On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 235: One Hundred And Eighty-Four

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“I’m back!” I said cheerfully, as I strode over to the rest of my old friends. Shinjuku was packed, as was usual on a Friday night, but I had no problem gracefully gliding through the packed mobs of drinking salarymen and rowdy students who were making the most of the start of the weekend.

“Hey man.” Yasu-san raised his glass to me, looking even more drunk than before I left to take Shiro home. “We got you a drink.” He grinned.

“Did Shiro get back okay? Not that I don’t trust you…” Aimi-chan said hurriedly, looking embarrassed. “It’s just… well, I don’t know. I guess I’m too used to having to shepherd her around.”

Taking the offered glass from Yasu-san I took a big gulp. Hmm, not bad. Still, without getting the buzz from the alcohol, I might as well be drinking tea… I tried to control the flow of aether within me that was circulating through my body, healing any damage the alcohol was causing and flushing toxins. Damn, this is hard. But it’s good training to be more cognisant of how my body functions on both a physical and spiritual level. Taking a second, smaller sip, I answered her.

“I get it. it does seem a bit strange a man helping a vulnerable girl like Shiro home. But I’m her friend before I’m a man, of course I wouldn’t take advantage of her. Besides, I’m engaged.” Twice. “We just talked a bit in the taxi. She’s disappointed she wasn’t able to last the night with us for once, but… well, we can’t expect miracles, can we? Still, she had fun. I’m glad. I guess she’s pretty lonely without us.” Sure, the other girls at Uni keep an eye on her, but they aren’t friends who hang out, or who she can talk crap about game design and anime with… after she opened her heart… well, I want to help her. I wonder… could Shaeula and I do something with our skills? It’d be hell to explain, but…

“Don’t look so down man, she wasn’t accusing you of anything, right?” Yasu-san nudged Aimi-chan in the ribs with his elbow, and she clouted him in response, but he only grinned in return.

“Really, you are such a jerk at times Yasu-kun.” She sighed. Turning back to me she nodded an apology. “Seriously though, yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything.”

I waved away her apology, feeling a bit awkward, as the rest of the gang was now listening in.

“Still, for Shiro to talk on the way back, huh? Pretty unusual, right Hina-chan?” Aimi-chan continued, and she bobbed her head in agreement.

“Yes, normally she’s either pretty zoned out, or… usually she’s sulking and doesn’t want to say anything. I guess you must be pretty easy to talk to, Akio-kun.”

“Yeah, there’s something about you tonight.” Hayato-san agreed. “It isn’t that you look better, though you definitely do man, so keep it up! It’s… well, there’s a charm and confidence about you, that makes people want to listen to you and open up. There must be a story behind it. I don’t know if it’s your new job, or what…”

“That’s right.” Shugo-san agreed, as he finished with a phone call, presumably to his new girlfriend. “Before… well, you lacked confidence, I think. To be honest, I always trusted your opinions, because if anyone asked you for help you’d listen earnestly and do your best, but now… it’s like, if I had a problem and asked you for help, I imagine you’d say something like ‘that isn’t a problem, we’ll simply crush it’, you know?”

“Yeah, he’s got that Demon King energy going… though he still seems to be a pushover for a pretty face.” Yasu-san smirked, and Aimi-chan hit him again, calling him a jerk.

“What can I say?” I laughed helplessly. It’s true. I certainly let Shaeula push me around… though it’s hard not to when she looks so adorable when she’s happy. As for Eri… I’m just happy she’s being more assertive.

“In that case, we need to have a toast!” Hayato-san declared, taking charge as he usually did. “To life, which never fails to surprise! Someone grab a glass for Shiro, we’ll hoist a drink for her too, in her absence.”

“I’ll do it.” I feel a bit guilty. I’ve neglected my friends too much. Especially those in need like Shiro. “After all, I missed a drink or two while I was taking her home, I bet.”

We waved over the barman and ordered another round of strong spirits as well as some beers. With a glass in each hand, I clinked them against everyone else’s, and swiftly downed them. Hammering the empty glasses down onto the table I grinned at Yasu-san, who was manfully trying not to throw up the contents of his stomach, coughing wildly. Yeah, I’m doing well, no question. But I could be doing more…




“I … can’t believe… that Shugo has such a… cute girlie…” Yasu-san slurred, now completely hammered. We had just witnessed a decently attractive older woman picking up our friend, and I have to admit it was mildly amusing seeing his face as she scolded him for getting too drunk.

“Yeah well, I think you need one to come and pick you up too.” Aimi-chan said, though she was also wasted, her skin flushed and her breath coming fast. “But alas, such is not…” she stopped to hiccup noisily. “Oh, excuse me… yeah, no girlfriend for you, Yasu-kun. Too bad, so sad!” she burst out into manic giggles.

“I… so can… get a girl… if I… oh god, I feel awful…” with that Yasu-san ran to the toilet, holding a hand over his mouth.

“Well, at least you can hold your booze. Were you always… this good?” Aimi-chan asked, slapping me on the shoulder repeatedly. That hand is going to hurt in the morning…

“Well, I am half-British remember? Aren’t we all renowned for being alcoholic?” I snorted, and Aimi-chan found that hilarious, doubled over with laughter.

“Oh Aimi.” Hina-chan sighed. Sensibly enough she had switched to soft drinks a couple of hours ago, and was clearly the most sober of everyone, other than me of course. “Are you going to be all right? Can we make sure she gets home okay Hayato?”

Hayato-san, who was quite drunk himself, though not to the state of our other companions, nodded. “All right, darling. I’d feel bad leaving her unsupervised. Looks like we are about done for the night. It’s been a lot of fun though, hasn’t it?”

“It sure has.” I grinned. “And I guess this means I’m left with Yasu-san. I guess it’s my punishment for having Shiro all to myself for a bit.”

“If Shiro could hear that she’d… be delighted.” Aimi-chan smirked between hiccups. “Just as I thought… you’re a smooth operator now. Best save that for your… fiancée though!”

“I do. Trust me.” I replied, embarrassed by her praise. I can’t even deny it. I’m spending most of my time around girls recently. I mean, it’s nice and all, but some guy-time is important too. It’s been great to cut loose with Hayato-san, Yasu-san and Shugo-san after a while. We can talk crap about who our favourite Sekirei is, the merits of various styles of school uniforms, and other stupid shit. Sure, there were girls there, but Aimi-san and Hina-san were old friends, who shared similar interests, and their presence was comfortable, especially now they were both in relationships. There was no pressure, no need to look good. Though apparently I can do that without trying… Shiro was a special case, but… yeah, she looks too magnificent for anyone who isn’t a narcissist to think they’d ever have a chance, and as for her personality… girly she was not. “Seriously, it’s been great catching up. I’ve had such a lot going on, I appreciated relaxing with the whole gang again. Let’s not leave it so long next time, okay? I know everyone is busy with life, but… we can make time, especially for those of us who are falling behind, like Shiro and Yasu-san.”

“Well, that’s a shock.” Hayato-san observed, an arm around Hina-chan, who was now supporting the shorter Aimi-chan, and telling her to stand upright else she’d end up flashing the other patrons of the bar. “You are the last person I’d have expected to try and organise more get-togethers. I mean, you always seemed to enjoy our nights out, but you never instigated anything. Perhaps that’s the biggest change of all.”

Before I could answer, Yasu-san was back, looking pale and washed out. Damn, there’s sick around his face. Didn’t he check a mirror? “Who has been … left behind? It’s not me… you wait and see, next time we meet… I’ll have a gorgeous girl who’ll make… Aimi-chan look like a dumpster fire!”

“Why pick on me?” Aimi-chan growled. “I’m gorgeous. All of you used to fantasise about me, I know!”

Yeah, damn, we did. Guilty as charged. Still, I’d best interfere before things get awkward. “He doesn’t mean anything by it, Aimi-chan. It’s obvious you’re very cute. He’s probably just sad he never got to hook up with you. After all, you are the dream girl for a lot of guys in our position. You had a lot of fans at Uni.”

At that Hayato-san raised an eyebrow, surprised I had smoothed things over, which was usually his job. Still, I’ve had a lot of experience with girls recently. Might as well put what I’ve learned to good use. And in my position I can’t be diffident, shy and go with the flow anymore. I’m a leader now, looking to be an Astral Emperor…

Aimi-chan had gone scarlet from embarrassment, not drink. “Uhh, well… yeah, I am popular. Wow… that kind of surprised me. You should save flattery like that for Eri-chan, okay?”

“It’s not flattery. All I’m saying is, Yasu-san doesn’t mean to be a jerk, right?” I put my arm around him, recoiling a little at the smell. Ugh, that’s the downside to high stats. Luckily my brain can filter it down to tolerable levels.

“Yeah. Sorry. I’m drunk.” He muttered apologetically. “And jealous…”

“At least you admitted it.” Hayato-san laughed, and the mood lightened.

“Come on then. Looks like we need another taxi. My treat.” We’d missed the tube, as our conversation and drinking had carried on into the early hours of the morning. “After all, I’ve got a hideous train journey early tomorrow so I need my bed.” Actually I don’t, but at least it gives me a reason to hurry him up. The last thing I want is to get stuck in another bar with Yasu-san, bending my ear over his lack of a love life…




We had separated, Hayato-san taking the girls in his taxi, while I had the misfortune of being stuck with Yasu-san. The driver wasn’t keen on taking an obviously drunk person, but I reassured him, and fortunately, after some brief ranting about how lucky I was to have a cute childhood friend to marry, he had fallen asleep.

Once I’d seen him home at the other end, I returned to Shirohebizumi shrine, paid the driver, and grabbed a couple of hours’ of sleep. I only woke up when I heard the door open, and Shaeula, looking rather exhausted herself, strode in, a baleful look on her beautiful face.

“Rough night?” I asked sympathetically. “How was Konoe-san?”

Shaeula slumped down beside me. “Ichika was most-most distressed. I did finally manage to persuade her to tell me in full what ails her.” She clicked her tongue in annoyance. “It seems-seems…”

“Hey, hang on. If she told you in confidence, you shouldn’t tell me.” I interjected, but she shook her head.

“I was quite clear that I have no secrets from you, Akio. So she knows I shall not-not hold back with you.” she frowned, remembering. “It seems poor Ichika is being … scammed… I believe you call it? Her money has been-been stolen several times, and now her circumstances are dire.”

Financial troubles? Really? I had assumed that it was probably a stalker or something. That seems to be all too common nowadays. “I see. Well, Konoe-san sure is unlucky. Brushes with thugs and now this. So… details, I guess?”

“I can not-not say I entirely understand it. The mortal world can be puzzling indeed. Still, it seems-seems she was persuaded by some other females to invest her money in art, promising ‘large-large returns’ she said.”

I winced. On seeing my pained expression Shaeula waited for my response. “Damn, that’s a classic. Art scams were big when I was at University too. So, how much did she lose?” I’m getting a bad feeling about this…

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“Apparently, Ichika gave them most of her wealth. But then…”

“Yeah, there’s always a ‘but then…’ with scams.” I sighed.

She nodded. “… she was told that due to taxes and other fees-fees, they needed more before she could get her rewards. Ichika’s parents are not wealthy, so she could not-not ask them, and then…”

I clutched my head in my hands, knowing where this was going. “Ugh, that’s so damn stupid. I know I shouldn’t blame Konoe-san, she’s the victim, but even so… well, lay it on me. She borrowed money from a shady lender these girls recommended, right?”

“Indeed, you are quite-quite correct. And now she can not-not repay her debt and has little-to-nothing to live on, and bills due. She can not-not turn to her family, and the females that tricked her are suggesting… other… avenues to raise funds.” Shaeula was growling by the end, clearly furious.

Yeah, since you’ve come to the mortal world, you’ve discovered the joys of friendship and you take it very seriously. No wonder you are angry, one of your friends is being extorted or worse… “I’m hoping she hasn’t done anything foolish yet… well, more foolish I guess.”

Shaeula shook her head again in a cascade of golden amber. “No-no, not yet, though her situation is dire indeed. She has borrowed from her other friends to buy-buy food and pay her rent, but now she has exhausted their goodwill as well, and the shady lender, as you so put it-it, has become more menacing, and interest is accruing. In the end, she turned to me for aid.” She paused. “I am most-most offended I was not-not asked sooner.”

Makes sense. You only met her a month or so ago, in strange circumstances. Sure you are friends, but not a good enough one she can ask for money. Not unless she is really desperate. “I see. So what did you do?”

Shaeula frowned, biting at her lip. “I gave her what-what money I had in my purse, other than what was-was needed to return home. It was not much, a few hundred thousand yen, but it should suffice her for now-now.”

Definitely a princess… to a student a few hundred thousand yen is a decent chunk of change. Still, I expect she owes the loan shark a lot more than that. “So, what do you want to do? You’ve got money, you could have paid off her debt if you wanted…” Not that I think simply doing that is the right call. There’s a good chance they won’t let such a vulnerable victim go.

Shaeula was still chewing at her lip nervously, hands playing with the ends of her hair. It seemed she also felt it might be a mistake. “I do indeed have money.” She agreed. “But I do not-not wish to spend it without your permission.”

“No way, our wealth is at least half down to you. so if you want to pay her debts, you can. But… will that help her in the long-term?” I pulled Shaeula into a hug, patting her head and back gently. “If she’s so easily pushed around, I don’t think they’ll let her go.”

Shaeula agreed, frustrated. “I feel that is likely. I am so-so frustrated.” She growled. “I wish to help my friend, yet… the mortal world is complicated. If-if only we could simply annihilate those rogues and the females that betrayed her.”

“Well, annihilate is a bit strong, but… if you really want to help her…” I have an idea. We need to root out these bastards, as they probably aren’t just targeting Konoe-san. After all, eventually I’m going to be in charge, and we don’t need people like that in my Territory… I told Shaeula my idea, and she grinned viciously, approving it. After a quick phone call to Konoe-san, in which Shaeula got her permission and the scale of her debt, we sent over a bank transfer of a modest payment, just enough to keep them off her back for a week or two and to whet their interest.

“So, that and the money you gave her should last her until we can do something about it. The trap is baited, so if she does what we’ve asked, we can sniff out the true culprits behind the scams. There’s no point just getting the girls who tricked her or the loan sharks. I want the boss.” We also had a very useful ally in this field, who owed me quite the favour.

Shaeula agreed. “My thanks. I shall quite-quite enjoy destroying them. But alas, that will have to wait.”

“Yeah.” I yawned. “We already have a full weekend ahead of us.” Glancing at the clock I sighed. “We’ve got a couple of hours before we have to get ready. Want to catch a little sleep?”

Shaeula’s answer was to snuggle in next to me on the bed, so we went to sleep in each other’s arms…




On waking up, Shaeula was still sleeping, her chest rising and falling with her breaths, very different to her lifeless material body when she was inhabiting the Boundary. Speaking of the Boundary… I took a few minutes to enter and grab some stuff we had to take to Nishimorioka. There was no need to do anything with the Build Queues yet, so the trip was short and painless. On my second awakening, I untangled myself from Shaeula, letting her continue to rest.

Preparing breakfast and also some food for the train (though Shaeula would likely want to get some train-station bento boxes again, as she had enjoyed the novelty last time), I also gathered up all of our bags for the trip. It was then my phone rang. The ringtone disturbed Shaeula, who started blearily muttering to herself, her eyelids flickering with signs of waking.

Probably my sis or Eri, confirming our schedule. Without even checking the caller ID I answered. “Morning, what’s up?”

“That is quite the greeting. I’m not sure why you are so informal with me.” A proud voice said, and I went pale. Ugh, I wasn’t expecting her to call. Carelessness cost me again. “Sorry about that, Hinata-san. I thought the call might have been someone else and didn’t check. My apologies for any rudeness.”

“Hmph.” She pouted. “I guess I can forgive you. I am under your care after all. In any case, I’ve called to let you know we are on our way.”

Wait, what? “Sorry, I must have misheard. Why were you calling?”

“I am calling to let you know we are on our way to you now. We have been excused from Saturday classes. Fujiwara-sama was most interested in the report you sent him, as am I.”

Report? Oh yeah, after my sister told me she managed to succeed, I sent him and Hikawa-san a message saying we had a success. But how does that lead to this? “Yes, but I’m catching the train back to my hometown in a bit. I don’t have time I’m afraid. I’m sure I told you that.”

“I know, I am not a fool.” She said firmly, a hint of annoyance creeping into her tone. “Hence why we are coming with you to see your sister first-hand. And do not say something along the lines of ‘it isn’t safe’ as I will have Kasumi with me, as well as the Fujiwara Security Services personnel who are deployed in your hometown. Besides…” her voice changed, a hint of envy in it. “… should danger threaten, you can deal with it effortlessly, right?”

Unless the danger comes from me! I mean, I know I’m not going to try anything, but she’s the daughter of a world-famous company! She needs to take more care. Her ransom value would be massive, and she’s pretty to boot. “Yeah, I mean I can, but…”

“Good.” She cut me off. “We shall be there soon.” And with that she hung up, not giving me a chance to protest.

“Who… was that?” Shaeula yawned, rubbing at her tired eyes.

“Hinata-san. Apparently she is coming with us to Nishimorioka. Not that I was told… or given a choice. I wonder if she’s ever been on a train with normal people before?”

“I see-see.” Shaeula yawned again before heading for the bathroom. “We had best make haste then, had we not-not?”

Damn. Why is it I hold all the power here, yet I still get pushed around? Oh well, I suppose having them owe me more is a good thing…




“You hear that?” I asked, a faint thrumming noise drifting in from the distance.

“Mmm.” Shaeula agreed idly, having been engrossed in texting Konoe-san again. Beside us were our heavy bags, full of stuff we were taking with us.

“It’s getting louder.” I observed. Pulling open the door and stepping out into the late-morning sunshine, I could hear it more clearly. It was getting louder, and rapidly at that. It reminds me of when those helicopters landed at the shrine after the attack. Wait, helicopter? No way…

My eyes were abnormally excellent, so looking out over Tokyo I could see a small shadow, growing ever larger. Moments later it did indeed resolve into what I suspected it was. A few minutes later, it was descending onto the hill next to my house, before the rotors spun to a halt. The door opened in the side of the expensive-looking passenger helicopter, and Onoue-san hopped out, casually dressed in clothes that gave her arms and legs freedom of motion, as befitted a bodyguard. She then pulled down the steps, and Hinata-san followed her out, wearing her traditional uniform, even though she was not at school, which was a bit weird.

“So this is what you meant.” I sighed, while beside me Shaeula laughed.

“Good morning.” She greeted us politely, then my eyes went wide, as two girls wearing their hakama also descended.

“Good morning, sensei.” Motoko-san and Natsumi-san both bowed elegantly in martial-arts fashion. “We look forward to your teachings, as well as meeting your esteemed sister, who is our senior in these arts.”

Damn, they sure are polite… it’s hard to be mad at such pretty and respectful girls. “Uh, sure. Good morning to you all as well.” I bowed back, a little thrown-off. Behind us the girls from our shrine were watching, having heard the approach of the helicopter. Shaeula waved to them and they darted back, embarrassed, peering at us all from cover. I don’t blame them. These girls can be hard to approach, and that helicopter looks like the toy of a damn billionaire…

“In that case, get your bags loaded and we need to go.” Hinata-san said, taking charge. “Father is loaning us his personal helicopter for the weekend, so don’t be shy.”

“I see-see.” Shaeula approved, rapidly mounting the steps up into the helicopter, cooing at the plush, soundproof interior, with comfortable leather seats and a refreshments bar, entertainment centre and more. “This certainly is travelling in a fashion befitting me-me.”

Admitting defeat, I waved to Kana-chan and the others, before grabbing all our bags, and, like an overloaded mule, I clambered up into the helicopter, the girls following behind me. Well, this is going to cause quite the stir back in Nishimorioka. Eri is going to be confused as well, but she’ll understand when I explain it’s all to help with their training… even so, it’d be nice if I got more say in these things… damn, Fujiwara-san owes me another favour now… although, he is providing protection to my family… great, I need to resolve that issue too this weekend. Holding in a sigh, I sat down next to Shaeula, Hinata-san next to me, her face a little red. I guess she isn’t used to being so close to a man, and with six of us this place is a bit cramped.

Pressing the intercom button, Hinata-san spoke to the pilot. “All right, we are ready for departure.” And with that, the rotors spun up, us barely hearing a whisper due to the expensive soundproofing, and then we were off, soaring through the skies above Tokyo, heading for my childhood home…

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