s expense, until it was time. “All right then. You want to pop down to that casino for a bit Shaeula? I could see your eyes sparkle when you looked at it earlier”

“Yes, I think that is a good idea indeed-indeed. We should give these two some privacy. Besides, I shall replenish the funds master has spent today!”

“I don’t really think you should be talking about gambling as if it’s a sure thing, but if it’s you I guess it makes sense.” My sis stood. “Later you two. And bro… don’t screw it up again, okay? You were nearly dumped within a week earlier today, so learn from that, okay?” with that warning, delivered in a half-joking but heartfelt tone, my sis and Shaeula departed, leaving Eri and I at the table.

“Alone at last, I see.” I remarked, and Eri smiled shyly.

“Yes, we haven’t had a lot of time alone together since.. since the festival. I do love Aiko and Shaeula, and spending time with us all is fun, but…” her hand reached for mine and I took it. “… we are lovers now, we need our own space at times too.”

“Sure, I’ll make time for us. Next weekend I’ll visit Nishimorioka… I have to speak to your parents, mine too. I also have to pick up Marika-san, but before I take her back I can definitely spend some quality time with my girl.”

“That’ll be wonderful.” She was happy, but then a look of worry crossed her face. “I just worry my parents are going to make a big deal out of this. You know they’ve been waiting for this, Akio. I think it’s going to be… quite trying.”

“They will be my in-laws now, so I’ll grin and bear it.” I promised. “Besides, I’m more worried about my Father. He explicitly warmed me not to… well… get carried away. And…”

“We got really carried away, didn’t we?” she giggled, her hand warm in mine.

We made comfortable small-talk for a while, until I could see a smartly dressed waiter heading our way, with a silver tray holding a pair of glasses, one filled with champagne, and the other with a non-alcoholic version. Also there was a familiar ornate box. Here we go then…

As the other tables saw the waiter coming a muttered buzz of anticipation started up, as they knew what was coming. Eri was gazing into my eyes, her dark orbs reflected in my grey, and as the waiter handed us our glasses and placed the box down on the table between us I started to feel a bit sick. Pull it together man. No backing out now, not that you want to…

With that I took the box, walked over to Eri and knelt down beside her. Speaking in English, since I felt it was only fair to share the same embarrassment as the other couple who shared a proposal while we were there earlier, I took her hand once more and smiled. Opening the ring box with the other I presented it to her.

“Mori Eri, my darling childhood friend, you’ve been by my side for many years, through sunshine and storms, happy times and sad. But that’s not enough. I want you to be by my side always, hand in hand, until the sun ceases to shine, the moon is dark and the stars fall from the sky. Even under utter darkness I’ll keep holding your hand, never letting you go. Eri… will you marry me?”

“Oh Akio…” she was crying now, silvery droplets of joy. “… I’ve only ever heard those words in dreams, and when I woke up I was so terribly sad that it wasn’t real. I want to spend forever with you too, never letting you go again… yes, I’ll marry you!”

And with that I slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her, the restaurant bursting into applause. Yeah, it’s embarrassing, but I just don’t mind…




We spent the next hour drinking our champagne (again, non-alcoholic for Eri) and reminiscing about our happiest memories. A third couple proposed too, and we joined the applause, feeling very close to them somehow. The view over the Strip was now breath-taking, it was lit up like a celestial orrery.

After a time Shaeula and Aiko returned. Seeing us sitting next to each other, the ring sparkling on her friends’ hand, my sis came over and high-fived us both. “Congrats you two. I’m happy. Seriously. If not a little jealous. Still, my big bro is finally a real man, and my best friend is now my sister in truth. So how was the proposal, did he screw it up?”

Eri shook her head. “No, it was very romantic and everything I dreamed of. Just looking at the ring, proof I’m not imagining it, I feel all warm…”

“Excellent. May your union be blessed by the full moon and fertile-fertile.” Shaeula said something which sounded a bit like a Fae benediction, and Eri blushed.

“Fertile? Uh… well it’s up to chance…”

“Yes, we heard last night. Every. Damn. Word.” Aiko said flatly. “Still, enough of that. Get this bro, Eri. Shaeula got asked to leave the casino. Apparently she was winning too much, and word has gone around about you two. Since she wasn’t cheating they couldn’t take her winnings, but she’s been politely advised to not come to any casinos again and just go home. They don’t complain when people are super unlucky and lose all the time, do they?”

“I guess that’s just the way it is. So I guess your time was fruitful?”

“Indeed. I have secured more funds for you, master.” Shaeula responded proudly, puffing out her chest. “Are we done-done here? The view is spectacular, but this is our last night, we must have more to enjoy, no-no?”

I nodded. “There was one place I promised to go, to meet a new friend and repay a debt…”

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