On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 236: One Hundred And Eighty-Five

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“We have a few new students at our school.” Hinata-san was saying, as I idly watched the scenery pass by through the window. For a helicopter it was a surprisingly smooth ride. Earlier, Hinata-san had boasted that it was a modified Sikorsky S-76 with all the optional extras. Not that I know a good helicopter from a bad one, but… this is pretty swish. There’s even some booze in the refreshments bar. I don’t usually drink gin, but this is pretty damn refreshing.

“I see.” I said, feigning interest. It was all very well sitting next to Shaeula, but Hinata-san was a bit close as well, and the glares from Onoue-san every time our legs nearly touched or she leaned in closer was starting to get a bit painful.

Not satisfied by my answer, Hinata-san looked a bit irritated as she sipped on her own drink, an expensive and refreshing juice blend. “You should show more of an interest, Oshiro-san.” She complained. “I believe it is relevant. Fujiwara-sama, Ichijou-sama and grandfather Itsuki have decreed that all girls at Hanafubuki will be taking additional classes in traditional religion and the importance of temples and shrines in Japanese culture. Does that remind you of anything?” she took another sip of her drink and smiled triumphantly.

When she looks like that, she’s just a normal girl, not some rich noble. Not showing my irreverent thoughts on my face, I nodded. “Yeah, it makes sense. It definitely ties into what we are doing. But I doubt that these classes will be like ours. I guess you girls got in on the ground floor.”

“For which we are most grateful, sensei.” Motoko-san said, and Natsumi-san echoed her thanks, while Onoue-san maintained her annoyed silence. Come on, you could lighten up a bit. Natsumi-san is a bodyguard too, and she doesn’t seem so hostile… I had naturally started thinking of Tsumura-san and Hori-san by their first names as they were surprisingly friendly, but I wasn’t going to call Onoue-san by her first name. I think she’d try and hit me if I did…

“Yes, I can hardly wait to show off to Sakura and Mayumi-sama. For once I’ll have the upper hand!” Hinata-san declared impishly. “But we were talking about our new students. I think two are in your class, are they not, Motoko-senpai?”

She nodded. “Yes, the granddaughter of a powerful shrine from Kyoto. Kudou Shiori-sama. She does seem a little out of place, but I am told she is going to assist with the classes, and offer private tutelage to the daughters of Fujiwara-sama and perhaps even Ichijou-sama and Takatsukasa-sama. The other is a girl from a branch family of the Takakura’s. There are two more Takakura sisters in the lower years too I believe.” Her explanation given politely, Motoko-san frowned. “I do not require you to address me so formally, Hinata-san. After all, we are both students of the same teacher, and thus on the same level.” Beside her, Natsumi-san agreed.

“But… Tsumura house is second only to the Three in terms of prestige. I may carry the blood of the Takatsukasa family within me, but we are only recently elevated to the Fifty-Eight…” Hinata-san fretted.

“Nonsense.” Shaeula scoffed then, loading her glass with more gin and ice cubes, smacking her lips in satisfaction after taking a swig. “If Motoko wishes you to be more friendly, and to drop-drop the needless distance between you, accept it in the spirit it was-was offered. She is right. I will treat all the same during my training, the daughter of a noble shall be no more-more coddled than the daughter of a peasant. After all…” she smiled brilliantly, though the effect was ruined by her taking a swift sip in-between her words. “… I am a princess of the Seelie, daughter of Prince Shaetanao Gar Shae Dannan. I stand-stand above, shining like the full moon in the sky.”

As everyone froze, overwhelmed by her Charm and Majesty, I reached over and rapped her head gently. “Come on, don’t pressure the poor girls.” I chided her. “Still, your sentiments are good.” I addressed the four girls, smiling reassuringly. “I think it’s nice when everyone can get along, and as Motoko-san said, we’ll all be practising together.” My gaze strayed to one corner, where along with all our luggage were the wrapped spears, swords and bows of Motoko-san and Natsumi-san. “Some of the people you’ll meet won’t understand that you are nobility, or know how to treat you even if they did. They don’t mean any offense by it, they just live in different worlds. So I hope you can forgive any inadvertent disrespect. It’ll be a learning experience for everyone.” I bowed, asking their support.

“I get it.” Hinata-san said, looking thoughtful. “Kazumi, you too. Stop being so hostile to Oshiro-san… no, Akio-san… no, that still doesn’t feel right…” Hinata-san sighed. “”Akio-kun. Yes. That fits.” She reddened, looking away awkwardly. “That is the first time I have called a man outside of my family by his first name. in fact, I rarely ever speak much to any men outside my family.”

“None of us do, Hinata-san.” Motoko-san agreed. “Though we might be the exception, right, Natsumi?”

Natsumi agreed. “It is impossible to learn martial arts at the top level if one excludes men. So we have other teachers. Your father doesn’t approve though, does he, Motoko-sama? He believes that the time for your family arts has passed, and girls should concentrate on learning how to be a good wife and manage the household.”

Wow, that’s pretty sexist. I know Japan is a conservative country, with very defined gender roles, and the nobility even more so, but still… Shaeula let rip with an unimpressed grunt, showing just what she thought of that idea as well. I hear Shaeula’s sister is quite the battle-fiend herself, so it makes sense…

“Yes, luckily grandfather indulges me.” Motoko-san said gravely, before looking sternly at her bodyguard. “You too Natsumi. I may be your senior in our traditional combat arts, but here we are but students of Oshiro-sensei, so address me informally while we are away from home.”

Natsumi looked as if she wished to protest, but Hinata-san chided her. “You said nothing when I had to struggle, so you must too, Natsumi.”

She blushed adorably, but finally nodded. “Very well then, Motoko-sama… Motoko-san.”

“Very good.” Motoko-san grasped her hands, cheered by the fresh feeling being addressed more closely brought her.

“Now that is out of the way...” I began, remembering a problem. “… just where were you planning to stay this weekend? Not to disparage my hometown or anything, but Nishimorioka is a pretty small town in the middle of the mountains. We get almost no visitors, so I don’t even think we have a hotel. I think there’s a traditional inn, but it’s tiny and certainly not something rich girls like you would be used to.”

At that, Hinata-san looked puzzled. “I thought it was obvious we would be staying at your home? After all, should you not offer us hospitality, since we are travelling all this way to learn from you?”

Natsumi-san and Motoko-san also agreed with this, only Onoue-san remaining silent. Shaeula grinned at my discomfort, perhaps remembering how … cosy … my home was. But that wasn’t even the biggest problem! Uh, how the hell would I explain this to father? I’ve already got enough to smooth over…

“Well, my home probably wouldn’t be large enough for…” I began, and Hinata-san cut me off forcefully.

“It is only for a weekend. I’m sure we can manage. It would be interesting seeing how a normal family lives. Some of the other girls in the Three-Hundred would no doubt be interested.”

I see. Well, if I let them have my room, I can stay with the Mori’s for the weekend, Uncle and auntie would be happy to have me I’m sure, and it is Eri’s birthday so she’d enjoy having me over… “Fine, we’ll do our best to be hospitable, but up until a few weeks ago we were poor as hell, so don’t expect too much.”

“Now that is settled…” Hinata-san clapped her hands together, excited. “… there was one thing I was curious about. I realised it when the new lessons were brought in at school.”

“Go on.” I said, wondering where this was going.

“There has to be more to your training that simply growing stronger and using strange powers.” Hinata-san declared triumphantly. “I was very impressed when you cut the coins, Kazumi was too.” At that Onoue-san looked away, a sour expression on her face. “Our classes have been rearranged a bit…” she continued. “… which is why we were excused today, as some of our Saturday classes have ben switched. But the class I did take…” she looked at Motoko-san for confirmation, and she nodded, having taken one of the classes as well.

“… well, I think that strength alone isn’t the goal here. Am I right?”

Shaeula burst out laughing, the alcohol making her merry, her face a little flushed. Seriously, she shouldn’t be affected by it with her stats. Has she some sort of weakness to booze as a Fae, or has she already mastered the skill I’m trying to learn of weakening one’s resistances and constitution willingly? I’ll have to ask her later.

“You are quite the clever girl, Hinata. I see great potential in you-you. I feel my presence should explain things, should it not-not?”

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“Grandfather says that if we do not adapt to these changes, our army will no longer be enough to protect Japan.” Motoko-san said, which surprised me. I mean, I think he’s right, certainly over the longer term, but to be so decisive, and share it with his granddaughter…

’Without power, one cannot protect their families, land or traditions’ was what he said.” Motoko-san continued. “The Second World War taught us that, and it almost led to the fall of our entire nobility and culture. If Fujiwara-sama and his fellows had failed to pull everyone together… the damage would have been far greater. At least we managed to preserve most of the soul of Japan, and the sons and daughters of the remaining noble houses, as well as the new Three-Hundred, are all educated strictly, so that we do not squander the efforts of our grandparents and parents.”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of change.” Hinata-san shrugged. “I don’t think that everything that they do is for the good of Japan, or for us.” at that, Onoue-san and Natsumi-san looked uncomfortable, but Motoko-san, who was no doubt struggling with her identity as both a daughter of high nobility and a martial artist, only looked thoughtful.

“Don’t get me wrong.” Hinata-san said. “I’m happy with the way things are now, even though it’s unfair Sakura is so praised as a daughter of Takatsukasa house, when my blood is the same… but, well, this is my.. our chance, isn’t it?” she looked at me, eyes bright, and I swallowed nervously.

“After all, money and lineage can’t buy this opportunity, can it? And if Shaeula is indeed a being from myths and legends then the world we know has many mysteries, and just as many opportunities. Perhaps those of us that succeed will be leading grand noble houses of our own, to match the Fujiwara, Ichijou and Takatsukasa houses?”

“Indeed.” Shaeula answered for me. “But do not-not forget, Akio himself will lead the greatest house of all. He shall be Prince-consort to me, when I rule-rule the Seelie, and his influence over this land you call Japan shall be mighty as well. Other realms too, shall be within his dominion.” Her proud expression changed, her grin now suspiciously sly. “Akio shall likely need a bride or three from the noble families, those wise-wise enough to see that tying themselves to us is the way to everlasting glory.”

Not this again. You are way too keen on trying to ship me with every nice girl you meet. I mean, I get that you see things differently to us mortals, but even so… “Shaeula, be serious. I’m already happy enough with you and Eri, I don’t need or want any more girls. I wouldn’t even have time, for one thing, I’m busy enough as it is, and I want to give you both the attention and love you deserve. Besides, Eri will get really mad with you if you talk like that with her around.” Speaking of Eri, she and my sis should have finished Saturday classes now. I wasn’t due to arrive until this evening if I’d have taken the train, so at least I could surprise her by turning up early.

“Eri will come around. Any female would be proud-proud to be with a male who is powerful and desirable. Besides, as first-first wife, the more females, the more power and respect she shall command.” Shaeula calmly explained and surprisingly, Motoko-san nodded.

“I think it highly likely that Fujiwara-sama plans to tie you to the nobility, and the usual way is marriage. Ordinarily the best you could hope for as someone outside of the nobility is to marry into one of the lower Three-Hundred, but now… your value is currently unknown yet presumed to be incalculable. Until others can offer what you do…” Motoko-san glanced at her weapons, stacked in the corner. “… well, a marriage with a high house would be possible. Especially if there was a daughter who… perhaps didn’t fit in with the decorum expected from them.” The tips of her ears and her neck was flushed, and I wasn’t stupid enough to misunderstand.

Seriously? Motoko-san is being proposed? Well, her grandfather is in change of the Japanese Military as well, so I can see the overlap, but still…

“A newly minted noble house, or one of the upper Three-Hundred would also be a safe choice.” Hinata-san said, before looking away. “I’m not saying I’m interested, all right? Because… well, it doesn’t matter. I’m just saying, consolidation through marriage is the way of the upper-class throughout history, and if anything, it is more important nowadays, as we are trying to preserve and even restore the old ways.”

Yeah, she’s not very convincing either. Is my training school just turning into a series of marriage meetings? Well, no way. I’ve made my resolve. I’ll only have Eri and Shaeula. Even that is too greedy…

“Well it’s too bad, as I’m already engaged. I’ve promised Eri I’ll marry her in a beautiful ceremony, so I’ve no room for anyone else, and Eri would never accept it. She only acquiesced to Shaeula due to… well, miracle circumstances. Lightning doesn’t strike twice, you know.”

“I fear you shall be surprised.” Shaeula laughed, denying me. “Eri is indeed-indeed a possessive girl, but she has a kind heart within, as her acceptance of me shows. Now-now that she has accepted one, the second shall be easier.” Shaeula addressed everyone, while I buried my head in my hands, at a loss. “If you wish to be considered, then surely you must-must make a good impression on Eri. It would be wise to impress Aiko too, for they both-both listen to her counsel. As for weddings, such matters can always be resolved. I shall marry in the Seelie Court, so others can similarly manage…”

No way. Eri would never back down. So I’m safe. In the end I relied on that, knowing that despite Shaeula’s bold moves, she wouldn’t press Eri too hard and upset her. “Shall we change the subject? We were talking about the deeper knowledge behind our powers…?”

“Yes, considering status, the wedding would be a problematic issue…” Motoko-san said, now even more flushed. “… but yes, I’m curious about many things, sensei, so…”

To get myself out of this uncomfortable situation, Shaeula and I touched a little upon the world beyond, the Boundary. Obviously we didn’t give many details, as such information was one of my trump cards, but others, such as the Candidates from the shrines and temples, would likely know as much as me if not more, so there was no need for total secrecy.

“Fukumoto-sama, we are arriving at Nishimorioka shortly. Where are we setting down?” the voice came over the intercom, and she asked me the best place to land.

Yeah, it isn’t like we have helicopters landing every day, though being a mountainous village, we did see an occasional air ambulance. “The best place would be by the school, but that would kick up too much fuss. Actually, there’s a field that’s pretty flat near my house. There should do.” I gave directions, and a couple of minutes later we were descending onto a level part of the hillside.

The helicopter touched down, and with that we were there. The pilot thanked us and said he would take us back to Tokyo on Monday morning. Grabbing our bags, including those of the noble girls, I looked even more like an overburdened mule. Luckily Motoko-san and Natsumi-san insisted on carrying their weapons, so as Shaeula opened the door and hopped down the steps I followed.

As expected, our arrival has generated a bit of crowd… wait, I see Eri and Aiko… Shaeula had spotted them too, along with Yae-chan, Rika-chan and several other girls and a few boys too. I guess they might have been planning for the party they are holding later, maybe? Oh look, there’s mom and auntie Mori. This is going to be tough to explain.

Shaeula called out cheerfully to them as I finally touched down on solid ground. “Aiko, Eri. Rika. Yae. I have returned!”

“Wow, just wow. You came by helicopter?” My sister asked us. “I thought you were taking the train again.”

“Yeah, things just happened.” I admitted. “Hey Eri. Great to see you. You look as pretty as ever.” I said to my fiancée as she joined Aiko, the other students following them, chattering excitedly at this unusual event.

“Yeah, I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you…” Eri began, before her eyes widened, looking behind me.

“This place is rather… quaint.” Hinata-san said, trailed down the steps by Onoue-san. Motoko-san and Natsumi-san followed them out, looking around curiously.

“Akio… who are they?” Eri asked, her dark eyes flashing. “Why are you bringing more girls?”

Yeah, this was obviously going to happen. Shaeula says Eri would be fine with me having more women? Yeah, no chance of that…

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