On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 179: One Hundred And Forty-Five

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While Shaeula was in the other world teaching Eri the final techniques for converting her accumulated aether into the ability to enter the Boundary, I pushed down my misgivings over her eagerness to fight alone and considered where to book. I could ask Karen-chan to find me somewhere… no, that’s no good. It’s Saturday, and I promised her I wouldn’t make her work overtime unless it’s an emergency, and this isn’t…

Opening up the browser on my phone I searched for high-class restaurants in central Tokyo. There were a lot of choices, but it was a Saturday and it was pretty short notice. Still, I wanted to take the girls somewhere nice. I made a call, and unfortunately all the tables were booked. This repeated twice more, my only reward some apologies from the polite staff on the other end of the phone.

Hmm, this sucks. I knew that Eri and Shaeula would be happy with anywhere, really, but what was the point of earning all that money if we couldn’t spend it to have fun? Idly scrolling down the list I started feeling a strange sensation. If I didn’t know better I’d say I was under the effect of Shaeula’s fortunate winds… The feeling is much less pronounced, but… I’m just feeling lucky.

My screen had stopped on a restaurant in Shinjuku, which was the sort of area they would find interesting. It was the Park Hyatt Hotel, their New York restaurant. It had a series of great reviews, and was apparently a top dining spot for those with deep pockets. This would be perfect, but it’s popular, so I doubt I’ll get a table… still, it wasn’t like I had anything to lose, so I made a call.

Upon being greeted by the refined-sounding lady on the other end, I enquired if they had a table for tonight for three. There was a long pause, before she came back to me, sounding a little surprised. “I have just had a cancellation. It so happens we do have an available table for tonight.”

My luck strikes again! “Excellent. In that case can I book it under Oshiro. That’s great. We look forward to dining there, I’ve only heard good things.” I said my thanks and flattered her shamelessly, considering she had got us in, and with that I hung up, satisfied. Great, that’s sorted, but now there’s one other issue…

Shaeula and Eri returned while I was thinking, Eri with a triumphant smile on her face. She raced over and hugged me, burying her face in my chest. “I get it, I do!” she proclaimed. “Now it seems so easy in comparison to before! I can finally stand beside you!”

“She is indeed a fast learner.” Shaeula agreed. “But such teaching makes me hungry and thirsty. Have you succeeded in-in securing us a place to feast?”

“I did but it’s quite the fancy place. I mean, you look gorgeous in that casual outfit Eri, and I love it, but did you bring any of the dresses you had for Las Vegas?”

“No, I didn’t think I’d need them.” she said, and Shaeula frowned, thinking.

“I would lend you one of my dresses Eri, but we are not-not the same size.” Then she brightened. “Well then, you know what this-this calls for. Shopping, does it not-not? I am jealous of your engagement ring Eri, surely Akio would not deny me one?”

I was going to buy you one actually, but… “I’m not that insensitive, it was on my to-do list. The only issue is you can’t wear it around my family. Or Eri’s, I guess. Well, Aiko doesn’t count though.”

“Yeah, that could lead to… awkward… questions.” Eri agreed. “Umm, is the place that fancy?”

“It’s not exactly the number one spot in Tokyo, but it’s definitely highly rated. Don’t worry, we are with a princess, so it’ll be fine, right?”

As we shared laughter over my joke, we decided to head into central Tokyo for some shopping. Eri and Shaeula quickly found suitable stores for dresses and jewellery online, so with that we headed out. I’ll change the sheets on my bed later. Hmm, maybe I need to hire a cleaner? I mooted that with the girls, and Eri pulled a face. “That’s mean, Akio. You want some poor girl to have to touch those sheets?”

It doesn’t have to be a girl you know… “I guess not. Oh well… that’s a problem for later.”

The late-afternoon sun was still warm and bright, and the view from the hillside was pretty. The scenery was spoiled a little by the constant noises of construction filtering over from the site of our training facility, since I had paid rush fees for overtime work at weekends, but even so, it was a far-cry from my crappy apartment.

Heading for the stairs down to the streets below, walking arm-in-arm with each other, we were interrupted by a cheerful voice calling out to us. “Big bro, Shaeula, good afternoon!”

It was Kana-chan, in her school uniform. She must have spotted us from the shrine. She was smiling prettily, though I noticed a dark expression flicker over her face as she looked at Eri, who was clinging to my arm, her own expression stiff.

“Oh, hey Kana-chan.” I said, noticing the atmosphere suddenly taking a turn for the worse. “Finished with your Saturday classes?”

“Yep, all done. I wish we didn’t have school on Saturday. I hear in other countries they get the whole weekend off. That’d be so nice, right?” she asked Eri, who merely shrugged a little in response.

Ugh, this is uncomfortable. Time for a subject change. “So, Kana-chan, how is Marika-san settling in? I hope there’s no problems. I feel bad her being so far from home, starting at a new school so late in the year…”

“Oh, her. She’s a cute little thing isn’t she? So polite and old fashioned.” Kana-chan tilted her head and giggled, using her hand to shield her mouth. It was quite the cute affectation, but when she did so Eri tightened her grip on my arm. If my stats weren’t so high I imagined it would be rather painful…

“She’s settling in just fine.” Kana-chan continued. “Keomi-chan is playing… err, helping her right now. After all, they both have the same mental age! They are going to go shopping for things they need. I’m a bit jealous though big bro!” she leaned in, emphasising her bodyline, and her eyes were moist. “You should treat me as well! It’s no fun being poor. After all, didn’t I help introduce you and Shaeula to my parents, which led to our alliance?”

“Sure, if you go with them and look out for them you can treat yourself to a few things, I don’t mind.” It isn’t as though I’m short on cash, though I guess I’m going to need to go back to online gambling to top up…

“Thanks big bro, you’re the best! And you are looking especially handsome today for some reason. No wonder Shaeula and… what was your name again… are holding you tight.” Even I could hear a bit of a bite in the way she addressed Eri. Girls can sure be scary. My arm is starting to go numb from Eri clutching it.

“Me? Who am I?” Eri said frostily. “I’m Akio’s fiancée. My name is Mori Eri. I dare say you’ll be seeing a lot more of me. When I finish school I’ll be getting married and moving in.”

“Fiancée huh?” Kana-chan tilted her head adorably. “Well, you aren’t bad looking I guess. I remember you from the photos’ Shaeula sent me, I did wonder if there was something going on. You do like schoolgirls after all then, big bro. I’ll have to watch myself when I’m with you or you might sink your fangs into me too!” she smiled brightly. Returning her gaze to Eri, she continued. “Congratulations. Big bro here is quite the catch. So, can I call you Eri-chan?”

Not bad looking, she guesses? That’s harsh. Eri is gorgeous. Though Kana-chan is very pretty herself…

“No, I don’t think we are close enough for that, are we? Besides, I believe I’m older than you, right?” Eri denied her, and beside me Shaeula started laughing. Eri looked at her, a bit annoyed, and I tried to mediate.

“Cut Kana-chan some slack Eri, she’s just a very friendly girl.” I tried to calm the situation.

“Is she now? I wonder…” Eri said quietly. Beside her Shaeula’s laughter became uncontrollable.

“Oh, this-this is quite the scene! There is never a dull moment with you, Kana! Do not-not be so defensive Eri, it is only natural for beautiful girls to flock to our Akio. Still, I believe if you get to know her you will find her charming.”

Kana-chan perked up at being called beautiful by Shaeula, moving one leg forward, exposing an expanse of her thigh to my eyes. Eri pinched my arm, pouting. “I’m not so sure. I don’t like fake girls. Even the idiot duo at school are less false.”

Ouch, that’s quite the insult. Shaeula was wincing, obviously thinking the same, and Kana-chan looked extremely pissed off before smoothing her face into cheery smiles again. It only took a moment, and maybe other people wouldn’t have spotted it, but fooling my eyes was hard. Yeah, she’s mad.

“Fake, huh? Well, Mori-senpai, that’s kind of a rude thing to say to someone you’ve only just met, someone so close to your fiancée. Speaking of… should you be letting your man be playing around with another girl like that? Shaeula has been clinging to him this whole time. If I was engaged to someone, I wouldn’t let other girls near them. Or are you just that confident?”

“Oh I fully intend to keep pests away.” Eri wasn’t backing down. “But Shaeula, she’s earned the right to be part of our lives. And to celebrate we are going on a shopping spree of our own. Akio is buying us new evening dresses. We are going to a very exclusive restaurant for dinner later.”

Kana-chan spoke brightly. “That sounds lovely. I’m so jealous. I’ll have to really treat myself when I’m shopping with the girls? You don’t mind, right big bro?”

Keeping my eyes away from her generous expanse of exposed leg beneath the skirt of her uniform, I fixed my eyes on her face. Shaeula’s amusement was growing, and Eri’s annoyance easily matched it. “Err, well… yeah, as long as you don’t go too mad, I guess.” I managed to stammer out, not enjoying being caught in this three-way crossfire.

“You need to stop being nice to every girl you meet.” Eri advised me. “I know you are generous, it’s one of the things we love about you, but you only need to worry about us.” Turning back to the slyly-smiling Kana-chan, Eri looked down her nose at her, onyx eyes hard. “If you are so short of money, why not get a job? Akio was just saying he needed a cleaner. If you go tidy up his bedroom, I’m sure he can spare you some yen.”

Ouch. That’s going too far. Didn’t you just say it’d be horrible making a girl clear up the remains of our lovemaking? Do you dislike Kana-chan that much?

Shaeula let go of my arm, doubled up with laughter. Kana-chan was looking both puzzled and affronted, but before she could retort I bowed in apology. “Sorry Kana-chan. Eri’s just… well, she gets jealous easily of pretty girls around me. You should take it as a compliment.”

“Indeed, she is living up to her potential as a woman of-of Darkness.” Shaeula chortled. “Kana, fear not-not. Eri was quite cold to me for the longest time, but she is a pleasant female when you know her.”

The longest time? it was only a few weeks. In fact, I never would have expected Eri to change so much, so fast. I guess it’s density of experience, rather than time, which matters… to smooth the situation over I used my now-free arm to get my wallet and take out three ten-thousand yen bills. Passing them to Kana-chan, who took them with eager surprise, I tried to be as conciliatory as possible. “Just… yeah, don’t go anywhere near my bedroom. Eri was only joking. We definitely don’t need a cleaner, and I wouldn’t dream of asking you. I appreciate you looking after Marika-san for me, so consider this a reward. Treat yourself, okay?”

Eri clicked her tongue, but said nothing, still gripping me uncomfortably tightly.

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“I see. A prank, huh, Mori-senpai? I won’t ask just what you got up to in that room that needs cleaning. I wouldn’t want to embarrass big bro in front of us three beauties. Anyway, if you are going shopping I’ll leave you to it. I’ll go get Marika-chan and Keomi-chan. Later, big bro. Shaeula. Mori-senpai.

“I shall send you pictures of our meal later.” Shaeula promised, and after a brief exchange of goodbyes Kana-chan scurried off, clutching the banknotes in her hand tightly, looking pleased, but her body language seemed annoyed.

“Her, I don’t like.” Eri complained, watching her go.

“I find her rather fun.” Shaeula shrugged. “Anyway, shall we be off?”




Shaeula was looking down at her engagement ring again, chuckling to herself. On my right, Eri let out her own giggle. “I get just how she feels. I can hardly go five minutes without looking at mine.”

Eri was wearing a stunning white evening dress, with matching handbag and accessories. Her hair had also been styled, since we passed a suitable salon and had just enough time. Yeah, pale colours, especially white, really set off her dark hair and eyes.

“Indeed-indeed.” Shaeula, who was wearing a deep green dress to contrast her hair, was ecstatic. Her long hair had also been set in a different style, pulled up elegantly, baring the nape of her neck and shoulders. “When I saw this ring, I knew it was-was the one for me.” The platinum band was set with a single large diamond, cut to resemble the full moon. “I love it, and I love you, Akio!”

We were in the elevator heading up to the 52nd floor of the Park Hyatt hotel in Shinjuku. The member of staff that operated the lifts had given us admiring glances when we entered, and it felt good. After all, the girls had insisted I buy a new suit and get a haircut as well. We had gone hilariously way over budget, and Eri had struggled at the cost, still having a poverty mindset, but… screw it. Like Shaeula says, we are celebrating. Shaeula got engaged, and I turned into a low-life harem bastard.

Still, it had been great fun seeing their exaggerated reactions as we passed through Shinjuku. The big city was still unusual to Eri, and alien to Shaeula. The crowded streets and busy bars we passed made quite the impression, and we drew a lot of eyes. The lift doors opened and we stepped out, heading to the restaurant. “Still, I’m glad to see you’ve cheered up, Eri.” Her annoyance from earlier seemed to have faded.

At my words, Eri sighed. “That girl. I never caught her surname, but anyway… she’s trouble. I don’t like the way she looks and acts with you, Akio.”

“Kana-chan is just friendly.” I said, and Shaeula echoed me.

“Indeed. Kana likes to be cute, I believe.”

“Oh, you two.” Eri sighed again. We reached the restaurant, marvelling at the view from the massive floor-to-ceiling windows. I spoke to the maître de, who confirmed our reservation and called over a waiter to take us to our table. It was tucked in one corner, candles already lit, and surprisingly romantic. It also had a stunning view of the city.

Ordering a bottle of wine for Shaeula and I, and a sweet mocktail for Eri, we took our seats. The restaurant sure is busy today, and everyone looks rather wealthy. Every other table was full of well-dressed men and women. Luckily we didn’t feel out of place, as the outfits we now wore… yeah, not thinking of the price.

“Seriously.” Eri continued. “She may be a flirt by nature, but the way she looks at Akio. It isn’t innocent. And I can tell she is very mercenary. I worry she’ll try and latch on to you for your wealth. You need to keep bad girls like that away from Akio! He’s ours!”

The waiter brought over the wine and uncorked it, pouring it out for us to sample.  The flavour was deep and pleasant, so I accepted the bottle. He also placed Eri’s brightly coloured drink in front of her with a bow and handed out the menus. As I scanned through them, Shaeula answered Eri. “Well, I shall listen to your wishes, Eri. But-but I fear that if you wish to keep females from noticing the supremacy of our Akio, you shall fail-fail. All females seek superior males, and is there one more superior than ours? I think not-not.”

“All right, let’s not ruin the mood over Kana-chan. I have the two most beautiful brides-to-be in the land, so why would I be interested in her? She’s just an acquaintance. So, why don’t we order?” I changed the subject, my compliment earning a pair of sunny smiles.

“Yes, I am famished.” Shaeula grabbed the menu, flicking through. “I shall have the Kobe sirloin, and the whole grilled Canadian lobster.”

“So much? You’ll get fat…” Eri warned, paling at the cost of those dishes. I’ll…” as she pondered I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“No worrying about price tonight. It’s a celebration, remember! Besides, if I made you uneasy by being so friendly with Kana-chan I’m sorry, and I have to make it up to you, right?”

Eri brightened. “Fine. You win. In that case I’ll have the Hokkaido crab and seafood selection…”




“Well, that was quite magnificent.” Shaeula pushed aside her second empty plate, fragments of lobster shell piled in one corner. Taking a swig of rich red wine from her glass she leaned back contentedly. “Finally I am starting to live-live like the princess I am.”

“Yeah, but I hope you have room for dessert.” Eri gently poked fun at her. She had finished her food a while ago, and was just enjoying her mocktail, soaking in the atmosphere and admiring the impressive views out over Shinjuku and the Tokyo skyline. “I was a bit uncomfortable at first, I didn’t feel like I fit in, but…”

It's understandable, but I don’t like it when Eri puts herself down. The days of poverty are over. “We don’t look out of place at all. We are as well-dressed as any in here.” I cast my gaze round, and the nearest table was also a table of three with two young girls and one older guy. “In fact, that girl there probably isn’t even your age.”

Hinata in her party dress

The youngest girl there was wearing a vivid purple dress that looked expensive, as well as being a little daring for her age. Her long black hair was also dressed in an adult manner. She was pretty damn attractive. Beside her was an older girl, probably Eri’s age, she was a bit stone-faced, but not unattractive. Still, she was wearing a suit, not a dress. The guy was older still, a university student or similar, and he looked a lot like the younger girl. Her brother, maybe?

“Hey, who are you looking at?” Eri pulled at my sleeve. “You don’t need to… oh, wait, my phone is ringing. It’s Aiko.” Embarrassed, she accepted the call, speaking quietly. Luckily since it was a very classy restaurant the noise was muted, merely light background music and the buzz of quiet conversation.

“Yes, yes… I’m sorry, but it was a celebration for me and Shaeula… yes, yes…”

Eri and Shaeula had both sent Aiko pictures of the view and our food. It seemed that she had finally had enough and decided to call us.

“Well, shall we order desert then?” Shaeula asked, and we gestured for a waiter.

“Yes. I… we… look, are you alone?” Eri asked, nervously. When she got an answer in the affirmative, Eri whispered into her phone. “It happened. You… you have another sister-in-law now, you awful friend!”

“WHAT? SERIOUSLY? BIG BRO WENT AND DID IT?” Aiko shrieked, her voice coming shockingly loudly out of the phone. Eri flushed and waved apologetically to the surrounding diners. “Quietly…” she hissed down the phone. “We are in company…”

Shaeula and I shared a fond look. The trio on the table next to us looked over disdainfully at our display, before going back to their own quiet conversation. Perhaps because I was observing them, what they were talking about drifted into my ears, my excellent hearing picking it up.

“… can’t believe my cousin asked me to look into whether our company had any people who have ‘strange powers or abilities.’ Really. If it wasn’t my cousin who asked, I’d think she was playing a mean trick on me.” The younger girl was saying as she elegantly carved up her meal, showing grace and refinement.

“I know.” The man said, while the other girl in the suit remained impassive and alert, her eyes constantly scanning the surroundings. “But it isn’t just Takatsukasa House, Ichijou and Fujiwara have also been placing this as a top priority. All of the Three-hundred have been asked to look into it as a matter of urgency. I mean, Grandfather Takatsukasa isn’t what he was, but can you see Ichijou-sama and Fujiwara-sama mobilising all this manpower for a prank or a mistake? Besides, the promised boost in status makes it worth a search anyway. What do we have to lose?”

“True.” The young girl acknowledged. “Still, it all seems like a fantasy to me. Ugh, after the foul time I had at the party, it’d only be fair for life to compensate me by having one of these ‘magical people’ fall into my lap…”

Shaeula and I exchanged a look. Seriously? Was my luck not about getting us a decent meal, but this?

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