On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 129: One Hundred And Eleven

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The bar looked as if would fit right at home in the land of my mom, though if I remembered correctly the Brits and the Irish didn’t always get on, so I’d probably best keep that thought to myself. Loud music was coming out, full of fiddles and other exotic instruments, and drunken revellers were constantly coming and going.

“So, this is a bar?” My sis asked with interest. “I’ve always wanted to go to one.”

“It’s certainly… loud.” Eri said, clinging in on me. Her dislike of people and noisy places was present, but since she was with me, she didn’t look as afraid as she normally would have.

“Bars are supposed to be, but then I heard that the Irish and Irish-Americans really like to party.” I chuckled. “Anyway, this place is owned by Buck Kelly, the guy who sent us that banker this morning and saved us hundreds of millions of yen in taxes. The least we can do to thank him is accept his invitation gratefully, right?”

I approached the doorman, who quickly stopped us. “You look underage. ID please.” He said firmly.

With a smile I produced mine, and said that I was here to see Buck. For a moment the bouncer looked puzzled and then on seeing my passport his eyes lit up. “Oh yeah, The boss did say he had a couple of guests coming. If you come this way, Mr Oshiro and party.”

With that we were led inside, through the crowds of revellers who were watching a band play, fiddles, drums and whistles over rich English lyrics, singing about the fair Emerald Isle. Shaeula was particularly impressed, nodding approvingly.

“The Seelie Court often alights in that land. Though…” she said, expression darkening. “Many of our fiercest Unseelie foes also hail from the Astral of that land. The Giants, for one…”

“Well, we won’t see any here tonight.” I patted her reassuringly. Eri pouted and pulled me away, and my sis gave me a look of commiseration. We were then led to a back room, where Buck was sitting at a table, an opened bottle of Irish whiskey on the table, a half-filled glass next to him. On seeing me his expression brightened, and he stood, beckoning us over.

“Good to see you Akio, Shaeula. And you two lovely ladies.” Buck put on the charm. “A good thing you weren’t caught up in that mess last night, hey? Still, I guess you really are lucky, Akio my man. Fancy a drink? You too Shaeula. I’m afraid you ladies will have to settle for something non-alcoholic, as you are under legal age, right?”

He poured Shaeula and I a whiskey, before fetching some soft drinks for Aiko and Eri. “Quite the shock, everyone is buzzing about the raid last night.”

Raid? Why do I have a bad feeling? “I must have missed that. Care to fill me in?” I asked casually.

Buck burst out laughing. “Man, you are the limit Akio. Cool as a cucumber and as lucky as a four-leaf clover. Seriously, what happened after we were kicked out of the VIP room last night?”

Putting my poker-face to good use I lied. “Nothing much, just the three of us had our photos’ taken and gave a quick interview. We had some nice whiskey and then I headed home, as I was exhausted after the tournament. Why?”

“Why? Why he asks…” Buck shook his head, downing his whiskey and topping up his glass. “There was some sort of break-in that night. I did wonder when there was a brief power cut, but it seems that someone cut the main lines and broke in through the fire exit. The owner and some security vanished, and there was just blood on the floor left behind. The police thought a robbery at first, but a huge amount of cash was found, so it doesn’t seem to be the motive. I did worry you’d been caught up in it, until Ms Connors dropped me a text to say she’d met you this morning.”

“Oh, well, I’d already left before anything happened. Just lucky, I guess.” I laughed it off.

“Damn me if you aren’t right about that.” Buck agreed. “Anyway, enough small-talk. Why not introduce me to the lovely ladies. Shaeula I know, but these two… one is your sister, right?”

“Yeah, this is my sister, Aiko. She’s a handful, but don’t hold that against her.”

“Hmph, don’t be telling tales about me bro.” she pouted, before nodding to Buck. “I’m Aiko, pleased to meet you. I hear you’ve done a lot for my bro despite only having just met him. I appreciate it.”

“Well aren’t you just darling, doll.” He grinned. “I’m a man of instincts, I always go with my gut, and when I saw the luck of Akio and Shaeula here, I knew they’d be doing great things. Ms Connors tells me you are entering real estate as well. I knew my gut was on point as always. We should hit the casino again after this!”

“I’m afraid we’ve already been politely advised to not return to them.” My sister chuckled. “I guess they don’t like the way Shaeula and my bro keep cleaning them out.”

“Oh, that’s a damn shame. Guess you had even more luck eh?” Buck shrugged. “Oh well, next time you are on the Strip, if I’m about hit me up. I split my time between here and New York, mostly.”

“Sure, if the opportunity arises.” I answered in the classic Japanese fashion, not promising anything as I wasn’t sure when I would return. “Anyway, lastly, this is Eri. She’s… well, we just got engaged earlier.”

“Huh, no way. I thought you were with Shaeula here? I mean, don’t take no offense, doll, you are very cute yourself now I look at you, but…”

Shaeula shrugged. “I seem to be mistaken for Akio’s woman often indeed-indeed. It is easier to just let it go, for it is not too far from the truth.”

“Huh? But he just got engaged…” Buck looked puzzled. “… are you cheating or in some sort of open relationship? Young people these days…”

“No way. Akio is mine.” Eri hugged me possessively. “We are very fond of Shaeula, but she is not getting any of my Akio.”

“You should be less greedy, Eri.” Shaeula retorted. “Akio has enough calibre to support us both-both!”

As they bickered and I tried to calm them down, Aiko turned to Buck and apologised. “Sorry, they are always like this… it can be a real headache.”

Buck laughed uproariously. “Yeah, they seem like a fun bunch. So if Shaeula is single then, there’ll be plenty of guys wanting to hit on her here tonight.”

“I fear no man but Akio shall do-do.” Shaeula scoffed. “I fear if you try and court me, you shall be disappointed.”

“No way, I wouldn’t dream of it, even if you are a cutie.” Buck showed his hand, with a wedding ring around one finger. “I have a wife already, she’s back in New York. Still… I really am not wrong about you, Akio. If you have such beauties fighting over you, you have something going on for sure!”

We spent some time having fun, Buck telling the girls some fascinating stories about Ireland and also funny tales of customers at his bars. After a while of this the door to the room opened and a doorman came in. “Boss, your other guest and party has arrived. Shall I show her in?”

“Oh so she came. I wasn’t sure she would. Sure, being her over. This party is just heating up!”

A minute later he returned, followed by Aliyah, who was wearing stone-wash jeans and a tight black t-shirt which was straining against her ample assets. She was followed by a petite girl with an olive complexion, dark eyes and dark brown hair that was down to her bottom, extremely long. Her boobs are huge too, especially for such a small girl. They really stood out against the long dress she was wearing.

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Sensing where I was looking Eri stamped on my foot, and I looked at her apologetically. “Sorry…” I mouthed, and she nodded.

“Aliyah, good to see you, babe!” Buck said heartily. “I wasn’t sure you’d show. I had hoped you weren’t caught up in the trouble last night. Great game of poker huh?

Aliyah met my eyes and nodded slightly. I think she’s telling me to keep quiet. Hopefully she hasn’t killed that guy, but it must have been her that took him and the security away… damn, just who does she work for? My head hurts. And now my foot too. Eri had stamped on me again, as our gazes lingered too long.

“Trouble? I left just after this guy.” Aliyah lied. “Nothing happened as far as I know, right?”

“Sure. By the way, who is your friend?” Buck asked. “We haven’t had the pleasure.”

“Yeah, right. I guess you don’t. This here is a good friend I’ve been travelling around the country with. She’s Luciana Santino.”

The named woman, Luciana, smiled and greeted us all. “Charmed to meet you all.” her English had an accent, possibly Spanish?

“Drinks?” Buck offered and the newcomers agreed. As he poured, Aliyah let her gaze wander, and as she saw the girls with me her face brightened, and I could see her breathing faster. Uh, what?

She came over and introduced herself to my girls. “Hi there girls, I’m Aliyah. I’m very pleased to meet you.” She held out her hand and Shaeula shook it without concern, but Eri was hiding behind me now and Aiko had stepped away.

“Don’t be shy girls, I’m not scary.” Aliyah shook her head, braids jangling.

“I don’t know about that.” My sis said, looking at her critically. “I feel you might be dangerous in a certain way.”

“I’m just happy to see some cute girls, is that so wrong?” Aliyah pouted. “Won’t you have a drink with me?”

“Sorry, I’m underage.” Aiko declined. “Drink with my bro if you want.”

“I do not mind-mind sharing a drink with you.” Shaeula piped up, from where she was talking with Luciana.

“Yeah, you should.” Aliyah was gazing at Shaeula hungrily. Taking a stiff drink she licked her lips seductively. “I’ll show you how to have fun, us girls should stick together.”

“I don’t like her, Akio…” Eri whispered, and Aliyah must have caught it, as she turned, looking hurt. “Oh don’t be like that. You’re a shy one, right, but we are both girls, there isn’t any need to worry.” Her gaze flickered over Eri. “Come sit with me.”

“Sorry, but I’m here with my fiancé.” Eri flashed her ring and clung to me. Aliyah opened her eyes wide in shock, before letting out a sigh.

“Oh well, a shame. How about you?” she asked Aiko again, but she shook her head. “I’ll stick with my bro, thanks.”

“Why do you…” she began, before swallowing her words. Then she paused, reaching a shocked realisation. “Hey, fiancé? But I thought you were with the girl here.” she gestured to Shaeula.

“She’s just a friend.” Eri insisted, clinging to me as if to ward off the intruder. “I’m his girl.”

“Well, he’s a lucky guy. You are very adorable.” She turned to Aiko then. “You too, sister. That look suits you, I dig it.” She looked at me, her gaze hot, and I looked away, uncomfortable. I can’t get a read on her. Both of us are in the dark regarding the other, yet she seems way calmer than me…

She walked back to where Luciana and Shaeula were talking, she dropped an arm around each of their shoulders, very casually. “So, about that drink, girls?”

“I’ll pass.” Luciana shrugged herself free. “Perhaps I shall talk to these others. Have fun though. but remember…”

“Yeah, I know, god, you and Trey, you both worry too much. I won’t drink too much.” Her arm was sliding down Shaeula, who suddenly disentangled herself as well, leaving Aliyah puzzled and empty-handed. Shaeula brought up her drink and clinked the glass against Aliyah’s, moving before she could respond.

“I fear I do not like to be touched-touched unless you are truly close to me. My apologies.”

Aliyah seemed flustered for a second, before leaking out a rather seductive sigh. “My bad, my bad. I can’t help it, when I see someone cute I want to get to know them. You’re gorgeous, you know that?”

“Yes, I am quite aware that I am-am beautiful. Akio has made much mention of that fact-fact.” Shaeula grinned. “I thank you for the complement. You are rather impressive yourself, are you not-not?”

Aliyah barely choked down a delighted squeal, before looking visibly embarrassed. “Thanks, cutie. Well since we are both amazing, why don’t we have another drink? This guy’s treat, I’m sure.”

She pointed to Buck, who was laughing uproariously at the chaos.

“Sorry about her.” Luciana was saying to my sister and Eri. “She’s just in high spirits. She did win quite a lot of money last night, and she… well, you know.”

“I think I do.” My sis agreed. “I’ve nothing against it, I get that most guys are like human cockroaches, but I don’t swing that way.”

“You have sharp instincts, girl. But relax, even so, she won’t do anything… unless she gets too drunk, but she was warned by Capt… err, Treyvon, her brother, not to drink too much… oh hell. That woman, she is the limit, Eres una tonta, Aliyah. Mierda!

Aliyah and Shaeula were gulping down whiskey like it was water, and as I watched Luciana cursing out Aliyah in a mixture of accented English and Spanish, I turned to my sister and Eri, who were looking at me, bemused.

Not exactly how I expected our next meeting to go. Last time I saw her she was strangling that fat guy like an assassin, and now… she was darting behind Shaeula, trying to avoid the annoyed Luciana. I don’t know what to think. It’s… almost cute…?

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