On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 243: Side Fifty-Nine – Mori Eri

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“Well… this is rather… quaint.” Fukumoto-san said, looking around, unable to disguise her disdain. “I think my walk-in wardrobe at home is bigger than these rooms.”

Ugh, my stomach hurts. I don’t know how to deal with rich girls like these. I’ve never had money myself. Although maybe I’ll have to change. After all, Akio is earning a lot now… and I’ll be his wife…

“Well yeah.” Aiko defended her home. “We were poor as dirt up until my bro started bringing in the money. Who knows, maybe we’ll move to a bigger place? We can certainly afford it. But…” she crossed her arms under her chest and scowled at Fukumoto-san, her acerbic tone snapping me out of my happy reverie, thinking about Akio. “… do you really think it’s very noble of you to come in here and criticise, when you are a guest? I know my bro would have told you what to expect here, right?”

At the rebuke, which left me feeling nervous, Fukumoto-san seemed a touch annoyed, but the older girl, the really elegant one, Tsumura-san, she stepped in to calm things down, a gentle smile on her face that was very soothing.

“Aiko-sensei is right, Hinata-san. It isn’t very becoming when we forced our way in here, asking a favour. And we were indeed warned. I myself will be taking it as a learning experience.” She bowed. “I apologise on her behalf, Aiko-sensei. We are grateful that you would offer us hospitality.”

“Yes, you will never gain Akio’s approval should you continue to act like that-that.” Shaeula snickered nastily. That comment drew attention from our unusual guests.

“What, you want Akio-kun’s approval?” the bold girl from the volleyball team said, and I felt a twinge of annoyance as she called him Akio-kun, being as they had barely ever talked and were definitely not close enough to be acquainted. It wasn’t just me, as Aiko bit down on a sigh, before turning to Shaeula and scolding her.

“Come on, enough of that. We have guests, who don’t understand your sense of humour.” She chided her, before turning back to her teammate. “Seriously, try not to listen to her too much, Tomoko-chan. She’s got a malicious sense of humour. Everyone knows that my bro is engaged to Eri, right?”

At her emphasis, I giggled, holding out my hand, showing off my glittering engagement ring, which reminded me of the stars in the sky as it sparkled. Shaeula glanced down at her own ring, before letting out a short sigh. “Of course. Eri is beloved by Akio, there is no-no question. Still…”

“Hey, that reminds me.” The girl… Tomoko-san, I guess? I don’t know her surname, which thinking about it, it’s kind of bad, considering I’ve watched Aiko play volleyball a fair few times. Uh, I can see why people think I’m standoffish. Well, I mean I am, but… I’ll get better. The party was fine, if rather trying, and this… well, I can use it to practice in a safer setting. After all, nothing bad can happen in Aiko’s home…

“… you’ve been calling Aiko-chan by Aiko-sensei, haven’t you? Akio-kun too. What’s up with that?” beside her the other girl from the volleyball team, a younger girl a year below us at school, also nodded, curious. Strangely enough, Rika-san and Yae-san were eagerly awaiting the answer too. The only one who seemed less interested was the first year who did kyudo with Aiko, who was looking around Aiko’s room with great interest, as if trying to find something. She’s Sonobe Akari-san, right? I do know her at least. Kyudo club had almost no members, and as I was always hanging around to go home with Aiko when she was finished, naturally I knew them, as well as feeling pretty safe and welcome there. Yeah, Aiko’s senior, who graduated last year, she asked me to join kyudo club too. I think she was joking, as I am.. no, I was… pathetically weedy and uninterested, but maybe I should have. Although now… I guess I prefer axes.

“Just what are you grinning about, Eri?” Aiko asked sourly, and I realised as my thoughts wandered I was naturally smiling. It’s just because I got an axe as a present from Akio! Not that I’m going to enjoy swinging it around…

“You don’t often see that.” Tomoko-san laughed. “Mori-san smiling is… no, wait, can I call you Eri-chan? After all, I think you wanted to be more sociable, right?”

My smile turned a bit troubled, but I nodded. “Great.” She continued. “Well, Eri-chan, it’s sure nice to see you smile and not hide your face under your bangs, looking down all the time. You are… really… pretty. In fact, you seem to be more beautiful every day! Damn, is this what love does to a girl? Anyway, I’m off topic. Why are you a sensei, Aiko?”

“Well, we are here to study martial arts.” Tsumura-san said politely, and her bodyguard echoed her. “Akio-sensei is our first teacher, but Aiko-sensei is apparently skilled in kyudo as well. I have a keen interest in such things, my family arts also have archery techniques.”

“Oh yeah!” Akari-san suddenly spoke up. “I can see you carrying several objects. That one looks like a kendo bag, and that one there…” she pointed, excited. “It’s a bow, right?”

“It is indeed.” Tsumura-san asked Hori-san to hand over the wrapped bundle, and she unsealed it, revealing a large bow, though it was smaller and sleeker than the oversized kyudo bows, the Yumi. It was made for combat, the enamelled body of the bow dark green and crimson, with the parts where the string connected carved into heads of serpents. Even I could tell it was old and valuable. On seeing the bow, both Akari-san and Aiko were excited, and asked to touch it.

“Aiko-sensei, you may touch it, but alas, you… I am afraid I don’t know your name… my family bow cannot be touched casually. My apologies.”

“Oh… I see.” Akari-san was disappointed, and Aiko felt bad, so she opened up her cupboard and pulled out her own red bow, handing it over.

“Make do with mine.” Aiko grinned. “I know you’ve been looking for it. I also have this.” She brought out the Olympic recurve bow she had received in Las Vegas. “This is one my bro got me. It’s easier to use, but kyudo isn’t all about the accuracy, it’s a way of life, right?” she winked, and Akari-san giggled happily.

“So that’s the famous bow Aki gave up on a year’s worth of allowance to help you buy, right?” Yae-san snickered. “Damn, I’m jealous.”

“As you should be.” Shaeula intoned. She had managed to bring in beer, and tugging at the ring-pull with a slender finger she opened it, taking a loud gulp of the foamy liquid. “For not only has she received these-these bows, she also has another she can not-not show you.”

Oh yeah, the faerie bow. Still, that’s a dangerous topic…

Aiko seemed to agree, as she shut Shaeula down, and waved away Akari-san’s excited questioning. “Yeah well, maybe later. I don’t have my bow here with me right now. Anyway…” she changed the subject. “This is one gorgeous bow. You can feel it’s been used in battle.”

“Most perceptive.” She had also unveiled her spear, Gurenyari, as well as a beautiful-looking katana, the sheath decorated beautifully with swooping birds and snakes. “This bow, hebihikoukiba, known as the snake that sends its fangs flying to pierce the enemy, was used by our ancestors in many battles since the age of the Shogunate. Countless foes have died to the arrows it has launched. And as for this katana, utsuroihebi, the fleeting snake that strikes like the wind, it was claimed from an enemy general and has served my family ever since.”

“That’s quite the story.” Yae-san shook her head. “Still, that doesn’t entirely answer the question, does it? I know Ai here is a decent archer, she’s been in tournaments, even if she never wins, right?” she stuck out her tongue at Aiko, and everyone laughed at her reaction.

“Yeah, so why is Akio-kun your sensei?” Rika-san finished for her friend. “He doesn’t do much… oh wait, didn’t he say at the baseball he did combat sports?” she suddenly remembered, a look of enlightenment crossing her features.

“I don’t know about combat.” Tomoko-san said. “But at the baseball your brother was awesome! Some of the moves he was pulling off were pro-athlete level! Isn’t that right, Yuina-chan?” she asked her younger teammate, who bounced excitedly.

“Yeah, I was moved! He showed the pro team just what someone who puts their heart and soul into improving can do!”

So she’s Yuina-san, huh? Well, it doesn’t matter. “Yes, Akio is doing all sorts of combat sports and physical training.” I said, before Shaeula could say something inciting. As I did so she looked at me, her amber eyes slightly regretful. Her face was already flushed from the alcohol, and once more I had a bad feeling she was going to cause trouble. No, it’s my job to manage this mess now. I can’t show weakness, not in front of Tsumura-san and Fukumoto-san anyway. Maybe not even in front of those two idiots… I glanced at Yae-san, who I still suspected hadn’t given up entirely on Akio. I mean, I understand why, but… she should know she’s outclassed…

“I’ve also been doing the training plan Akio prepared for me.” I continued. “And you saw how much fitter I am in Physical Education class, right?”

“Yeah, it was wild.” Yae-san agreed. “Little Ri-Ri was as good as the best of us. The poor teacher nearly had a heart attack. I wonder just what this training plan entails. Looking at you right now, the way you are practically glowing lewdly, I’d say it involves a whole lot of horizontal activity on the bed.”

That’s so embarrassing, and seriously annoying! “I don’t think I need to answer that.” I pouted, to much laughter.

“See, she does not-not deny it. For she can not-not.” The tipsy Shaeula smirked. “Still, a female shines so much more brightly when loved by the male they have chosen.”

“Speaking of, we need to talk about your man later.” Yae-san said pointedly, glancing at Shaeula’s engagement ring. “But before that... Seriously, just what is up with Aki? I can’t get a handle on him. He’s hot as hell now, super sporty, apparently to the extent some very refined and high-class girls are going to him for training.” At her words, Tsumura-san, Hori-san and even Fukumoto-san nodded. Onoue-san was still looking troubled, but even she seemed keen to learn from Akio. I guess that isn’t a surprise. If I can get to this level in just a short time, someone skilled in combat would be far more powerful. She can then protect her mistress better…

“In addition, he takes you girls on expensive trips abroad, stays in fancy hotel suites, brings back tons of souvenirs and gifts even for girls he barely knows, like us. Not that I’m complaining…” she touched her earrings, which I noticed she wore as often as she could, Rika-san too, which was also an irritation.

“I sure am!” Tomoko-san broke in. “Like I said, Aiko-chan, you need to put in a good word to your brother for the team too! If he’s giving out gifts to cute girls, the volleyball team should be his first port of call!”

“Yeah, not going to happen.” Aiko shook her head and I felt like cheering. It seems like I have rivals everywhere, shutting down some more is a great feeling!

As Aiko and Tomoko-san bickered good-naturedly, Yae-san finished up. “… he flies in on a helicopter, these girls in tow. Yeah, he’s an enigma, all right.”

“You don’t even know what enigma means.” Rika-san teased her. “Still, I agree. It’s like he’s the main character in some sort of story right now.”

“Enough of that.” Aiko bopped Tomoko-san on the head and took her bow back from Akari-san, who sighed in disappointment. “If we are going to have a sleepover, we need to get the rooms ready. Shaeula, Eri, you help me clear space for everyone’s futons. Rika-san, Yae-san, can you go get snacks and drinks from the kitchen? I’ll show you where. Tomoko-chan, Yuina-chan, Akari-chan, please keep our guests from Tokyo entertained, all right?”




“I can’t believe your family owns Nichibotsu Technology!” Yuina-san was saying. “Our family uses a Nichibotsu TV and a laptop!”

“Well, I thank you for using our products.” Fukumoto-san nodded politely. “I hope you continue to do so.”

“Damn, that’s classy. And to think you are the granddaughter of a Minister. I’ve seen your grandfather on TV!” Tomoko-san was speaking to Tsumura-san. We had moved everything out of Aiko’s room we could and laid down futons, but we were all crammed in like sardines. Still, it was cosy. Everyone was eating and drinking, and Shaeula had passed out some beers and sake, despite my objections, forgetting last time when poor Aiko was hungover. Even so, getting our guests drunk, especially such important ones… It seems a bad idea to me.

Seeing her gaze, Fukumoto-san shrugged, taking a gentle sip of sake. “We drink alcohol a lot, don’t we Motoko-san? I know technically it is unlawful, but at adult parties we are expected to drink a little, usually wine or sake. I also partake of some when I have meals with grandfather. I expect it’s the same for you, Motoko-san?”

“Yes, I do often drink with father and grandfather, though I try to keep it in moderation, as a martial artist should always remain clearheaded, and alcohol dehydrates one and is bad for the complexion. If I was to look less than perfect, it would shame my family. But yes, do not worry, Eri-senpai, I have a respectable tolerance, so I will not shame your hospitality.”

“A female should be a good-good drinker!” Shaeula declared, proving her point by draining half a can, foam spattering her face. She was also lying messily on her futon, bare legs flailing out of her yukata. For a princess she can be a bit of a mess. She needs a bit more elegance like Tsumura-san. Tsumura-san and Hori-san were kneeling in perfect seiza, elegantly drinking their alcohol. Fukumoto-san was more relaxed, but even in her sitting position, legs slanted, she was exuding grace. “This is one-one of the greatest enjoyments of the mortal world, alcohol.”

“I’ve thought this before, but for someone with such perfect Japanese, you have some odd word choices. Mortal world, hah. Plus that verbal tic is cute.” Akari-san giggled. On hearing that, Aiko and I exchanged worried looks. The noble girls looked unmoved, but then I guess they did know Shaeula’s origins…

Shaeula tilted her head, adorably confused. “Verbal tic? Word choices? I do not-not understand.”

Yeah, the usual response. It’s relieving, in a way. “So, anyway.” I changed the subject, and Aiko gave me a sly thumbs-up. “I hope everyone enjoyed the party? I’ve never hosted anything like that, so I was worried I’d mess up, but Akio wants me to get better dealing with people and making more friends. I guess I want that too. Nothing is worse than when you feel disappointed in yourself.”

“It feels a bit bittersweet seeing Eri all grown up.” Aiko smiled wryly, and everyone else laughed, well, the girls from Nishimorioka, anyway.

“Yeah, don’t worry, Eri-chan.” Tomoko-san reassured her. “That party was great. I especially liked the bit where Kenji-kun’s brother ran off, nearly crying.” She grinned wolfishly. “He deserves it. His brother was the dumbass, it’s not like you or Akio were at fault. Although, we can’t blame him for wanting to date our Aiko-chan, can we? She’s very popular with the boys at school.” She confided to Tsumura-san and the others. “Still, to get Aiko-chan, not only do you have to break through the impenetrable wall that is her over-protective brother, the fact she’s a major, major brocon means she probably wouldn’t be interested anyway. Eri-chan, you’ll probably end up having to look after Aiko-chan forever if she doesn’t shape up!”

“Hey, it’s me who looks after Eri… though I guess that is my bro’s job now!” she shrugged, taking a gulp of beer and stuffing her face with a cake. I guess she’ll be trusting Akio to heal her hangover tomorrow. She really doesn’t learn… “Although…” Aiko continued. “… like I said at the party, I don’t have any problem with dating, but unless it’s a great guy there’s no point. I’m not settling for just anyone. Especially since Eri has my bro. if I end up with a loser, my pride wouldn’t take it.”

“Comparing other males to Akio is an exercise in futility indeed.” Shaeula scoffed. “Akio is as a mighty oak to their pathetic-pathetic saplings.”

“That’s a dick joke right?” Yae-san giggled. “I didn’t expect you to be so potty-mouthed, Shaeula.”

“That begs the main question though, doesn’t it?” Rika-san said shrewdly, eyeing Shaeula intensely.

I knew I had a bad feeling. Still, there was no way we were getting through this without something going wrong.  As Shaeula waited for her question, an annoying and knowing smirk on her face, I fought the urge to leap up and start strangling her. Seriously, you aren’t supposed to make trouble for me! Ugh, she takes the Fae reputation for mischief too literally!

“Should you be praising Akio-kun when you are engaged? What will your fiancé say about that? Besides, it’s not fair to little Ri-Ri, it must make her uncomfortable. You know…” Rika-san was not letting up. “You always seem to push Akio towards other women, I remember when you insisted Akio-kun honour the bet and take Yae out for that date… seriously, I thought that it was Akio-kun you liked, and the way you talk about him hasn’t changed. What gives?”

“Yeah, I’m curious too.” Yae-san agreed. “I’m a girl who understands romance and I think you are suspicious as hell, Shaeula.” She paused, before looking at Tsumura-san and Hori-san. “These two as well. When they call him Akio-sensei I hear a trace of longing in their voices.” Her gaze swung towards Fukumoto-san.

“Don’t look at me! I’m only here to represent my family interests!” she declared, and Yae-san shook her head in denial.

“Sure, if you say so. Still, Shaeula, no weaselling out of it. I want the truth. It’s what you do at girls’ sleepovers like this. Talk of love and the future are mandatory!”

Weaselling. That amused Shaeula. So what do we do?

With a resigned sigh, Aiko suddenly stood up. She scowled at Shaeula, who chuckled shamefacedly, feeling a little guilty. As everyone looked at Aiko, she looked back at us all, deadly serious. “All right. We are all friends, right? If I ask you all to absolutely keep some secrets, you can, right? I’m not joking, don’t cross me on this, you’ll regret it!”

“Sure, you are our precious teammate! Our bonds are forged on the sporting field of battle!” Tomoko-san said, and Yuina-san agreed.

“I’ll always be worthy of your trust, senpai!” Akari-san said, her eyes full of joy, as she was being told a secret by her favourite senior.

“Well, this sounds serious. You’re scaring me a bit here, Ai!” Yae-san said, and Rika-san followed up. “Seriously, we are friends. Sharing juicy gossip and secrets will only cement that. We’ll practically all be besties!”

I don’t get how popular girls think, but…ugh, my stomach hurts. I do get how Akio feels now, out with our parents. I wonder just how much he’s explained to them…

The noble girls and their bodyguards knew a lot about Akio anyway, so they held their silence. “All right then.” Aiko said, downing her can of beer, nearly choking. “I need the courage booze is supposed to bring. But I don’t feel any braver. Go on then, Shaeula, tell them. You will anyway. Sometimes I think you enjoy making trouble for me!”

Yeah, I know just how Aiko feels…

Shaeula puffed out her chest proudly. “Of course my fiancé will have no-no worries. For do you think I would pledge myself to just any inferior male? No, I too-too… am engaged to Akio.”

“Right, I thought so… wait, what?” Yae-san exclaimed, and the other girls erupted into a frenzied hubbub, other than the visitors from Tokyo of course.

“What, what? Akio is cleating on you, little Ri-Ri? I’m shocked and appalled.” Yae-san declared.

“Sure you are.” I shook my head in denial. ”After all, you went on a date with him, and he told me you offered to kiss him.”

“Whoa… your brother is a major player! But… that’s like… bigamy, right? That’s illegal.” Tomoko-san was surprised, and for a moment I felt a little nostalgia for the old days, where everything was normal, before I realised that my life was awful and empty back then. It’s a small price to pay, if I have to share Akio with Shaeula to make us all happy… I can do that. As for the others… I found myself looking at Tsumura-san, and she smiled back at me politely. Ugh, I really need to talk this through with everyone. I hate this. Again. But… maybe I’ve grown. I’m not going to rage jealously about it. I’m going to trust that Akio, Shaeula and I can come to a solution.

“Seriously, you seem so calm about this, senpai! Your beloved brother is two-timing your best friend!” Akari-san was amazed, her face twisting into an expression of disapproval. “I always thought he was a good guy, from your stories about him. I guess I was wrong.”

“You shut up, Akari-san!” I snapped, hating her tone. “You don’t know anything about Akio or me, or what Shaeula has suffered!” I leapt to my feet, getting right in her face. The room was cramped, so I almost trod on Onoue-san, but she evaded with grace. “Akio was loyal to me, he refused Shaeula no matter how often she offered herself!”

“It is true-true, though it hurts my pride as a female to admit it.” Shaeula said ruefully. “Akio is a male of deep loyalty to those he loves. Yet being one of those is the sweetest-sweetest thing.” She licked her lips seductively, and many of the girls blushed at her lascivious aura.

“Yeah, so take that back!” I fumed. Akari-san scooted back but the wall blocked her.

“All right, calm down Eri. Let me explain. I wasn’t there, but I understand from your story.” Aiko helped me cool my anger, patting my back tenderly. “Hey, Akari-chan, don’t badmouth big bro like that. If anything… I asked him to take Shaeula as well. I don’t feel good about it as a friend to Eri, but… it’s for the best.”

I listened in awe along with everyone else as Aiko spun an amazing tale. I exchanged a look with Shaeula, who grinned and shrugged her shoulders. Yeah, it kind of resembles what actually happened, but somehow it’s even more moving. If it wasn’t me as one of the girls in this story, I’d be begging the male lead to take Shaeula as well… well, I guess I did that anyway… I can still barely believe I did it.

“… so yeah, my bro really had no choice. If Shaeula didn’t find a husband who would cherish her, her shit of a brother was going to take her back to her home country to be the third wife of a disgusting old bastard. And since Eri saw just how much she loved my bro, and since she was instrumental in pushing them together…”

“Yeah, the confession at the festival. Shaeula really helped you there.” Rika-san said quietly, and I realised that Yae-san was actually crying. Some of the other girls were sniffling too.

“… well, my conscience couldn’t stand it.” I admitted. I can’t believe how fast Shaeula wormed her way into my heart. Now I think of her as a friend just like Aiko, a sister. I guess we are sisters, since we are marrying the same man…

“That’s surprisingly romantic.” Tomoko-san gushed. “But you really shocked me, Eri-chan. With how you were about Akio-kun all these years, to think you’d agree to that…”

“I’m sorry.” Akari-san apologised to me. She was also wiping at her eyes, dashing away tears. “And to you Shaeula. I didn’t understand. In fact… it looks like your brother is a good guy after all. A lucky one too!” she smiled at Aiko.

“He sure is. Though that brings trouble with it.” Aiko looked at the nobles, waiting for something. I followed her gaze to Tsumura-san and Hori-san, and realised Aiko was right. Yeah, more trouble. Trouble indeed.

Tsumura-san and Hori-san had sparkling eyes, deeply moved by the partially fictitious tale. Tsumura-san stood and strode over to me, grasping my hand. I flushed, feeling embarrassed. This is kind of like a proposal. But we are both girls… the situation was causing my brain to try escapism, so I squeezed shut my eyes for a moment, took a deep breath then opened them, a little calmer.

“Eri-senpai. Having heard the tale of your generosity to one in need, I am convinced you have a good heart. I too… I too… hope that you can look favourably on me.”

“Me as well.” Hori-san bowed low, still sitting.

“I’m not anywhere near as nice as you think. I’m very selfish.” I admitted.

“I hardly think so. You placed the happiness of your friend level with your own. That is a very kind thing to do. We… we have to place the benefits of the nobility and house above our own. For some that is no hardship, but…”

“Holy shit. I think this is going to be carnage!” Tomoko-san giggled. “Damn, Akio-kun can deliver even when he’s not here. Seriously Aiko-chan, you have to introduce me again!”

“No way!” I heard Aiko declare, but I was concentrating on Tsumura-san.

“My grandfather has tried to find a match for me so I can continue to carry on both the legacy of my family and the martial arts of our ancestors. But within the bounds of nobility, it is not possible. Until now. Eri-senpai, I would hope that you can look favourably on me, and find it in your heart to allow me to pursue a match with Akio-sensei as well. There may be difficulties regarding status and official marriage, but I am prepared to talk to my father and grandfather, on my knees if I must…”

“I too ask this.” Hori-san pleaded, and I felt sick. Damn, I… I don’t know what to do…

“So let me get this straight? Two more girls are proposing to your brother? Right? Right? No way! This is the best sleepover I’ve ever been to! This is fake right? You are all playing us?” Tomoko-san could hardly contain her glee.

“I don’t think so. They look serious to me.” Yuina-san declared. “Look at Mori-san, her eyes are spinning.”

“I’m feeling a little conflicted.” Yae-san sighed. “I feel bad Ri-Ri was so mean to me when she let Shaeula get with Akio too.”

“Well, it isn’t like you really want to share a man, though, right?” Rika-san asked her friend, and Yae-san shrugged.

“No, well, of course not. I don’t know. This is messed up, and the fun is going out of the sleepover.” She wiped at her face. “All right. Enough of this. Please. This isn’t the time or the place for such heavy topics.”

“I quite agree.” Fukumoto-san near-shouted. “We should change the subject. So, what topic would be appropriate? The air in here has turned oppressive.”

“I’m glad you asked.” Yae-san grinned wolfishly. “Topic number one is surely, and has to be… sex!”

Yeah, I don’t like this. Still, the girls from her school barring Aiko seemed to want to talk about it.

“I guess… if you are engaged with Aki now, Shaeula, you must have done it, right? But… you can’t be the only ones here. Okay, hands up anyone who has had sex. Spill it, but remember, we promised to keep Shaeula’s secret, so… anything we discuss here tonight is between us only! If anyone shares it with anyone else, they are dead to us, and we’ll find a way to punish them. Agreed?”

As everyone concurred, I had little choice. Gingerly, I lifted my hand, a moment after Shaeula, and Yae-san actually scoffed at me. “We know you have been having sex little Ri-Ri, you even told those two jackasses in class. I bet they think about that real hard when crying themselves to sleep!”

“Eww, gross!” Aiko gagged. “That’s a vile thought. Hey… seriously? Yuina-chan, you too?” the younger girl had her hand up, her face beet-red. “You never said anything during volleyball camp…”

“Well, I… I just couldn’t, all lined up in front of the seniors. I know every club has its hazing rituals, but… anyway, I didn’t think it was fair to lie here, not after everything I’ve heard.”

“Yeah, hazing incoming juniors is shit.” Aiko declared, peeved. “Kyudo club didn’t have that as it has hardly any members, but I remember my own time in volleyball. The amount of ribbing I got over big bro. Ugh, just remembering it makes me mad. Everyone is just jealous their siblings suck compared to mine…”

“Sure thing. You keep telling yourself that, Ai, you queen of the brocons.” Yae-san laughed. “So, just… you three then? So, we know who Shaeula and Eri have been sleeping with, so who’s your boyfriend, Yuina-chan? Someone from class? You’ve kept it quiet.”

“You sure you don’t want to put up a hand, Yae-san?” Aiko snarked nastily. “You do have a reputation, after all.”

“Hey, no way! Sure I’ve kissed a few boys and maybe a little more, but I’m quite hard to get, believe it or not. I’m a gal, not a slut.” Yae-san was a little offended, shaking her head huffily.

“Fine, fine. I’m just being sour.” Aiko sighed. “So anyway, might as well tell us, Yuina-chan. Don’t worry about being embarrassed, you think it’s any worse than the wacky antics of my bro, Shaeula and Eri?”

“That reminds me…” Rika-san said suddenly. “Do your parents know about Akio-kun and his two-timing? From what I hear, your dad is quite strict. I bet he hasn’t taken it well. I wouldn’t be surprised if he disowns him!” she giggled. “And do your parents know, Ri-Ri? I think they’d be devastated their little girl is being cheated on.”

“He’s… well, he’s with our parents now.” I said. “I’m not sure whether he’ll tell them, but… he might.” Poor Akio, stay strong. I’ll comfort you tomorrow, whatever happens. After all, it’s my birthday, just you and me!

“See, Yuina-chan?” Yae-san giggled. “Just consider this embarrassment your payment for the entertainment to come. You might see a grown man cry!”

“All right, all right!” she was crimson with embarrassment, but under everyone’s encouragement she spilled the truth. The noble girls looked a bit at a loss, except for Onoue-san, who was glaring daggers at us all, as her mistress watched on with a mixture of confusion and deep interest.

“So, it’s actually not a boy from school. It’s my cousin. He’s a few years older, and … well, he’s always been a bit flirty with me, and you know, I thought he was kind of cool, sometimes at least. Then one Christmas it was just me and him at home, all our family was out, so… well, we did it.” Her face was flaming.

“So, how was it? Now I’m curious. I’ve heard a few seniors and older relatives talk about it, but who knows if they are exaggerating.” Yae-san asked, and Rika-san nodded her agreement, tilting her head curiously.

“Well, the first time was a bit of a struggle. It hurt a lot and didn’t feel too good. We’ve done it three or four times since, and it’s… well, it’s okay. I guess? He seems to like it, anyway.”

“So, are you going to marry your cousin then?” Fukumoto-san asked suddenly. “Even so, don’t you worry about pregnancy? In fact, are you already pregnant? That happens after sex, right?”

“Uh… marry him?” Yuina-san fidgeted a little. “I doubt it, you know? We aren’t even dating. Our parents don’t know either. They think I’m still a virgin. I mean, my cousin, he’s okay and all, but… maybe if I could go back in time, I’d have said no to him. It isn’t like he forced me or anything…” she said hurriedly. “… just… he isn’t as cool as I thought he was. Plus, he lives in another town…” she paused. “As for pregnancy, I used protection, you know? I’m not an idiot.”

“Protection?” Fukumoto-san asked, puzzled, and Tsumura-san echoed her. “Protection, you say? What is that? It’s not covered in our morality and biology classes.”

Morality classes, huh? Must be tough being a noble girl. I feel sorry for them… wait, I shouldn’t be softening my heart! I need to be hard to ward them off my Akio!

You are reading story On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor at novel35.com

“Wow, you girls really are sheltered if you don’t know that.” Aiko laughed, and the red-faced Yuina-san was forced to explain, squirming with shame.

“Oh gods, this is worse than the hazing! It’s like a punishment game. We used condoms, condoms! I guess I should have known he was after me when he had those handy. Ugh, you explain, Mori-san! I’m done!” With that she stuck her head into her futon and refused to come out for a while.

“I would, but we don’t use condoms.” I said, a touch proud. “I was prepared for pregnancy the first time Akio and I had sex, though I’m glad now I wasn’t unlucky. I have too much to do to have a child any time soon. I’m on birth control. It’s… well, you get judged by the pharmacist, they look at you like you are filthy and foolish, but if you can endure that shame and take them, your chance of pregnancy goes way down.”

“I too will not use these condoms.” Shaeula scoffed, contemptuously. “If Akio is not pouring his love inside me, I would feel so-so unsatisfied.”

“Wow, you let him cum inside? Damn girl. That’s brutal. You look so young as well. Though I guess with all the alcohol you are tucking away, you aren’t.” Tomoko-san observed, shocked. “This isn’t usually how girl-talk about sex goes, right? Usually someone watched a bit of porn, or peeped on their older sibling and their partner do it, right? Not… not this.”

“If I may?” Tsumura-san interjected. “Just what is this porn you speak of?”

“Seriously? You aren’t messing with me?” At her question and the genuine look of interest in her eyes, she sighed theatrically. “Seriously, just how little do you know about sex and stuff? It’s incredible you could get to your age without hearing about porn and birth control.”

“Please don’t be rude to Motoko-san. Of course we know about sexual activity.” Hori-san was offended.

“Indeed, I can draw a diagram of the female reproductive system right now, and I am aware the male inserts his penis inside the female vagina and then releases his seed. Then pregnancy occurs. But if you have sex with a man before marriage, then the resulting pregnancy will ruin your family honour, and your ancestors will weep. In particularly bad cases, it can cause the downfall of your entire house.”

“I at least know what pornography is.” Fukumoto-san said proudly. “I’ve never seen any of course, watching it would be shameful. But I believe it is videos where a man and a woman have sexual relations, right?”

As Onoue-san hid her face, Tsumura-san asked her a question. “So, you mean like an educational video, for biology class?”

“I guess so?” Fukumoto-san shrugged. “I can’t say I see the appeal, but apparently they are easy enough to find on the internet. But we use Fujiwara phones, so obviously we can’t look for such things. If my parents found out I was interested… it doesn’t bear thinking about… hey, why are you all laughing? Don’t look down on me just because you’ve seen these things!”

Even I found it funny. The poor girls were amazingly sheltered. “No we aren’t laughing at you, I promise.” I said consolingly, which surprised Fukumoto-san, who had correctly discerned I held some unwelcome feelings towards her, since she was another obstacle between me and Akio. “It’s just… well, I guess you aren’t entirely wrong… although they are more for pleasure than education purposes.”

“Pleasure?” Tsumura-san seemed even more puzzled now. “Sexual intercourse is for procreation, right? Is it supposed to be pleasurable? My mother did tell me I should learn to please my husband, but not that I would find it enjoyable…” she flinched then as Shaeula was beside her, one arm around her. Hori-san moved instinctively to protect her, only to find herself wrapped up in Shaeula’s other embrace.

“Silly females. Of course-course there is pleasure for us.” She paused then, her amber eyes thoughtful. “Though if you have been listening carefully, you should-should have realised that it is only with a male of worthiness that you find joy. Poor Yuina was unlucky, whereas I enjoyed supreme bliss. I know-know you feel the same, right Eri?”

Don’t bring me into it, please. I can feel my face heating up. Still, I can never lie about this and downplay my joy. “Well, yes. My first time barely hurt at all, and… I came a lot. Every other time too.”

“You understand my point?” Shaeula grinned slyly. ”With Akio, you shall be happy. Forget this pornography and other males. All-all you need is to convince Eri here and Akio. I shall-shall assist you. I feel you would be a good ally!”

“That’s not a decision for you to make!” I snapped. “I’m pulling first wives’ privilege!”

“Sorry, sorry!” Shaeula grinned insincerely, masking her smile behind another freshly opened can of beer. “But you must-must admit, Motoko and Natsumi could definitely be of use-use, and they are pretty and refined, worthy of consideration.”

At her praise, Tsumura-san bowed, and Hori-san blushed, fidgeting nervously. “That’s not the point and you know it…” as I argued with Shaeula, Aiko spoke up.

“Crazy, isn’t it?” she shook her head. “Now you know what I have to put up with.”

“Yeah, it’s mad!” Tomoko-san agreed. ”Who’d have thought I’d be here watching Eri-chan and another girl fight over your brother. Hell, not just one girl…”

“All right, all right, enough.” Yae-san finally interjected, heading off the arguments. “You can argue later! This is supposed to be fun and embarrassing! So, back to porn. Hands up everyone who has watched some!”

“Can you believe that commoner girls watch this, Kazumi? Have you seen any?” Fukumoto-san asked curiously, as everyone from Nishimorioka put their hands up barring me, Aiko and Akari-san. I’ve no interest in such things, and Aiko… well…

“Seriously? Ai, you haven’t? I don’t believe you!” Yae-san insisted.

“Oh screw you. I’ve no interest in that sort of thing.”

“Unless it involves your brother, right?” Rika-san said slyly, and at that Shaeula burst out laughing.

“You do not-not know the half of it. Why, only just before the party…” Shaeula was suddenly muffled, as Aiko had flown across the room and sealed her mouth with her hands. Still, it couldn’t conceal the wicked humour in her amber eyes.

It’s going to be about that, isn’t it? I’m so embarrassed, I don’t know what came over me when I drew in the darkness element. Even now I can feel it stirring as I get angry at Tsumura-san. But it was more intense in the Boundary, unstoppable… I really hoped I wasn’t blushing, but with a hot feeling all through my body, I knew I surely was. She isn’t going to talk about it, is she?

“It isn’t something you want to be curious about, Hinata-sama.” Onoue-san was saying. “If your father or grandfather hears, they’ll be mortified and disappointed, and if you mention this at school, your reputation will be destroyed…”

“Come on, we’ve shared our embarrassing secrets.” Yuina-san had finally recovered from her shame and was egging Aiko on, a touch meanly. “There’s obviously something!”

“Fine, fine!” Aiko gave up trying to smother Shaeula, allowing her to roll around on the futon, smirking. “You think porn is embarrassing? Well, this morning I watched my best friend leap on my brother, pull down his pants and…”

“No, don’t say anymore!” I wailed. It was one thing to know I had sex with Akio, why wouldn’t I? We were engaged and in love. But to detail all my lusts, especially these abnormal ones… I’m done. Copying Yuina-san from earlier I buried my face in the pillows, trying not to listen.

“… was sucking on it like a lollipop.” Aiko was saying. I could no longer see her facial expression, but I was sure it was impish, poking fun at me, despite it supposedly being something to embarrass her.

“No way, you watched that! Right in front of you?” Tomoko-san was incredulous. Still, that was nothing compared to the shocked reactions of the girls from Tokyo.

“Natsumi, have you ever heard of that?” Tsumura-san was puzzled.

“No, never, Motoko-san. It wasn’t covered in our biology classes.”

“So why would one do that, then?” Tsumura-san continued, and Fukumoto-san echoed her question, only to be told off for her curiosity by Onoue-san once more.

“Because it is-is rather delightful. The taste… it is somewhat bitter and unpleasant at first, but now-now…” I could hear Shaeula licking her lips.

“Whoa, you drink it? Have you ever done that, Yuina-san?”

“No way, I don’t do oral. The idea is scary.” She denied it.

“… anyway, they did it right there and then. Eri was practically raping my bro she was so horny, and he didn’t object. So I’m sitting there watching my bro and Eri pounding away right in front of me, and I know I should leave or at least look away, but shit, I was blindsided. So I watched until the end. No condom in sight, of course.”

“Raw?” Yuina-san said, shocked. “Even on birth control, that’s bold.”

Shut up, shut up, shut up! I was kicking my legs in annoyance, but that only motivated them to continue.

“Yep, I nearly lost my breakfast as I got to see the amazing sight of my brother’s … ugh, not saying the word, but yeah, it was dripping everywhere, all down her legs.”

“Best. Sleepover. Ever.” Tomoko-san said in rapt amazement. “I remember when another teammate told me she’d watched her sister sleep with her boyfriend because they left the door open, but she couldn’t see that much as they were under the covers. This… this is wild. Must suck for you though, Aiko-chan. Seeing your precious brother banging someone else from so close!”

“Fuck off!” Aiko snapped, though I could hear a trace of humour in it. “I love my big bro sure, but not that way. I’m not a pervert. Anyway, Yae-san, Rika-san, spill yours! I’ll not die of shame alone here!”

“Looks like Ri-Ri took most of the damage from your story rather than you, but sure, whatever. So, this one time, my brother had left a DVD in the player in our house. I turned it on and…”




The talk had turned from sexual topics to hopes and dreams for the future. Aiko had told everyone about her aspiration to get into a Uni in Tokyo and pursue coaching or some other sports-related field. She was gushing with happiness over the fact that most of her obstacles to managing this had disappeared, though privately, I worried she might not get the grades unless she started studying really hard for the entrance exams that were early next year.

I had been dragged out of my sulk, and admitted I was just looking to support Akio, but to do so I’d learn to help him with his work. The girls from Nishimorioka laughed at this, but the noble girls found this admirable and praiseworthy. Yae-san wanted to get into fashion somehow, and Rika-san just wanted to move to the city and had no real plans.

“… want to carry on the combat arts of my family.” Tsumura-san was saying, and everyone watched her determination with warm eyes, even me. She’s very pure. I guess the way these girls are raised is very stifling. And her family arts are all she really has of her own…

“Of course, my true duty is to marry for my family, and be a good and supportive wife, and provide heirs to continue the house.” Beside her Hori-san and even Fukumoto-san agreed.

“Seriously? That’s so old-fashioned.” Yae-san scoffed. “I’m going to marry for love. Though if the guy was rich, that’d be great too, of course!”

“Yeah, well, I’ll take money over love.” Tomoko-san laughed. “But seriously… are you happy with that? It sounds like you aren’t, really.”

“It is what we must do as daughters of nobility. We have many privileges, but they come at a price. We cannot disgrace our ancestors, and we must ensure we bring no shame to our parents. My only regret is that my family arts, the way of the spear, bow and sword, will die out in my generation." she looked mournfully at the sword and spear beside her, and a small tear rolled down her cheek. Everyone could feel her grief. “As a wife of nobility, I am unable to do anything that is considered unladylike. Classical dancing, flower arranging, tea ceremony, kimono-weaving. All of these are proper pastimes, but one that involves sweat and blood, and possible injury and scarring? Alas, none of my potential suitors have shown me any consideration.”

“That’s such bullshit and I hate it.” Aiko snapped, surprising her. “It’s old-fashioned thinking like that which holds us girls back. I love sport, and exercise, and working up a sweat. It’s why I love volleyball, and track and field, and kyudo. Hell, maybe I’ll even take up kendo at Uni, swing around some swords. It’s never too late to learn, is it? If I can do it, you can too!”

“I fear we live in different worlds.” Tsumura-san said, and Fukumoto-san echoed her.

“Indeed. This has been surprisingly enlightening. I thought that commoners would be the same as us, largely. But listening to talks of love, sex, the future, I can see many differences.”

“No way, we are all girls in the end.” Aiko protested. “No matter our status, after all, Shaeula is a…” she trailed off.

“Well, I understand.” Fukumoto-san continued. “It must seem strange to you all. You are all so… free. I am closer to what you would consider normal than Motoko-san is, her family lineage is incredibly old and noble. So I have had some experience of the world outside the nobility and our school. But unless Motoko-san finds a husband her parents and the other nobles can accept, who is also willing to allow her to pursue her dreams… well, Motoko-san has been suffering so because such a man doesn’t exist.”

“Until now, perhaps…” Onoue-san spoke, and then looked surprised she had ventured an opinion.

“Indeed. Until now.” Tsumura-san nodded.

“You mean Aiko’s brother, right?” Akari-san suddenly spoke up. As everyone looked at her, she flinched under our gazes. “What? Why are you looking at me like that? If you pay attention to everything we’ve all talked about it’s obvious, why else would they be here?”

“Yeah. But that’s crazy! He’s already got Ri-Ri… wait, and … Shaeula. I get it!” Yae-san had an epiphany. “Whoa… I get it. Not sure if Aki is the luckiest guy alive or a total sucker.”

“Indeed. My grandfather sees great potential in Akio-sensei, and Fujiwara-sama, the leader of the nobility of Japan, hopes that he can establish a new noble house to continue protecting Japan and its culture. If so… Akio-sensei respects my arts and my determination. He would…”

That’s enough. We need to talk. “Tsumura-san, can you come with me?” I stood suddenly, surprising everyone. “You girls all carry on talking, we won’t be long.”

Hori-san looked ready to come with her, but I shook my head. “Don’t worry, we’ll only be in the next room. I want to talk. In private.”

“Here’s that carnage you ordered.” Yuina-san joked to Tomoko-san.

“Very well. I shall of course accompany you.” Tsumura-san said, standing gracefully, looking very athletic in her hakama. “Natsumi, do not worry, Eri-senpai will not attempt to harm me.”

“Not physically, but perhaps… her words will cut-cut!” Shaeula was plenty drunk now, so she giggled out an insult. I glared at her, which only caused her to laugh harder.

“Oh whatever. Tsumura-san, follow me.”

Entering my brother’s room, which we had also cleared out, so we had room to sleep later, I slid shut the door, blocking out the remaining noise of the other girls and their laughter. I gestured for her to sit, so she did, graceful as ever, which made me feel a little bad. She is elegant and pretty. Any man would want her for himself. And she’d make a great wife, she’s been training for it since she was a child. Ugh, does… would Akio want her? I’ve seen him looking at her…

“Tsumura-san…” I began, but she interrupted me, her expression apologetic.

“Please call me Motoko, Eri-senpai.”

… uh, that’s awkward. I don’t feel older then her, she has that aura. “Fine. Motoko-san. Just… please call me Eri. I’m not your senpai, merely Akio’s fiancée.”

“I… find that difficult.” Motoko-san admitted. “The nobility is hierarchical. Those of a superior position must be afforded due respect, and those of a lower… well, we often don’t associate with them.”

“Well, I’m not a noble. I’m just Akio’s fiancée, nothing more.”

“That… that is a high position, currently. Especially for my aspirations.” Motoko-san looked nervous, and I realised why. Shaeula must have talked to her. It makes sense. Akio loves Shaeula, like he loves me, but he’d never have accepted her if I hadn’t consented, even welcomed her. So Motoko-san knows if she doesn’t convince me, Akio will never take her.

“Eri… san.” Motoko-san stumbled over it. “Are you well?”

“Sorry, I was just thinking.” I sighed, a long and bitter one. “I don’t get it, you barely know Akio. I admit, he’s the best, and I think you’d like him if you knew him more, but… there must be another way. You said this Fujiwara-sama has hopes for Akio, he could negotiate with a prospective husband for you, help you get what you want. Doesn’t that make more sense?”

Motoko-san paused. “I had not considered that. Perhaps… perhaps he might be able to do that. But would Akio-sensei do that, when he gains nothing?”

“He would. He’s always been kind. It’s why Shaeula and I love him. Aiko too. She would never accept any other brother.” Still, I wished he would be less kind to other girls, and spend more of it on us. Though with the weight Akio carries now, that might not be possible. And it’s led to this.

“If I may speak freely, Eri-san, even if it might be a little rude…?” Motoko-san asked and I nodded.

“… why does the idea of Akio-sensei having another wife upset you? You welcomed Shaeula, did you not? The story was beautiful, by the way. On hearing it, I was even more convinced, it is meant to be. Once Akio-sensei has founded his noble house, he is the husband I have dreamed of. Duty and desire, I can satisfy both. Besides… I feel I can become good friends, sisters, with you and Shaeula-sensei.”

Yeah, I really don’t understand these noble girls. Shaeula is the same, but she has an excuse, she’s not human and her family is apparently polygamous. “Well, isn’t my reaction normal? One man and one woman, deeply in love, spending time together… it’s how we are raised from childhood. It’s how the world works, should work. I… I can accept Shaeula. But you… I don’t know you, or your struggles. They seem abstract to me. I’m sorry to be cruel, but really… I don’t mind that other women yearn for my Akio, I know they will, any woman who doesn’t want his love is a fool. But… if I let you in, then you’ll take up his affection, his love, his time. I want to spend every waking moment with him! I can share with Shaeula, because she understands, and she won’t take him away from me!” I … I waited so many years for his love, and now everyone wants to steal my time with him! I hate that! It isn’t fair!

“I see.” Motoko-san said as I ranted at her. Her gaze was calm, and since she didn’t react I felt my anger draining away, though the fear remained. I thought I was over this. Shaeula won’t take him from me. And spending time with her and Akio is fun. But as soon as another threat appears, my chest gets tight, and I start to sweat… it’s like I’m back before the festival, when I reach out for him and he isn’t there…

“So that is the reason.” Motoko-san nodded sagely. “I think I understand. He is precious to you, and when one shares in what is precious, it dilutes it. Still, I fear you take things too far. Shaeula-sensei, she has dreams other than spending her life with Akio-sensei, no? That may mean more time for you, as she pursues her other goals, but… your desires are not healthy. I suggest you find your own dream too. Akio-sensei would love that too, I believe. I have not known him long, but from the way he respected and praised my ambitions, he would surely be happy.”

Ugh, that touches a nerve. Listening to the girls talking about the future, I realised my dream isn’t really a dream, it’s just… letting Akio dream for me. Even Aiko, who wants to help Akio with his new struggle, also wants to pursue sport because she loves it, not just that growing her skills will help. “Can I find something I want to do as well?”

“You can, I’m sure. And Akio-sensei will support you to find that dream.” Motoko-san said, and I was startled, realising I had spoken out loud.

“I think you misunderstand me.” Motoko-san said. “If I am a wife, or a concubine, or a mistress… yes, I will take time from you, time I will have to spend with Akio-sensei. I will do my wifely duties, and happily. After all… I don’t really understand, but from the talk earlier, apparently they are fun and joyful?” she grinned, a strangely wild expression for her elegant features, and I flushed once more, but even so, I couldn’t lie and nodded agreement. “But when you find your goal, just as Shaeula-sensei has, you will need time to pursue that. I would hope that Akio-sensei would seek me out, wish to spend time with me. But I would not expect to steal from you or Shaeula-sensei. I am sure together we can make it work. But I have said enough for now. Just… please consider me favourably. I shall endeavour to win you over. I understand my desperation might be off-putting, but time is running out for me.”

“Fine.” I sighed, not convinced, but… Just because I accepted Shaeula doesn’t mean I have to accept this. After all, Akio doesn’t love her, or even know her that well. And neither do I. but… however… “The best I can do is… I’ll try and keep an open mind. If… if the day comes that Akio feels he needs you, that he loves you… I’ll… damn, this is a struggle… I’ll consider it. That’s the best I can do.”

“That is enough.” Motoko-san smiled. “And please extend the same courtesy to Natsumi too…”

“Don’t push your luck!” I growled, and she laughed, covering her mouth with a hand, her chuckle still annoyingly elegant.

Fine. I may hate this, but compared to the joy of the last few weeks, this is nothing. Besides… tomorrow is my birthday, a day I get to spend with Akio. Why let this upset me?




“Well, that was quite the night.” Aiko whispered, and I nodded. The noble girls were in Akio’s room, we thought it best they slept separately from us. Other than Aiko, everyone else was asleep, even Shaeula, who was snoring away gently, stinking of alcohol.

“Yeah, she got wasted again. I only had a couple this time, I was sensible.” Aiko muttered. “Still, before she fell asleep, she did something, right?”

I nodded. “Yeah, she whispered to me that with her Befuddling Winds, whatever they were, she managed to make sure everyone would keep their promise not to talk about all the secrets we shared tonight. That’s good. I don’t want anyone to know what we talked about. You really embarrassed me, Aiko.”

“Hardly.” She snorted softly. “I was more mortified when I watched you start fucking my bro in front of me. Temptress indeed!” as I protested, she giggled. “Anyway, I wonder when mom and dad are getting back. We got another text saying they would stay out drinking. Damn, I wonder what big bro told them…”

“I think you’ll find out soon.” My ears picked up soft talking outside the house. All my senses have become really sharp recently. I heard the door open and some quiet giggling. Moments later, Aiko nodded.

“Yeah, I hear them. They sound… okay? Maybe bro wussed out and didn’t tell them anything?”

I shrugged. “I think he wouldn’t do that… he’s determined to explain things.”

A couple of minutes later we had our answer, as the door slid open, to reveal my mom and auntie Emily. On seeing us still awake, they brightened up. The smell of booze on them rivals Shaeula… how much did they drink? They look unsteady on their feet…

“Still up?” Emily whispered, seeing the sleeping girls around. “Looks like you had a fun sleepover. Can you come to the kitchen?”

Aiko and I exchanged glances. Here we go then… We both followed them out, and once in the kitchen auntie Emily poured large glasses of water for her and mom, and as they swigged it down, rehydrating, mom spoke.

“Taichi and your father are at our house with little Aki. They are probably drinking even more.” She grinned. Seeing our trepidation, she looked us in the eyes. “By the way, Ai, Eri.”

“Yes?” I managed to squeak, my heart pounding.

“Aki told us everything.”

“Everything?” Aiko asked, wary, and Emily grinned.

“Yes, everything. I’m rather mad you’ve been keeping such secrets, but… I guess I can see why.”

“Everything? Seriously?” Aiko repeated.

“What are you surprised about?” mom shook her head. “That Aki is cheating on my darling daughter with Shaeula, and it’s even with Eri’s blessing? That shocked me. I am going to have to have a long talk with Shaeula it seems.”

“Or maybe that Shaeula isn’t even human, Aki is a superhero, and you can all travel to a magical otherworld?” Emily joined in, and my mouth fell open, shocked Akio would reveal so much.

“Or that Aki knows the Prime Minister and various other big-wigs, and has sent an army of private bodyguards to Nishimorioka to look after us? See, we know it all. I’m amazed we even believe half of it, but… the proof was convincing.”

Seriously? They know everything now? I guess… at least I don’t have to keep secrets anymore.

“I know that guilty expression.” I was suddenly enfolded in a hug from my mom, while auntie grabbed Aiko likewise. “Don’t worry.” Mom ruffled my hair like she used to do when I was a child. “I don’t blame you. Or even Aki, though… I need to talk to Shaeula about you, her and him before I can forgive him. I guess we need to talk to her tomorrow regarding getting this strange Chirurgery too…”

“You are even doing that?” Aiko was surprised. “I mean, I get it, I do. Strength is safer to have. But…”

“Well, Aki came round in the end. Just like he did with you girls.” Emily sighed. “Well, we have a busy day tomorrow it seems. We need to hear what you girls have to say.”

“No way.” I denied, shocking them. “Tomorrow’s my birthday and I’m spending all day with Akio. You can get Shaeula and Aiko to explain.” As everyone burst out laughing loudly, before stifling the noise to prevent waking anyone, I pouted in my mom’s embrace. They can wait. Tomorrow is my day. Mine and Akio’s. nothing is going to waste my precious happy times, especially after having to think about other women tonight…

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