On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 239: One Hundred And Eighty-Seven – R18/Contains Sex

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I hoisted the heavy sack full of equipment I was carrying over my shoulder, once more marvelling at the fact that such items would move around with one’s Astral body. There really has to be a way to use that somehow… Still, I pushed the thought that I had considered a fair few times before aside, revelling in something different, the sheer childlike joy and excitement Aiko was displaying.

“Wow, just wow. Wowowowowowowowow.” She was speaking rapidly, her words slurring together as she examined the much more magnificent shrine. “I only saw a little before, but wow, this is crazy!”

“I get that you are excited, but you need to calm down.” Eri said, and I saw she was holding what looked like a wood-axe, the bright metal head now pitted with chips and cracks. On seeing my gaze, Eri blushed adorably. “Well, when I broke the gifts you gave me… ugh, I still feel awful about that… anyway… I managed to take this axe from a zombie.” She swung it through the air, making it whistle. “Still, I find it easier to use than a sword. I guess I’m not skilled like Aiko. Axes and clubs are easy to use.”

“Well, it’s a complicated feeling, seeing you armed and ready to fight, but… I guess I’m proud of you?” I said, and Eri giggled.

“You don’t sound sure.”

“No. I am sure. Good job!” I reached out with my free hand and ruffled her hair. As I did so, Aiko turned back to us, bouncing about excitedly.

“Come on, you two! I want to see outside! Outside!”

We followed Aiko out, only to hear more of her astonished ‘wow’ noises. She had entered the courtyard, only to be greeted by the Brown Dog kami and his many pony-sized adherents. Her dislike of dogs, which was shared by as all, admittedly, after that day, had been completely pushed out by the spectacle, and my sis was standing there with her mouth wide open, a shocked expression on her face.

“Grr, welcome, child of my shrine.” The Brown Dog said, and that surprised my sis even more.

“It talks, he talks! Wow, this is amazing!”

Eri tried to calm Aiko down, though she was struggling, finding it hard to contain her mirth. While this was going on, I bowed politely to the kami, thanking him for looking after Eri during her forays into the Boundary, and adding that I hoped they would take care of Aiko too now.

“Grr, I shall indeed look after your honourable sister. She too is a daughter of this shrine.” Man, that voice still surprises me. But then, the Jade Beetle spoke very elegantly as well, barring the odd beetle noises.

I declined any escorts from his followers, as we would not be here long, and Shaeula and I would be more than enough protection. Speaking of Shaeula, a few minutes later she appeared, greeting us.

“All right then. Shall we be off?” I asked, having queried the Brown Dog about areas where enemies lurked.

“Sure thing! Wow, I’m pumped up.” Aiko stuck an excited pose. “Although…” she deflated a bit. “I don’t have a weapon, and I can’t level up. Wow, this sucks.”

“True, but there are still things you can do.” Shaeula and I, during our own training sessions, had been coming up with activities for our new trainees, which would allow growth in abilities even without the ability to level. “Besides…” I rattled the heavy sack I was carrying.

“Here seems as good-good a place as any.” Shaeula grinned. We were on the hillside below the shrine, and the scenery was eerie yet attractive, the dark unlight of the skies casting pretty shadows.

“Right.” I turned to Eri, putting down the sack and rummaging around in it. “I know your birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but… happy birthday, Eri! I’m so glad I could spend it with you. I’m sorry I missed your last few…”

I pulled out several items. The first was the axe I had Bjarki make. It was a long-handled crescent-head axe with a spike on top of the shaft for stabbing like a spear if necessary, made of black dwarven steel, with some attractive blue patterns made from alloyed bluesteel and other metals. “I’m sorry it’s not particularly romantic, but… you are an adult, so I figured practical is best, right?”

“Wow bro, not quite what I meant when I said adult, you idiot.” Aiko muttered loudly, clearly intending for me to hear. Even so, Eri dropped her own axe and reached out, happily lifting it up. “It’s heavy… but I can manage. It’s pretty too.” She smiled brilliantly, giving it a few swings. “Thank you, Akio! I love it! It’s even decorated, it’s kind of cute!”

Cute, really? I think I’ve broken Eri if she thinks a weapon is cute. Although... she’s cute right now.

“I’ll be honest.” Eri continued, resting the shaft of the axe on the ground, leaning on it. “I was pretty upset you kept missing my birthday. So this doesn’t quite make up for it. I want you to spend ten… no, a hundred birthdays with me for each one you missed. Then I’ll call it even.” She beamed broadly then, tearing up a little. “Even so… I’m so happy that… we can be together again. And that you trust me and respect me enough to let me help you!”

As Shaeula and my sis clapped cheerfully, I hugged Eri. “Don’t worry.” I whispered into her ear. “Let’s shoot for a thousand instead. And I do trust you. I worry about you getting hurt, but… well, I’ve thought of that.” Releasing Eri, I pulled out my other gift. It was the armoured dress that Bjarki and a surprising assistant had worked on.

“Wow, that’s cute!” Aiko said, envious, and Eri agreed, taking it from me, running her hands over the smooth metallic cloth, which was plated with black and blue metals to shield her vital areas.

“It looks a bit goth-loli.” My sis observed. “And the skirt is pretty damn short. Is that the sort of dress you like Eri in, bro?” she asked, and I had to admit Eri did look cute in more girly clothes like that.

“I’m going to try it on.” Eri said, enchanted by her gift. Her hands went to her ragged armour that I had brought her before and she pulled it off. She then began unbuttoning her blouse.

“Bold indeed.” Shaeula snickered, as Eri dropped her blouse to the floor, before unhooking the clasps on her long skirt. As that fell to the floor, I probably should have averted my eyes at her underwear-clad body, but it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen more.

“We are all girls here. Apart from Akio. And I want him to see.” Eri blushed. She slowly donned the black and blue dress, taking her time, showing off her body. “It’s really pretty, and not too heavy.” she said, spinning around, her hem fluttering. “It’s sad I can’t show anyone else.”

“Sure, you look great. Bro’s taste seems to be improving. Either that or Shaeula helped out.” My sis observed. “Still, the skirt part is surprisingly short, if you try fighting in that you’ll just end up flashing your enemies. Plus, it doesn’t exactly protect your legs or arms. I’m surprised he didn’t dress you in bikini armour…”

“I’m not that bad.” I protested. “And I did think of that. Here.” I produced two long metallic-cloth bracers and gloves for Eri’s arms, as well as some under-leggings to be put on under the skirt, preventing any wardrobe malfunctions and also armouring her legs. Eri pulled them on, making sure I could see her underwear, before giving a final twirl.

Eri in lolita combat gear

“Perfect!” I said, and the others agreed.

“It surprises me that master Bjarki was capable of making such-such… fanciful… armour.” Shaeula mused, and I shook my head. “He did the reinforcing and alloying, but surprisingly it was Hyacinth who spun the cloth and did most of the needlework.”

“Who’s Hyacinth?” Eri asked, not recognising the name.

“She’s one of the Fae Shaeula’s brother sent us. She’s… well, she’s pretty crazy, but she excels at all sorts of domestic chores. It seems spinning, needlework and tailoring are among them.” I grinned.

“Well, it’s not even my birthday yet, but I’m already happy.” Eri was overjoyed. “Now I want to test out this axe. Maybe I’ll get my Axe Technique to Rank 2.” Her smile was gorgeous and seductive.

“Well, I get that it is your birthday and all.” Aiko sighed. “And don’t get me wrong, this place is unbelievable, and I’m happy I can finally come here… but… wow, damn, I feel so left out.”

Shaeula and I exchanged glances, before we grinned. “Don’t worry. Shaeula made sure you wouldn’t be the only one to get nothing, and I think I’ve contributed too.”

“Oh, really?” she leaned in, excited. “Don’t keep me hanging.”

“I think I know.” Eri giggled, still frolicking around in her dress, hefting her axe. Well yeah, you were there when Shaeula asked her brother for it…

“Here. This is for you. We didn’t have these made, they are genuine Faerie items, so do be sure to take care of them!”

“Wow. Just… wow.” Aiko grinned, as I handed her a fiery red recurve-style bow, with a string of shining metallic silver. It was paired with a quiver made from a brilliant crimson material, attached to a cute leather strap with a silver buckle to fasten it and some attractive dangling cloth that Hyacinth had attached, allowing Aiko to secure her bow out of the way and draw it quickly too.

“It’s even my favourite colour.” Aiko rubbed her cheek against the sleek bow, grinning. “Thanks. I love it big bro. It reminds me of my own bow too.” It was quite a bit smaller than a kyudo bow, but was more suitable for actual combat.

“Shaeula helped get it too.” I admitted. “By the way… that’s not all.” Removing the last items from the bag, it was a set of armour similar to Eri’s, though this one was a long-sleeved body armour and leggings. It was still decently cute as armoured clothing went, but even so, my sis pursed her lips when she saw it.

“Well…” she pondered, taking them from me. “… I really should be happy, you’ve thought of me after all, and it is a gift, but… wow bro, such double standards. Eri gets a cute dress, while I’m in leggings and a jerkin. It kind of hurts my feelings a little, you know.”

“I don’t think I meant it that way.” I sighed. Girls huh? I may have two fiancées now, but I still don’t get them most of the time. “I’m pretty certain they’ll suit you anyway, and you prefer jeans and t-shirt over dresses and skirts at home, don’t you?”

“True.” Aiko conceded. “But I think you are missing the point a bit. Anyway…”

“Anyway…?” I asked, confused.

“Damn, bro!” my sis exclaimed. “I’m not stripping in front of you to change! I’m not Eri. At least look away!”

Oh yeah… with a wry, embarrassed smile, I turned away. After a couple of minutes my sis called out to me, and I turned. Hey, not too bad. “Yeah, I was right. You look pretty cool, sis. If the boys at school could see you like this, they’d be even more desperate to date you.”

Aiko in combat gear

“Sure, like I want that.” My sis rolled her eyes, before testing her range of movement. “Still, I have to admit, this is pretty good gear. Thanks bro, Shaeula.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I replied. “After all, there’s no way I’m letting you do dangerous things without all the preparation I can make to keep you safe.”

As Eri snickered at her embarrassment, Shaeula piped up. “Well, time will not-not wait for us, will it? It is time to test out your new toys.” She grinned wolfishly. “After all, we can not-not miss the party, can we?”




“Wow, this is wild!” Aiko cried, the arrow bursting into flame and piercing the giant black bear in the head. It flailed around, burly arms tipped with jagged claws each the length of kitchen knives, unable to reach its target, who darted in and swung her axe with a loud roar, also striking the head. The bear-beast cried out, before collapsing and flaring into a cloud of bright ether.

“It is, isn’t it?” Eri grounded her axe, panting a little. “Still, it’s as exciting as it is scary!”

Sitting down, her hands trembling, Aiko nodded. “Yeah, I’m definitely a bit freaked out here. But wow, Eri, you’ve changed. Or maybe you haven’t. In any case… I think I’m done fighting for now. It’s bad for my nerves.”

“Hey, you get to stand at a distance! I have to run in up close!” as Eri retorted, jokingly, I cracked a smile. This really is nice. I don’t want them to get hurt, but even so, seeing them laughing and joking like this is heart-warming.

“We do not-not have much time, but I shall show you some exercises to complete to increase your potential.” Shaeula gathered them and they began to manipulate aether. Aiko’s exercise was to create arrows and keep aether and imagination flowing into them long enough for her to hit a target with them, while Eri’s was to control her axe with aether, alternately increasing and decreasing the weight while she swung. They were efforts to increase their aether control, and hopefully get them the relevant skills.

“I shall continue as well.” Shaeula pulled out the mirror she had brought with her, and she began to fire bursts of light energy from her dagger into it, deepening the indigo glow as more and more energy was stored.

I guess I’ll clear the rest of the monsters around here to help out the shrine. Leaving the girls to it, I quickly tore through the remaining bears and similar monsters. They were little challenge, so I returned a few minutes later, to see Eri and Aiko, having exhausted most of their small stocks of aether from the hard training, crowded around Shaeula.

“That mirror… it’s pretty.” Eri observed, and beside her Aiko agreed. “Yeah, the two colours of wood and the blue detailing… it looks like the sort of antique a noble might have.”

“Yes, we retrieved it from a very strange place indeed.” Shaeula said. “The mirror stores both light and darkness elemental energy. I have-have been charging it, to practice mastering this dagger.” With that she twisted the frame, turning the black moons to the top with an audible click. The light within turned to the blue, casting an azure shadow on their faces.

“So… so pretty.” Eri said a little vacantly, reaching for the mirror. Shaeula let her take it, her eyes glowing amber.

“Yes, you do have an affinity for darkness, do you not-not?” Shaeula mused. “I expected this would happen.” Dark flecks of blue light were lifting free from the glass and being sucked into her network. Still, I don’t think she would be able to master it that way. It’s only a trickle, and instinctive. I had struggled with darkness, making little headway with learning it, but I also knew affinity made a difference, due to my experiences with the earth element.

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“What’s going on, bro?” Aiko asked, concerned by the sudden change in Eri.

“I told you about elements earlier, right? Well Eri has an affinity for darkness, so she’s absorbing it from the mirror where some of it is stored. Still, if she could learn it, she’d be stronger…”

“I see. Is it… dangerous?” Aiko asked.

“There can be a risk of hurting your chakra network, but with Shaeula here that can be avoided.” Shaeula was in fact talking Eri through what she needed to do.

“You must-must draw the darkness here.” Shaeula tapped her on the throat. “Pool it here and allow it to grow-grow. But that alone is not-not enough. You must also understand the darkness, feel it.”

As Eri nodded, concentrating, my sis whispered to me. “So… just how do you understand darkness, bro? I don’t get it.”

“Neither do I, sadly. And I have tried a fair bit. I suppose if Eri manages it, maybe she can explain it to us?”

As we continued to speculate, Eri was draining the mirror dry under Shaeula’s supervision. “I… I…” Eri exclaimed, her dark eyes flashing. “I’m so annoyed. Why the hell are all these new girls flocking around Akio? It’s incredibly frustrating! Why can’t they just piss off and leave Akio to me!”

“I understand your concerns, but it is not-not reasonable to keep Akio to yourself. He is too-too great a male.” Shaeula said, only for Eri to glare at her, snarling, exposing her teeth.

“Well, this is all your fault!” Eri snapped. “You think I wasn’t in pain when you and Akio… you… you…”

“Eri, stop that!” Aiko said, confused. “You don’t really think that, I know! What’s got into you?”

“It must be the darkness energy. When she took some in back at the shrine, she went a bit berserk. I guess darkness is like yin, from strong negative emotions. Eri…” I reached out, grabbing her shoulder reassuringly. “It’s all right, I’m here. If it’s too much you can sto…” I didn’t even get to finish before her lips were sealing mine with a savage kiss, her tongue tangling with mine. I felt pain as she bit down hard on my lips. Still, at least it seemed to calm her a little, so I grabbed her and pulled her close, reciprocating.

As she pulled free, she sighed damply. “This is your fault, Akio. You make me so jealous, leave me so scared. But… I love you, don’t leave me, I’m sorry I’m so needy, I’ll get better, I promise, don’t leave me…” the remaining darkness energy was pulled from the mirror, and it fell from her sweaty hand.

“Oh Eri…” I sighed, hugging her more tightly. “I know you feel some of that, but most of it is the darkness energy. You can control it. I’ll never leave you again, I promise. After all, don’t we love each other?”

“You’ll never… ever… leave me again?” she murmured, her face pale and her expression ghastly and fearful.

“No, I promise.” I squeezed her tighter.

“I see. Then I’m relieved. But…” she suddenly spun me with surprising strength and tossed me to the ground, where I landed on my back, Eri towering over me. “… prove it. Here and now.”

“Oh wow… this isn’t going where I think it is, is it? Are you sure this is okay?” Aiko asked Shaeula, who shrugged.

“We shall interrupt if it becomes dangerous. Perhaps it will help her settle the darkness energy. I am not-not an expert on the higher elements, alas.”

Yeah, the look in Eri’s eyes. I don’t like it. I hate seeing her in pain. Pushing down my embarrassment, I made my resolve to help her through this trial, no matter the personal humiliation…

Eri reached under her skirt and pulled off the leggings, tossing them aside. I found my eyes drawn to her underwear, the clean white panties she usually wore visible under the short skirt at this angle. On seeing my gaze she grinned, and reached under her dress. I heard a gentle click, and she dragged her white bra out from under the armoured cloth, tossing it aside.

“I love that.” She giggled, a touch maniacally, as she pulled down her panties and cast them aside too. Her slit was already slightly open, drooling her love juices. “I want so much to believe you love me as much as I do you. I do believe it, truly, but right now there’s a voice inside me that won’t shut up, that says this happiness won’t last, that Shaeula, those noble bitches, the girls from my school, even Aiko… everyone wants to take you away… from… me!” she bent down and tore off my own armour, grabbing my penis and pulling it free, before swallowing it within her warm mouth, head moving back and forth as she moaned, her tongue inexpertly licking my shaft, her hair tickling my bare legs.

“No, Eri, I’d never do that…” Aiko said, her voice pained.

“Shut up!” Eri said, her voice muffled as my penis was still in her mouth, trembling as she worked on it. “I know… I do… but… uh… ahn…”

Seeing her distress I slid one hand up under her skirt, stroking her dripping pussy gently, my finger scooping up some of her juices and using it to polish the little red bead that was her clitoris. My other hand I slid into her dress, grabbing at her bare breasts, enjoying the feel of their softness in my palm, the hard nub that was a nipple poking me. Her moans became more intense, and she quickly came, squirting all over my legs before she pissed herself, a hot gush of urine soaking me. She slid free, my iron-hard cock convulsing, yet I had not orgasmed, as she was defeated just before I could cum.

“Wow, this got… serious.” My sis muttered, shocked, but unable to look away. Shaeula was looking too, though for other reasons, my keen nose picking up the damp scent of her arousal too.

“Indeed. Eri’s emotions are being heightened by the darkness and slanted towards the negative. I would intervene, but I fear Eri would react poorly right now.”

Yeah, no kidding. She was lying on my lap, her (and my) lower body soaked with her sticky secretions and urine. She was flushed red, but her eyes were black. She trembled with shame, embarrassment and lust, eyeing my engorged dick greedily.

“Eri… I’ll prove it to you!” I said, gently picking her up, pulling down her dress and easing it off until she was naked. “But… can you control the energy or should I purge it? Either way, I love you, just… I prefer the normal Eri.” I kissed her, tongue forcing in. I started working her clit and pussy again, the hole loose and ready to accept my penis, but I showed her no mercy. I slid my lips down to her breasts, sucking at her nipples, and as her gasps intensified, she spoke, her words coming fast and breathlessly.

“I know. I get that… it’s… ahn… ahn, stop…. I’m going white… weird… but… ahn, um… it’s hard. I’ll do my best… for you!”

“Then let me help you!” I said, as she orgasmed a second time, this time only a thin dribble of love nectar splashing out. I bent down and licked at it, causing her great shame and arousal. “It’s sour. But it tastes of you. I want all of you! The light, the dark, everything! If you really fear that I'll go away, I’ll reassure you as many times as it takes, even if it takes a thousand, no, ten thousand years!” and with that I pressed my penis to her still-twitching entrance. After two massive orgasms, she was incredibly sensitive, so even the brief touch made her shudder in pleasure.

“Only Shaeula and I know… ahn, this pleasure.” Eri gasped, looking at Shaeula. “In my head I know without you, Akio and I would never have come together… ahn, ah, but my heart… no, I CAN control this! I’m going… uh, ahn…” her words were cut off as I slid inside her warm honeypot, the slick walls of her insides gripping me tightly.

Shit, that feels amazing. I could hear my sis and Shaeula talking to each other, but my head was white too. Eri and I kissed, and I forced myself in until my dick, harder and bigger than ever, was kissing the entrance to her womb, hitting her deep inside. Now, time to end this.

We were both gasping and sweating as I slid in and out of her, our tongues and lips entwinned, my penis scooping out her sodden insides, the wet slapping as our bodies met arousing. It didn’t take too long until I came, since she had prepared me well with her mouth. As my hot semen poured deep into her womb, Eri gasped and shuddered. She had not orgasmed, but even so, the experience was brilliant for her, the feeling of my love resonating.

“… I’m going crazy, but I’ll… I’ll control the darkness I feel!” Eri yelled.

“Together!” I gasped. Even though I was done, I continued to make love, nectar and semen lubricating my dick. As Eri concentrated on understanding the darkness and how it affected her, while simultaneously climbing the stairs towards a third orgasm, I let my aether flow into her, concentrating on my Aetheric Chirurgery. There. She’s doing it!

“Don’t worry… ahn… about that! Look only at me, uh, in this moooooooooment!” Eri cried.

I should. As I touched her throat chakra with my aether, some darkness carrying her thoughts spilled into me, magnifying my own dark emotions. What… what if Eri wanted another man, was doing what we are doing now? Another man, kissing her lips, touching her breasts… fucking her… NO! “Eri, you’re mine, now and forever. I’ll never, ever let you go. If any man tries to take you from me… I’ll kill him!”

“Yes, I wanted to hear that! When you said… ahn… ugh… that if I ever wanted another man… fuck, I felt sick. You jerk!” she started crying. “I ahh… don’t care about… ahn, your … fuck, this feels so good… I’m going to cum again, in front of Shaeula and Aiko… shit… if you must have other women… for you I can bear anything… ahn, except you saying I want anyone else… ahn… but you!” She orgasmed then, her third one dwarfing the other two, our heads clashing as she convulsed so hard. I then erupted again, her wriggling hole somehow dragging sperm out of me. As I fell on her, our bleeding heads resting against each other, I felt our bonds resonate, and my Chirurgery discerned a change in her throat chakra.

“Akio, you idiot.” We kissed, leisurely, tenderly. “I don’t… want you to forget me. I want to spend as much time with you as I can.” She was crying, but the tears were pure, her true thoughts, not the mess of her darker ones. “I want this happiness to last forever! But Shaeula is right. You are special. I’ve always known it. So… if you have to have others… other women… as long as they love you like you deserve... I’ll swallow my tears. Just… never forsake me. And never tell me that I’d be better off loving someone else, even if I still loved you. I hate that. I’d rather die than touch another boy! I know you feel bad about being unfaithful, and you should. But only because it’ll make you only choose women that need you. I’ve always needed you, and Shaeula does too. Just…” she kissed me one more time, then snuggled her head into my chest, inviting me to stroke her hair, which I did. “… just don’t go mad, all right? I don’t want to be dealing with any bitches. I don’t want anything to interfere with our happy times.”

Seriously, I meant it when I pledged just to love you and Shaeula. But… Motoko-san… she’s so determined to carry on her family legacy… she could do it without me, right? No, now isn’t the time… later. I need to be VERY sure about any decision, and right now Eri’s emotions are running high. I can’t take her opinion here as her true opinion… she doesn’t mean what she is saying, I’m sure. Right? Ugh...

“Well, this is a surprise indeed.” Shaeula said loudly, and we both jumped, suddenly reminded they were there. “It seems you have realised your role as the first wife, have you not-not?” Shaeula grinned. “Fear not-not, I shall aid you, and Akio is not such a male who would abandon his females to fawn on another. If he should, we shall teach him the error of his ways and correct-correct him, no?”

“Wow, holy shit. I think I need therapy now.” Aiko said, her face so scarlet as to be almost purple. “I thought Las Vegas was bad, but this…” she shook her head. “I’d have looked away, but… well, shit bro, I’ve heard some guys at school talking, but I think you might be a beast. Eri looked like she was enjoying it.” She shook her head. “Also… Eri, you seem different somehow. More… glossy? Prettier? Ugh, I can’t explain it. I guess it’s true girls in love get cute.”

“I do not-not think it is just that.” Shaeula observed her with blazing amber eyes. “Your throat chakra has stabilised. You have succeeded. Not-not that I doubted you. But before we discuss that… perhaps you might consider cleaning yourselves and getting dressed?”

Eri let out a yelp, realising we were both covered in her piss and love nectar, and my cum was dripping out of her all over us. I used aether to cleanse us, a neat trick I had just thought of, and then we dressed ourselves.

“I thought you’d save that sort of fun until your actual birthday.” Aiko smirked, having calmed down now the stimulating and embarrassing sight was over.

“I still will.” Eri chucked, looking up at me, a refreshed expression on her face. “You want to as well, right?” she asked me, and I had to nod.

“Of course. I plan to make up for your missed birthdays as best I can. Consider this a down-payment. But… we really are running low on time. Also… my sis is right. You do look hotter. It’s making my heart race.”

“Isn’t that just remembering what you did a minute ago?” my sis snarked, but I shook my head.

“Give me a second, I’m going to appraise you.” As Eri shivered, her sensitive body twitching at my touch, I let out a surprised gasp. “Damn, you’ve mastered Darkness, which is awesome, great job, but… that isn’t the strange thing!”

Eri's status sheet

Dark Temptress. This class draws upon the aspects of darkness that point towards lust, jealously, possessiveness and allure, turning them into power. Charm will dramatically increase, and the effects of Charm will also be increased. The charisma and physical beauty of the Temptress will increase, and skills relating to darkness element, mental manipulation, love and lust will also increase.

That’s one surprising class! Although she did tempt me ruthlessly only a short while ago. Still, the big takeaway here was that Eri could get a class as well. Shaeula already had one when I linked her to the Throne of Heroes, so it was not certain others would be able to gain them, but this proved it. That’s another route to growing power for those I train. Although with a class like that…

Shaeula was laughing uproariously, having fallen to the floor, and she was now rolling around, tears falling from her amber eyes, greatly amused.

“Wow. I knew you had got sexy all of a sudden. But to think you’re a temptress now.” Aiko teased her too, getting a small revenge for the scene she had witnessed earlier. “I wonder what uncle and auntie will say about this! You’d better watch out bro, Eri will be drawing in all the boys during the party for sure, now!”

“You shut up, Aiko!” Eri was almost wailing, tears running down her cheeks for a different reason to Shaeula. “Akio, take it back, take it away! I don’t want this class! I don’t want to tempt anyone but you! I’ll die first!”

“No dying! We’ve discussed this. But I’d be grateful if you kept the temptation to just me, selfish though it is.” I hugged away her tears until she calmed down.

“I know.” She hiccupped, her tantrum spent. “I’m strong enough to ward off any persistent flies, so I shouldn’t be scared. I just hate the class name. Yours are so cool, and mine… it makes me sound like a slut!”

“If anyone is a slut here it’s me, two fiancées and other girls always hanging around. So I get it. I’ve heard your feelings, both your true and your darker ones. I trust you. Besides… you being more beautiful, makes me a lucky guy, right? Every girl would want that class.”

“Indeed. I don’t want to tempt trash like Kenji, but… damn, I want to be more beautiful. I want power too. Hey bro, did I get the Aether Manipulation skill too?”

“I’m afraid not.” I said after checking, and she puffed out her cheeks, frowning.

“Damn, so annoying. I guess Eri has a head start on me though. I’ll get it, mark my words. A class too. Or some elements!” she slapped her own cheeks, motivating herself like she would during kyudo or volleyball. “Not Dark Temptress though. I’ll leave that for Eri!”

“Aiko!” Eri growled, and more laughter echoed around.

“If you simply practise when you return to the Boundary, you shall-shall obtain it. Work on your skills and they shall not-not betray you. Now, this has been… entertaining…” Shaeula smirked. “But we should return. The party is waiting! Although…” Shaeula looked at Eri, a wry expression on her face. “Now-now I understand why you were so annoyed when your Lovers’ Link skill was below mine. I am feeling quite-quite frustrated now myself!”

As Shaeula declared that, Eri smiled prettily, satisfied with the role reversal. Seeing that, Aiko chuckled, nudging me in the ribs with her elbow. “Hey bro. Quick question? Why is it every time you… well, fuck… do either you or the girls get a powerup? Did some god of Eroge give you your powers? As your sister, it’s a bit disheartening. Work out a better way so I can get my share too!”

At that surprisingly crude comment, Eri and Shaeula turned their attention to my sis, and soon they were all laughing and joking once more, mostly at my expense. As Shaeula passed the mirror back to Eri, advising her to use it to store and train her darkness further, I found myself smiling.

Yeah, at least the girls get to have fun. Me… I have to talk to mom, father and the Mori’s. Damn, I suppose at least I’ve had some unexpected happiness with Eri to give me some strength. I could never give her up now. We both promised. Together forever. Now I just have to somehow bring our families on board with this crazy madness…

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