On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 244: Chapter One Hundred And Eighty-Nine – R18/Contains sex

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Opening the door to the kitchen I saw a very tired and hungover-looking auntie Hana sitting at the small low table, a glass of water in front of her. On seeing me, she brightened momentarily, before gagging, her pallor green.

“Ugh…” she muttered, taking a sip of her water. “I feel dreadful. Anyway, good morning, Aki. Did you sleep well?”

I suppose I should heal her. I’ve already done mom when she woke up. “Yeah, not bad. It’s a bit odd being over at your home, it’s been a really long time. Still, I stayed over plenty as a child.” I reached out and put my hand on her head. She shivered at my touch, looking surprised, but then her eyes widened as her hangover started diminishing rapidly. Though as a side effect, she began to sweat heavily, the toxins flushed out.

“That really is incredible. I still find it hard to believe.” She said, after I finished fixing her hangover. “I wonder if I could learn that, it seems very useful.”

I shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe if you work hard. As for being useful, it is, although the downside is I find it near-impossible to get drunk now. I’m not sure how Shaeula manages it.”

“Shaeula, huh?” a complicated expression crossed her features, and I winced, realising I had touched on a difficult subject. Seeing my displeasure, auntie sighed. “Don’t pull that face, little Aki. I promised to be open-minded, remember? As long as my Eri is happy, that’s all that matters.”

“She will be. You have my word!” I promised. “By the way, is Eri home yet?” Since our house was full of girls, including a few from our school, it seemed, mom and father ended up staying the night here. Mom was already up, and I had healed her hangover, leaving mom marvelling at the ease of it, just like auntie had. As for father and uncle…

“Yes, she’s in her room, she got home a little while ago. I think she’s very excited for today. So, I hope you have something nice planned? I’d hate for you to disappoint her!”

“Don’t worry auntie, when I accepted her confession I made a vow that she’d never regret it. The same… the same when I accepted Shaeula. If I’m ten times as great as any other guy, then even sharing me they get five hundred percent of joy each, right?” I joked.

“That’s a little arrogant, Aki. Still… I hope you can manage it. And also, I’ve told you, call me mother-in-law.”

“Fine. Sorry, mother-in-law Hana. It’s just all still a little strange to me. Anyway, I was hoping for a favour. I want to take Eri out later, so I was hoping you could pack a decent picnic basket for us? I’ll also need a few other bits and pieces.” I listed them out, and she smiled, guessing my intent. “You can get mom to help, I fixed her hangover earlier.”

“I see. And what about Junpei and your father?” she asked, and at that I shrugged, smiling a touch maliciously.

“Well, father and uncle … I mean father-in-law, I guess… they can recover on their own. After all, a man should be resolute, and take responsibility for their own actions, right?” I quoted my father’s own words, justifying my decision.

“Oh my, Aki, when did you get so cunning?” Hana chuckled. “But I do understand. They put you through the wringer last night. By the way, Eri doesn’t need any presents, just your company, but… I trust you did get her some birthday presents?”

Well, she’s already had the Boundary ones, but… I nodded. “I have, of course. What’s the point of money if you can’t use it to treat your loved ones? I’m just nipping home to get them. I’ll leave the other preparations to you.”




Knocking on the door to Eri’s room, I spoke. “I’m coming in.”

“All right.” Eri replied, and as I slid open the door, I saw my smiling fiancée waiting for me, sitting on her bed.

“Happy birthday Eri.” I said then, and I produced my first gift, handing her a small, prettily wrapped box. She took it with her delicate hands, her fingers touching mine intimately, before she leaned in and kissed me greedily, our tongues tangling lasciviously. As we parted, a thin strand of moisture connecting us briefly, her breath coming fast and her face flushed, she giggled.

“I dreamed of this. Spending birthdays together again. I don’t know why I was so worried about things last night. My opponent doesn’t matter, I know you love me, and want to spend time with me!”

“I sure do!” I said, looking around her room. It had been a few years since I had last been in here, but it looked largely the same, apart from one significant difference. The room which had been bare and had few possessions, due to the poverty the Mori’s laboured under, was now full of clothes and other personal items. I smiled to see it. The old saying that ‘it’s better to give than to receive’ is true. I feel warm inside when I see all the stuff Eri has now. She’s a good girl, and deserves the best. Besides… as I watched Eri carefully removing the wrapping around the box, I thought of Shaeula. Eri would have to match her royal taste for extravagance going forwards.

“I wonder what this is…” Eri looked at the small, carved wooden case she had unveiled. “Is it jewellery, or…” as she opened the lid, revealing a plush, velvet-lined interior, she gasped. “It’s beautiful. But… isn’t it expensive? Do I need this?”

I pulled her into a hug, silencing her reflexive protests. “Of course you do. But really, it’s not a case of whether you need it, it’s whether I want you to have it. Which I do. Besides, your fiancé is quite the important man nowadays.” I boasted, though I was mostly joking. “And you’ll have to accompany me to a lot of places to meet a lot of important people. So you’ll definitely need to look the part. Though you’ve already got beauty that outshines them all.” I praised her, and she blushed, hot in my arms. “I didn’t feel comfortable buying you dresses, but a watch… that I can manage. This is a good one too, you won’t feel shame wearing it in any company. It’s a Patek Phillipe.”

“But… what happens if I lose it, or someone tries to steal it…” Eri’s poverty mindset was hard to shake, even now.

“Well, if you lose it, I’d be sad, since it’s a birthday gift full of my love… but I wouldn’t hate you for it. And steal it? Eri, you forget, you are strong now. Anyone who tries to mug you will regret it!”

“Oh yeah… right.” Eri giggled, realisation in her eyes. Putting the watch around her wrist, she admired the sleek silvery colour and delicate engraving and jewels that gave it a cool, elegant yet expensive look. “I love it. Thanks.” we kissed again.

“I also have another present.” I blushed myself now. I found it hard to believe I’d managed to buy these, and to be honest, if it wasn’t for Shaeula accompanying me, I’d never have found the bravery to venture into this store alone. Still, fortune favours the bold, right? Handing her the bag, I grinned. “The girls did say you’d appreciate more adult gifts, so here you go!”

“I’m a little nervous all of a sudden…” Eri said, opening the bag and peering inside. On seeing the contents, her eyes widened. “Really? I’m… well I’m surprised.” Eri was burning red, mirroring my complexion. Still, there was a hint of interest in her eyes as well. Pulling out the first of the matching sets of what was expensive silk and lace underwear, she eyed the sheer black panties and matching bra curiously. “They are very pretty, but… I think this is more a present for you, rather than me, right?” she giggled.

“Well, I can’t deny I want to see my fiancée in beautiful underwear. Don’t get me wrong, your normal clean look is fine, but…” Sometimes a man wants to see his beloved looking sexy.

“I see. I get it.” She nodded, seeing more underwear in blue, red, green and other shades. At one particularly risqué piece, she let out a little squeak of shock. “So… any worries I might have had you didn’t desire me have just vanished.” She smiled shyly. “Though I think most of these are for use in private. I’d feel scared to wear a lot of these under a skirt or light shirt.”

“Well, some of them are designed that way to be worn under the sort of expensive dresses you would wear to high-class parties. They aren’t all my fetish.” I grinned, pleased at her adorably embarrassed yet accepting reaction. As I did so it was as if I could see wisps of blue darkness drifting off her for a moment before they vanished. I blinked a few times, but they didn’t reappear. I wonder if her Dark Temptress class is reacting to her emotions? She looks even more charming than ever.

“I see. That makes sense.” Eri agreed, looking at one backless bra, eyes distant, perhaps imagining wearing such a dress. Shaking her head, she put them down on her bed, before grinning at me impishly. “So, I’m going to try some of my gifts on. Can you wait outside a minute?”

“You don’t want me to see you change?” I asked, surprised. After all, it isn’t like I haven’t seen her naked before.

“It’ll ruin the surprise. Go on, shoo, shoo!” she waved me out of the room, so, despite my curiosity, I let her usher me out. I then spent what seemed like an eternity waiting, but was likely no more than ten minutes, before she called me back in. I opened the door, stepped inside, closed it behind me, and then paused, shocked. Really? That’s… a curious choice.

“You like it?” Eri asked, twirling around, her short, blue-chequered skirt flapping up, showing off her pale thighs that peeked out.

“I like whatever you wear.” I admitted. “But our school uniform? That seems an… interesting… choice.”

“You think?” Eri asked me. She was wearing dark knee-socks, our schools’ blue skirt, a white shirt with a blue ribbon, and a blue blazer with gold trim, and our school badge on her chest. “I thought I’ll only be wearing this uniform for a few more months, so… besides…” she blushed again. “… I heard that guys find stuff like school uniforms irresistible. I just wish ours was cuter, like the one Fukumoto-san wears. The sailor-types are pretty.”

“Just where did you hear that?” I asked. Well, it’s not like she’s wrong, but still…

“It’s a secret between girls. I’ve sworn not to say.” Still blushing, she smiled. “So…” she glanced towards her bed. “… did you want to… well, you know.”

In Eri’s room? That’d be… fresh. “Of course.” I grinned like a wolf, hungry and eager. “It’s your birthday after all. It’d be wrong not to!”

“In that case…” Eri lifted up the hem of her skirt, and I could see she was wearing some of the underwear I had bought her, the sheer black fabric and low cut revealing her slit clearly, her thin and well-groomed pubic hair around it. The fabric was already a little damp, she must have been thinking of what was to come while she was changing. “… come and eat this schoolgirl up! Maybe I’ve been a bad girl, and senpai needs to punish me?” she tugged at her ribbon, casting it to the ground, and unbuttoned the top part of her shirt, revealing her cleavage held in the lacy black bra that matched the panties.

Eri stripping her uniform

On seeing that I was unable to hold back, and I rushed to her, kissing her furiously before tossing her down on the bed, straddling over her. She giggled at my fervour, and her hands went to my crotch, quickly freeing my dick, which was standing hard and proud, the tip already leaking precum, eager to taste my charming, seductive fiancée.

“Don’t worry about soiling my uniform.” She whispered in my ear, before biting it playfully. “I have a spare I can wear tomorrow. Besides…” she was redder than ever, and her skin was hot, almost scalding, to my touch. “… if mom has to wash it, she’ll see just how serious we are. She knows everything now, so…” she trailed off, muttering something else. “… need to stake my claim. Even if I have rivals, I’m the best…”

That’s a shocker. Poor mother-in-law Hana. Oh well… I’m not sure what has got her so worked up. Perhaps… the noble girls? Oh, who cares. All that matters is… I ceased to think as Eri’s hands caressed my penis, her fingers probing, finding my weak spots. She was more proactive than usual, and her touch was sending sparks through my mind. I reached a hand into her shirt, pushing down the sheer bra and fondling her, playing with her hard nipple. Eri moaned and gasped, before stifling her own voice by stuffing my dick in her mouth, tongue swirling.

As her ministrations sent waves of pleasure through me, I eased my free hand under her skirt, tugging down her panties. I then began to finger her and play with her clit, and as she began to twitch with her own ecstasy, her work on my penis grew more frenzied. Oh god… she’s awesome. she’s finding all my sensitive spots. Her hands were rubbing my balls, and the combination was pushing me fast towards orgasm.

“I’m about to cum…” I gasped, and Eri grinned, speaking sloppy words, her mouth still filled to the brim with my penis.

“Let it out, I want it! A birthday present!”

Fuck, I think this present is more for me too! Still, no stopping it now! As I let out a pleased yell, I climaxed, pouring my hot seed into her mouth. She swallowed the first blast, her small throat working as she gulped at it, before the second and third jet of cum accumulated in her mouth. She then pulled free, but I was still cumming. A jet splashed across her cheek, before she grabbed my soaked dick and pointed it downwards. Seriously? I continued to cum, though the flow was slowing, but there was still enough to spray across her blazer, semen soaking into the fabric. A final spurt dripped onto her skirt, and as she smiled she swallowed half of the remaining cum in her mouth, before letting the remainder trickle out of her pink lips and soak her shirt and the collar of her blazer.

This… this will wash out, right? If not, I guess I can always buy her a new uniform.. ouch…

“Stop thinking stupid thoughts when you are here with me!” she grabbed my now flaccid dick and squeezed, and the treacherous organ started hardening again almost instantly at her touch. Damn, having high stats boosts sexual prowess as well…

“I told you, didn’t I?” she continued squeezing and stroking. “Don’t worry about my uniform. Besides, it’s turning you on, right?”

I gave my answer by sliding down her body and returning the favour, my tongue working her pussy and clit ferociously. My hands unbuttoned her shirt completely and pushed it aside, groping her breasts relentlessly. Now it was Eri’s turn to cry out in joy. Grinning, I pulled free for a moment, my mouth stained with her sour juices. “Eri-kouhai, you’ve been a bad girl. This senpai is going to punish your lewd body until you are my slave forever!” I roleplayed the school scenario, and had to admit it was pretty hot. I slid fingers in along with my tongue, teasing her hot, twitching insides, and my other hand went to her tight ass, squeezing and kneading at it. My finger slid down, and suddenly I was playing with her asshole, not going inside of course, but toying with the outside gently.

“Wait, what… that’s my..” Eri twitched, clenching, and her pussy tightened, almost forcing out my fingers and tongue.

“You seem to like that.” I grinned, speeding up, my finger circling her hole, before the tip slid in ever-so-slowly, getting a matching squeal of pleasure from Eri. Best not push it too far, though…

As I teased the entrance of her ass as well as her pussy, she quickly surrendered, tears of pleasure running down her face. “Sorry senpai, sorry! Eri’s always been a lewd girl, but only for you! I only did bad things so you’d find out and punish me!” she continued to roleplay! “When Eri does cum, Eri will be your slave forever! Not just your slave! I’ll be your girlfriend, prim and proper on the surface, but I’ll do any perverted thing you want in private! No, let’s get married! Eri’s cute, so you’ll be a winner in life!” I could see Eri getting more and more turned-on as she played out the scenario. She’s even resorted to talking in the third person, like she did in elementary. Cute! Fuck, I’m horny right now…

The unusual fun had left my dick a tower, only the remains of my ejaculation and Eri’s saliva any indication I’d already came buckets.

“Eri knows you’ll have other women.” She said then, surprising me. Is this the roleplay, or…? “But Eri will always be your first, as you were Eri’s first and will be Eri’s only! I’m senpai’s now!” she was quivering ferociously, and I instinctively reacted, my finger in her ass sliding in another half-inch.

“Eeeeeeeh… Senpai is devouring my everything!” she cried out in shock and surprise. “Eri knows, Senpai likes Shaeula-senpai too. Eri likes her as well. Eri thinks… it’s not so bad.” Yeah, I think… she’s using this opportunity to talk to me. Wow, odd choice…

“If senpai… if senpai has to have other girls… Eri will hate it. But… Eri is just your toy right now, a bad, jealous kouhai. If… if… senpai has to have some other girls, some fancy rich girls who open doors for him… Eri will swallow her tears and smile. So long as… so long as Eri is not forgotten, and can spend many, many happy days with senpai. Smiling, laughing… fucking.” She uttered the crude word with a smile, and I pulled my mouth away from her pussy, surprising her. At her look of utter confusion, her rising orgasm delayed, I moved close to her ear and whispered to her.

“Of course. Eri-kouhai… no, Oshiro Eri, my wife… we’ll be together forever. No matter what or who I have in my life, the future only holds great things for us.” I finally broke the roleplay, as this was too important to joke about.

“Akio…” she kissed me, and I could taste myself, as she could no doubt savour her own flavour too. With that Eri orgasmed, nearly throwing me off with her spasms, and once again she squirted. Oops, forgot about that. At least she hasn’t peed much this time… I moved down to her crotch with inhuman speed and began to drink her pee and fluids, but her skirt was already dirtied beyond repair. Sucking on her, I continued as she came again, the joy of my words triggering her.

“Ahh… this… this is the birthday I dreamed of.” Eri lay there, dishevelled and half-stripped of her filthy uniform, and I had to admit, it looked amazingly lewd, sexy and erotic. I guess whoever told her about guys liking girls in school uniforms was right. I’m certainly finding this fresh. “Still…” she continued, looking at my towering penis, which was pulsing and twitching, desperate for release. “… we have the main event, right?”

“We do.” We kissed again and fondled each other gently for a few minutes while Eri recovered from her orgasms. It was then time. I gently pushed my dick against her sopping pussy, before sliding it in, the walls within gripping me tightly, her insides hot.

“Ahn…” she moaned in pleasure. “I love this. Being one with you. And somehow… it feels even better today. It calms me down, settles all my tangled emotions.” We kissed sloppily once more, and after we were done, she spoke again. “Seriously. Before we make love… Motoko-san. Hori-san. Onoue-san. Fukumoto-san. Are… are you going to accept them? I can see why you might want them.”

Onoue-san? No way, she totally hates me… troubled by how to answer, we lay there, connected, my dick twitching inside her, the feeling making Eri gasp. Hey, I guess this is fun too. Just… being inside, connected. “I said I only wanted you and Shaeula, and I meant it. Motoko-san and Natsumi-san… well, I sympathise with their issues, but I don’t have to marry them for that. I can negotiate with Fujiwara-san and the nobles, find them an accepting husband… hey, why are you laughing?”

As she giggled quietly, Eri peered into my eyes, her dark orbs full of warmth. “I’m just happy we think so much alike. I suggested that too. But… I don’t know if that would work for them. I don’t think you should rush anything, but… get to know them more, they seem good girls. As for Fukumoto-san and Onoue-san… well, I don’t know. In any case… just don’t forsake me. I’d be sad if I didn’t get to spend lots of time with you. Damn, I can hardly wait for spring when I graduate. I can come live with you then!”

“Fine. I’ll listen to you and Shaeula. I’ll at least get to know them first. But… I feel bad enough two-timing you. Adding a third, or a fourth… fuck, I’d feel like a total scumbag all the time…”

“Enough hard talk.” We kissed as Eri silenced me. “Let’s make love!”

“Fine. Eri, my beloved. Happy birthday! May we celebrate endless others together in happiness!”

“I agree! I can hardly wait for your birthday!” she giggled, then gasped as I started moving, my dick sliding in and out of her, banging against her innermost, deeper places. “Oh, gods… so… so… ahn… I love this. Ahn!”

“Me too!” I agreed again, matching her gasp for gasp, our sweat running together. My hands and tongue were everywhere, devouring her partially-clothed body. As I continued to thrust, I felt my climax rising, and so did Eri. Once more I thought I could see wisps of dark blue, and her eyes seemed to glitter with deep azure flecks, like stars in the night sky.

“I’m cumming! Come with me…” Eri gasped, her back arching. Shit, I’m not quite there yet!

Speeding up, I thrust again and again, prolonging and intensifying her orgasm, until moments later I was cumming too, the volume still massive considering my earlier fountain of semen. Eri squirmed below me, arms around me, and she shed more tears of happiness. “It’s so warm inside, filling me up. I think I’m going to burst with it… your love.”

Pulling free, my softening penis was fallowed by a gush of semen, further splattering the inside of her skirt. Lying down beside her, I put an arm around her, suddenly delighted by the strange situation. Laughing softly, I stroked her hair.

“What’s so funny?” Eri asked, stealing my lips impishly.

“Well, you tried to entice me with your schoolgirl look, but… did you think it would work this well?”

Eri shrugged. “I know you love my body. I’m quite proud of being pretty, even if it was only a burden if you didn’t care. Other boys liking me… that’s just worthless. But now I have you… I’m glad I’m beautiful.”

“Vain much?” I chuckled.

“No. just proud of who I am. It feels… it feels good to finally like myself.” She admitted, using my arm as a pillow. “I still have things I don’t care for, like my jealousy and insecurity… but I guess… it’s only been a few weeks, right? People don’t change that fast.”

I kissed her tender lips. “Yeah, I like… no, I love you, flaws and all. But we all need to try to be better. Eri, I’ll support you. Shaeula too. Aiko will always have your back as well. Let’s all do our best together, okay?”

“I get it.” She sighed, snuggling into me. “So, what now? Want to go again? I don’t mind.”

“Actually, I thought we might as well hit the Boundary for a bit.” I said. “Since your level cap has gone up a bit, I might as well help you grind. Besides, that’ll lengthen your birthday, right?” I winked theatrically, getting a pleased laugh in response. “We are going out later tonight, but until then…”

“Fine. Just let me get this uniform off. We… well, I said I wanted to show mom I’m committed, but we really dirtied it.” I watched as she stripped, her skin pink as she showed off. Her dirty blazer hit the floor, followed by her stained skirt. She pulled off her knee-socks one at a time, making sure I could see her cum-stained pussy while she did so, before casting aside her shirt, and then slowly removing her underwear. “That’s quite the strip-show. I think I might just be the luckiest guy alive, my Fortune stat isn’t just for show!”

“Oh, you!” Eri was embarrassed, but she hid it by throwing her drenched panties at me. I caught them, sniffed them, causing her to blush more, and then tossed them to the pile. “I guess I should get naked too, huh?” I returned the favour, and soon we were both naked under the covers, entering the Boundary in each other’s arms. As I lost consciousness on the Material, I heard the door creak open, and I was sure I could hear Hana giggling. “I see they had fun… too much, probably. I guess I don’t need to worry about Aki mistreating my little girl… look at her sleeping, face like a satisfied angel…”

Yeah, I’ll never hurt her. Ever… I’ll cherish and protect…




“Die!” Eri shouted, her axe sweeping out, the crescent-shaped head of dwarven-and-blue steels cleaving the bear in half. It exploded into ether, and Eri greedily drank it in, replenishing her dwindling stocks.

“You are starting to get the hang of it.” I remarked, surprised and proud. She turned to me, her dark hair streaming out behind her, beaming a bright smile.

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“Of course! If I don’t, then Shaeula is going to get to have you all to herself whenever you are here! I feel better that she’s got your back, but even so… I‘d be jealous.” She pouted prettily, so I rubbed her head, and she leaned in, almost purring.

“Only for now. But the Boundary is a dangerous place, so keep up with your training, or I will leave you behind. Anyway, that’s another level you’ve gained.” I observed her. “So good job.”

“Thanks. I love your praise, but when I get it for doing something worthwhile, it feels more real.” A group of small fox-like monsters rushed in, but I annihilated them with a volley of wind-blades, not allowing them to interrupt this touching moment. Ignoring the dying squeals of those animals, Eri continued, her smile wicked. “Aiko is going to have a hard time. She’s so jealous that I can level-up and she can’t. And that I have a class. I still hate the name though!” she declared.

“I know. I’m trying to think of a way that I can help Aiko, otherwise she’ll be too weak to accompany us anywhere. Still, you can look after her here at least. Even without levelling, skills can go up. And as there is a much higher ether density here in the Boundary, it’s a great place to practise improving your chakra networks and silver cords. Her stats can go up a bit as those skills grow.”

“Well, there is one way you could let her level up..” she grinned, and I bopped her head gently.

“I know you are joking, but seriously, Shaeula has been a bad influence on you.”

“It was too funny not to say. After earlier, I just feel a bit mischievous.” Her smile was warm, so I hugged her.

“Well, I don’t really mind it. I’ve heard all the siscon jokes for my whole life. I find it a bit annoying, as what big brother doesn’t love and look out for his sister? Speaking of… how’s Aiko’s studying going? She’s going to have to pick her University she’s taking the exams for soon, as well. I know I don’t have to worry about you, but can you keep an eye on her?”

“Of course. I have time too, as I find I can work much faster and remember things easily. Growing stronger is great.” she paused. “Even Aiko has gained a little boost, right? She’ll be fine. Though she’s really struggling to pick a University.”

“Well, if she’s struggling, she can call Karen-chan, my secretary. She’ll be able to find out about them all for her.” Sorry Karen-chan, another weird job for you. But I promise I’ll make it up to you! “Anyway, shall we continue? I’m also curious to know if you can use darkness element. I’m still not able to comprehend it enough to learn it, so you can be proud at least you are better than me at that!”

“Poor Akio, so jealous!” she then rubbed my head tenderly, reversing our usual roles. “Really, I don’t quite understand it myself. It was like all my negative emotions were spiking, but even then…” she blushed, remembering how she had jumped on me right in front of Aiko and Shaeula, showing no restraint. “… even then, I still felt in control. Just that I wanted to do it. It’s hard to explain.”

“Well, I have done some research, and I think darkness is similar to the concept of yin. It’s also supposed to be feminine, so maybe it’s just easier for girls?”

“Excuses, excuses!” Eri laughed. “But I do want to know myself how it works. After all, you can use elements in the real world too, right? I’d feel safer if I had another trump card.”

“Now you are thinking like a hero.” I smiled, touched that Eri had the same opinions I did. “I’ll go find us some more monsters. The kami will be pleased we are clearing out his enemies nicely.”

“It’s just a shame we can’t claim Territory here.” Eri sighed. “Is there no way I can?”

“Good question. Unfortunately I haven’t found a way yet. I just sort of knew how to do it when Exposition-san explained, and after talking to Kikuchi-san, he just did it as well, not really knowing how.” I shook my head sadly. “Of course, I’m definitely looking into it. That mad-scientist rat you met when you came to Tokyo, Ixitt, he’s researching Territory buildings.” I paused, thinking. “I’d definitely feel safer if Nishimorioka was under my control, and there is possibly one way, but there are a lot of problems with it and things to consider…”

“Well, I trust you’ll do what’s best. I just wish I could do it for you.” Eri sighed. Then she hefted her axe. “Well, I might as well get some more levels, right?”

“Sounds good to me. It is part of your birthday present, after all.”

“It’s the sort of gift every girl dreams of!” Eri joked, and with that we continued heading deeper into the mountains, the strange aurora-streaked skies overhead casting strange, inky shadows. Packs of mutated animals and insects opposed us, and I thinned the numbers, allowing Eri to engage small groups and single opponents. Watching her fight was an interesting experience…

Her goth-loli dress armour matched her surprisingly well, and it was holding up to the occasional impacts she was taking. Every time she took a blow, I had to hold back from rushing in to save her, but I’d agreed only to move in when she was in considerable danger. Her black hair danced behind her as she swung her heavy axe, mercilessly chopping down enemy after enemy, sweat flying from her skin, dissolving into silvery mist. She also practised using darkness. At first, she could only expel strange bolts of dark blue mist, which seemed to achieve little. The more she used it though, the more insights she received.

“Take this!” Eri pointed at a giant ant the size of a large dog, and a burst of darkness left her hand, striking the ant and vanishing into its head. The ant trembled, before turning away, vacant and uninterested. As it did so Eri rushed up, and the heavy weight of her axe drove through the shell, finishing it off with a single blow.

“So, how was that?” she turned back to me, eagerly awaiting more praise.

“Yeah, not bad. So darkness seems to affect the mind of the opponent then? It seems like you’ve managed to confuse the last few opponents.” If it’s a mental element, then that additional insight might help me a bit…

“It can, certainly, just like it enhances my negative emotions.” Eri mused. “I think it can have a physical impact as well, but I don’t really understand it enough to be certain yet.”

“Well, next time you are in Tokyo, I’ll take you to see Hyacinth. She uses darkness so she might be able to offer some advice. Although she’s rather… eccentric.”

“She’s the one that helped make this armour, right?” Eri spun like a top, skirt fluttering.

“Yeah. Anyway, shall we press on? We have a bit of time left before the evening, I think.” We continued to push upwards, and I even found a few Etherites scattered around, one of which was an orange one. Eri liked the pretty ores, and when she realised they could be of value to me, she resolved to gather and hold as many as she could find.

Cresting a mountain we started descending the other side, the black and jagged rocks of the slope glittering like obsidian. The temperature was also picking up, the air hot. More and more ants were appearing, but these had brilliant yellow chitin, their eyes a fiery red, and up close they actually spat small balls of flame. Eri was caught out at first, and her face was burned. In a rage I speared the bastard that did it, annihilating it in a single blow.

“I’m fine… ugh.. it hurts, but I’ll live!” Eri unleashed most of her remaining darkness, and the ants’ formation broke, their aggression forgotten. Her axe rose and fell, cleaving them apart. I dispatched a few more, and then when the ants were defeated I raced over to Eri, seeing her raw and charred cheek. Even so, she smiled at me, despite her pain.

“Sorry, I got careless. You did warn me that the Boundary was dangerous, but I’ve been doing so well I had forgotten.”

I touched her gently, but her charred flesh made her wince. Channelling ether I began to heal her, making sure that the aether carried down to her Material body. “You are going to have blood all over your cheek when you wake up, but I think you’ll be fine.”

“I’m glad. I’d hate to be ugly, you wouldn’t want me then.” She pouted, and I pulled her into an embrace.

“Bullshit.” I whispered into her ears. “it isn’t just your beauty I like, it’s you! Besides, if you got scarred fighting for what you believe in, they’ll be honourable wounds indeed.”

“So smooth.” Eri replied, flushed. “I can see why Motoko-san thinks you are the only man who can accept her. If you’d have said that to her she’d offer you her heart instantly, I’m sure.”

“Well, I’m not looking for her heart.” I finished healing Eri. “But I am looking for the nest of these ants. I know we’ve moved a fair way from Nishimorioka, but they might spread and affect the shrine or put you and Aiko in danger when you train here. besides…” I ground my teeth, infuriated. “The fuckers hurt you! For that I have no forgiveness!”

“So cool! I’ve fallen for you all over again!” Eri giggled. “Right, let’s go!”




“You’re a big bastard!” I sneered, looking up at the colossal queen ant, which responded by vomiting out a cloud of flame at me. The ground surged up into a rock wall as I channelled earth, and the flames were deflected. All around us were strewn bodies of ants that were dissolving into ether, which Eri was absorbing. She had suffered several more burns, though her armour had protected her from most of them, and I was feeling very aggrieved. “Still, you have to go!”

I had slain a dozen hardy, warrior-class ants that guarded the queen, my weapons, wreathed in earth energy to strengthen them and devour flames, more than a match for them. The slaughter had levelled Eri several times, and had also brought the queen out of her lair. And what a lair it is…

The obsidian rocks were arched up into a sort of natural dome, a few hundred metres across, and it was crawling with fiery ants. It must be because of the elemental energies here… glittering citrine veils of mist were rising, flames burning on the rocks around us, giving off an oppressive heat. Either the flame energies mutated these ants, or the ants moved here because of it…

As I was thinking, the queen ant reared up and smashed my stony barrier to splinters. Eri cried out a warning, but I was calm. Sorry ant, you are pretty strong, but I’ve faced far, far stronger… my earth-strengthened spear drove into its neck, piercing yellow chitin and impaling it. As the queen reared back, screaming, I channelled wind and aether, lightening myself so that I could jump effortlessly. Snatching my twin blades, I swept out my arms, and the queen was beheaded with a final screech of torment.

You have gained in strength. Your level has increased from forty-seven to forty-eight.

“Nice, I got a level myself.” I crowed, helping Eri dispatch the remaining ants, making sure none escaped. “I have killed an awful lot, so I suppose it was due.”

“Great, I’m so proud of you.” Eri smiled, resting on the shaft of her axe, breathing heavily. “So how am I doing?”

I examined her, and grinned. “Level twenty-one. Not too far from your cap. Your stats have gone up nicely as well. You’re over a hundred on all the Material stats now. Welcome to being officially superhuman.” As Eri celebrated by an adorable fist pump, I looked around.

“Looks like there is a decent amount of natural fire element here. You should be able to learn it, as darkness doesn’t seem to conflict with the four classic elements. In fact… I think Aiko could too. She does use flaming arrows as well, so if she could strengthen them with flame element… it’s also a way she can grow stronger without levelling…” I mused. “… although it isn’t safe bringing her out here. You remember how to get here, though?”

Eri nodded. “Yes, I think I can find my way back. But yes, without you to help thin out the ants, I’d have been overwhelmed. It might be dangerous for Aiko. Poor Aiko, I wish we could do more.”

“Well, if you get stronger, escorting her here might be possible. Now we don’t have much time left, but let me show you how to draw in the flame. Since you should know a lot about fire and what it is, it shouldn’t be too challenging an element to work with.”

Under my tutelage Eri practised pulling in the flame and moving it to her solar plexus. Without Shaeula’s eyes it was hard to coach her, but eventually she started to get a feel for it, though she was tired after our battles so quickly reached exhaustion.

“Right, that’s enough for now.” I stopped her. She pouted, sad she was unable to master it, but I comforted her. “There’s no rush. It might also be worth you and Aiko studying everything you can find out on the internet about fire and how it works. If you get stuck for material, you can always ask Karen-chan to send you some.” Sorry again, Karen-chan! You did say you’d hired some assistants though, maybe they can get information on every element ready for us. It’d be handy for my training school… I then had another thought. “If you do study fire though, don’t let Aiko neglect her other studies. I want to be celebrating her acceptance to a Uni of her choice, not having to watch her cry over failing…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll not let her screw up! After all, I’m her older sister now in truth!” she winked. With that we returned to the Material, and we woke up in her bed, still in each other’s arms. As her eyelids fluttered open, I checked her over. She was streaked with blood as expected, and her cheeks still looked a little red and inflamed, but luckily there was no lasting damage. I quickly expended some aether, and soon her skin was as pale and beautiful as usual.

“This is nice. Waking up in my bed together with you.” She giggled. “Whoa, I am covered in blood. How’s my face look?”

“It’s fine, I’ve fixed it.” I kissed her bloody cheek to prove it was healed.

“Great. I need to take a shower then. Oh, my school uniform is gone. Mom must have taken it.” She blushed. “I think she got the point though. So, what should I wear for later?” she asked me, and I grinned.

“Comfortable clothes will do, we have a little hike ahead of us, though with your stats we could sprint it in a few minutes. That would be a waste though.”

“I see. Now I’m curious. But today has been one of the best days ever, so…” she kissed me and got up, pulling on a t-shirt to cover herself until the bathroom. “…I can hardly wait for the climax.”

I see. No pressure, huh?




“So, I’m guessing there’s food in that basket?” Eri asked me. “A night picnic, huh? Pretty romantic. I can’t believe how much you’ve matured!” she looked at me with a warm gaze, her hand in mine.

“Now you make it seem like I’m the younger one.” I chuckled, my free hand hodling the handle of a basket, which indeed contained food and also some booze. I also held a second bundle, which was the surprise. Eri was wearing tight jeans and a fluffy jumper, and looked adorable as always. “Well, it's a nice night, huh?”

“Yes. It really is.” It sounded like we were talking about different things. The night sky was crisp and clear, and as we crested the top of one of the mountains that surrounded Nishimorioka, the lights below were little twinkling stars, matching the ones overhead.

“You know, this place is familiar.” She said suddenly, and my smile broadened.

“I should think so, this is where we always used to come stargazing as kids when we sneaked out. Father and your dad really used to tear into me every time. Looking back, they were right to, the mountains can be dangerous for kids.”

“Still, you’d take that punishment for Aiko and I.” she smiled, looking around. “And I loved the stars. I still do.”

“I know. Anyway… shall we set up?”

“Set up?” she asked, and I took out a blanket from the basket and started laying out food and drink.

“Looks like mom and mother-in-law have outdone themselves. There’s even a birthday cake. Cute.” I then unwrapped the mystery bundle, revealing a long wooden case. I handed it to Eri. “Happy birthday, here is your final present.”

“It’s heavy.” Eri said, though with her strength it was nothing to her. Flipping open the case she gasped, then blushed, looking at me with sparkling eyes.

“You like it?” I asked.

“Of course! It’s wonderful! But the best part is you remember everything I like!” putting down the box she hugged and kissed me, hungrily tangling tongues. I ended up grabbing her bottom, which was pert in her jeans, and after a while I had to pull away.

“We’d best stop, or we won’t get any stargazing done.” I breathed, a touch regretfully.

“You sure?” she arched an eyebrow at me inquisitively.

“Yeah, I’ll be strong.” I chuckled, taking the rather nice telescope I had bought her out of the box. “I wonder what we can see here tonight? But… this isn’t the only sky. There are the Boundary skies, the Fae lands, no doubt many more. You, Shaeula, me… we’ll see every sky together…”

Her smile was the only answer I needed.




“I think I can see it… yeah, that must be Saturn.” She grinned. “I can even see rings so clearly, there’s dozens of them! That’s amazing.” She looked away, bouncing with excitement. “I love this telescope, but how is it so good?”

“I think it’s a nice telescope yes, but don’t forget, your eyes are abnormal too. With the combination, I think you can see things you’ve only dreamed of.” I finished my beer. “Let me take a look?”

“Sure!” she stepped aside, grabbing a drink herself. We had eaten most of the food, including her birthday cake, of which we sent a picture back to Aiko, getting a delightfully jealous and grumpy reply. It was now gone midnight, and the lights of Nishimorioka below had gone out, leaving us alone under the stars.

Eri under the stars

“Yeah, I can see it too.” I grinned, Saturn in focus, crystal clear and pinpoint sharp. “Still, my stats are obscenely high compared to yours, so I reckon I can probably even see Uranus or Neptune if we can find it in the sky. I know it isn’t a planet anymore, but how about Pluto?”

“Lucky!” Eri pouted jealously, nudging me aside. She was also pretty drunk, I’d have to purge her with Ether Healing before we descended the mountain.

“In time, we might even be able to see the planets with our naked eyes. If I concentrate I can really improve my vision, working like crude binoculars. It’s a talent worth learning.”

“Right.” Eri nodded. “I have a lot to learn.” After a comfortable while of silence, she turned away from the telescope, back to me, and she hugged me close. “Thanks. I know it’s past midnight so my birthday is over, but… how about one late gift?” I followed her gaze.

“Outdoors? You’ve got so very bold, my lewd little Eri.” I joked.

“There’s no-one else around. Besides, I need to keep my place as first wife. Otherwise… well, Shaeula might not try and overthrow me… but there’ll be many rivals.”

“There won’t be, I promise…” I stopped as she pushed a finger against my lips.

“Hush, my dense little Akio. Just trust me on this.” She sighed, though her expression was resolute. “But I believe in myself now. I do. I’ll be so amazing, you’ll love me so much I’ll have nothing to… ouch!” she moaned as I bit her finger. As she withdrew it I silenced her mouth with my own, and we fell onto the blankets, scattering dishes and empty cans everywhere, locked in a close embrace…

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