On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 180: Side Thirty-Five – Fukumoto Hinata and Fukumoto Hiroto

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“I can’t believe just how miserable that party was. Seriously, there were so many nobodies and suck-ups. I should have gone to the one hosted by Mayumi-sama. She did give me an invite.” Fukumoto Hinata pouted as she took her seat at the table by the large windows overlooking the Shinjuku area. Lights winkled below, looking rather pretty. “Ugh, even this restaurant isn’t the one I wanted to go to, but the families of the Fifty-Seven have booked up everywhere truly noble.” She sighed in an unladylike fashion, slouched arrogantly in her chair, crossing her long, slender legs, the hem of her rich purple dress riding up a little.

“Hinata-sama, you need to be more dignified. People are watching.” Her bodyguard, Onoue Kasumi said dryly. She was tall and athletic, and dressed in a suit she was quite dashing, but her usual stone-face was a little off-putting. Still, Kasumi has always been loyal, ever since my father employed her at my request. Of course, technically as one of the Three-Hundred rather than the Fifty-Seven she wasn’t allowed to have a bodyguard at school, but since her mother was the sister of the current acting head of the Takatsukasa house, one of the three most distinguished and ancient lines of nobility remaining in Japan barring the Imperial family itself, the school and most of the nobles looked the other way. Still, it did cause problems with the other girls. Damn I hate this stupid system so much!

Kazumi doing her bodyguard duty

“It’s fine, it’s fine. You worry too much, Kasumi. There isn’t anyone here from the nobility. They are all still at the stupid parties, or at better restaurants than this.” Still, she uncrossed her legs and smoothed her skirt, sitting properly.

“Come on, Hinata dear. Kasumi-chan is just looking out for you. And you shouldn’t be so dismissive of our cousin. Sakura-sama is doing her best, but compared to Ichijou or Fujiwara house… well, you know.” Her brother interrupted. “Times are hard, and they don’t have the money they had before the war.”

Hinata had to agree. Picking up the menu she opened it and carefully scanned the contents. “I know Hiroto. You don’t have to keep reminding me. When it comes to wealth, our family clearly outmatches them. After all, Nichibotsu Technology is one of the richest companies in Japan. I know all that. Even so… some of the guests there looked downright criminal. I especially didn’t like the way one of them was leering at me.” She shuddered. “His eyes looked like rotten sewage. Just what was their security thinking, letting in such trash?”

“The person in question has some minor connections with some of the families in the Three-Hundred.” Kasumi stated. “He is the owner of a small nationwide chain of budget hotels that cater to foreign backpackers. There are rumours that he is involved with organised crime though. Don’t worry, Hinata-sama, if he attempted to approach you, I would have dealt with him harshly.”

“Really?” She asked, impressed. “I’m surprised you knew the information about such a small-fry.”

“Of course, I am well aware of all of the Three-Hundred and the Fifty-seven, as well as those they deal with. Besides, I was able to get a copy of the guest-list in advance from Takatsukasa house, and those of a problematic nature were highlighted.”

“If they know there are troublesome people then they shouldn’t have invited them in the first place!” Hinata grumbled. “Oh well, I want to put that party out of my head. We left as soon as we could. To think those strange rumours were fact…”

“It’s difficult for them right now.” Hiroto said again, having decided what he wanted from the menu. His dashing good looks had attracted a lot of attention from some of the female diners, and Hinata had to agree her brother was handsome. But then, most people descended from nobles are considered very attractive. I’m no exception. Still, she hated it when people looked at her with perverted eyes. One thing that school taught her was that girls were constantly in danger from predatory men, and having seen some of the looks she received during the party, she was coming to believe it.

As the waiter took their orders, Kasumi as on guard as always, she noticed another group entering the restaurant. They then sat at the tale nearest her. Hmm, their group is like ours. Oh well… paying them no further mind she decided to enjoy her meal, hopefully washing away the bad feeling the party had left her with…




“This wine isn’t bad.” Hinata observed, taking a sip of her white wine, as she savoured some of the expensive truffle desert she was eating. Of course, she was a minor, and not legal to drink, but with her family’s status, the waiting staff were more than happy to turn a blind eye to such minor matters.

“No, it’s pretty good.” Hiroto agreed, seeming a bit distracted. Following his gaze, Hinata held in a sigh. He was checking out the two girls on the nearby table. Her brother had always been a bit of a flirt. He kept it quiet, but from what she had heard, he was regularly dating and womanising at university. Holding in a sigh, Hinata wished her brother would be more… well, discreet. I know that men are taught different lessons at school, but even so, if he is careless and gets someone pregnant, it would ruin our family honour, and could have an impact on any inheritance later…

One of the girls was on her phone, which was quite the breech of etiquette, and Hinata curled her lip disdainfully. She may be pretty, but she has no class. A shame.

“Perhaps you should keep your eyes over here, Hiroto-sama?” Kasumi gently steered the conversation. “I notice both girls appear to be wearing rings on their fingers. Engagement rings, probably, looking at the position and type.”

As sharp as ever. Hard luck, brother. Impressed all over again at her bodyguards’ skill, and her foresight in hiring her, she took another long sip of the wine. Thoughts of the party were creeping back into her head, the tall tale she had been told and task given when she had been invited to speak to Uncle Takatsukasa playing on her mind. It must be some sort of joke… but it also can’t be. I’m so confused…

Hiroto was likewise pondering it. He pulled his gaze away from the girls and spoke. “So, Hinata, what did you make of it? Really? Me… I think it’s stupidly far-fet…” he as interrupted by a loud screeching noise coming from the phone of the girl on the next table. Everyone looked over, and mortified, she waved an apology. Yes, beautiful, but lacking in class. Anyway, what we were told…

“I can’t believe my cousin asked me to look into whether our company had any people who have ‘strange powers or abilities.’ Really. If it wasn’t my cousin who asked, I’d think she was playing a mean trick on me. But I guess Sakura wouldn’t do that.” No, Sakura is a gentle, kind girl, very popular at school. She isn’t one for pranks… it isn’t fair though. I’m her cousin, yet she… never mind. She turned her attention back to her brother.

“I know. But it isn’t just Takatsukasa House, Ichijou and Fujiwara have also been placing this as a top priority. All of the Three-hundred have been asked to look into it as a matter of urgency. I mean, Grandfather Takatsukasa isn’t what he was, but can you see Ichijou-sama and Fujiwara-sama mobilising all this manpower for a prank or a mistake? Besides, the promised boost in status makes it worth a search anyway. What do we have to lose?” he emptied the rest of the bottle of wine into his glass. “After all, aren’t you eager to be recognised as a noble as worthy as any from Takatsukasa house? Poor Sakura, you tend to treat her rather roughly, I hear…” his voice trailed off at the end, and Hinata flushed, annoyed.

“True. Still, it all seems like a fantasy to me. Ugh, after the foul time I had at the party, it’d only be fair for life to compensate me by having one of these ‘magical people’ fall into my lap. Still, what are the chances of that happening? Don’t we donate heavily to Kanda-Myojin shrine though? If anyone should know about it, shouldn’t the shrines and temples?”

Her brother was going to answer when Hinata noticed Kasumi stiffening, taking a defensive stance. Surprised, she looked up to see the three on the next table that had that graceless girl, had approached their table. Such bad manners. Ugh, this is the party all over again. Those rotten eyes, I still remember them. He gave me the creeps. Still, Kasumi will run them off, and this hotel has decent security…

“Back off, Fukumoto-sama has no wish to speak to the likes of you.” Kasumi declared, her voice cold. For the first time, Hinata paid attention to her neighbours. The ill-mannered girl in the white dress was indeed very pretty, and she looked nervous, ill at ease. The other girl had amazing amber-honey hair and eyes, and was wearing a daring green dress. She was … somehow elegant, radiating the same sort of bearing that the high-ranked daughters of the Fifty-Seven showed in social situations. She might be a noble, maybe? But I don’t recognise her. If so, maybe that made the man accompanying them her bodyguard, and the girl in white an attendant, maybe?

“Sorry, we mean no disrespect or trouble.” The man said, his voice calm and strong, sending tingles through her. “We merely heard you mention something interesting, about… ‘magical people.’.”

Seriously? Are they going to make fun of us? And who lets a bodyguard speak for them… uh? Hinata looked at him properly for the first time and was dumbstruck. For some reason her face was red and hot, and her chest started pounding. He’s handsome… really handsome. And he has a very noble bearing. Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs, and cursing herself internally for showing weakness, as she was taught at school to always be composed and impeccably polite, especially around unfamiliar nobility, she managed to raise her hand, stopping Kasumi from taking more aggressive action.

Kasumi was clearly surprised, though as always her stony mask of a face showed nothing. She merely shifted position a little, still ready to move to protect her if needed, yet now a little further from imminent violence.

“I do not recognise them.” Kasumi mouthed at them, and taking his cue from that, Hiroto started questioning the interlopers.

“I do believe it’s quite rude to eavesdrop.” He said with dignity, impressing his sister. “I don’t believe we’ve been acquainted, which house are you from?”

“House?” the man looked puzzled, and beside him the girl in green smiled.

“Oh, I believed you were nobility, since you look rather majestic… err, never mind that.” Hinata flushed again. If she looked at him she found herself lost for words, it was most infuriating. “If you are not, then you have no business with us. My father is quite clear that I am not to speak to unfamiliar men. So please cease bothering us.”

“Oh, sorry. Yeah, I get that young ladies have to be careful of the company they keep.” He nodded apologetically, looking dashing even doing that. “Still, we wanted to… discuss… these ‘magical people’. If you don’t mind, I’ll go back to my table, and Shaeula can discuss it?”

How persistent. And it doesn’t seem like he is interested in me like the dangerous men school warns us about. Though somehow that makes me rather angry. Curious. Hinata met her bodyguards eyes. She seemed non-committal, so… “Fine. I shall talk to the girl. But I am in a bad mood, my day hasn’t been good, so if you are merely trying to mock me…” she warned.

“I’ll talk to the man, Hinata dear.” Her brother stepped up, adjusting his own suit. It was far more expensive than the suit the stranger was wearing, yet Hiroto seemed quite outclassed beside him. Ugh, I am finding it hard to concentrate. “We were tasked by Uncle to look into this. It’s probably a waste of time, but…” he continued, before going back to the other table with the man.

With him gone, Hinata started to relax, getting her temperature back under control. I bet brother just wants to ask if those girls are engaged after all… she thought, a touch grumpily. “Well then, why don’t you two take a seat?” at her words, Kasumi quickly brought over a fourth chair, and the two sat down.

Well then, I did say life should compensate me, but this seems rather outlandish. She observed the two keenly. The girl in white was still very nervous, but the other was calm, observing them both with piercing amber eyes. All right, I need to take the initiative. “So, I am Fukumoto Hinata, granddaughter of Nichibotsu Technology. You may have heard of it?”

The amber-blonde girl merely looked puzzled, but the other went frightfully pale. “Yes, I’ve heard of it, who hasn’t?” she muttered, her voice small.

“That makes things easier then.” Hinata declared triumphantly. “If you are here to try and trick me, or for some sort of amusement… well, it won’t end well for you, so I suggest you be honest.”

“Hardly.” The nobler girl scoffed. “I am Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan. I have no need for such-such things.”

Shaeula? She doesn’t look Japanese, but she speaks the language very well. But then, we all learn English and French at school so that isn’t anything special! Though… she did have a very regal bearing. Perhaps she was a foreign noble?

“I’m Kasumi.” Was all her bodyguard said, still alert for any danger due to the unusual situation.

“Mori Eri.” The nervous girl said, looking down.

“Well then, Dannan-san, Mori-san. You wanted to discuss the ‘magical people’ with me? Why, if I may ask? Have you been tasked with finding out more as well?”

“Finding out more? Most-most interesting.” Shaeula declared, before waving to the waiter and ordering some more wine, a rather nice bottle at that. “So, there are many people looking into them-them, are there?”

She evaded the question, asking one of her own. Hinata was not deterred though. “You were listening in, weren’t you? You must be aware that the nobility of this country have been asked to find these people. It sounds far-fetched and impossible, but when the Three Grandfathers ask, we obey.” The system needs to change. I mean, I understand the value of bloodlines and history, but even so, I am no worse than Sakura, I am her cousin after all…

“Far-fetched? Hardly.” The girl Shaeula said. As the bottle arrived she allowed the waiter to fill her glass, before nodding to Hinata. I guess I will then.

As her glass was being filled she considered that comment. That sounds like she knows something. If I can find out, maybe I can finally get the recognition I deserve…

“You sound confident.” Hinata probed. Taking a sip of the wine she smiled politely. “This is good. You have my thanks. Anyway… you obviously know something. So, what do you want, Dannan-san?”

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The girl Mori-san looked back at the man over at the table with her brother, and Hinata didn’t miss that. I see, so he is in charge.

“Well, previously for our information we received quite-quite the alliance.” Shaeula declared. “I do not-not know what this Nichibotsu Technology is, but from your bearing, and your guard there…” she raised her glass to the silent Kazumi. “… and from what I heard, you are a noble, I believe. There is much-much we could offer each other. Akio likes mutually beneficial outcomes.” She took a drink. “Oh and do not-not call me Dannan-san. I am not-not a Japanese person. Merely call me Shaeula.”

She doesn’t know our company? Even for a foreigner that seems unlikely. We sell a huge amount worldwide. Hinata found that irritating, as she was very proud of the company her grandfather had built from nothing, rivalling the wealth of a lot of the Fifty-Seven. But more importantly… “Is it money you want, influence, what?” So he’s called Akio, huh?

“I believe I will need to let Akio speak for us. But rest assured, should we strike a bargain, we can-can provide you with information of great value, and more.”

As Hinata pondered, her eyes strayed over to her brother and this Akio. So, how do I play this? It still could be a trick, they could be scammers, or worse… but… as she watched them her heart started racing, probably due to the possible risk, and potential rewards… Yes, definitely down to that.




Hiroto observed the man in front of him. He was maybe a few years older than him? It’s hard to tell, he keeps in shape so it could be a few years either side. Still, I’m pretty handsome myself…

Hiroto remembered the two girls that were with this guy, resisting the urge to look over at them. As the heir to Nichibotsu, he’d have an arranged marriage soon enough, probably to one of the Three-Hundred looking to consolidate their standing, or if lucky one of the Fifty-Seven, since his mother was a Takatsukasa. I mean, all the noble girls educated at that school tend to be very pretty, and they are brought up to be perfect Japanese wives, just like poor Hinata, but I prefer playing around with commoners. They are more… interesting. Hinata would be used as a bargaining chip in marriage too, all part of the game of trying to secure a place in the Fifty-Seven. Well, it’d be Fifty-Eight if we get in. We have mother, which puts us at the head of the pack…

Pushing aside thoughts he had run through a lot recently, as his sister reached marriageable age, he remembered the shy girl in white. She’s just perfect. As beautiful as a noble, but fresh and timid… still, she was wearing a ring…

“You want some wine?” the guy asked breaking the silence, and Hiroto accepted gratefully. “Sure thing. So, I am Fukumoto Hiroto. A pleasure to meet you. Though the circumstances were odd, to say the least.” Hiroto took a sip of wine, observing his opposite number keenly.

“Indeed, I knew I had a good feeling before coming here today.” The man smiled, and Hiroto had a sneaking suspicion he was interested in his sister. Hinata was a real beauty, after all, and their company was a world leader in electronics and technology. “Anyway, I’m Oshiro Akio.”

“Really now? I see. Well Oshiro-san, what information did you have for us?”

“Well, I can introduce you to several of those people you are looking for, to start. I believe that few have gathered as much information on the subject as me and my girls.”

“Confident aren’t you?” he responded, taking another long draught of wine. “And what would you want in return? Just be aware, my sister is off-limits. She’ll be married to someone out of your league.” He couldn’t resist getting a dig in, as he had noticed his sister seemed to find this Oshiro-san rather attractive, the first time he had seen her act that way. I mean, I don’t have a problem with my sister finding love, but… it’ll only lead to heartache and scandal if she does something foolish. The world of nobility is strict, and harshest of all on young unmarried girls. It’s all shit, but what can you do? Grandfather and father are very keen on entering that world…

“Your sister is indeed rather beautiful, and I can understand why you would think I might be making a play for her.” Oshiro-san shrugged. “But rest-assured, I’m already engaged.”

Oh. I see. “May I ask which one of the lovely ladies you were accompanying is the lucky girl?”

Oshiro-san looked embarrassed and guilty at that. “That’s… a hard question to answer.” He finally said.

A strange reaction? Which one is it? “So, just what are you looking for from us? If you hold such knowledge, surely you expect a return on it?”

“Of course. I’m looking for friends. It’s a changing world, right? it’d have to be, if the things we are looking into are true. And while we haven’t reached a deal, I can say for free that it is indeed true.”

“Well, that does interest me.” Hiroto admitted. “Still, what’s to stop us just reneging on any deal we make when you give us what we want? I wouldn’t of course.” Hiroto leaned back, smiling. “But you must worry about it. Information is harder to trade safely than any other commodity, as you can’t take it back when it has been sold. My Grandfather taught me that. We lost out on several valuable patents and designs back in the day to espionage and poor decision-making.”

“It’s a concern.” Oshiro-san agreed, and Hiroto saw him wince briefly, perhaps regretting similar failures. “However…” he continued. “I have reason to believe that when you see what is on offer you wouldn’t make such a mistake.”

“I see. Well, it’d be you losing out, as our friendship would sour quickly if you are just conning us, trying to get at our money or my sister. So, what type of friendship are you looking for?”

“True. I can prove the veracity of our information very easily, and as for my needs… well, support, basically. I make a good friend, and I hope my friends can help me in return.”

“I see.” He’s being cagey. I don’t blame him, but… “Well, we have a bit of a problem, because without you telling us anything, it’s hard to believe you. Besides, we have to pass the information on to others. That makes payment… difficult, right?”

“I get it, although I would appreciate it if you present the same offer to those you are beholden to. I’m looking for allies in exchange for this information. As for proof…” Oshiro-san thought for a short while, sipping his wine quietly. “… damn, this is a hard one. How about this. Do you have any coins?”

Where’s this going? Hiroto opened up his wallet. Damn, I don’t really keep much change. He pulled out four coins.

“All right. here.” Oshiro-san handed over his wallet. “Fish out a half-dozen coins and check them.”

Where is this going? Hiroto did so and handed back the wallet. Oshiro-san then asked him to toss the coins. They landed on the table and bounced a bit, before landing various faces up.

“Four numbers up.” Oshiro-san noted. “So, watch this.” Tossing the coins into the air they landed, some bouncing very strangely, before all landing with numbers up. “So, what are the odds. Two to the power nine I believe. Impressive, no?”

“Uh, are you saying you are…” Hiroto began, leaning forwards, only for Oshiro-san to toss the coins again, getting the same result after some odd bouncing.

“I’m not saying anything. All I’m saying is I can introduce you to the people you are looking for. How about we exchange numbers, and you can think about whether you want more information? After all, I don’t think it’s just you looking for it, right? It’s a sellers’ market for this sort of information right now.”

If that’s a trick, then it’s a pretty good one. “All right.” Hiroto said, fishing out his smartphone. “I’ll speak to my father and get back to you…”




“So, Hiroto, you talked to him. What did you think?” Hinata asked. Mori-san and Shaeula had left, after exchanging numbers, though obviously she hadn’t given her own number, that would be foolish and was one of the first things school warned the girls against. No, Kasumi had produced a special backup phone that was bought from the Fujiwara Security Services, with security features to prevent tracing and other problems. That Shaeula was a very interesting girl. I’m a good judge of character, she knows what we need to find out, and that Mori-san too.

“I’m at a loss. I think it’s worth reporting. I got his number anyway, if we want what he knows. Still… yeah, he showed off a crazy trick. I don’t know if he’s a clever con-artist, but… I don’t think it’s up to us to decide. Still, finding a lead is much better than asking every employee in our company bizarre questions, it’d damage trust in our leadership. I know father really doesn’t want to.”

“Did you use a Fujiwara phone?” Kasumi asked, and Hiroto winced.

“No, I forgot and used my own. It doesn’t matter, I have university friends on my phone anyway.”

Kasumi said nothing, but I could tell she was a bit annoyed at his carelessness. “So, what was the trick?”

“Well, he could toss coins and they would always land the same way up.”

“Anyone can do that with enough training.” Kasumi observed, pulling out a couple of coins. She flipped them carefully, and several times in a row they landed the same away. “Good muscle control and perception is all it takes, Hiroto-sama.”

“Yeah well, ten all at once, different denominations, and some from my wallet?” Hiroto countered. “And he did it twice.”

“Well, it isn’t impossible, but I’d need to practice a lot.” Kasumi equivocated.

“Well, that’s all very well, but at least he has manners. They paid for the wine.” Hinata observed. She had watched the three of them leave with a strange expression. I feel like this is a chance. Her chest hurt a little, her heart was racing so fast. If we are the ones who deliver the information the Three Grandfathers are asking for, our entry to the Fifty-Seven is all but guaranteed. And I… Hinata realised she was smiling, her face hot. I’ll finally step out of Sakura’s shadow, and be an equal to Mayumi-sama and the Fujiwara girls.

“Pay the bill brother. We need to act now. Father and mother should hear of this as soon as possible. Kasumi, we are leaving.” And all it’ll cost us is an alliance with those three? That sounds… not bad, not bad at all…

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