On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 238: One Hundred And Eighty-Six

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I quickly dumped my bags at the house before accompanying the girls up to the shrine. Shaeula was chattering happily with Aiko and Eri, while the other girls were largely listening, only interjecting an odd comment when the subject turned to me.

“So, are you looking forward to your party later?” I asked Eri when it came up in discussion. “You know, I find it a bit surprising you’d organise something like that. It makes me happy though. I’ve always worried you were too shy and didn’t have enough friends.”

Before Eri could answer my sis piped up. “Seriously bro, I’d have thought you’d be more jealous! If Eri makes more friends you can’t have her all to yourself, right?” she said slyly.

As Shaeula laughed and the noble girls and their bodyguards watched on, confused by the turn of the conversation, I shrugged. “Genuinely, I’m happy. And I know you are too, Aiko, so don’t try and pretend otherwise.”

“Ugh.” my sis shuddered mock-theatrically. “It gives me the creeps when you say my name so seriously. But… yeah, I’m just messing with you. I know you worried about us all this time. We’re sorry we weren’t better. But… we worried about you too, right Eri?”

Eri nodded firmly, gripping my hand tightly. “Yes. And we worry even now. What you do is dangerous. Which is why we have to be there too. Besides, I don’t care about anyone else. Especially other boys. I suppose Rika-san and Yae-san aren’t as bad as I thought, but the way Yae-san still flirts with you is annoying.” She puffed out her cheeks in irritation. “You’ve already shot her down. She should have some dignity.”

“Would you-you have stopped had Akio shot you down and chose only me?” Shaeula scoffed.

“Back then… I had almost given up hope.” Eri muttered. “But now..” her voice turned stern. “… I’m never letting go. So you are both stuck with me.” Her gaze strayed to the other girls. “And I’ll fight for Akio and my love for him. I’ll repel anyone who tries to come between us or steal what is mine!”

“So bold!” Shaeula chortled, clearly amused. My sis rolled her eyes, complaining how Eri had gone full yandere.

“If that’s directed at me, I don’t appreciate it.” Hinata-san crossed her arms under her chest, looking affronted. “I am just here to learn, after all. Akio-kun has made alliance with Fujiwara-sama, and I am just taking this chance to earn my family some credit. Nothing more.” she then looked away, but…

The way she keeps casting sidelong glances at me, her ears pink, is kind of telling…

“As for me… I do understand.” Motoko-san said, looking Eri square in the face. “As a daughter of nobility I was raised strictly. Our duty is to marry for the good of the family, and only associate with those we can trust, never men outside the family. After all, were we to be involved in any scandals, the honour of our ancestors would be cast down into the dust. Still…” she looked up at the sky, thinking. “… the sons of nobility, such as my brother…”

“Mine too.” Hinata-san broke in, understanding. “Hiroto is always playing around at University, and it’s accepted that even after he gets married he’ll be free to have affairs, even concubines. It’s hardly fair. I was only one of the Three-Hundred up until now, so I’m not as isolated from the normal life as girls like my cousin Sakura, or Mayumi-sama. I know that way of life isn’t what you would consider normal.”

“Indeed. But that is just the way it is.” Motoko-san said, accepting of it. “We are raised in a greenhouse, because our fathers and grandfathers require us to be beautiful, elegant flowers. Many of the nobility perished during the Second World War, when we were defeated, and most of the remainder failed and disappeared during the occupation afterwards, and the political upheaval that followed. Grandfather managed to keep our family safe by retaining his power in politics and the military, but some of our branch families were not so lucky…”

“This is all very interesting.” Eri said. “But I don’t see the relevance to what I said?”

“My apologies.” Motoko-san said politely. “I shall get to the point. I understand my duty, but… our family has always carried traditional techniques of bow, spear and sword, since the days of the Shogunate, no, even before. I love them, and I can’t let them go. I would do anything to carry them on, but I also have no wish to bring shame to my ancestors, or disgrace my grandfather, who supports me.”

“I too!” Natsumi-san declared. “I love the arts, Motoko-sama!”

“Natsumi!” she chided, and Natsumi flushed.

“Sorry, Motoko-san. But… I feel just as strongly as you! I don’t want to give up either, and when you are married, you’ll no longer need me as your bodyguard, and your husband won’t let you train anymore!”

“I do not see why our traditional weapon arts are any less valuable than Japanese dancing, shrine rites, or other things Fujiwara-sama wishes to preserve. I agonised over it, my conflicting wants and desires. Many nights I cried myself to sleep over it.”

Really? She looks so refined and composed. But I guess she’s still a girl in the end. Her worries may be… different… from the normal, but they are important to her.

“Then Oshiro-sensei appeared.” Motoko-san said, tears forming in her eyes. “And a new path opened to me. One where I can fulfil both duties, where they won’t be in conflict. I can continue, or perhaps even improve the arts of my forebears, and also…”

“Wow. Is this going where I think this is going? It’s going to be a bloodbath…” we had almost reached the shrine, talking as we walked, so Aiko clasped her hands in prayer, joking. “Oh kami, if you can hear me… resolve this peacefully!”

“Obviously, for the honour of my family, and… well, every girl dreams of being a beautiful bride in front of her friends and family, do they not?”

At that everyone nodded their agreement, even the standoffish Onoue-san.

“I am no exception.” Motoko-san continued. “But… if it did not bring shame, I could stand to be a concubine, if my husband was suitably noble, and I could continue practising my arts with his blessings. How glorious it would be if my husband even took up the arts as well.” She smiled, and my breath caught. Yeah, she’s beautiful too, especially when she smiles sincerely like that. In fact, all the noble girls I’ve seen are pretty. I guess hundreds of years of good breeding helps with that…

“You hardly know me. We’ve barely spent a few hours together. I don’t get it. There have to be other, better ways to fulfil your duty.” I know she implied she was a candidate for my wife, or concubine or mistress, or whatever… but still. Sure, I thought I was a decent catch now, not even counting my Charm which was probably making me unfairly attractive to women. But am I so worthwhile that a girl I have only just met is prepared to be my mistress, even knowing I have two fiancées?

“You are just that valuable.” Shaeula said, divining my thoughts. That was happening more and more often recently, perhaps an effect of our numerous bonds. “You have knowledge, power, influence, connections. Indeed, there is not-not a thing you are lacking. These nobles may be old and powerful, but in this new order, your triumphs have been many-many. And you can share that power. They would be fools not-not to be interested.”

“Besides…” Hinata-san broke in sourly. “A lot of the girls at Hanafubuki are already engaged before they even reach high school. And some of them don’t even meet their intended until their wedding day. At least we… sorry, at least Motoko-san will have more than that.”

“I do not find you lacking at all, Oshiro-sensei. Though I would see more of your skills.” She smiled brightly, and Eri suddenly spoke up, visibly annoyed.

“We’ll discuss this later. For now, we should greet the master of the shrine.” She glared at me, and even though I hadn’t agreed to anything, nor even suggested such things, I still felt guilty.

“Fine. We have a lot to go over, and I don’t want to keep you from your party.”

“Screw the party. They could have fun even without me.” Eri pouted, but I pulled her into a hug, reassuring her.

“No way, without the birthday girl, they’d be sad.” I denied her. “Besides… I want everyone to appreciate my beautiful fiancée. That way I can rub it in their faces how lucky I am!” I was joking a little bit, but it was true that I did feel proud of myself. Though at the same time, I was almost one of those clueless idiots from manga and light novels who doesn’t see the worth of their childhood friend until it’s too late…

At that Eri seemed a bit happier, and a minute later we were greeting the master of the shrine, Marika-san’s grandfather.

“I see you two girls have brought Oshiro-sama, as well as some new faces.” The old man smiled. “Is it meditation and training again?”

Eri nodded. “Yes. With Akio here we are hoping to make more breakthroughs.”

“I see, I see.” He said, and I took that time to speak.

“Yeah, thanks for always looking after Eri and my sister. Letting them use the shrine helps a lot. I’m sorry Marika-san isn’t with us, but she’s starting to make friends and feel more comfortable in Tokyo now, so she didn’t want to take time away yet. she’ll be back over Christmas break.”

“I understand. She calls us regularly.” He nodded.  “Junko does worry and bend my ear over it, but she’s happy that Marika seems to be doing well.”

“Great. On another note…” I discussed funding to improve and repair the shrine, and after a while I transferred some money. After all, the Brown Dog kami has helped keep Eri safe. And they support me as a shrine. I should reward them for that…

Once we were safely in a back room, Eri let out a long sigh, before turning to Motoko-san. “Right. now we can talk. So let me be clear.” She said firmly, not backing down. “Akio is mine. I don’t feel good when he spends time with other girls, but I’m trying to be better, so I can accept it if he is helping you protect your family arts. I think that’s a wonderful goal. But… I’ll never let you have him! I don’t care how rich your family is, or how noble your bloodline…” Eri was starting to look a little green, so I pulled her into a hug again, reassuring her. Still, she never took her harsh glare away from Motoko-san. “… I love Akio with all my heart. And he loves me. I’ve even been training to stand by his side in the Boundary!”

At that the noble girls looked puzzled by the term.

“But Oshiro-sensei has Shaeula-sensei as well, does he not? So you already accept that he will have concubines.” Motoko-san said, confused. “I may be lacking, but I shall give my all to be worthy, as well as respect those who have come before me.” She turned to me. “Should our union proceed as planned, I shall serve by nightly duties too. I have not been taught anything, as mother says I should mould myself to my husband’s tastes, but I am confident in my stamina!”

Yeah, I think you are talking about the wrong things here… “Sorry, Motoko-san. I’m flattered, and while I don’t know you well you are earnest and dedicated, but… I promised Eri and Shaeula I would only love them. So, it isn’t going to happen.”

“Oh come on.” Hinata-san said, fed up. “If it was my brother, he’d be snapping her up in a heartbeat. You should have seen the way he was eyeing them when we met you that first time.” she snorted. “Be a man and take hold of everything the world offers to you. That is the way of nobility!”

“I agree indeed!” Shaeula pronounced. “You should be greedier, Akio. You shall-shall be an Astral Emperor, as you call it, shall you not-not? Hinata, I like you. I support you! Eri, do consider her, I think she would be a good-good ally and female for Akio!”

As Hinata-san stammered that wasn’t her intent and Onoue-san bristled like an angry cat, cursing at Shaeula, Eri shouted angrily. “Look, enough! I hate this! But this isn’t why we are here!” she looked at me, still in my arms. “Akio. We’ll talk about this later. All right?”

I nodded guiltily, even though I hadn’t done anything. “Sure, anything for you.”

“As for you, Shaeula… and don’t think I can’t see you laughing too, Aiko…” at that my sister covered her mouth, looking down. “… I’ll have words with you, too!” she then addressed Motoko-san and Hinata-san. “Shaeula… she’s special. She’s my good friend. And she’s proved herself worthy of Akio, and that she cares about me too. So… she’s different. You can’t compare yourself to her.”

“So, if I prove my worthiness to you and Oshiro-sensei, then you can consider me too?” Motoko-san reasoned.

Uhh, I thought this was merely a proposed idea. The way she’s talking, it’s like a done deal.

“It’s not the same!” Eri exclaimed, annoyed. “But enough already. We are here for Aiko…”

“Yeah, wow, time for me to jump in. My bro’s gone from trash-tier moonstone to god-tier womaniser, and it’s messing with my expectations. But… bro, I did it! I managed to enter the Boundary! Praise me, I want all your praise!” she echoed the line she gave me on the phone.

I opened my arms, and she dived in for a hug. I had Aiko in one arm, Eri in the other, then Shaeula hugged us all from the back. After a while we separated, and I then fielded the inevitable questions from the others.

“Just what is this Boundary?” Hinata-san said. “That’s twice now you’ve mentioned it.”

Okay, what to do, what to do? I’ve skimmed over a lot of the details with them, as after the attacks on the shrine I’ve realised leaking info can be dangerous. But… I do want to deepen our alliance…

Seeing my wariness, Motoko-san suddenly bowed deeply. Seeing that, Natsumi-san followed suit. “I understand that you might not fully trust Fujiwara-sama. But he only wishes to do what is best for Japan and the nobility. And I… I’ve been honest with my desires. Now is the time to show my worth. I’ve pledged to support you. When grandfather proposed I be the first to learn your ways, with… with the prospect of political marriage, I admit I had trepidations. But now…” she looked at Eri and Shaeula. “… if they love you so, you can’t be a bad person. So… I can be the bridge that connects you to the nobility, as well as a hostage should Fujiwara-sama betray you. He will not, should you support Japan. But if he does… you may have your revenge on me.”

“If Motoko-san must be punished, I too… I too shall face your wrath.” Natsumi-san said, her voice trembling a little.

Seriously? Is she so extreme because she’s a noble daughter, raised strictly from birth, or because she’s a martial artist? Or maybe it’s the strange combination…

“If you are a man, you shouldn’t force a girl to humble herself so, especially a daughter of a prestigious family.” Hinata-san sniffed. “I’m not prepared to be a victim if things don’t go your way, but… my family will support you. With Nichibotsu in your corner, you won’t want for money and prestige.”

“I like these girls!” my sis said suddenly. “I’m not saying you should cheat on Eri and Shaeula with them, wow no, I feel bad enough of a friend when I told you to accept Shaeula too, but… I think we can get along. So… well, I don’t really understand everything either, so why not teach them as well as me?”

I exchanged a glance with Shaeula, and she shrugged. “Very well-well. I applaud your resolve, Motoko, Natsumi. As for you Hinata, you are prudent, but soon-soon you will throw away that caution and yearn for Akio as do we. And you, Kazumi…”

“Me?” Onoue-san yelped. “I have nothing to do with this! I only protect Hinata-sama!”

“Well, just watch and learn. Though should you betray us… I shall not-not stand silent.”

“Fine.” I sighed. “In that case… I want to appraise you, sis. It might feel a little weird, but I want to check your chakra network.”

“Weird? Wow, you want to do kinky stuff to your…” I rapped her on the head and she pouted. “I was just lightening the mood!” she complained.

“Yeah well… don’t. This is serious stuff. Anyway… here goes!” I let aether flow into her, and she moaned a little, shivering.

“But it seriously is lewd…” my sister complained.

“It works!” I muttered, still a little surprised. I mean, when she became kin for Kin Bonding it implied that she would be visible under Kin Examination, but this proves it.

I looked at her stat-line and skills, surprised at what she had, and then read them out for her.

Aiko's status part 1

Aiko stgatus part 2

“Wow, so… are those numbers good?” Aiko asked, excited.

“They don’t seem bad, though I reckon you’ve gained some by completing your chakra network and silver cord. Otherwise your bro feels pretty pathetic, as they are higher than a lot of my initial ones.” I laughed bitterly. Still, what seems to influence them the most is levels and those particular skills, so I bet she did get a boost. Sadly she doesn’t have any Intangible stats yet. Eri did at level 0, but she awakened in a… non-standard way. I flushed a little at remembering my first night with Eri. Seeing that, my sister pouted.

“Blushing while staring at your sisters’ innermost secrets. Disappointing bro, disappointing.”

“Yeah, you know I wasn’t thinking about you!” I retorted. “Still, bow technique is self-explanatory, but what is Spiritual Kyūdō?”

Spiritual Kyūdō Rank 2. This skill is a meditation and visualisation technique that allows one to combine aether, elemental power and ????? with archery, to better blend the spiritual and physical combat arts. This ability can be used to raise aether more efficiently than base visualisation techniques.

Yeah, that’s surprisingly good. No wonder my sister managed to stabilise her chakra network so quickly. Although she has an unstable lunar chakra skill, just like Eri does…

“Wow, that sounds so cool!” my sis exulted. “I did think there were similarities between the visualisations for the eight stages of kyudo and the exercises Shaeula taught us. But… what the hell is elemental power, bro?”

“Here.” I lit a ball of flame on my palm, leaving it hovering in the air.

“Whoa, that’s crazy.” Aiko reached out a hand, only to withdraw it with a yelp. “Ouch, that’s hot. Real fire…”

I then dismissed the flame, conjuring a swirl of wind that ruffled everyone’s clothing. When that died down I smiled. “As for earth, well, we are indoors, so I don’t want to wreck the floor.”

Motoko-san and Natsumi-san were watching with rapt amazement, while Hinata-san merely sniffed. “I’ve seen that trick before, with the coins. Still… I admit, it’s impressive.” Onoue-san seemed interested despite her wariness, and I could see she had one hand in her pocket, and I could hear the gentle clink of metal on metal.

A weapon? No… coins?

“This is incredible.” Motoko-san was curious. “I of course believed grandfather and Fujiwara-sama, but to see it with my own eyes is different. But even more amazing… how do you measure aptitudes and physical abilities? That could revolutionise the training of combat arts! Please, I implore you, I wish to know how well I have mastered the arts of my family! Our bow techniques share much with kyudo.”

On hearing her earnest request, Shaeula snickered nastily, looking at me with her amber eyes. No way! I know what you want, but I won’t do it!

“He can’t.” Eri said, visibly annoyed. “His skill is kin examination. And you aren’t that!”

“I see.” Motoko-san deflated. “A great shame. So he can only use it on you, Aiko-senpai?” now that she knew Aiko’s talents for Kyudo and archery, her respect for her had grown further.

“No, he can only use it on those he loves. He considers those people kin!” Eri said triumphantly, warning Motoko-san off. “He can look at me too.”

“And I assume you can see your own abilities?” Motoko-san said and I nodded. “I see.” She continued, enlightened. “No wonder you can grow stronger then. With the ability to see which training methods work best…” she trailed off. “… may I be so bold as to know your numbers, Oshiro-sensei?”

I hesitated. That’s more information than I’m prepared to share. With detailed numbers, it should be possible to work out how much force is required to kill me, for example… or trap me, or any other number of inconvenient things.

“Please. I understand your desire to keep your abilities secret. Otherwise they could be used against you.” Motoko-san bowed low again, Natsumi-san once more beside her. Even Hinata-san bowed a little, curious, while Onoue-san could barely hide her anticipation.

What to do? “Well, I feel one’s statistics are a private thing. Sharing them is something… well, a little intimate, don’t you think? Besides, while we are working together now, our relationship is only just beginning. There isn’t a foundation of trust between us yet.”

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“Oh great, so my bro just stripped me naked in front of these girls then.” Aiko pouted. “I didn’t know you were into that!”

“Phrasing!” Eri said, suppressing a giggle. “Besides, I think Akio means his or Shaeula’s. Ours are just like anyone normal, so other than embarrassment…” her expression turned wry. “… like when I found out how pathetically out-of-shape I was, there is little to fear. But for those who fight… well, it might be life-or-death, right?”

I nodded, pleased Eri got it. “Yeah. There’s a lot of risk involved. I’m more than willing to exchange a lot of information with Fujiwara-san and the nobles for support, and train those of you who are interested, but… I’m not a noble, so I have to look after my own interests too.”

While the noble girls and their bodyguards were thinking this through, my sis raised a question. “So, why can’t I level up, bro? That sucks.”

“Good question. It seems most people can’t. Shaeula and Eri can because they have access to Lovers’ Link and Shaeula also gets a buff from the Throne of Heroes…” Oops, I wasn’t going to mention details of my Territory, it just popped out. Luckily, the only one that seemed to notice the slip was Onoue-san, and she merely looked puzzled.

“Well, I’m not earning that skill, wow, hell no.” Aiko flushed. “Come on bro, can’t you do something? Eri’s already better than me during PE class now. I hate this… you’re robbing me of my whole identity, I’m the sporty, energetic one!”

“If only it was that easy.” I sighed. “Finding a way for everyone to level is a high priority for me. At least if you keep working on your Silver Cord and Eight Moons Chakra Network skills, you’ll grow stronger with each Rank.”

“Fine. I’ll do my best.” Aiko stuck out her tongue adorably. “I guess I should be happy I’ve had any success.”

It was then Motoko-san spoke. “Oshiro-sensei… I have decided. No, we have decided.” Beside her Natsumi-san nodded. “My dream is to follow the spear, sword and bow, and to pass it on to the next generation, my… our… children.” Natsumi-san was pink with embarrassment, but also agreed. “Even… even should you go against the nobility, I will remain your pupil, and I will support you. So please… we want, no, need to know everything, so we can elevate our arts to their true, perfect form!” and with that, the two girls got down on their knees and did a full dogeza, grinding their heads into the ground.

Hinata-san and Onoue-san gasped, Hinata-san even reaching out a hand to them before she stopped, recoiling back, a troubled look on her face.

“Seriously, don’t do that…” my sis muttered, embarrassed for them. Eri looked troubled too, while Shaeula was laughing nastily, a knowing look on her face. As for me… Gods, this is the worst. Now I just feel like an awful bully, making cute girls kneel before me and beg. Never mind the fact Motoko-san is a very important noble…

“Please just get up.” I managed, but they refused to raise their heads. “Seriously… I get that your family arts are important to you… if it was something … no, someone I cared about, I could cast aside my pride too… but…”

“I… I think I understand. Though I couldn’t beg like they are.” Hinata-san said, troubled. “After all, I just want recognition like Sakura, to not be looked down on by Mayumi-sama… to be a true noble. To get that, I’d do almost anything…” she paused, making up her mind. “To that end… I also swear I’ll never reveal any of this, not even to Fujiwara-sama or grandfather Itsuki. Kazumi, you too, understand?”

“Of course. I am your bodyguard, I only obey you.” She nodded firmly.

“Fine. You win. Please. Raise your heads, I’m feeling like a bastard right now.” I sighed. “And… stop with the Oshiro-sensei. I’m Akio. At least use my name.”

“Akio, use your Examination skill on me.” Eri said suddenly. “After all, I need to know how I’ve grown. Besides…” she looked at the kneeling girls, who had yet to raise their heads. “… I hate this. It makes me feel like I’m the bad one for not wanting them around.”

“Of course you aren’t!” I reassured her. “Your reaction is totally normal. Unfortunately… ever since that day a couple of months ago, nothing has been normal. So we adapt, or… well, you know how that saying ends.” Turning to the two girls kneeling, I reached down and grabbed their arms. They fleshed and shuddered at my touch, and I realised they were so isolated from men that they likely had little to no experience of a males’ touch. Still, I had already done it, so I hoisted them to their feet effortlessly, showing off my abnormal power. “Look, this whole situation is messed up. I’m not a politician or a master of diplomacy. I just want to do good, protect those I love. So… don’t expect too much from me. But what I do know is… you came here for good, honest reasons, and you are true to yourselves. To be honest… I don’t hate that.”

“Who is-is the tsundere now?” Shaeula snickered, but I ignored her, trying to find the right words.

“You too, Hinata-san. I can’t understand the world you live in, but… it must be hard, being looked down on just because of the family you were born into. I know what you want from me, but… I’m not sure what I need from you and your families yet. Don’t forget, I’m new at this. But… don’t think that you need to tie yourselves to me through… well, you know.” I said, embarrassed. “You are all good girls. Even you, Onoue-san.” At that, she looked down, chagrined, chewing on her lip. “So… fine. I’ll trust you.”

“After all… if you betray Akio’s trust, you shall have-have to answer to me, and Eri. And I believe you would not-not like that.” Shaeula warned. “But should you prove worthy of our trust, we welcome you, and Akio can surely-surely make your dreams come true.”

“I can accept you as his friends.” Eri said, the emphasis plain.

“I… I am quite moved.” Motoko-san said, small tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. “You understand me quite well, Oshiro-sensei… no, Akio-sensei.” She smiled brightly then, dashing away her tears. “You are just as I hoped you would be. Strong, talented and principled. I understand, you do not want an arranged union. You are not a noble, so it makes sense you aren’t used to such. You need time to get to know me. Well, I shall be in your care for a long time.” she then bowed in martial arts fashion.

“Me too, Akio-sensei!” Natsumi-san bowed likewise.

“Looks like it backfired on you, Eri.” My sis whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“Oh, shut up.” Eri snapped sourly. “Akio, show them my power! I’ll not lose to these girls!”

Fine. I’m curious on her growth myself…

Eri status

I see. You’ve been working hard. “Level ten, that’s great. You must have fought hard for that.” I rubbed her head, and she was almost purring in satisfaction.

“See, this is bullcrap, bro!” my sis pouted. “Sure, I have more skills, but… what the hell are those numbers? And why does she have Charm? Am I not cute? That’s crap. Guys like that trash Kenji hit on me all the time!” puffing out her cheeks, she looked incredibly frustrated. At that both Hinata-san and Shaeula burst out laughing. I tried to restrain my own giggles, but an amused snort escaped me, causing my sister to punch me, before yelping and sucking on her hand. Yeah, no-one ever learns I’m pretty solid now…

 I calmed her down by explaining that intangible stats needed unlocking, and took that time to explain the measuring scale for statistics, which left the girls amazed that Eri had abilities greater than a human was able to possess before. Indeed, in a one-on-one, unless the foe is armed or a skilled martial artist, Eri should be able to wreck any average thug…

“I see-see.” Shaeula muttered, having used her Mystic Eyes. “That is why your skill has vanished. The lunar chakra has stabilised, much as it did-did with Akio. Growing the skill or gaining power with levels, either seems-seems to repair it.”

“This Lovers’ Link skill…” Motoko-san mused. “It is why Eri-senpai can grow, but Aiko-sensei cannot?”

“I’m afraid so. But the conditions for using it are out of the question.” I said firmly. “Being lovers is only… well, for lovers, obviously.”

“Indeed.” Motoko-san mused. “The disgrace to my house, allowing a man to… but… even so, such power and skill…”

Yeah, I’m heading this line of thought off. Eri is looking very scary, and Tsumura-san specifically advised me not to lay my hands on her, which makes sense. Even if we did eventually get engaged, what grandfather would let a cheating bastard like me manhandle his precious granddaughter?

“Well, if you want to see what true power is… I guess here we go…”

Akio status sheet part 1

Akio status sheet part 2

Yeah, not a huge amount of gains, but what I have gained is powerful… my combat skills have also gone up with all the beatings… sorry, sparring I’m doing with Ulfuric.

“Shit bro… that’s so not fair. Are you even human anymore?” Aiko complained.

“I should think that it is reassuring to have a male with such power to look after us, do you not-not agree, Eri?”

She did agree with Shaeula. “Yes. The world is scary, and is only going to get more dangerous.” She looked at the girls then, seeming to struggle internally for a moment, before finally speaking with a long sigh. “You should be grateful. Akio is giving you this chance, don’t waste it. Otherwise one day… if you are like I used to be, crying and lamenting my own pathetic weakness, regretting that what you wanted is gone from your grasp… you’ll look back on this moment, and know you chose wrong.”

Powerful words. Once more I’m forced to acknowledge I hurt Eri by my own foolishness, distancing myself from her. Aiko too. Never again…

“So let me get this straight.” Hinata-san said suddenly. “If even a world-class heavyweight boxer isn’t at a hundred in stats, as that is the absolute best a human can reach… you are more than three times stronger than that!” she was amazed. “I knew you were strong, but… that doesn’t seem possible.”

“You skills with weapons are… a bit disappointing.” Motoko-san said, and beside her Natsumi-san covered her mouth, looking away, giggling. “Though when you used my Gurenyari… I see, you were covering with speed and precision above human limits. No wonder your strikes were so fast and elegant. So… if you were to master our family techniques as well…”

“Motoko-san will be deep in thought for a while.” Natsumi-san was still laughing. “Please forgive her.”

“All this is important and all…” Hinata-san said, looking at me shrewdly. “But a few things don’t add up. The Boundary. And… Territory Rank. Doesn’t that imply that there is somewhere other than Japan? After all, are you not from elsewhere, Shaeula?”

I suppose I didn’t need to read out everything. Still… I just get the feeling I can trust these girls. After all, I can give them what they want, and I’m not really at odds with the nobles. I can give them what they want too, if they back me, so… as long as no-one else comes along who can do better… ugh… that might be a problem… Still, that was why I was building up a power base with the temples, nobles and politicians.

As Shaeula agreed, I decided to explain a bit. “Yes, the Boundary is a distorted mirror of Earth, where the lower Astral meets the Material. It is a real place one can visit, if they have a suitably strong chakra network that can gather enough aether.”

“Akio controls a fair amount.” Shaeula grinned. “It is but-but a pittance compared to the Seelie Court, yet… I believe in your terms, it would be-be several square kilometres of land, would it not-not?”

“Yeah, I haven’t done the exact maths, but it has to be five or six square kilometres in total.”

At that Hinata-san looked aghast. “And… does it affect the Earth in any way?” she pressed, intense, getting in my face. Uncomfortably close, in fact.

“It can do.” I answered, a little taken aback. “Like at the shrine we live at, we’ve managed to increase ether density, which will make training you all easier and more efficient…”

“At the price of land… even on the outskirts of Tokyo… if it could be used or settled on…” her eyes were spinning as she calculated.

“All right, that’s enough!” Eri pulled her away, only for Hinata-san to exclaim “You’d be richer than me!” in shock. “You have to find a way to make this Territory usable! Prime land in Tokyo… it’s almost priceless!”

I don’t think it’s that easy… Before I could voice my denial though, Shaeula agreed with Hinata-san. “Indeed. I am glad-glad you recognise the advantages Akio has. For now, only a rare-rare few can access the Boundary and lower Astral, but as the Material grows ever closer…” she chuckled darkly. “… Akio shall rule-rule more than just the Boundary.”

“I think you broke them all.” Aiko chimed in. Indeed, Motoko-san and Natsumi-san were thinking of combat potential, while Hinata-san was dreaming of an expanded Tokyo, Onoue-san listening to her ravings.

“Yes, it seems so. Seriously Shaeula, do you really think it’ll work like that?”

She shrugged. “From the old tales, yes-yes, areas of the lower Astral existed alongside the Material, faerie glades, woods and wildernesses being places even mortals could visit, were they brave-brave or foolhardy enough. But then the Astral withdrew, and the Boundary formed. But now-now… the reverse is happening. Perhaps…” she frowned, thinking. “I am loathe to see-see my idiotic brother, but perhaps we should at least visit the mansion he has-has prepared for us. If you see the lands of the Fae with your own-own eyes, you will understand.”

“Wow, that sounds awesome. I wish I could go!” my sis pouted, and Eri agreed with her.

“One day soon you can.” I promised. “But first you need to consolidate your skills. Speaking of… are you ready to visit the Boundary properly?” I asked her, and Aiko nodded, bouncing with excitement.

“I sure am bro, I sure am! After all, I’ve been visualising every spare minute for this!”

“First-first we will need to charge you up.” Shaeula observed. “Also…” her eyes glowed amber. “… I would like-like to make some adjustments to your network and chakras, to prevent future issues. Akio, you should help me.”

“This again, huh? Be gentle…” Aiko said with watery eyes and a wavering gaze, only for Eri to whack her softly on the back of her head.

“It’s comments like that why everyone thinks you are a total brocon.” Eri warned her, and Aiko shrugged.

“Come on, it’s only us girls here, and bro loves it, right?”

“You do you.” I gave up. “All right, are you going to lead, I don’t have your eyes?” I asked, and Shaeula nodded, placing her hand on Aiko’s lower body. She took mine and put it next to hers. Yeah, okay, I’m only touching her belly, nothing lewd here at all…

“Pour in your aether, and I shall guide it.” Shaeula advised, and as I trickled it in my sis started shivering. “More. And as it flows-flows, feel the blockages and clear them.”

I increased in intensity, and she started moving her legs strangely, looking flushed. “Be gentler. I’m not very experienced.”

Damn, why does everything you say sound dirty, sis? “I think… is there a blockage here? The aether isn’t flowing well…”

Shaeula nodded, while my sister complained “Don’t ignore me!”

“Yes, her network has developed improperly there. Force through and use your Ether Healing to repair it-it.”

“All right.” I intensified the flow, ignoring my flushed sister as she moaned softly. There was a feeling of resistance, but after a moment it parted before me. My sister shuddered, a trace of pain on her red face, before my aether gushed through, starting to repair and strengthen the capillaries around the node that was blocked.

Something feels strange. It is like I’m understanding what Shaeula does, how her skill works… my energy flowed up, spiralling past the heart chakra and cascading towards the mess that was her lunar chakra.

“Now this does hurt.” Aiko complained, her back burning with needles of pain. “I’m not enjoying this…”

I barely heard her as I concentrated on both the flow of energy within my sister, as well as using Ether Healing and something more to repair and reinforce the woefully unstable chakra.

“I have mastered the class Pledged One…” Shaeula said in wonder, but I didn’t hear her either. I see. Ether Healing, Aetheric Chirurgeon… they are both parts of a greater ability. It seems beyond my reach but…

You have gained a skill, Aetheric Chirurgeon Rank 1. This skill allows you…

I blinked away the notifications, engrossed in what I was doing. I still couldn’t see like Shaeula could, so my efficiency sucked, but now I had the skill, I had a much better feeling of where the problems were and how to fix them. I worked for several more minutes, until my head was aching from the stress of using multiple skills blind.

“There, all done. you have plenty of aether now.” I grinned, before blinking in surprise. Aiko was bright red and panting, dripping with sweat.

“Seriously bro…” she managed, shaking her head. “I told you to stop, that I couldn’t handle that, but you just pushed through anyway, and it really hurt!”

“Phrasing!” Eri chided her once more, as the way Aiko said it was very dirty. Still, it amused Shaeula at least, and her laughter rang out.

“Seriously, it sucked and I’m so ashamed!” Aiko continued, pouting. “Now that I’ve been through that, I’m ruined. I can’t get married anymore. You’ll have to take responsibility, bro…”

“Enough of that.” I sighed. “It wasn’t like you are making it sound. Besides, firstly, there are only girls here so no-one would know about it, and secondly, it was just some cleaning out of your chakra network. And lastly, and most importantly… seriously… you want me to take responsibility? Seriously? Might want to rethink that one, sis.”

I didn’t think it was possible, but she went even redder, looking away. “Oh shut up! It was humiliating, it felt strange!” she sighed. “Still, I know you only do it to help me.”

“She’s just embarrassed.” Eri said helpfully. “But like Akio says, it isn’t anything weird.”

“Indeed.” Shaeula agreed. “It is not truly mixing your souls and aether. It is more-more akin to a handshake or a hug, not-not an intimate act such as true conjoining.”

“Fine then.” She was starting to calm down. “I do feel full of energy though. Wow, I can hardly wait to be able to explore!”

“We only have a few hours. You have to be ready for the party.” I warned, and she pouted again.

“Spoilsport!” she chided me. “But I get it. Come on then Eri, let’s go!”

“I shall follow you shortly.” Shaeula said, turning back to the noble girls. “First I shall-shall look over their techniques, and correct any glaring issues. Then I shall follow you-you.”

“All right then. Come on, time to go.” Eri was already entering the Boundary, lying down on some futons that had been placed here beforehand. Aiko struggled a bit, even with her replenished aether, but after a few minutes she too was unconscious. With that, I also lay down, and moments later I opened my eyes in the Boundary once more…

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